
Team Of Rivals Part 91

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his "legislative child": Hendrick, Lincoln's War Cabinet, p. 53.

People's Party state convention: Crippen, Simon Cameron, Ante-bellum Years, pp. 201, 205.

Andrew Curtin...challenging Cameron: Hendrick, Lincoln's War Cabinet, pp. 5556.

Chase and the Baileys..."in European tradition": Niven, Salmon P. Chase, pp. 61, 123, 14041 (quote p. 140).

"detestable" Know Nothings: Gamaliel Bailey to SPC, November 27, 1855, reel 10, Chase Papers.

"in the presidential...other man": Gamaliel Bailey to SPC, June 26, 1855, reel 10, Chase Papers.

"observing the signs...integrity or my friendship": Gamaliel Bailey to SPC, January 16, 1859, reel 12, Chase Papers.

"I do not doubt...spontaneous growth": SPC to Gamaliel Bailey, January 24, 1859, reel 12, Chase Papers.

"a slip of your pen...as a friend": Gamaliel Bailey to SPC, January 30, 1859, reel 12, Chase Papers.

preferred the unrealistic...on the first ballot: Hiram Barney to SPC, November 10, 1859, reel 13, Chase Papers.

Failing once again to appoint: Donnal V. Smith, "Salmon P. Chase and the Election of 1860," OAHQ 39 (July 1930), p. 520.

He rejected an appeal from a New Hampshire supporter: Amos Tuck to SPC, March 14, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

He never capitalized...a series of letters: Reinhard H. Luthin, "Pennsylvania and Lincoln's Rise to the Presidency," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 67 (January 1943), p. 66; SPC to Hiram Barney, September 22, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers; Smith, "Salmon P. Chase and the Election of 1860," OAHQ (1930), pp. 52021; Luthin, "Salmon P. Chase's Political Career Before the Civil War," MVHR (1943), p. 531.

"I now begin...but he works": James M. Ashley to SPC, April 5, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"I shall have n.o.body...of the State": SPC to Benjamin Eggleston, May 10, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"The Ohio delegation...as yet": Erastus Hopkins to SPC, May 17, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"in a position...to occupy": SPC to Benjamin R. Cowen, May 14, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

Kate convinced her father: Ross, Proud Kate, p. 42.

Seward was very kind..."good deal of joking": SPC to James A. Briggs, April 27, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers (quote); WHS to FAS, April 27, 1860, quoted in Seward, Seward at Washington...18461861, p. 447.

organized a party..."two rivals within": WHS to FAS, April 28, 1860, quoted in Seward, Seward at Washington...18461861, p. 447.

the Blairs threw..."well-cultivated": WHS to FAS, April 29, 1860, quoted in ibid., p. 448.

"attention to Katie...kind to me": SPC to Janet Chase Hoyt, May 4, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"Everybody seems...confidence in me": SPC to James A. Briggs, April 27, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"a great change...I was in Washington": SPC to James A. Briggs, May 8, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

But he never left his home state...to visit him: See entries from January to May 1860 in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866; Cain, Lincoln's Attorney General, p. 95.

"the first...two years": Entry for February 22, 1860, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 101.

his distance from the fierce arguments of the fifties: Introduction, ibid., p. xii.

his "views and opinions...of the country": Entry for April 20, 1859, in ibid., p. 1.

The New York Whigs..."sectional prejudice": EB to Whig Committee of New York, February 24, 1859, reprinted in entry for April 20, 1859, in ibid., pp. 19 (quotes pp. 12).

"denouncing...the Republican party": Entry for April 27, 1859, in ibid., p. 12.

confirmed Bates's..."well enough alone": Entry for December 17, 1859, in ibid., pp. 7879.

"brighter every day": Note of February 2, 1860, added to entry for January 28, 1860, in ibid., p. 94.

"made up of 'Bates men'": Entries for February 25 and March 1, 1860, in ibid., pp. 102 (quote), 107.

"good feeling...support Lincoln": Entry for April 26, 1860, in ibid., p. 122.

"would be the best...the South of it": AL to Richard M. Corwine, April 6, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 36.

endors.e.m.e.nts by conventions: Entries for March 1 and March 13, 1860, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, pp. 106, 108 (quote p. 106).

the German-American contingent...party in 1856: Reinhard H. Luthin, "Organizing the Republican Party in the 'Border-Slave' Regions: Edward Bates's Presidential Candidacy in 1860," Missouri Historical Review 38 (January 1944), pp. 14950.

Blair suggested a questionnaire: Parrish, Frank Blair, p. 82.

"beaten with...into the quicksands": Joseph Medill, quoted in O. J. Hollister, Life of Schuyler Colfax (New York and London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1886), p. 147.

Bates's response to questionnaire: EB to Committee of the Missouri Republican Convention, March 17, 1860, reprinted in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, pp. 11114.

responses to Bates's statement: See Cain, Lincoln's Attorney General, pp. 10405.

"as a clap...a clear sky": Lexington [Mo.] Express, reprinted in Daily Missouri Republican, St. Louis, Mo., April 5, 1860.

"just as good...the Southern Conservatives": Louisville [Ky.] Journal, extracted in the [Indianapolis] Daily Journal, quoted in Luthin, "Organizing the Republican Party in the 'Border-Slave' Regions," MHR (1944), p. 151.

"agitators...peace of our Union": Memphis Bulletin, reprinted in Missouri Republican, St. Louis, Mo., March 31, 1860.

Bates himself..."a good many papers": Entry of April 7, 1860, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 118.

"knowing the fickleness...a failure": Entry of February 28, 1860, in ibid., pp. 10506.

"neither on the left...dead center": Fehrenbacher, Prelude to Greatness, p. 147.

"fairly headed off...of ultimate extinction": AL to John L. Scripps, June 23, 1858, in CW, II, p. 471.

He arranged to publish: Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, pp. 128, 137, 171; Donald, Lincoln, p. 237.

nearly two dozen speeches: Fehrenbacher, Prelude to Greatness, pp. 14344; Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, chapter 3.

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