
The Villain's Story Chapter 450 Alan Peccator Versus Elijah Ardor [3]

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Chapter 450 Alan Peccator Versus Elijah Ardor [3]

Two Monsters.

Two Descendants of Supremes.

Two Draconians.

One would have expected the battle to quite chaotic, given that the draconians possessed two completely contrasting elements, and that Draconians were known to be aggressive...They should be tearing off another's flesh with their maws and teeth.

Yet, it was not like that.

The two 'monsters' were currently duking it out like humans, they shared not the animalistic movements of monsters but rather the controlled and thought out techniques of Humans.

Who would have expected it? The two fought not like beasts but rather like humans.

That was a surprise.

Whilst Alan was slightly taller than Elijah, he was much, much stronger.


Elijah groaned as he was punched in the face, his terrifying jaw had been proven wrong, it was dislocated by a simple punch of Alan's fist.

Elijah hurriedly used the system and ate a small pill, which brought him to peak condition.


Alan stayed silent as he saw this, he only got more resolute in defeating Elijah. Elijah used the crystal on his chest to emit a beam concentrated flames, Since the distance between the two was small the beam heat Alan instantly.

The point of contact between the beam and his scales burst into flame, and pretty soon Alan was engulfed in a sea of flames.

However, these flames were nothing. Even though they were probably hot enough to melt steel in seconds, his scales were stronger. Alan was also covered in a layer of mana as well that protected him, these pathetic flames would do nothing.

"I know you are strong."

He said, his voice was clearly heard by Elijah despite the sound of the jet like flames.

"But this is not enough."

He moved closer, the raging flames did nothing to impede his path.

'd.a.m.n it!'

Elijah, seeing Alan move closer and closer to him jumped back, but kept the beam active. He gathered mana in his neck and opening his maw wide.

[Skill: Dragon breath(Fire) has been activated).]

Because his flames proved insufficient, he used his breath. But it was still not enough. Elijah could not match Alan if he did not use decimation.

A fist covered in sharp ice filled his mouth, stopped the dragon breath and breaking his teeth. The beam coming from the red crystal in chest stopped as well.

Elijah tried to retreat but Alan grabbed his collar bone and threw him over on the ground.

He used his tail like a sledgehammer and slammed it into Elijah, almost caving his chest in.

Elijah used his wings to get away, and collected himself.

[Medicine Pill has been used. (2 remaining).]

Elijah used another pill to heal himself, he had an abundance of potions but he knew Alan would not idly sit by and let him consume them. The pills were thankfully used immediately by the system to regain his health. This was why they were ten times more expensive...

"d.a.m.n it..."

Elijah, at a loss for words wondered what he could do, however, Agri advised him to calm down.

[Calm down, use what you learnt. That monster is not unbeatable yet.]

While Elijah did wonder where the yet was coming from, he dismissed it and took a deep breath as Alan walked closer to him, Steam being released from his body due to collision of his ice mana and Elijah's fire mana from the beam and the dragon breath.

His eyes were cold, and Alan opened his mouth, intending to fire his own breath at Elijah. "Huu..."

Elijah calmed down, and instead of taking out another item from the system he instead took a stance.

He put his right foot forward, and twisted his hips and lowered himself a little, just to match Alan's shoulders. His left arm was extended and instead of it being formed into a fist it was open, as if to catch something. His right arm was just above his left leg, and curved into a fist unlike the left.

[Skill: Dragon Breath(Ice) has been used.]

Alan fired off his breath, and the temperature of the surroundings decreased. The effect was much more apparent than when Elijah had done it. This just showcased how much stronger Alan was.

Elijah had trained consistently in a dungeon, guided by Agri but what was Alan doing? He was also training. He was already stronger before, what difference would it make?

Besides, Agri may have been the one to train Elijah, but he knew Elijah's limits and gave him ample rest.

But Alan? The Sword Saint was ruthless, merciless, a s.a.d.i.s.t and much more. He gave Alan rest only when either Alan had pa.s.sed out for the 10th time, or when his limbs had been torn apart and he needed to be healed by Oliver. Not until Alan was near his last breath, not until he had lost his weapon and resorted to his teeth and hands to fight.

He did not let the boy rest.

This gruesome training was also what led to Alan being able to access his Dragon form, he didn't know what part of his training was the reason, but he was able to do it.

Whilst Elijah took the casual route, Alan took the h.e.l.l route.

However, it was not like Elijah was helpless.

The beam of frost approached Elijah in an Instant, and instead of dodging he took the blast head on.

But something was different.

'The flow...reverse it.'

Elijah's mana radiated from his body and dominated the surroundings, and Elijah extending his left hand.

He caught the beam Alan had fired, and with his right he 'punched' it at Alan. Completely reversing his attack. He even added his element of fire to enhance it. Alan's own attack hit him right in the chest.

Since his maw was open and his vision was obscured by the bright light from his own breath, he didn't see the attack coming and was unprepared.

The breath, although may have failed to do significant damage it still pushed Alan back. Elijah used the opportunity to fire his scales at Alan. He 'ripped' them off and threw them at Alan. And he threw multiple at the same places, which managed to get through Alan's robust defense. The scales however had a surprise hidden within them.

[Item: Poison of the serpent has been used.]

Elijah coated them with a poison. This was a technique of the Tang clan leader. He used the technique of the Wudang clan first, and now he used this.

While Alan had fought to the death with the clan and sect leader, Elijah had learned from them. Instead of destroying them, he sympathized with them. And gained their techniques as a reward.


Alan felt the poison's sting, and tried to expel it from his body with the help of mana, However Elijah would not let him do so. He appeared in an instant and kicked Alan in the face, Just as he landed he turned his body 180 degrees and landed a crushing heel to Alan's stomach. he immediately got up and landed three swift punches to Alan's side, directly on the liver. Then he uppercutted Alan.

He did not relent even after this, he knew it would be over if he gave Alan the time to expel the poison. He kept punching and kicking Alan until he thought it was done.

The behemoth fell, his body littered with bruises and the poison in his body reaching his brain.


Elijah took big gasps of to calm his beating heart which dared to jump out of his chest. "I won..."

He celebrated, taking time to calm himself down and check his inventory. He had thought that maybe he needed to use decimation and everything he had, from potions to items in the system to defeat Alan but he was...wrong?

The poison he used was extremely potent as well, he was sure that it would succeed. The poison cost him close to a million system points after all.

It should be potent.

Elijah walked back towards the stage, he could no longer feel any movement from Alan, neither could he feel the movement of mana. With how purple Alan was turning, he was sure he had won.

The poison was meant to weaken as well, it was unable to kill. So he left Alan be, not wanting to kill his friend.

'The tower would teleport him back...'

He thought, and went to the stage.

'...it's too quiet.'

He had expected the notification to come, just as a precautionary measure he looked at Alan again...only to find him still there.

"Tower, he can't fight anymore. I don't want to kill him."

He said to the tower, he thought maybe the clear conditions were to kill the other person...he wished for it to not be so.

However, the tower's response was something completely different from what he had expected.

[Look again.]

Yes...Had he won?

Did he truly win? Just like that?

Elijah hurriedly turned his head, yet the next thing he knew was that it was slammed into the ground.

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The Villain's Story Chapter 450 Alan Peccator Versus Elijah Ardor [3] summary

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