
Searching For You 106 I'll Make Her Mine!

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Everyone thought, that was a reasonable suggestion. Besides, they'll be going their own separate way after tonight, so it makes more sense to just have a private room so they can hang out together without all the commotions around. Everyone nodded in agreement and grabbed their jacket as they stood up. The group made their way to the entrance and out of the club.

Kytos and his men followed the ladies' group out after the last person left the table. The ladies' group was making their way towards the parking lot direction when a voice shouted after them, "You!" The group turned around to see who shouted at them to realized it was the men that was checking out the ladies earlier.

"Yes, may we help you?" Asked one of the men who led the ladies' group.

"I'm talking to the two ladies there." Kytos replied pointing his finger at Su Na and Yu Sha.

"Ugh.." Su Na rubbed the side of her head. She was afraid the man wasn't going to let the situation go so she tried to get the group to leave as soon as possible, but now, he came after them. She really doesn't want to go to jail. The twins will really have to go bail them out the second time and this time in a foreign country! A swarm headaches rushed through her head as many scenarios flashed through her mind.

Yu Sha glanced at Su Na, "Take the group and go."

Su Na cringed worried that Yu Sha might do something outrageous knowing her personality but she has to consider the safety of the group first, "Mm… try to solve the issues with your brain and not your fist, ok? I know you can fight, but you can't win everything with your fist."

"Mm.. No worries. I know what I must do." Yu Sha replied.

Su Na then urged the group to go head. They were reluctant to leave first because they felt like something was off and it was unsafe to leave Yu Sha behind, but, Su Na was being persistent so they complied.

After the group left out of sight, Yu Sha looked at the men, "You need help with something?"

"You!" Kytos glared at Yu Sha. Why did the group leave her behind? Could she be the one that gave him the blow earlier? Kytos signaled his men to charge at Yu Sha. He needed to test if she truly has any martial skills.

Seeing Kytos command, Yu Sha shouted, "WAIT, WAIT, TIME OUT!" The men stopped abruptly. Yu Sha quickly bend down and teared her long dress exposing her delicate white legs. She teared it off up to thigh high making it easier to move around. After she tried moving her legs and twisting her body a couple times, she felt quite comfortable and confident that she could move without restraint.

The men was dumbfounded, was she trying to seduce them? They gulped their saliva at such sight. She seemed so harmless, why are they ganging up on a delicate weak girl? The men looked at each other and came to a tacit understanding that only one man need to test Yu Sha.

One men charged forward towards Yu Sha. Within a few seconds she swooped right through all four of them, landing a punch right on the other side of Kytos face. Her action was so fast, in one single strike forward, she nailed all five of them, sending them flying at different direction.

Kytos thought he prepared himself enough, but Yu Sha's speed was too fast for him to react. He flew a few yards back and landed his back on the concrete ground. Before he could catch his breath, she was already standing on top of him, one leg on him and one leg on the ground. She squatted down, still with one leg on top of him. She leaned her body over him while still squatting on uneven ground and glared at Kytos, in a serious low tone she said, "If I ever see you get that close to my girl, I won't spare your life next time."

Kytos has never been in a situation where he felt so overpowered. This is the first time he was ignored, the first time someone ever dare punching him not once but twice causing damage to both sides of his beautiful face. Kytos eyes studied the face of the woman who made him feel powerless for the first time. He looked at her face and on a closer look, she's quite beautiful. Her delicate clear skin, beautiful big glittering silver eyes, soft and plump lips. He then eyed down on her chest to only noticed that her cleavage was showing and he could see the beautiful shape of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Kytos took a big swallowed and then his eyes landed on the area between her legs.

Yu Sha had torn her dress earlier and now with her squatting down one leg higher than the other, was like asking for the world to see her jewel treasure. The sight sent Kytos mind in disarray. Who in the world tried to seduce the man they almost just murdered? His nose started bleeding making him not sure if it was from the two punches he received or from a men's fantasy that they could not touch.

Kytos took another big gulped as his pupils dilated bigger and his mouth opened like he was thirsty.

Yu Sha suddenly realized the situation she's in from his facial expression. She slapped Kytos's face again and quickly covered her chest as she stood, "b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Yu Sha knew it was kind of her fault giving him such posture. She stood up and stuttered, "Remember my words, I will not spare you the next time." With that she ran away as fast as she could feeling chills down her spine.

After Yu Sha left out of sight, Kytos finally sat up. He didn't feel like he was defeated for nothing. He quite enjoys the service he just received and Yu Sha's shy expression that came with it. What's more, she was so formidable. Kytos touched his face where she just slapped and laughed out his heart. When he was done laughing, he muttered to himself, "I'll make her mine!" A gleam of determination shone in his eyes.

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Searching For You 106 I'll Make Her Mine! summary

You're reading Searching For You. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Hino Kiiro, 日野きいろ. Already has 423 views.

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