
The Villain's Story Chapter [651] The source of power.

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Chapter 651: [651] The source of power.

"Is it okay for you to be sitting there?"

In the grand throne room of the Jade Palace, Sabrina extinguished the fire that helped keep her warm. She had regained enough of her mana to activate her artifacts.

She could keep herself warm for now. She loitered around the throne room of the palace. What caught her attention the most, however, was Maxwell's reckless bravado.

"What do you mean?"

She looked concerned, looking up at the man who so boldly sat on Alan's throne. She had to admit she was a bit surprised if she was being serious, she thought with all the magical properties the Jade Palace possessed, the throne wouldn't let anyone other than the owner sit on it.

"... Why are you even sitting there, anyway?"

She asked, curious as to why the ever careful and smart Maxwell would risk doing something like this. What if the throne did have a defense system? What would he do then?

"It makes me feel special."


"What? The least he can do to compensate me is let me sit on his throne. The Arctic t.i.tan 3000 wasn't cheap, you know!"

She stared at him with a dumbfounded expression, was Maxwell really that enraged at the destruction of his vehicle that he did this?

'Why are men so obsessed with their PTV's...'

Her father and grandfather were the same, obsessing about 'vintage' models or the various other names they called it. She didn't think the Arctic t.i.tan cla.s.sified as 'vintage' however. Even worse, it probably didn't cost much at all. At the very least, a few million studs. It wasn't a small amount by any means, but when one took into account the price of the spatial rings... It was cheap. She could buy it with her own pocket money!

Maxwell was petty over the littlest of things.

Sighing, she turned around, ready to leave the throne room when she heard Maxwell's voice. "Wait."

She turned around, annoyed. What did he have to say this time? Rant about the destroyed vehicle once more?

If he did, she was seriously going to throw a lightning bolt at him.

"Help me get up... my a.s.s is stuck to this thing."

"... What?"

"It froze my a.s.s, and it is stuck, I need help."

She couldn't help but chuckle, barely suppressing a roaring laughter, she moved towards him and tried to get the man off the d.a.m.n throne.

Until, their eyes widened, and their faces turned blank when they realized, the darkness in the room suddenly receded.

A strange light had come forth, suddenly.


"It did have a defense system..."

Both of them cursed, and Sabrina dropped the act of trying to be nice and yanked Maxwell off the throne with her mana enhanced strength.


Ignoring his wails of pain, she moved towards the window, eager to see where the light was coming from.


On top of the walls, Alan looked at the dark sky, Azmakul raised his hand, and said something he didn't understand.

He felt a small, subtle vibration ring throughout his body, he ignored it, his gaze fixed on the skies. He didn't know why, but he couldn't move his head. It was stuck.

As if he was meant to gaze at the dark, creepy skies of the coldest planet.

Suddenly, the skies weren't so dark anymore. A rift appeared in the clouds, dark at first, but then a strange blue light descended.

Many of the dark clouds parted, and these beams of blue light descended. Alan could see the particles of frost mana move, the particles of lightning mana in the trees receded.

The frost mana, in a hurry, moved upwards. Towards the beams of blue light that descended from the dark heavens. He felt...cold.

Perhaps he was feeling the brutal temperature of Lanekia for the first time, but this type of feeling was a bit different. It was as if his body was fine, but his mind was cold. There was also another, undescribable feeling.

The earth quaked, vibrations, much more intense than the first rang out and roars were heard, from everywhere at once.

"Take a look, prince."

He already was looking, he couldn't move his head, after all.

"The source of power, the truth of supremacy."

And all of a sudden, the light was blinding. The small specks of light that descended were devoured by a flowing light many times bigger than them. The skies were ripped apart as a strong force descended upon him, almost making him kneel.

The light was so blinding, it was as if a sun had appeared in the skies above. No matter how odd it was. Alan had closed his eyes the moment the light became too intense. He was slowly getting used to it and opened them again.

And he saw a river, unlike any other, both in size and everything else, flowing through the skies. A river of cyan light so wide that it was so, so beautiful. So wide that the sky was small compared to it, unable to let him witness it's true, mighty power.

A river that sent chills down his spine, ethereal cyan light, each speck of it able to reduce his very figure to dust, flew in unison above the skies.

A celestial phenomenon, that ripped through the expanse of the dark skies and showered the savage planet of Lanekia with its cold embrace. A heavenly might that none could fight against. Something beyond common sense.

Dwarfing even the mountain peaks of this desolate, savage planet, it covered the sky from edge to edge, appearing more like a frozen galaxy than any earthly river.

"Is it not wonderful, prince?"

Alan couldn't say it was, he was feeling...something else. It wasn't awe, it wasn't fear. Some other emotion, difficult to put in words.

Azmakul failed to notice it, his attention enraptured by the source of frost mana, the origin of all that was cold.

"There lies the second hint, young prince. The path to the divine, profane, and supremacy."

Despite all that, Alan could only think of something else...

'Something... is wrong with it.'

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The Villain's Story Chapter [651] The source of power. summary

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