
Team Of Rivals Part 125

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"The day had"...to over 100 degrees: NYT, July 12, 1862 (quote); NYH, July 11, 1862.

the "almost overpowering" heat: GBM to MEM, July 8, [1862], in Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan, p. 346.

at Harrison's Landing...moonlit evening: NYT, July 12, 1862; NYH, July 11, 1862.

great cheers..."deck of the vessel": NYT, July 11, 1862.

"strong frank...will be saved": GBM to MEM, July 8, [1862], in Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan, p. 346.

the "Harrison's Landing" letter: GBM to AL, July 7, 1862, OR, Ser. 1, Vol. XI, pp. 7374.

Lincoln "made no comments...to me for it": McClellan, McClellan's Own Story, p. 487.

the president reviewed...wounded: Sears, To the Gates of Richmond, pp. 34445; NYH, July 11, 1862.

"Mr. Lincoln rode...stove-pipe hat": NYT, July 11, 1862.

"entangled...has been universal": Rev. Joseph H. Twich.e.l.l, "Army Memories of Lincoln. A Chaplain's Reminiscences," The Congregationalist and Christian World, January 30, 1913, p. 154.

"successive booming...Saul of old": NYH, July 11, 1862.

"thinned ranks...with their struggle": NYT, July 12, 1862.

"On the way...swim in the river": NYH, July 11, 1862.

"Frank was...greatly cheered": EBL to SPL, July 18, 1862, in Wartime Washington, ed. Laas, p. 165 n8.

summoned General Henry Halleck...general in chief: AL, "Order Making Henry W. Halleck General-in-Chief," July 11, 1862, in CW, V, pp. 31213.

Halleck's victories...widely respected: "Halleck, Henry Wager (18151872)," in Sifakis, Who Was Who in the Union, p. 172.

"I do not know...I am a General": GBM to MEM, [July] 10, [1862], in Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan, p. 348.

Senator Chandler of Michigan..."the coward": Entry for June 4, 1862, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 260.

Lincoln was determined..."cajoled out of them": Entry for July 24, 1862, in Browning, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, Vol. I, p. 563.

"much of his...crushing the rebellion": Benjamin, "Recollections of Secretary Edwin M. Stanton," Century (1887), p. 765.

"that all that Stanton...the President": Entry for July 14, 1862, in Browning, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, Vol. I, p. 559.

All the government departments had closed down: NR, August 7, 1862.

"never seen more persons...resembled": Entry for August 10, 1862, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 405.

"the ringing of bells...Marine Band": NYT, August 7, 1862.

"'Well! Hadn't I'...once to the stand": Entry for August 6, 1862, Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 360.

"I believe there...the Secretary of War": AL, "Address to Union Meeting at Washington," August 6, 1862, in CW, V, pp. 35859.

"He is one of...ever created": Entry for August 10, 1862, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 405.

"originality...took all hearts": Entry for August 6, 1862, Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 360.

The great rally concluded...in the Union: NR, August 7, 1862.

she had begun riding: NYT, April 5, 1862.

"she was so hid...she was there": Mary Hay to Milton Hay, April 13, 1862, in Concerning Mr. Lincoln, comp. Pratt, p. 94.

"she seemed to be"...Soldiers' Home: Entry for June 16, 1862, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 400.

Soldiers' Home: Matthew Pinsker, Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003); National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument, Special Resource Draft Study (August 2002).

"an earthly paradise": Julia Wheelock Freeman, The Boys in White; The Experience of a Hospital Agent in and Around Washington (New York: Lange & Hillman, 1870), p. 171.

a choice destination for Washingtonians: Pinsker, Lincoln's Sanctuary, p. 12.

"this quiet and beautiful...along the hills": Iowa State Register, Des Moines, July 2, 1862.

At Mary's urging: Pinsker, Lincoln's Sanctuary, pp. 45.

"We are truly...to Cambridge": MTL to Mrs. Charles Eames, July 26, [1862], in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 131.

For Tad...campfire at night: Pinsker, Lincoln's Sanctuary, p. 78.

the Lincolns could entertain...among family and friends: Ibid., pp. 910.

"helped him...attorney in Illinois": Ibid., pp. 15 (quote), 8182.

"daily habit...in the District": Sat.u.r.day Evening Post, June 21, 1862.

"But for these humane...lost her child": Mrs. E. F. Ellet, The Court Circles of the Republic (Hartford, Conn.: Hartford Publishing Co., 1869; New York: Arno Press, 1975), p. 526.

"little cares...into nothing": Walt Whitman to Louisa Whitman, December 29, 1862, in Walt Whitman, The Wound Dresser: A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington During the War of the Rebellion, ed. Richard Maurice Bucke (Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898; Folcroft, Penn.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1975), p. 48.

"nothing of ordinary...it used to": Walt Whitman to Louisa Whitman, August 25, 1863, in ibid., p. 104.

"to form an immense army": NYTrib, July 9, 1862.

steamers arrived...Ambulances stood by: NR, June 30, 1862.

a ma.s.sive project of...military hospitals: see NR, June 1723, 1862; Iowa State Register, Des Moines, July 9, 1862.

Union Hotel Hospital..."sup their wine": NR, January 9, 1862.

"many of the doors...could christen it": Louisa May Alcott, Hospital Sketches (New York: Sagamore Press, 1957), p. 59.

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