
Selections from Viri Romae Part 10

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18.15: #hoc# is emphatic, 'Ah, but what I had in mind was _this_.'

18.16: #Potes ergo#: 'well, you can.'

18.17: descriptive gen.: H 440, 3 (396, V): M 558: A 215: G 365: B 203.

18.18: Cf. p. 14, n. 1.

18.19: Sc. _toga_.

19.1: See Vocab., _bulla_.

19.2: = _ex quo_: 'in consequence of this circ.u.mstance.'

19.3: Cf. p. 5, n. 14, and p. 16, n. 9.

19.4: 'were still alive.'

19.5: = _patris_. Cf. the use of _regius_, I, 17.

19.6: The infinitive depends on #aegre ferentes#. Phrases expressive of emotion, whether of joy or of sorrow, are often followed by the infinitive with subject accus.

19.7: Cf. p. 4, n. 3.

19.8: The conjunction of the subordinate clause is often preceded by one or two words, sometimes by a larger number.

19.9: #certatim . . . obstrepere#: 'to (try to) drown each other's voices'; lit., 'in eager rivalry to make noise one against (_ob_) the other.' Why is _alteri_ dative?

19.10: #ex composito#: 'according to previous agreement.'

19.11: #elatam securim . . . deiecit# = _extulit_ ('raised') _et deiecit_. Cf. p. 2, n. 8.

19.12: #relicto . . . telo#: we say, 'leaving the weapon--they flee,' i.e. we treat the two actions as simultaneous. The Romans say more exactly: 'having left--they flee,' i.e. the act of leaving is viewed as prior to that of flight.]

#VII. Servius Tullius, Romanorum rex s.e.xtus# [[stripped text]]

578-534 B.C.

Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex n.o.bili femina, captiva tamen et famula. Qui c.u.m in domo Tarquinii Prisci educaretur, ferunt prodigium visu eventuque mirabile accidisse. Flammae species pueri dormientis caput amplexa est. Hoc visu Tanaquil summam ei dignitatem portendi intellexit coniugique suasit ut eum haud secus ac suos liberos educaret. Is postquam adolevit, et fort.i.tudine et consilio insignis fuit. In proelio quodam, in quo rex Tarquinius adversus Sabinos conflixit, militibus segnius dimicantibus, raptum signum in hostem misit. Cuius recipiendi gratia Romani tam acriter pugnaverunt, ut et signum et victoriam referrent. Quare a Tarquinio gener adsumptus est; et c.u.m Tarquinius occisus esset, Tanaquil, Tarquinii uxor, mortem eius celavit, populumque ex superiore parte aedium adlocuta ait regem grave quidem, sed non letale vulnus accep.i.s.se, eumque petere, ut interim dum convalesceret, Servio Tullio dicto audientes essent. Sic Servius Tullius regnare coepit, sed recte imperium administravit. Sabinos subegit; montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum urbi adiunxit; fossas circa murum duxit. Idem censum ordinavit, et populum in cla.s.ses et centurias distribuit.

Servius Tullius aliquod urbi decus addere volebat. Iam tum inc.l.i.tum erat Dianae Ephesiae fanum. Id communiter a civitatibus Asiae factum fama ferebat. Itaque Latinorum populis suasit ut et ipsi fanum Dianae c.u.m populo Romano Romae in Aventino monte aedificarent. Quo facto, bos mirae magnitudinis cuidam Latino nata dicitur, et responsum somnio datum eum populum summam imperii habiturum, cuius civis bovem illam Dianae immola.s.set. Latinus bovem ad fanum Dianae egit et causam sacerdoti Romano exposuit. Ille callidus dixit prius eum vivo flumine ma.n.u.s abluere debere. Latinus dum ad Tiberim descendit, sacerdos bovem immolavit. Ita imperium civibus sibique gloriam adquisivit.

Servius Tullius filiam alteram ferocem, mitem alteram habens, c.u.m Tarquinii filios pari esse animo videret, ferocem miti, mitem feroci in matrimonium dedit, ne duo violenta ingenia matrimonio iungerentur. Sed mites seu forte seu fraude perierunt; feroces morum similitudo coniunxit. Statim Tarquinius a Tullia incitatus advocato senatu regnum paternum repetere coepit. Qua re audita Servius dum ad Curiam contendit, iussu Tarquinii per gradus deiectus et domum refugiens interfectus est.

Tullia carpento vecta in Forum properavit et coniugem e Curia evocatum prima regem salutavit; cuius iussu c.u.m e turba ac tumultu decessisset domumque rediret, viso patris corpore, cunctantem et frena mulionem inhibentem super ipsum corpus carpentum agere iussit, unde vicus ille Sceleratus dictus est. Servius Tullius regnavit annos quattuor et quadraginta.

#VII. Servius Tullius, Romanorum rex s.e.xtus# [[as printed]]

578-534 B.C.

Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex n.o.bili femina,[13] captiva tamen et famula. Qui c.u.m in domo Tarquinii Prisci educaretur, ferunt[14] prodigium[15] visu eventuque mirabile [[20]]

accidisse. Flammae[1] species pueri dormientis caput amplexa est.

Hoc visu Tanaquil summam[2] ei dignitatem portendi intellexit {5} coniugique suasit ut[3] eum haud secus ac suos liberos[4]

educaret.[3] Is postquam adolevit, et fort.i.tudine et consilio insignis fuit. In proelio quodam,[5] in quo rex Tarquinius adversus Sabinos conflixit, militibus[6] segnius dimicantibus, raptum[7] signum in hostem misit. Cuius[8] {10} recipiendi gratia Romani tam acriter pugnaverunt, ut et signum et victoriam referrent. Quare a Tarquinio gener adsumptus est; et c.u.m Tarquinius occisus esset, Tanaquil, Tarquinii uxor, mortem eius celavit, populumque ex superiore[9] parte aedium adlocuta[10] ait regem grave {15} quidem, sed non letale vulnus accep.i.s.se, eumque petere, ut interim dum convalesceret,[11] Servio Tullio[12] dicto audientes essent.

Sic[13] Servius Tullius regnare coepit, sed recte imperium administravit.

Sabinos subegit[14]; montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum urbi adiunxit; fossas[15] circa murum duxit. Idem censum[16] {20} ordinavit, et populum in cla.s.ses[17] et centurias[18] distribuit.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SIGNUM]


Servius Tullius aliquod urbi decus addere volebat. Iam[1] tum inc.l.i.tum erat Dianae Ephesiae fanum.[2] Id communiter[3] a civitatibus Asiae factum fama ferebat. Itaque Latinorum populis suasit ut et[4] ipsi fanum Dianae {25} c.u.m[5] populo Romano Romae in Aventino monte aedificarent. Quo[6] facto, bos mirae magnitudinis[7]

cuidam Latino nata[8] dicitur, et responsum somnio datum[8] eum populum summam imperii habiturum,[8]

cuius civis bovem illam Dianae immola.s.set.[9] {30} Latinus[10] bovem ad fanum Dianae egit et causam sacerdoti Romano exposuit. Ille callidus[11] dixit prius eum vivo flumine ma.n.u.s abluere debere.

Latinus dum ad Tiberim[12] descendit, sacerdos bovem immolavit.

Ita imperium civibus sibique gloriam adquisivit. {35}

[Ill.u.s.tration: DIANA OF EPHESUS]

[Ill.u.s.tration: SACRIFICE]

Servius Tullius filiam alteram ferocem, mitem alteram habens,[13]

c.u.m Tarquinii filios pari esse animo[14] videret, ferocem[15] miti, mitem feroci in matrimonium dedit, ne duo violenta ingenia [[22]]

matrimonio iungerentur. Sed mites seu forte seu fraude perierunt; feroces morum similitudo coniunxit. Statim Tarquinius {40} a Tullia[1] incitatus advocato[2] senatu regnum paternum repetere coepit. Qua[3] re audita Servius dum ad Curiam contendit, iussu Tarquinii per gradus[4] deiectus et domum refugiens interfectus est. Tullia {45} carpento vecta in Forum properavit et coniugem e Curia evocatum prima regem salutavit; cuius iussu c.u.m e turba ac tumultu decessisset[5] domumque rediret, viso patris corpore, cunctantem et frena mulionem inhibentem {50} super ipsum[6] corpus carpentum agere iussit, unde[7] vicus ille Sceleratus dictus est. Servius Tullius regnavit annos quattuor et quadraginta.

[Footnotes: VII (pages 19-22)

19.13: Livy relates that at the capture of the Latin town Corniculum, Servius' father was killed and his mother taken prisoner. Out of respect to her high rank, Tanaquil set her free and welcomed her to the palace. There Servius was born, and he was brought up in Tarquin's household.

19.14: #ferunt . . . accidisse#: in English, the verb corresponding to #ferunt# would be parenthetical, thus: 'a prodigy, _they say_, happened.'

19.15: #prodigium . . . mirabile#: 'a prodigy, strange to look upon, and marvelously fulfilled.' #visu# and #eventu# are ablatives of specification to #mirabile#: H 480 (424): M 650: A 253: G 397: B 226, 1.

20.1: #Flammae species#: 'the semblance of fire.' We may render the whole sentence, 'Fire seemed to envelop,' etc.

20.2: #summam . . . intellexit#: cf. p. 17, n. 12.

20.3: Cf. p. 1, n. 5.

20.4: governed by _educabat_ understood.

20.5: _quidam_ and _unus_ often have no more force than the English indefinite article.

20.6: #militibus . . . dimicantibus#: causal.

20.7: #raptum . . . misit#: cf. p. 2, n. 8. To lose the standard was as much of a disgrace then as it is now to lose the flag.

20.8: #Cuius . . . gratia#: an expression of purpose = _quod ut reciperet_.

20.9: Roman houses in general had no windows on the ground floor.

20.10: Cf. p. 19, n. 12.

20.11: H 603, 2 (519, 2): M 921: A 328: G 572: B 293, III, 2, and p. xx, G 3.

20.12: dat. with #dicto audientes essent#, which together = _parerent_: H 426 (385, I): M 530: A 227 and N. 2: G 346 and N. 5: B 187, II. #dicto# is dat. with #audientes#, which here itself = 'obeying.'

20.13: i.e. instead of being formally chosen king by the senate and people (p. 15, n. 11).

20.14: _subigo_.

20.15: #fossas . . . duxit#: this statement harmonizes with VI, 14: see note there. Remains of the wall and ditch are extant, especially along the east side of the Esquiline, Viminal, and Quirinal hills.

20.16: The census was not, as with us, a mere enumeration of the inhabitants, but an enrollment and cla.s.sification of them according to property for purposes of taxation and military service. Hence the clause #in . . . distribuit# is in part an explanation of #censum ordinavit#.

20.17: These cla.s.ses were six in number.

20.18: According to Livy, there were 193 centuries. At elections each century cast a single vote, the opinion of the majority of its members being regarded as the voice of the whole century. The first, or richest cla.s.s, contained 98 centuries, and so controlled 98 votes, more than a majority.

21.1: #Iam tum#: 'even in those early days.'

21.2: This temple was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. See Acts xix, 24 f.

21.3: #communiter . . . factum# (_esse_): 'that the states of Asia had united in building it.' How literally?

21.4: #et ipsi# = _etiam ipsi_, or _ipsi quoque_: 'they too,' i.e.

as well as the _civitates Asiae_.

21.5: 'in conjunction with.' The whole might have been expressed thus: _ut illi_ (i.e. the _Latini_) _et populus Roma.n.u.s . . .

aedificarent_. Cf. lines 23, 24.

21.6: #Quo facto# = _postquam hoc_ (i.e. the building of the temple) _factum est_.

21.7: Cf. p. 18, n. 17.

21.8: Sc. _esse_. For the personal construction #dicitur#, see H 611, 1 (534, I and N. 1): M 962: A 330, _b_, 1: G 528, 1: B 332.

21.9: Subjunctive, because in a subordinate clause of indir. disc.

For the tense, cf. p. 6, n. 1.

21.10: '_The_ (aforesaid) Latin,' mentioned in l. 28. This is one of the cases where Latin suffers from the lack of the definite article.

21.11: 'cunningly.' Cf. p. 4, n. 4.

21.12: The Tiber ran close to the foot of the Aventine hill on which (l. 26) the temple of Diana stood.

21.13: = _c.u.m haberet_, 'since he had.' #c.u.m . . . videret# is also causal.

21.14: abl. of quality: H 473, 2 (419, II): M 643: A 251: G 400: B 224.

21.15: #ferocem . . . feroci#: note that the order in the second of these two pairs of words is the reverse of that in the first.

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