
The Villain's Story Chapter 45 Arcade

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Chapter 45 Arcade

As She watched Alan go away towards the snack bar.

She kind of Regretted not asking him to

teach her how the machines worked.

She had tried Virtual Reality training before.

But not games.

The only games she had known of were chess and other related board games.

She had no clue how to operate them.

So she just stood there and took out her phone.

Opening the Communication App, Pine,

She tapped on the icon of the group that she had been added into.

It was made by Henry who added her when they exchanged numbers.

The group had only five members

Henry Fornum.

Elijah Ardor.

Serena Soubuelle.

Elaine Parker.

Sabrina Wellington.

These five were the only people that were in the group.

And currently, in the group was a hot debate about which flavor of ice cream was better.

[Elijah:I'm telling you Vanilla is much better than Mango!]

[Henry:Bulls.h.i.t! Mango for life!]

[Elijah:Vanilla is much better than Mango!]

[Henry:Vanilla is bland you dips.h.i.t! It has no flavor at all!]

[Elijah:Dips.h.i.t?! Then your dogs.h.i.t you mango-loving b.a.s.t.a.r.d!]

[Henry:You have no taste in anything!]

[Elijah:I have no taste?! Says the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that always keeps on chasing women with his ugly face!]

[Henry:At least I'm successful! Unlike a certain b.a.s.t.a.r.d that turns into stone whenever a girl comes ten meters near him!]

[Elijah:Successful? You got turned down by Both Sabrina And Serena before you even asked them out!]

Why did he have to bring her into this?

And when did she turn him down?

As far as she knew, They didn't even ask her out.

[Henry: That's because they both are taken! Serena By you and Sabrina By The Rank First! And don't bulls.h.i.t me! You were interested in Sabrina Too!]

She was taken? What sort of bulls.h.i.t was this b.a.s.t.a.r.d spouting?

[Serena:He was what?]

[Elijah:I was not!]

[Serena:Sabrina is this true? Did Eli ask you out?]

[Henry:He was in cahoots with me!]

[Elijah:Sabrina! Tell them the truth! Any time we met I never even talked to you!]

[Henry:That's Because you always turn to stone the moment a girl gets near you! You Virgin!]

[Elijah: You're a virgin too you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Everybody in this group should be Virgin!]

[Henry:Unfortunately for you, I lost my virginity at 15 b.i.t.c.h!]

[Elijah:Wait seriously?]


[Serena:Sabrina Did Eli ask you out?]

[Sabrina:No, I don't remember him doing so.]

She finally talked in the chat to stop this farce.

[Elijah:See! What did I tell you!]

[Serena:Good and besides Sabrina isn't taken the rank first is just the bodyguard her family a.s.signed her]

And there it went, The secret that she wanted to hide to have a normal school life. Exposed in mere seconds.

[Elijah:d.a.m.n, Rich people have it easy.]

[Henry:I have a chance!]

[Sabrina:Not interested.]

She quickly turned him down to avoid being annoyed every day by him.

[Henry:I do not have a chance!]

[Elijah:Lol, anyway Sabrina are you at the arcade?]

[Serena:Is He with you?]

[Sabrina:Yes, I'm waiting at the arcade by the 'Race of doom' machine.]

[Elijah:Race of doom huh, Nice choice.]


[Serena:Is He with you?]

[Sabrina:Don't you already know?]

[Elijah:So we're finally going to meet the first rank? I'll be there I'm about five minutes!]

[Henry:Me too!]

Sighing, She put her phone away and had only one thought about Elijah and Henry.


They were complete idiots. She didn't know how the h.e.l.l they led a conversation about ice cream flavors to turn into one related to adult topics.

And to have no shame while saying that.

All the teenage boys that she met were some types of idiots.

Two we're complete childish idiots.

One was a lecherous b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

And the final one was a suicidal idiot who tried a move far surpa.s.sing what his body could handle.

That same idiot, who was always sleep-deprived whenever she checked his status, was also responsible for protecting her.


She could only sigh and wait until at least one of them came to her position.

She knew of nothing here, even though she had requested to come here after being told about it by Henry and Elijah

Multiple People had tried to approach her, and even when she denied them they persisted.

Most were second and third years. Who she had no way of fending off in close quarters.

She was a mage. Not a fighter.

And causing a scene in such a public place was not a good idea.

Now she was currently missing the suicidal idiot. Who despite being an idiot. Still did his job well.

She had regretted telling him to go on his own now.

She was being approached by multiple elder students who were just fascinated by her charm.

And finally, when she was on the brink of releasing her new D rank Pressure in this place. She heard the voice of Henry.

"Yo! Sorry we're late!"


Following him was Elijah, They both came in front of her and pretended to occupy her so that the other students who were coming here would be deterred.

"So where's the rank first?"

Henry asked her, seeing that she was alone.

"He went to get something to eat."

"d.a.m.n, He left you alone in possibly the worst place a girl like you should be."

Henry quickly berated her bodyguard. Before he could continue she quickly stopped him.

"I told him to get me some of those chips you talked about."

"Oh really? Well, can you message him to bring us some as well?"

"Yeah, tell him to bring the spicy ones!"

Elijah, who was quiet all the time, finally spoke.

Sabrina just nodded and talked to her bodyguard through their spatial bond.


[Bring multiple types of those chips.]

I heard Sabrina's Voice inside my head.

'All the flavors?'

I asked her.

[Yes, Especially the spicy ones.]

Spicy ones?

Oh no, This girl never had a liking for spicy things.

She liked sweet more than spice.

Only one person in the novel liked spicy chips.

As far as I knew, that was Elijah Ardor.

Which meant she had met up with him.

'Ok Miss.'

I replied to her and went to buy every flavor of Chips I could find. With a Few bottles of cola as well.

After paying for them, I put them all inside my spatial inventory amd began to walk to her location.


"So when are you gonna message him?"

Henry asked her again, Seeing that she had not taken out her phone.

"I already sent a mental message."

She answered, not wanting to be bothered to open up her phone which was buzzing constantly, A clear sign that she was receiving constant messages from Serena in the group chat. She had no other chats except for group one and personal chats with all the members of their group. And the one with her bodyguard. Which was as dry as a desert since they could just talk to each other in their minds.

"Oh, So you signed the highest grade of contract and also managed to link your minds together?

d.a.m.n, Your family-, No you have a lot of trust in him."

Henry said to her, clearly knowing a lot more about magic contracts because of his position.

Meanwhile, Standing in the corner was the main protagonist of The Ultimate Sin.

He had no way to b.u.t.t into this conversation since he came from a humble background, he knew little about magic contracts.

So, He changed the topic of conversation.

"So should we go play something? We can teach her how to play as well."

He said and pointed his finger at Sabrina, who upon hearing this had her ears perked up because she wanted to do what normal people did at his place but was unfortunately clueless.

She nodded enthusiastically.

And they soon left the area And kept instructing her on how to play some games.

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The Villain's Story Chapter 45 Arcade summary

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