
Team Of Rivals Part 140

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Lincoln's justification..."killed for negroes": Dougla.s.s to Stearns, August 12, 1863, Dougla.s.s Papers, DLC.

"once begun...humane spirit": Dougla.s.s, Life and Times of Frederick Dougla.s.s, p. 787.

he had read a recent speech..."retreated from it": Liberator, January 29, 1864.

"as though I could...his shoulder": Dougla.s.s, "Lincoln and the Colored Troops," in Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, ed. Rice, p. 325.

"The manner of"...in the Mississippi Valley: Dougla.s.s, Life and Times of Frederick Dougla.s.s, pp. 78788 (quote); Quarles, Lincoln and the Negro, pp. 168, 172.

The War Department followed up...commission was not included: Quarles, Lincoln and the Negro, p. 169.

"I knew too much...mark of my rank": Dougla.s.s, Life and Times of Frederick Dougla.s.s, p. 788.

"Perhaps you may like...I felt big there!": Liberator, January 29, 1864.

Conkling had invited...loyal Unionists: AL to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 406.

False rumors circulated: NYT, August 8 and 13, 1863.

"Ah! I'm glad"...he bade him good night: Stoddard, Inside the White House in War Times, pp. 12930.

"deceptive and groundless...they have strove to hinder it": AL to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863, in CW, VI, pp. 40710.

Lincoln continued to refine...public duties: "23 August 1863, Sunday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 76.

"You are one of the best...very slowly": AL to James C. Conkling, August 27, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 414.

An immense crowd..."the country calls": Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Ill., September 2, 1863.

he was furious to see...around the country: John W. Forney to AL, September 3, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

"I am mortified...How did this happen?": AL to James C. Conkling, September 3, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 430.

When a pet.i.tioner tried..."obvious to any one": AL to D. M. Leatherman, September 3, 1863, in ibid., p. 431.

a message arrived from Conkling..."the next day": James C. Conkling to AL, September 4, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

"Disclaiming the arts...wants to discuss": NYTrib, September 3, 1863.

"The most consummate...which needs driving": NYT, September 7, 1863.

The Philadelphia Inquirer..."continue to write": Philadelphia Inquirer, September 5, 1863.

"His last letter...logicians of all schools": JH to JGN, September 11, 1863, in Hay, At Lincoln's Side, p. 54.

the New York Times also commended..."their faith in him": NYT, September 7, 1863.

"I know the people...on the ground": JH to JGN, September 11, 1863, in Hay, At Lincoln's Side, p. 54.

Seward came back...the diplomatic corps: WHS to Charles Francis Adams, August 25, 1863, quoted in Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 188.

to celebrate his seventieth..."good as I deserve": Entry for September 4, 1863, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, pp. 30506.

his ten-day visit..."perhaps more missed": Entry for September 11, 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 431.

Lincoln and Stanton had hoped..."blow to the rebellion": EMS to William S. Rosecrans, July 7, 1863, in OR, Ser. 1, Vol. XXIII, Part II, p. 518.

Rosecrans delivered..."victory at Chattanooga": JH to JGN, September 11, 1863, in Hay, At Lincoln's Side, p. 54.

"unexpectedly appeared...of [the] Chicamauga": Charles A. Dana to EMS, September 12, 1863, reel 5, Stanton Papers, DLC.

battle of Chickamauga: See Dave Powell, "Chickamauga, Battle of," in Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, ed. Heidler and Heidler, pp. 42731.

"Chicamauga is as fatal...as Bull Run": Charles A. Dana to EMS, September 20, 1863, reel 6, Stanton Papers, DLC.

Union casualties: Entry for September 20, 1862, in Long, The Civil War Day by Day, p. 412.

"We have met with...scattered troops there": William S. Rosecrans to Henry W. Halleck, September 20, 1863, in OR, Ser. 1, Vol. x.x.x, Part I, pp. 14243.

the dispatches reached him..."awake and watchful": Entry for September 21, 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 438.

wandered into Hay's room..."air before it comes": "[27 September 1863, Sunday]," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 85.

Lincoln telegraphed Mary..."see you and Tad": AL to MTL, September 21, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 471.

Mary responded...plans to do so: MTL to AL, September 22, 1863, quoted in Helm, The True Story of Mary, p. 215.

proved "less unfavorable...feared": Entry for September 22, 1863, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 449 (quote); Charles A. Dana to EMS, September 20, 1863, in OR, Ser. 1, Vol. x.x.x, Part I, p. 193.

Thomas's corps had held...than the Federals: Powell, "Chickamauga, Battle of," in Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, ed. Heidler and Heidler, p. 430.

"still remains in...to twenty days": Charles A. Dana to EMS, September 23, 1863, reel 6, Stanton Papers, DLC.

Stanton came up with...dispatched messengers: Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 203.

Chase had just retired...and his entire army: Entry for September 23, 1863, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 450.

John Hay was sent to the Soldiers' Home...back to the War Department: "[27 September 1863, Sunday]," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 86 (quotes); John G. Nicolay and John Hay, Abraham Lincoln: A History, Vol. VIII (New York: Century Co., 1917), p. 112.

"I have invited...serious for jokes": Entry for September 23, 1863, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, pp. 45052 (quotes); Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 203.

"he had fully considered...with excellent arguments": Entry for September 23, 1863, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 452.

Stanton immediately sent an orderly..."make a few figures": W. H. Whiton recollections, quoted in Gorham, Life and Public Services of Edwin M. Stanton, Vol. I, pp. 12324.

"I can complete...given my consent": McCallum, EMS, and AL, quoted in Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 204.

"Colonel McCallum...I will approve them": AL, quoted in W. H. Whiton recollections, quoted in Gorham, Life and Public Services of Edwin M. Stanton, Vol. I, pp. 12425.

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