
Searchlights on Health-The Science of Eugenics Part 50

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11. THE PALE, COLORLESS-COMPLEXIONED.--The pale, colorless-complexioned, helpless, listless, and almost lifeless young ladies who are so constantly seen in society, usually owe their miserable state of health to absent, to deficient, or to profuse menstruation. Their breathing is short--they are soon "out of breath," if they attempt to take exercise--to walk, for instance, either up stairs or up a hill, or even for half a mile on level ground, their breath is nearly exhausted--they pant as though they had been running quickly. They are ready, after the slightest exertion or fatigue, and after the least worry or excitement, to feel faint, and sometimes even to actually swoon away. Now such cases may, if judiciously treated, be generally soon cured. It therefore behooves mothers to seek medical aid early for their girls, and that before irreparable mischief has been done to the const.i.tution.

12. POVERTY OF BLOOD.--In a pale, delicate girl or wife, who is laboring under what is popularly called poverty of blood, the menstrual fluid is sometimes very scant, at others very copious, but is, in either case, usually very pale--almost as colorless as water, the patient being very nervous and even hysterical. Now, these are signs of great debility; but, fortunately for such an one, a medical man is, in the majority of cases, in possession of remedies that will soon make her all right again.

13. NO RIGHT TO MARRY.--A delicate girl has no right until she be made strong, to marry. If she should marry, she will frequently, when in labor, not have strength, unless she has help, to bring a child into the world; which, provided she be healthy and well-formed, ought not to be. How graphically the Bible tells of delicate women not having strength to bring children into the world: "For the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth."--2 Kings XIX, 3.

14. TOO SPARING.--Menstruation at another time is too sparing; this is a frequent cause of sterility. Medical aid, in the majority of cases, will be able to remedy the defect, and, by doing so, will probably be the means of bringing the womb into a healthy state, and thus predispose to conception.





After trying many remedies in a severe case of hives, Mr. Swain found vinegar lotion gave instant relief, and subsequent trials in other cases have been equally successful. One part of water to two parts of vinegar is the strength most suitable.


A teaspoonful of salt, in a cup of hot water makes a safe and excellent gargle in most throat troubles.


Wash the feet in warm water with borax, and if this don't cure, use a solution of permanganate to destroy the fetor; about five grains to each ounce of water.


The following is recommended as a reliable emmenagogue in many cases of functional amenorrhoea:

Bichloride of mercury, a.r.s.enite of sodium, aa gr. iij.

Sulphate of strychnine, gr. iss.

Carbonate of pota.s.sium, Sulphate of iron, aa gr. xlv.

Mix and divide into sixty pills. Sig. One pill after each meal.


Take a spoonful of finely powdered charcoal in a small gla.s.s of warm water to relieve a sick headache.

It absorbs the ga.s.ses produced by the fermentation of undigested food.


Acetate of zinc, 20 grains.

Acetate of morphia, 5 grains.

Rose water, 4 ounces. Mix.


Blood Root Pulverized, 1 ounce.

Hog's lard, 3 ounces.

Mix, simmer for 20 minutes, then strain; when cold put a little in the eyes twice or three times a day.


Pitch Burgundy, 2 pounds.

Bees' Wax, 1 pound.

Hog's lard, one pound.

Mix all together and simmer over a slow fire until the whole are well mixed together; then stir it until cold. Apply on muslin to the parts affected.


Olive oil, 6 ounces.

Camphor beat fine, 1/2 ounce.

Mix, dissolve by gentle heat over slow fire and when cold apply to the hand freely.


A man who is helplessly intoxicated may almost immediately restore the faculties and powers of locomotion by taking half a teaspoonful of chloride of ammonium in a goblet of water. A winegla.s.sful of strong vinegar will have the same effect and is frequently resorted to by drunken soldiers.


Fluid extract of scullcap, 1 ounce.

Fluid extract American valerian, 1 ounce.

Fluid extract catnip, 1 ounce.

Mix all. Dose, from 15 to 30 drops every two hours, in water; most valuable.

A valuable tonic in all conditions of debility and want of appet.i.te.

Comp. tincture of cinchona in teaspoonful doses in a little water, half hour before meals.

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Searchlights on Health-The Science of Eugenics Part 50 summary

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