
Selections from Viri Romae Part 1

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Selections from Viri Romae.

by Charles Francois L'h.o.m.ond.


Upon the reviving perception of the true scope of Latin teaching has followed a return to some of the methods of former times, which, with all their faults, were yet imbued with the true spirit of the Cla.s.sics.

Since for many years the study of Latin lay in bondage to the spirit which regarded the language merely as a _corpus vile_ for grammatical dissection, and ignored the rich literature lying beyond the cla.s.sical trinity of authors, it is not surprising that it fell into disfavor as unsuited to the requirements of the times. The revival upon which the study has now entered is due largely to a recognition of the fact that mental culture rather than mere mental training is its true aim, and that, with this aim kept steadily in view, the study of Latin is not a barren waste of time and energy, but a most potent agency in securing that broad and sympathetic culture which must ever remain the mark of the educated man. The results of cla.s.sical study most valuable to the character are surely not to be found in the ability, usually lost after a few years, to recite paradigms faultlessly, to give the princ.i.p.al parts of verbs, and to enumerate the various kinds of _c.u.m_-constructions and the subdivisions of the ablative. Of far greater worth are the mental breadth and sympathy, the weakening of prejudice and Philistinism, and the increased power of entering into higher forms of enjoyment which must inevitably flow from the study of the life of a great people as revealed in its literature and art.

This conception of the sphere of Latin study has brought with it some modifications of the initial steps and a return to some of the texts in use fifty years since. In the traditional sequence of authors, and particularly in the selection of a purely military work as the means by which to introduce the student to the language, the entrance into the fields of Latin literature has frequently been made so distasteful as to destroy the desire for further exploration. More attractive paths, however, are opening to the beginner; and of these the _Viri Romae_ offers in a notable degree material of real interest to the young, and, from the very outset, gives a foretaste of the contents of the literature.

The history of this work is of interest, as showing an early recognition of the correctness of the standpoint to which we are now returning. It was compiled by a Professor of the University of Paris, Charles Francois Lh.o.m.ond, who lived from 1727 to 1794, and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a successful teacher, especially of younger pupils. His experience taught him the need of an introductory text combining interest of story with simplicity of style. The best proof of the excellence of his work is the fact that it has ever since remained a favorite with teachers of Latin. The material is taken from the works of various authors, chiefly Livy and Eutropius, but was simplified by Lh.o.m.ond in vocabulary and construction wherever necessary to fit it to the requirements of beginners. As its t.i.tle indicates, it deals with the early stories of Rome, so fascinating in any dress to the young, and it is therefore eminently fitted to arouse a desire for further reading.

The present edition has been prepared with reference to the difficulties most likely to embarra.s.s the young pupil at the outset of the new study.

One of the most perplexing of these difficulties is the inability to discover in an alphabetical vocabulary the inflected forms encountered in the text. This is met, in part at least, by giving in italics in the footnotes the vocabulary form of verbs not easily recognizable. For a similar reason grammatical constructions are, on their first occurrence, explained in simple language, or their nature briefly indicated, in order that the student may more intelligently consult the grammatical references which follow. For purposes of comparison, and as a means of helping the pupil to form proper habits of study and observation, subsequent occurrences are referred to previous instances, or to the tables of constructions on pages xvi-xxvi.

Although the compiler of the _Viri Romae_ greatly simplified the language of his authorities, there yet remain in the early part of the book many constructions which the beginner is not fitted to discuss. It is strongly recommended, therefore, that the treatment of the more difficult and complex of these constructions be postponed to a later period. At the outset the attention of the pupil should be centered upon matters of primary importance and upon the simplest and most common usages, such as the form of the sentence, the relation of its parts to one another, the significance of terminations, and the modes of expressing the constantly recurring relations of time, place, cause, means, purpose, and result. Even these should be treated as simply as possible and with constant regard to English usage. It is the experience of many teachers that reference to a Latin grammar to explain a construction possessed by English as well as by Latin frequently creates a difficulty where the student, if left to his own devices, would have experienced none.

The notes on matters of Roman custom have been made intentionally full with the aim of adding reality to the stories, and of inducing the pupil, under the teacher's guidance, to discover for himself further details. The use of other accounts, whether in ancient or modern authors, of photographs, plates, and other graphic aids can not be too strongly encouraged, in accordance with the dictum of Horace:--

Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures Quam quae sunt oculis subiecta fidelibus.

All vowels known to be long have been carefully marked. The text of this edition is, in the main, that of C. Holzer (tenth edition, Stuttgart, 1889). In orthography, however, Brambach has been followed. In the vocabulary compound verbs are given under the simple verbs as an aid to the fuller appreciation of the methods by which they are formed and their meanings derived. The exercises in prose composition have been made simple in order that they may occupy their legitimate place as subordinate and auxiliary to the development of the more important reading power.

The thanks of the editors are due to Mr. E. G. Warner, of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.i.tute, for his hearty cooperation in the work, and particularly for the labor which he has expended upon the exercises.



August, 1895.



To read Latin quickly and intelligently, and to enjoy the reading properly, we must possess (1) a vocabulary, _i.e._ a collection of Latin words with whose meanings, whether used singly or in combination, we are thoroughly familiar; (2) a knowledge of the inflectional system of the language, _i.e._ its declensions and conjugations; (3) a knowledge of its syntax; and (4) a knowledge of the plan upon which the Latin sentence is constructed, or, in other words, we must be able to overcome the difficulties arising out of the peculiar order of the words and clauses that form a Latin sentence.

#Vocabulary.#--Words are the material out of which sentences are constructed. Hence it is of prime importance to know their meanings. The best way, in fact the only way, to acquire a vocabulary, is by constant reading, and by noting carefully the force of individual words as they occur. It soon becomes evident that certain words are very frequently used, especially verbs which denote actions that have to do with everyday life, such as _dico_, _eo_, _facio_, _habeo_, _venio_, _sum_, and their compounds. These at least must be mastered at the very outset.

It is worth while to notice what prefixes are used in forming compound verbs, and the modifications of meaning which they produce. If the force of the simple verb is mastered, a little practice will enable the student to detect at sight the meaning of any of its compounds without reference to any dictionary.

It is useful also to group together in memory words derived from the same stem, _e.g._ _cano_, _cantus_; _certo_, _certamen_; _duco_, _dux_; _rego_, _rex_, _regius_; _caedo_, _caedes_. A specially interesting study consists in noting the English words which go back to Latin originals. From various causes a large part of our English vocabulary is borrowed from Latin. Cf. _donate_ with _dono_ and _donum_, _lucid_ with _lux_, _regent_ with _rex_ and _rego_.

Finally, it will be found very helpful constantly to read Latin aloud, for thus the _ear_ will help the _eye_ and words will have meaning when _heard_ as well as when _seen_. Indeed, we ought to use our ears far more than our eyes in acquiring a Latin vocabulary, in order that Latin words, when heard, shall suggest at once to our minds the same pictures which they suggested to the minds of Roman boys.

#Inflections and Syntax.#--It is not enough, however, to be familiar with the meanings of individual words, however many we may succeed in mastering. We must possess a knowledge also of _inflections_, _i.e._ of the declensions and conjugations, which tell us how individual words may be altered in form in order to express different relations to other words, and of _syntax_, which tells us how words are combined together into sentences. A knowledge of inflections and an understanding of syntax are the tools by which we arrive at the meaning of sentences as a whole. As the wise workman uses the best and most efficient tools, so one who undertakes to read Latin with speed and pleasure must make his mastery of inflections and syntax as complete as possible. It is a.s.sumed that students of this book have already had some drill in the commoner inflections. The principles of syntax can best be studied as they occur in actual reading. The commonest, and therefore most important, are discussed in the notes and ill.u.s.trated by appropriate references to the grammars in common use and by the tables of constructions on pages xvi to xxvi. A very practical way of fixing the principles of syntax firmly in mind is by frequent translation from English into Latin. It should be remembered, however, that we study syntax simply because such study enables us to read and enjoy the great works of Latin literature.

#The Order of Words.#--The greatest difficulty that confronts the student of Latin literature is the fact that the order of the words in a Latin sentence is widely different from that which he ordinarily finds in an English sentence. This difference is due mainly to two causes.

(1) Every Latin sentence is a kind of word picture, in which the meaning is developed stroke by stroke, _the separate parts being introduced in the order of their importance_. (2) It is a principle of Latin to keep the meaning in suspense until the very end, so that the last word completes not only the form, but also the meaning of the sentence. Both these principles may be seen at work in lines 1 to 5 of selection I, page 1. _Proca_ naturally stands first, partly because the whole work is a story of the deeds of men, partly because at this point he is especially important, as being the reigning king, with power to choose his own successor. The phrase _rex Albanorum_ very properly follows, as defining the scene of the action. _Numitor_ and _Amulius_ are next mentioned because the Latin loves to emphasize contrasts of persons. The sense of the whole is not complete till we reach the very last word, _habuit_. In the next sentence _Numitori_ is first, because now Numitor is more important, as being Proca's successor. The relative clause _qui . . . erat_ not only states a fact, but also gives the reason why Proca bequeathed his kingdom (_regnum reliquit_) to Numitor. So in the words _ut . . . fecit_, the _ut_-clause tells why Amulius performed the act indicated by the words _Rheam Silviam . . . fecit_, so that by the time we know _what_ the act was we know also exactly _why_ it was performed.

The Latin thus pictures the parts of the scene in their true order, for the motive in every case precedes the act. We see therefore that, however strange at times the Latin order may seem to be, there is always good reason for it. It is our task at the outset, as it soon will be our pleasure, to determine just what this reason is.

Now this freer order of words in the Latin sentence is rendered possible by the fact that Latin possesses an elaborate inflectional system, whereas English does not. Note, however, that one familiar with Latin declensions would know at once that in the first sentence discussed above Proca was actor (_i.e._ subject), and Numitor and Amulius acted upon (_i.e._ object). So in the sentence _ut . . . fecit_ it is clear that Amulius is the actor and that Rhea Silvia is acted upon. Thus the inflectional system serves to relieve, in part at least, the very difficulty which it creates.

#How to Read.#--By far the best way for the beginner to make himself familiar with the Latin order and its meaning is to _make a practice from the very outset of reading the sentence aloud from beginning to end before attempting to translate at all_. If the meaning is not clear at once, a repet.i.tion of such reading will often serve to make it clear, provided the student knows the force of the individual words and constructions. If he does not, he must seek the aid of the vocabulary or the notes. Then let him read the sentence once more aloud, slowly and carefully. He should not, however, look into either vocabulary or notes until he has read the Latin through at least once. Progress at first will necessarily be slow, but it will be sure. By every page read in the manner indicated above the pupil is preparing himself to read with more and more intelligence and pleasure the pages that remain. Besides, in this way he reads his Latin precisely as he reads English, word after word, in the order in which it is written, and precisely as a Roman boy 1800 years ago read his Latin story or poem. He will gain further the advantage of training his ear as well as his eye and of making it do its fair share of the work. In translating, too, it will be wise to follow as closely as possible the Latin order. Often it will be found that the resulting English order, even if not very common, is none the less intelligible. So the sentence _ut . . . fecit_ discussed above may be translated almost exactly in the Latin order.


#Its Value.#--An exercise which is very practical and helpful, and which may also become extremely delightful, is the rendering into Latin of English sentences based upon that portion of the Latin text which has already been carefully studied. This exercise is helpful, because it calls upon us to put into practice the knowledge which we have acquired in reading; it may become delightful because it shows us accurately the measure of our advance and thus affords us the pleasure which comes from the feeling that one is making sure progress in a given line of study.

#Essentials.#--To write Latin well one needs precisely the things which we found necessary in reading (page ix). The words and constructions required in the sentences for translation given on pages 112 to 129 are ill.u.s.trated by the corresponding pages of the Latin text. The pupil should always endeavor to recall the word, inflectional form, phrase, or construction for himself before referring to his text or to his grammar.

In other words, he should make the exercise one of thought rather than of mere mechanical copying from a printed model.

#The Object.#--We read the Latin text in order to understand the thoughts of the writer. So in turning English sentences into Latin our chief object is to clothe the _thoughts_ which such sentences convey in proper Latin dress, not merely to subst.i.tute Latin _words_ for English _words_. Every language has its own peculiar expressions, which are called _idioms_. Such expressions can never be literally translated from one language into another. Hence in attempting to turn an English sentence into Latin, we must begin by noting carefully the thought which it expresses, and then consider how the Romans gave expression to that thought.

#Choice of Expression.#--In Latin, just as in English, it often happens that the same thought may be expressed in several ways, which differ greatly in the words used as well as in the form and expression. In English it is often impossible to give a reason for the choice of one form of expression in preference to others. Sometimes the choice is made consciously for the sake of variety, or because there is a very slight shade of difference in meaning,--so slight that we can perhaps feel it, but cannot put it into words; sometimes unconsciously, because every one falls into the habit of using certain phrases and manners of speech with no deeper reason than the habit. The same is true of Latin writers.

Their various forms of expression have been noted and collected, and we find them laid down in the grammars as _rules_. Some of these expressions are found to be used by the best writers more frequently than others, and these are considered the best models. But the student must avoid the error of confining himself absolutely to one iron-bound form because most stress is laid upon it by the grammars, if he finds other modes of expression in the writings of good authors. By searching out the greatest variety of forms in which an idea may be expressed, by trying to discover the differences in meaning between them, and by placing yourself as far as possible in the writer's place, you will gain a far greater grasp and appreciation of the language than by learning a single rigid rule and forcing it to fit every case.

One of the central ideas of the following exercises, then, should be to render the thought in as many ways as possible, drawing your authority from the text on which the exercise is based, as well as from your grammar.

Examine the tables on pages xvi to xxvi, where you will find several of the most important constructions treated. Compare the examples given and try to trace out the reasons for the different forms. In many cases you will not be able to do so, and are free to choose one of several modes of expression. In others the meaning of the sentences and the aid of the grammar will give the reason for your choice.

#Caution.#--The pupil should note that all the words and constructions necessary to enable him to write in Latin the sentences given below, pages 112 to 129, are to be found on the pages of the Latin text upon which the exercises are based. _An English-Latin vocabulary or dictionary is, therefore, wholly unnecessary._ Additional sentences based on the text may be made up by student or teacher as required.


The following tables have been prepared for the purpose of affording the pupil material for study and comparison, by grouping together under appropriate heads examples of certain constructions as they actually occur in this book. It is expected that they will be helpful to the student in two ways: (1) by supplementing and ill.u.s.trating the notes, and (2) by affording him guides which he may follow in his writing of Latin. No attempt whatever has been made to include under any given head all the examples that are to be found in the text. The pupil will find it both interesting and instructive to add to the lists himself as he finds new instances in his own reading.



#Romae#, VII, 26, and often; #Tarenti#, XV, 30; salubriora #militiae# quam #domi# esse iuvenum corpora, IV, 70 (locative: chiefly used with names of towns);--#in sicco#, I, 10; #in iis locis#, I, 11; #in# (on) #sinistris manibus#, II, 21; #in colle Quirinali#, II, 54; #in ara#, III, 4; #in media urbe#, V, 23; ponte . . #in# (over) #Tiberi# facto, #in# (at) #ore# Tiberis, V, 27;--#multis locis#, XXV, 17; #terra marique#, XXI, 125;--#apud Ticinum# amnem . . #apud Trebiam#, XIX, 16;--#ad# Caprae #paludem#, II, 44; #ad# tertium #lapidem#, XIII, 12; #ad flumen# Bagradam, XVII, 18.



#Curibus# . . accitus est, III, 2; #Tarquiniis# . . profectus, VI, 1 (simple abl., especially with names of towns);--#a porta# . .

pergit, XIII, 5; #ab urbe# profectus, XIII, 13; #a ludis# publicis revertens, XVIII, 17;--delabitur #e caelo scisso# scutum, III, 15; #ex eo loco# . . aufugerat, IV, 20; donec novae copiae #ex Africa# advenirent, XVII, 3; #ex angustiis# evasit, XIX, 38.

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