
The Villain's Story Chapter [261] The Balance, And The Destruction.

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Chapter [261] The Balance, And The Destruction.

Yes, I know this feeling.

This...special feeling...that emerged previously when I tried the [Supreme Ice Dragons Breath]

...But it seems...so more now?

It's more profound, more...vivid.

The feeling of being connected with the Universe itself...so great.

The feeling of being connected to the universe, If I had to describe it, it is a deep sense of oneness and interconnectedness with all that exists in the cosmos. It is a profound awareness that we are not separate individuals, but rather part of an intricate web of energy and matter, constantly in flux and motion, where every action and thought has a ripple effect on the whole. Where everything is connected...where 'I' am connected to everything

This sense of connection arises from an understanding of the fundamental principles of the universe, such as the law of cause and effect, the interconnectedness of all things, and the impermanence of everything. It is the law, the Astral Law...But when did I know this?

Being connected to the universe is a source of profound joy, peace, and purpose, as it allows me to see everything as part of something greater than ourselves and to align our actions with the greater good. It is an invitation to live in harmony with the universe, to embrace our interconnectedness, and to contribute to the evolution and well-being of all that exists.

Even though I stare at the vacuum that is the infinite cosmos...I can breathe. It is as if every cell of my being is breathing into this energy...This Infinite energy.

What has happened? I remember the effects of the [Supreme Ice Dragon's breath.] It was not like this.

The Supreme Ice dragon's Breath made me feel an energy of frost, it made me feel the temperature of s.p.a.ce, cold. It showed me the frost and Cold that is present even in the presence of stars... This is not like this?

[The Balance in your body is distorted.]

This is different.

I turned my head to see my frost world, And it was not the same size as before.

It had grown...If at first, it was the size of The tallest building on Earth...Now it seems as if it is as large as the moon.

In this vast expanse of s.p.a.ce, a celestial body of breathtaking beauty suspended with elegance was a moon of ice. Formed in the frigid reaches of the cosmos, it shimmers like a diamond in the sky, reflecting the faint light of distant stars...?

Its surface is a pristine white, glistening in the sunlight like freshly-fallen snow. As I drew closer, I could see the intricate patterns etched into the ice, like a delicate lace woven by the hands of some great cosmic artisan. Each crevice and ridge tells a story of eons gone by, of the violent forces that shaped this world into what it is today. So...mesmerizing.

But beneath its frozen exterior lies a heart of fire, hidden within its core. A fire that gave it a unique light. A Blue flame that was its center, a flame that gave it a unique presence, a unique mystique. It was what gave it its light. I was wrong, It was not the distant stars. It was the fire within this pristine moon of frost, The astral flame that shimmered in the cosmos, expressing its beauty with full grandeur. A hollow, empty yet fulfilling beauty.

As I gazed upon this frozen moon, I was struck by its sheer otherworldly beauty. Here, amidst the cold vastness of the cosmos, I had found a true marvel of nature, a testament to the power and wonder of the universe. A manifestation of my power...of Frost, of Ice.

I remembered Miss Elena's words...

'Frost, my dear Alan, is not just a natural occurrence that happens when water vapor freezes onto surfaces. In many cultures and belief systems, it is viewed as a supernatural element, a power to be revered and respected.

Imagine a world where the air turns frigid and still, where the ice creeps across the ground like a living thing, and where each breath you take comes out in a cloud of mist. In such a world, frost would be seen not just as a sign of winter's arrival, but as an embodiment of a powerful force, a force that can both create and destroy. Isn't it beautiful Alan?

It is a power that can freeze even the warmest of hearts, bringing the icy chill of loneliness and isolation. It is a harbinger of death and decay, a reminder of the relentless march of time. But it is also a force of creation, bringing sparkling beauty to a world that might otherwise be barren and lifeless.

Even in In many ancient cultures, frost was seen as a supernatural element, a power that could be invoked to bring blessings or curses upon the land. Shamans and wise women would use frost to heal sickness, conjure visions, and communicate with the spirits of the dead. Alan, the power of frost, the power of the element of Ice is great. Each and every element is so profound, so vague yet so powerful. So mystical yet so Clear.

Take Norse Mythology as an example, Although most do not know of it now, It was a mythology that attracted my Interest.

In Norse mythology, for example, the frost giant Ymir was the primordial being from which the world was created, and frost played a central role in the shaping of the natural world. In this sense, frost represents the power of creation, the raw potential that exists within all things.

So, my dear student, do not dismiss the power of frost as a mere natural phenomenon. It is a force to be reckoned with, capable of both great blessing and great destruction. It is a reminder of the power and beauty of nature, and of the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

It is a power of life and death. That is frost. A fundamental aspect of the universe, just as fire and warmth are as important to life. Frost and Cold are the same.'

[The balance remains disturbed.]

I didnt understand most of what she said at that time...But now I get it.

I moved closer to my frost Moon, Its grandeur attracted me. It became so small that it could fit in the palm of my hand.

This is not the Supreme Ice Dragon's breath.

This is different. This is more fulfilling. This is more familiar. This is mine. This is me.

I held the Frost moon, It was all I could see. It was all I could see.

So this is frost. This...feeling of cold. A cold that is so destructive yet so peaceful A Frost that follows my Will.

In here...I can do it. This is not as painful as I had expected. I had expected low-rank Manastorm to a.s.sault me. I had expected great pain as soon as I entered. But this feeling of comfort is definitely not pain. I feel as if I can stay here indefinitely. For all time, In this peaceful, in this...place...in this Home.

I can feel the energy of the cosmos, it's infinite energy...It's Powerful energy.

I gazed at the moon of frost between my hands...and I knew what I must do.

"So I must Guide it..."

I could hear my voice even in this vast cosmos, It was guiding me, it was telling me.

TO guide the energy, to the moon of frost. To guide the infinite energy it possesses to strengthen myself.

And so, I closed my eyes and siphoned the energy of this cosmos, Of my cosmos into the Moon of Frost.

With my closed eyes, I felt it more vividly and began to guide it. To enlarge this moon into a planet.

[Cosmic Breath[?] has been activated.]

[Supreme Ice Dragon's Breath[*******] has been a.s.similated by the Breath of Cosmos[?].]


[In the realm Of Death, In Ariel's Realm.]

A white dragon, possessing a feminine frame along with pieces of ice on its body was sleeping peacefully.

It was in a deep sleep, It was to be expected. This was the only place where the power of the Abyss would not dare so easily approach. Ariel, A 'Primordial' Dragon, Was enough to ward off the Conscious of the Abyss. And hence guaranteeing her daughter's safety.

Her ma.s.sive body was so large that Lanesha, the Supreme Dragon of ice was leaning against it. And by no means could Lanesha be called small.

Suddenly, Lanesha's eyes opened wide, And she stood up.

She felt it, Alan had activated the Supreme Ice Dragon's Breath. But it was different. She felt an energy of frost unfamiliar to her. Energy so profound, so fulfilling that it was unknown to her, the Supreme Dragon of frost.

What is this frost? What is this energy? she wondered.

[Don't you feel it Lanesha?]

She heard her mother's voice. The Primordial Dragon of Death, Ariel spoke to her.


Answered Lanesha, Even her status as Supreme did not give her the answer.

[It is the source of all energy, The source of our power. One of the sources of all elements.]

Her mother's words were vague, they were...Confusing.

[It is the very energy of the Universe, Of the cosmos itself. Rivaled only by The Energy of Chronos.]

Lanesha's eyes widened.

[One of the pillars of everything in and out of existence. It is this power, that is moving because of one Individual.]

Said Ariel.


Lanesha asked, and Ariel Answered her.

[Yes. Ara.n.u.s birthed a monster greater than even himself.]

Ariel said but chose not to speak the following words.

All he needs is time, And who knows what will happen.

There was a smirk on her face...

'So what will you bring? Will you be like Ara.n.u.s, fooled into bringing extinction? Will you be the like Jade snake? Or will you be something else entirely?'

Only time will tell.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [261] The Balance, And The Destruction. summary

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