
Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 3

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 103a. Terrestrial Globe of Dominico Rossi (Mattheus Greuter), 1695.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 103b. Celestial Globe of Dominico Rossi (Mattheus Greuter), 1695.]

Attention has previously been called to the reproduction in Italy of the Hondius globes by Giuseppe de Rossi in the year 1615. It appears that to the Rossi family belonged a number of map engravers and art printers during the seventeenth century and particularly to that branch making its home in the city of Rome. As globe makers we however find them playing the role of copyists rather than that of independent producers.

In The Hispanic Society's collection of old globes may be found a pair in an excellent state of preservation signed "Dominici de Rubeis (Rossi)," and dated "1695." Each globe ball is composed of papier-mache, having a diameter of 49 cm. and each is covered with a map printed on twelve gores, with a small circular disc for the polar s.p.a.ce (Figs.

103a, 103b). In the List of Globe Makers other examples are noted.

In the South Pacific, on the terrestrial globe, one finds the inscription "Romae ex Chalcographia Dominici de Rubeis, heredis 70.

Jacobi, ad templum S. Mariae de Pace, Anno 1695." Dominico, whose name here appears, achieved considerable distinction as the publisher, with his relative Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, of an atlas of one hundred and fifty-two maps, one of the finest examples of Italian cartography of the period. In a cartouch in the South Atlantic, on this globe, we find the name Mattheus Greuter given as the engraver, whose work has been referred to above, clearly suggesting that Rossi had merely reissued a globe of earlier date, since Greuter had died in the year 1638. A careful examination of the globe map confirms the suggestion, since no record is made of geographical discoveries after the year 1630. In the region of the North Pole the discoveries of the English and of the Dutch are recorded to the year 1628, and it may further be noted that in this same northern region the islands of "Frislanda" and "Brasil" are laid down, while in Greenland is a reference to the location of the fabled Monastery of St. Thomas.

References are made in legends to the discoveries of Magellan, Lemaire, Schouten, Frobisher, Davis, Hudson, and Drake. The region about New York is called "Nieu Nederland." One can recognize the representation of the St. Lawrence, and the Mississippi. In the western region of the New World there appears to be considerable confusion as to the geography of the country, apparently the result of reading, without understanding, the records of the Spanish and of the English. One finds, for example, California represented as an island, and a double representation of the Strait of Anian.

The Spanish, French, English, Dutch, and Latin languages have been employed in names and legends.

The mounting of the globe is artistic and substantial, consisting of the usual horizon circle, octagonal on its outer edge, but circular on the inner edge to receive the globe ball, and having pasted on its upper surface the usual engraved paper strips and all that there is engraved thereon in the best examples of globe making. The meridian circle of wood, within which the sphere is made to revolve, is graduated. The supporting base consists of four exquisitely turned columns, braced at bottom with correspondingly well-turned crossbars.

The celestial globe has a mounting altogether like that of the terrestrial, and in the character of the map engraving there is agreement. The figures of the several constellations are copies of these drawn by Tycho Brahe, and all have been exquisitely colored. Stars from the first to the sixth magnitude are represented, while special attention is called to the new star in Ca.s.siopeia first appearing in the year 1572, and to the comets of the years 1597 and 1616. Near Ursa Major is the author and date legend reading "In hoc Caelesto Globo notantur omnes stellae fixae, ad annum 1636 accommodatae, quae iuxta observationes Tychonis Brahae maximo illo Jansonii anno 1622 edito positae sunt, additis stellis quae a nauclero Petro Theod. circa Polum Australem notatae sunt ... Romae ex chalcographia Dominici de Rubeis, her. Jo. Jac. de Rubeis anno 1695."

The twelve gores of the map have been mounted so as to join at the north and south poles of the ecliptic, there however being a small covering disc at each pole, so frequently employed since Mercator's day, the globe itself being made to revolve on its equatorial axes.

To the makers of armillary spheres in the first half of the seventeenth century there may be added the name of Adam Heroldt, a native of Germany. We know little, however, of the extent of his activities. One example of his work is known, which bears the simple inscription engraved near the south polar circle "Adam Heroldt fecit Romae anno dni MDCIL." "Made by Adam Heroldt in the year 1649." This sphere once belonged to the astronomer De Gasparis of Naples, but pa.s.sed some years since into the collection of the Museo Astronomico of Rome. It is constructed entirely of bra.s.s, the diameter of the largest circle being about 14 cm. Its several circles, including the polar, the equatorial, the zodiacal, and the horizon, are graduated, the last-named having engraved on its surface the names of the months and of the winds, and resting on two semicircles, which in turn are supported by an artistically designed foot. The entire height of the sphere is about 20 cm. At the north pole is an hour circle bearing the inscription "Index Hor: Italic." Within and at the common center of the several circles is a small ball representing the terrestrial sphere, which has a diameter of but 1 cm., and within the circle of the ecliptic and coordinated with it is a ring carrying the sun, while within this is one for the moon.

The piece may be referred to as a fine example of the armillary sphere of the period.

Manfredo Settala (1600-1680)[59], a n.o.bleman of Italy, was in his day a distinguished promoter of science and art, and an intelligent collector of rare objects, which he brought together in a museum of his own founding. This he described in a work bearing t.i.tle 'Museum Septalianum,' which was published in Italian in the year 1666 by Scarabelli. This museum later pa.s.sed into the possession of the Ambrosiana of Milan, where it has been considered one of the choicest additions.

Settala had included globes in his collection, among which there has previously been mentioned that made by the Cremonese Gianelli, in the year 1549. But not only was he a collector; he likewise became interested in the actual work of globe construction. Among the objects coming to the Ambrosiana from his museum is an armillary sphere bearing the inscription, "Manfredus Settalius fecit MDCXLVI."[60] It is described as a sphere having a base of bra.s.s, its several circles including those representing the zodiac, the equator, the meridians, and the horizon, all being movable on a common axis, on which axis at the common center of the circles is a small ball 4 cm. in diameter, representing the earth. To this sphere rather extravagant praise is given in the descriptive catalogue referred to above.

There is a third armillary sphere belonging to the Settala collection, which is of silver and which probably was constructed near the middle of the seventeenth century, although it is neither signed nor dated. It is 40 cm. in height, having a circle representing the ecliptic 15 cm. in diameter, which is graduated, having on its upper surface engraved figures representing the twelve zodiacal constellations. The meridian circle has a diameter of 16 cm., the horizon a diameter of 16 cm. and a breadth of 3 cm., on the upper surface of which have been engraved the names of the months, and the signs of the zodiac. In addition to the parts mentioned it has two small polar circles, and at the common center a small silver ball 1 cm. in diameter representing the earth.

Attention has been previously called to the transfer of the business of Jodocus Hondius into the hands of the son-in-law, Johan Janssonius, and of Abraham Goos, by whom it was carried on after the year 1640. This firm continued to issue the Hondius globes, modifying them from issue to issue with the addition of some of the latest geographical information obtainable. In the year 1648, with Johan Janssonius as editor and Abraham Goos as author and engraver, there was issued a pair of these revised Hondius globes, each having a diameter of 87 cm. On the terrestrial globe we read "Amstelodami Edebat Joannes Jansonius Sculpebat magnoque studio componebat Abrahamus Goos Amstelodamensis."

"Amsterdam. Edited by Johan Jansonius. Composed with much study and engraved by Abraham Goos a native of Amsterdam." Further details concerning this globe have not been obtainable, but it is very certain, although differing in size, it contains practically all the features common to the earlier editions of the Hondius terrestrial globes, and especially of the later ones.

The celestial globes have the following inscription: "Sphaera nova summo studio summaque diligentia atque industria Clarissimi viri D. Adriani Metii Watheseos apud Frunequeranos Professoris Ordinarii ad abacos n.o.bilissimi viri Thiconis Brahe configurata observationibus quamplurimis tum circa polum arctic.u.m a discipulo suo Houtmanno adhibitis aucta et in annum 1620 reducta. Edente Joanne Jansonio 1648." "A new globe constructed with the greatest industry, zeal and diligence accommodated to the tables of the most n.o.ble Tycho Brahe, enlarged by very many observations, those around the Arctic pole being made by myself, and those around the Antarctic by his disciple Houtmann. All, accommodated to the year 1630. Constructed by Johan Jansonius, 1648." A pair of these globes may be found in the library of the Marquis Borromeo of Milan.


[1] Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. XXVII, p. 242; Aa, A. J.

v. d. Biographische Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Haarlem, 1853.

"Hondius, Jodocus," to which notice there is appended a list of short bibliographical references; Kramm, C. De Leven en Werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche Kunstenaars. Amsterdam, 1857-1861.

"Hondius, Jodocus."

[2] See for an interesting example of his early work his world map printed at The Hague in the year 1595. This map, in two hemispheres, lays down the track of Drake's circ.u.mnavigation, 1577-1580, and that of Cavendish, 1586-1588. An original of this may be found in the Grenville Library of the British Museum, a reproduction in the work referred to below, n. 42.

[3] Aa, op. cit., "Bertius, Petrus de," "Monta.n.u.s, Petrus." See also Kramm, op. cit.

[4] For a list of the Hondius Atlases of various dates see Phillips, P. L. A list of Geographical Atlases. Washington, 1909-1914. 3 vols.

[5] Stevenson, E. L., and Fischer, J. Map of the World by Jodocus Hondius, with the t.i.tle, 'Novissima ac exactissima totius...o...b..s terrarum descriptio magna cura & industria ex optimis quibusque tabulis Geographicis et Hydrographicis nuperrimisque doctorum virorum observationibus duobus planisphaerijs delineata. Auct. I.

Hondio.' New York, 1907. Facsimile in eighteen large sheets with key map and text.

[6] There is much doubt as to the correct reading of the date.

[7] These globes were acquired by Mr. Huntington at the auction sale held in the rooms of the American Art a.s.sociation, November 24, 1916. They were listed in the catalogue of "Art treasures and Antiquities from the famous Davanzati Palace, and the Villa Pia, Florence, Italy," under No. 575 as "a pair of sixteenth century Italian globes." No other printed reference than that contained in this catalogue has. .h.i.therto appeared. It is hardly probable that a finer pair of these early Holland globes can be found in any of the museums or private libraries of Europe.

[8] Fiorini. Sfere terrestre e celesti. p. 265.

[9] Wagner, H. Lehrbuch der Geographie. Leipzig, 1903. pp. 78-81; Frisius, G. De principiis astronomiae et cosmographiae. Antwerp, 1530. Chap. t.i.tled "De novo modo inveniendi longitudinem"; Ptolemaeus. Geographia. Chap. 4. Ptolemy here refers to an eclipse of the moon, in the year 331 B.C., which was observed in Arbela the fifth hour, in Carthage the second hour. He therefore noted a difference in time of three hours between the two places, and he therefore concluded the difference in longitude to be 43 degrees.

Since the actual difference in longitude is but 34 degrees his error was of considerable magnitude, which found expression in his maps, and in the maps of those who followed him, as the greatest of geographical teachers, well into the seventeenth century. The method of determining longitude by means of the observation of the eclipses of the moon remained practically the only method until the end of the fifteenth century. Attention may here be called to work of Ca.s.sini and of other astronomers of his period. See II, 141.

[10] Aa, op. cit., "Veen, Adrien," also Kramm, op. cit.

[11] Baudet, P. J. H. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu.

Utrecht, 1871. pp. 156-158; "Extract uit de Resol. der Staten van Holland en West-Vriesland, 5 Aug. 1608."

[12] Fiorini, op. cit., p. 271.

[13] Information kindly furnished by the director.

[14] See II, 11.

[15] The parrot particularly interested the early explorers who visited the South American coast. See the artistic representation appearing on the Cantino map, in apparently the oldest extant representation of an American landscape.

[16] Voyages of Fox and James to the Northwest. Ed. by Christy Miller for the Hakluyt Society. London, 1894. See especially the second part of Vol. II, "The strange and dangerous voyage of Captain Thomas James, London, 1633."

[17] The voyage of Thomas b.u.t.ton was made in the years 1612-1613, an account of which is given in Voyages of Fox and James, Vol. I. pp.


[18] Bauer, L. A. Princ.i.p.al Facts Relating to the Earth's Magnetism.

(In: United States Magnetic Declination Tables and Isogonic Charts for 1902. Washington, 1902.) Printed also as a separate; Wolkenhauer, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Kartographie und Nautik des 15 bis 17 Jahrhundert. Munchen, 1904; h.e.l.lmann, G. Ueber die Kentniss der magnetischen Deklination vor Christopher Columbus. (In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Braunschweig, 1906.) Gilbert, W. De Magnete. London, 1600, and reissued in translation in 1893. This work is one of great significance in its treatment of magnetism and electricity. See especially Bk. IV on Variation, Pedro Medina in his Art de Navigar, Valladolid, 1545, contended that the magnetic needle always points to the true north; Stevenson, E. L. Early Spanish Cartography of the New World. (In: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1909.) Attention is called in this paper to certain errors in early Spanish maps, probably due to a failure to note properly the declination of the magnetic needle.

[19] Baudet, op. cit.; same author. Nachscrift, 1872; same author.

Notice sur la part prise par Willem Jansz. Blaeu dans la determination des longitudes terrestres. Utrecht, 1875. Stevenson, E. L. Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), a sketch of his life and work with an especial reference to his large world map of 1605 with facsimile. New York, 1914; Aa, op. cit., Vol. II. pp. 578-580; Dozy, C. M. Willem Janszoon Blaeu. (In: Tijdschrift van het Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Amsterdam, 1887. pp. 206-215.); Tiele, P. A. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu door P. J. Baudet.

(In: De Gids. Amsterdam, 1872. Dorde Serie, Vol. I, pp. 356-367.); Tiele, P. A. Nederlandsche Bibliographie van Land- en Volkerkunde.

Amsterdam, 1884. See this work for a bibliography of the works of Blaeu.

[20] Baudet, op. cit., pp. 77-114.

[21] See reference to Tycho Brahe, I, 183.

[22] See I, 184.

[23] Pictures of these instruments may be found in Le grand Atlas.

[24] Kepler, J. Astronomia nova ... De Motibus Stellae Martis.

Prague, 1609; Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, "Kepler, Johann"; Wolf, Geschichte der Astronomie, pp. 281-310.

[25] In his earliest maps and charts Blaeu clearly had as his main purpose that of being of service to navigators.

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