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In the review of the life of Elbridge Gerry the pure patriot finds much to admire--the Christian nothing to condemn. Partisans may censure because he kept aloof from high toned party spirit--the maelstrom of nations that once were but now are not. His examples of devotedness to the good of his country, his untiring industry, his intelligence, his moral worth--are all worthy of imitation and shed a rich unfading l.u.s.tre upon his character. He discharged all the duties of private life with the strictest fidelity. He was useful in every station where duty called, no perils r.e.t.a.r.ded his onward course towards the goal of RIGHT.
His purposes were deliberately formed and boldly executed. He was an honor to our country, the cause of freedom and enlightened, philanthropic and liberal legislation. He was a n.o.ble specimen of unalloyed patriotism--a patriotism that must be widely diffused among the increasing of our expanding country--then our UNION will be preserved--our land continue to be what it now is--THE LAND OF THE BRAVE--THE HOME OF THE FREE.
The history of the American Revolution will be read with intense interest through all time whether presented as a ponderous whole or in sections. Its most attractive form to the impatient and romantic reader is the delineation of n.o.ble and G.o.d like individual action. Numerous bold exploits were performed--hair-breadth escapes made by the private soldier that had an exciting ephemeral history worthy of record which is now buried with the meritorious actor and his immediate acquaintances.
Some thrilling stories will have a more protracted existence in the annals of tradition but will ultimately lose their freshness, wither and die. Truthful living tradition belongs to the red man--not to us. In all nations--from the barbarous up to the refined civilized, the glory of the battle field has been awarded to the leaders who planned--not to the soldiers who executed. In our republican land of professed equality partial inroads upon this rule have been made. In our common militia and volunteer companies the soldier is often equal and sometimes superior to his commanding officer in point of talent and weight of character. This can rarely be the case among an oppressed people and still more rarely would the existing fact be admitted. During the revolution merit was clothed with its true dignity more than now. Many who stood upon this first legitimate stepping stone to office ascended from the ranks of the army to high commands--from the retired walks of life to the legislative halls and posts of honor in the various departments of government. The frame-work of the most liberal military system is adverse to the recognition of individual merit below the officer. The case must be very extraordinary to be officially announced. Hence large standing armies bind in the fetters of ignorance a vast amount of intellect that would be brought into mellow life and usefulness in a free enlightened republican government like our own.
Among the Heroes of the American Revolution whose merit brought him into notice was Nathaniel Greene, born at the town of Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1741. His parents were respectable members of the Society of Friends--of course opposed to the profession of arms. His father was an anchor manufacturer and gave his son a limited chance to obtain a common education. With this the mind of Nathaniel was not content. He pursued his studies every leisure hour and with his extra earnings purchased books. He mastered the Latin with but little aid from an instructor. The history of military chieftains he read with great delight. When he arrived at manhood he was a good mechanic and a bright scholar. For a time he followed the business of making anchors for vessels but was soon called to the more important work of aiding in the construction of the sheet anchor of FREEDOM. At an early age he was elected a member of the legislature where he became a conspicuous advocate of equal rights and boldly opposed the usurpations of mother Britain. His course obtained for him an expulsion from the Society of Friends and the esteem of every patriot. I respect the Quakers but not this paradox in their creed. They profess to love liberty--but few of them are willing to pay its price in coin--none of them can bear arms without excommunication.
On his return from the a.s.sembly Nathaniel enrolled himself a private in a military corps that was suggested and formed by himself and chartered under the t.i.tle of the _Kentish Guards_. It was placed under the command of Gen. Varnum. In 1775 the little patriotic state of Rhode Island raised three regiments--in all sixteen hundred rank and file--officered by the most distinguished military characters of the colony. No one could have been more surprised than young Greene on receiving the commission of Brigadier General. He was put in command of this small brigade and immediately marched them to head quarters at Cambridge, Ma.s.s. He applied himself closely to the study of military tactics and soon became an excellent disciplinarian--an able officer. For correctness of evolution, subordination and good order--his was a model brigade. His merits were quickly discovered by the acute Washington who often consulted him with confidence in cases of doubt and difficulty.
This confidence he communicated to Congress. It arose from two strong points--Greene had superior talents and was a Christian. On the 26th of August 1776 Greene was commissioned a Major General of the regular army of the United States and put forth his n.o.blest exertions to promote the interests of his bleeding country. At the battles of Trenton and Princeton he exhibited great skill and judicious conduct. At the battle of Germantown he commanded the left wing of the army and received the unqualified approbation of Washington for his coolness and bravery. In March 1778 he accepted the appointment of Quarter Master General retaining his rank and right to command in time of action according to the seniority of his commission. At the victorious battle of Monmouth he commanded the right wing of the army and led his troops to the onset with the terrific force of an avalanche.
In the siege of the British garrison at Newport, R.I. he served under Gen. Sullivan. When it was found necessary to retreat in consequence of the dispersion of the French fleet by a storm which prevented it from rendering the contemplated aid, the army was greatly indebted to the judgment and skill of Gen. Greene in extricating it from a perilous position.
The British power being measurably paralyzed in the north Lord Cornwallis turned his attention to the south where the defences were less--the plunder more. On the 26th of December 1779 he commenced his movement and landed thirty miles from Charleston, S.C. on the 11th of February ensuing. He then commenced the work of destruction and brutality with increased rigor. No respect was paid to private property, religious sanct.i.ty or defenceless females. After a spirited defence Charleston was compelled to surrender. The British carried dismay, victory and death in their whole course. Plunder, rapine and murder were the order of the day. _Booty_ and _beauty_ were the watch words of his most Christian majesty's officers and soldiers.
Under these heart rending circ.u.mstances Washington directed Gen. Greene to take command of the Southern army. In company with the brave Morgan he arrived at Charlotte on the 2d of December 1780. The so called army numbered 970 regulars--1013 militia, dest.i.tute of military stores, unpaid, nearly naked, poorly fed and no government supplies nearer than two hundred miles. Opposed was a powerful army rich in plunder, flushed with victory, liberally paid, abundantly fed, well clothed and amply supplied with military stores of every kind. The front view of the picture was dark and gloomy--on the back ground Greene and Morgan saw the rays of hope shedding their cheering beams on the spire of Liberty.
Gen. Greene went to work for dear life. By his amiable deportment he gained the love and confidence of his soldiers--the esteem and respect of the inhabitants. From the surrounding country he gained short supplies and raised a few recruits. He despatched Gen. Morgan with a small force to the western part of the state which gave fresh courage to the patriots of that section. By a falling into the ranks the force of Morgan increased so much that Cornwallis ordered Col. Tarleton to disperse this band of rebels and put all to the sword who did not surrender at discretion. On the 17th of January 1781, Tarleton came up to this rough and ready party at the Cowpens. Although his force was inferior in numbers and two-thirds raw militia, Gen. Morgan determined to stand fire. Sure of an easy victory the proud Britons rushed on to action and were as much astonished to meet with an unbroken line streaming with fire as if they had been brought up all standing against an unperceived wire fence across the high way. Tarleton roared, foamed, raved and commanded his men to _charge_. Again the blazing streams of fire illuminated the lines of Morgan whose troops rushed upon the broken ranks of the enemy with the fury of a tornado. The struggle was short, the victory complete, the amazement of Tarleton paralyzing. Besides the killed, over five hundred of the enemy were taken prisoners and a convenient amount of the munitions of war fell into the hands of the victors. Supposing he had crushed the rebel power in the south Cornwallis was astounded at the result of this hasty recreative expedition. He immediately marched in pursuit of Morgan determined to rescue the prisoners and wipe out the disgrace Tarleton had brought upon the British arms. The hero of the Cowpens was too old a fox to be easily caught. He could do some things as well as others. He was as skilful in retreat as he was desperate in battle. He knew when, where and how to fight. He was courageous, not rash--bold, not imprudent and as watchful as an Argus. He effected a junction with Gen. Greene on the 7th of February. The chagrined Cornwallis advanced rapidly determined to annihilate the little American army at one fell swoop. Greene retreated into Virginia where he added to his numbers and supplies. So confident was the British general of overtaking him that he destroyed his heavy baggage to accelerate his movements. The patriots were not thus enc.u.mbered. Many of them had only their arms and remnants of tattered garments, being obliged to place tufts of moss on their shoulders to prevent the friction of the cartouch straps. To the pursuing enemy the Americans seemed an _ignis fatuus_--often to be seen but never reached.
The chase was abandoned. In turn Greene annoyed Cornwallis by cutting off his supplies, capturing foraging parties and constantly watching all his movements. His situation became perilous, his numbers were constantly growing less by capture, desertion and disease. His supplies cost blood as well as treasure--the force of Greene was constantly augmenting--the tables were turned--he retreated to Hillsborough where he endeavored to raise new recruits by liberal offers of British gold.
The yellow dust had lost its magic charm on Americans--patriotism was the more current coin.
Unwilling to be long separated from the n.o.ble lord, Green paid him a visit on the 15th of March. The interview took place at Guilford court house between one and two o'clock P. M. and continued nearly two hours.
Owing to the militia that formed the front line flying at the sight of the red coats the Americans were obliged to give ground and make it a drawn battle--but the meeting was a sad one for Cornwallis. His loss was 532 killed, wounded and missing, among whom were several of his most distinguished officers. So crippled was the British army that a precipitate retreat to Wilmington was ordered leaving those of the wounded who were not able to march. The loss of Gen. Greene was about 400 killed and wounded. Cornwallis claimed the victory--one not very auspicious to his military glory or royal master. Gen. Greene commenced offensive operations. He determined on attacking Lord Rawdon who was strongly fortified at Camden S. C. with 900 men. The American forces amounted to only 700 and encamped within a mile of the British lines cutting off all supplies from the enemy. Antic.i.p.ating a reinforcement to the little army of Gen. Greene and being on short allowance his lordship made a sally on the 25th of April and boldly attacked the offending invaders. For some time victory perched upon the brow of Greene--his cavalry had taken over two hundred prisoners. One of his regiments made a move which compelled him to retreat with a loss of about 200 killed, wounded and prisoners. The loss of Lord Rawdon was 258. So flushed was the British general with this dear victory that he fled from Camden leaving his sick and wounded to the care of those who he knew would care for them. The back handed victories of Guilford and Camden so paralyzed the enemy that they soon abandoned a number of small fortifications--large quant.i.ties of military stores and concentrated a considerable force at the strong garrison of Ninety Six. On the 22d of May Greene commenced a siege upon that place but modestly retired to give place to three regiments of strangers fresh from England. Before doing this he made an unsuccessful a.s.sault at a cost of about 150 men.
But for the reinforcements the garrison would have shortly surrendered.
During the ensuing two months nothing but skirmishing occurred. On the 9th of September the army of Gen. Greene had increased to 2000 men. The division of the British army under Col. Stewart was posted at Eutaw Springs. An immediate attack was made by the Americans in the following order. As he approached the enemy Gen. Greene formed his troops in two lines--the first composed of Carolina militia under Generals Marion, Pickens and Col. de Malmedy. The second was composed of regulars under Gen. Sumpter, Lieut. Col. Campbell and Col. Williams. Lieut. Col. Lee covered the right flank with his legion--Lieut. Henderson covered the left with the state troops. The cavalry under Col. Washington and the Delaware troops under Capt. Kirkwood were held in reserve. Scarcely was the line of battle completed when the British rapidly advanced. The Americans met the onset with the bravery of veterans but were compelled to give way. The battle raged with fearful fury. All depended on a sudden and desperate movement. Gen. Greene ordered the Virginia and Maryland regulars to advance with trailed arms--facing a shower of musket and grape shot. The order was instantly obeyed--they broke the lines of the British and drove them some distance to a thicket of trees and brick houses where they rallied and took a stand. The Americans took over 500 prisoners and remained on the field of battle. Under cover of night Col. Stewart retreated towards Charleston leaving 70 of his wounded and 1000 stand of arms. His total loss in men was near 1200--that of Greene 500 in killed and wounded. The English had the largest force in action. For this display of skill and bravery Congress presented Gen. Greene with a British standard and gold medal. What was dearer to him than all else--he received the high approbation of Washington and his country. From that time the torch of kingly power rapidly decreased until its last flickering light expired. For a time Charleston was occupied by the crown troops--offensive operations they dare not undertake only by small and transient _booty_ and _beauty_ squads.
It may seem mysterious to the young readers why soldiers fought so valiantly who were poorly paid, scantily fed and scarcely clothed.
Hundreds of them were entirely naked at the Eutaw battle. Their loins were galled severely by their cartouch boxes. It was considered a great favor to obtain a folded rag to lay on the scarified part. Their food was often a scanty supply of rice or a few roasted potatoes. The officers suffered alike with the common soldiers. Gen. Greene was in the southern field seven consecutive months without taking off his clothes to retire for a night. _Love of liberty and love of their leading general and his brave officers_ kept these soldiers together and rendered them desperate on the field of battle. This removes the mystery. If all could be made to realize the price of our Liberty, political asperity and party spirit would hide their polluting forms under the mantle of shame and retire to the peaceful shades of oblivion.
Reader--never forget the blood, treasure and anguish your Liberty cost.
Finding that the wary Greene could not be conquered by force of arms British gold was once more put in requisition by the enemy. Several native foreigners had deserted to the English and were induced to form a plan to deliver up Gen. Greene and his officers. A sergeant and two domestics attached to the person of the General were bribed and in correspondence with the British. A time was fixed to deliver him and every officer of rank to the enemy. As usual a guardian angel was there.
A female heard some unguarded expressions from the sergeant and promptly informed Gen. Greene. The troops were at once ordered on parade--the sergeant was arrested--confessed his guilt, was condemned and shot. When led to execution he warned all not to sully their glory or forego the advantages they would speedily realize from the successful termination of the war and if a thought of desertion was in their bosoms to banish it at once and for ever. He acknowledged the justice of his sentence--distributed his little all among his comrades--gave the signal and paid the penalty of his crime. Thus was a base and cowardly plot detected by angelic woman--the ringleader executed and the southern army saved from probable destruction. Not a single _native American_ was concerned in this conspiracy.
Another circ.u.mstance occurred shortly after this that marred the happiness of Gen. Greene for a little time. The appointment of Col.
Laurens to a command in their little army gave great umbrage to the officers generally who immediately tendered their resignation to the General. He affectionately recommended them to appeal to Congress for redress and not desert the n.o.ble cause of Liberty prematurely. They seemed determined in their course--he reluctantly received their commissions. On being separated from him their attachment was fully revealed to them. They found it impossible to leave their beloved General--again took their commissions and followed his advice. No officer could gain the affections of those under him more fully than did Gen. Greene. Kindness and even handed justice to all were amongst his marked characteristics. He shared the hardship and glory of the field with his soldiers. He did all in his power to supply their wants and alleviate their distress. By example and precept he taught his men to meet calamity with heroic fort.i.tude, pointing to the goal of liberty as a final rest from the toils of war--to realms of bliss beyond the skies as the eternal rest of the virtuous and good.
Early in October the last lion was caged at Yorktown. There the struggle closed--there the victorious Cornwallis--the pride of mother Britain, was humbled, the shouts of victory and the clarion of freedom sounded and the sons of Columbia crowned with laurels of enduring fame. The battles of Gen. Greene were finished. He had served his country long and faithfully. He had surmounted the mighty barriers that opposed him--he had contributed largely in breaking the chains of slavery--Liberty had triumphed over despotism--his country was free, and was acknowledged independent by the power that had long sought to enslave it. Gentle peace shed fresh l.u.s.tre on the care-worn countenances of the sages and heroes and diffused her refulgent rays from the of the broad Atlantic to the silver lakes of the far west.
On his way home Gen. Greene was hailed with grateful enthusiasm in every town through which he pa.s.sed. On his arrival at Princeton Congress was in session there. As a testimony of respect for his valuable services that body presented him with two pieces of ordnance taken from the British army. The state of Georgia presented him with a valuable plantation near Savannah. The State of South Carolina conveyed to him a large tract of rich land which he sold to enable him to pay debts contracted to obtain supplies for his soldiers. In the autumn of 1785 he removed to his plantation in Georgia antic.i.p.ating all the enjoyment of domestic felicity. This was of short duration. On the 12th of June 1786 he was attacked with inflammation upon his brain caused by a stroke of the sun and on the 19th of that month his spirit returned to the bosom of his G.o.d. Thus closed the brilliant career of one of the most distinguished sons of the Revolution. From his childhood to his grave he was the pride of his friends, a shining light to his country--a blessing to our nation. He was a prudent and brave general, an accomplished gentleman, a good citizen, an honest man, a consistent Christian. His character was pure as the crystal fountain--his fame enduring as the records of time. His examples are models for imitation, his history is full of instruction, his merits worthy of our highest admiration. His faults were completely eclipsed by the brilliancy of his superior worth.
False honor like false religion is worse than none. They both lead to destruction and are deprecated by all good men. The one is a relic of the barbarous ages--the other is older, having first been imposed on mother Eve amidst the amaranthine bowers of Eden. Inconsistency is an incubus that a.s.sumes numerous forms. In some shape it hangs over every nation and most individuals. It is human nature to err--but some errors are so plainly a violation of reason and common sense that it is pa.s.sing strange sound men do not avoid them. Yet we often see those of high attainments rush into the whirlpool of inconsistency with a blind infatuation that the fine spun rules of the acutest sophistry cannot justify.
One of the fallacious and opprobrious inconsistencies that now disgraces our nation is duelling. Many in this country boast of our intellectual light and mourn over the ignorance of the poor untutored red man. In turn he can point us to a dark spot on our national character that never tarnished the name of a western or eastern Indian. This bohun upas thrives only in communities that claim civilization. In no country has it been tolerated with so much impunity as in our own. By our law it is murder. In no instance has this law been enforced. Widows may mourn, orphans languish, hearts bleed, our statesmen perish and the murderer still run at large and be treated by many with more deference than if his hands were not stained with blood. This foul stigma upon the American name should be washed out speedily and effectually. Let the combined powers of public opinion, legislative, judicial and executive action be brought to bear upon it with the force of a rushing avalanche.
Flagrant crimes are suppressed only by strong measures.
Among the victims of this barbarous practice was b.u.t.ton Gwinnett, a man of splendid talents and a patriot of the American Revolution. He was born in England in 1732. His parents were respectable but not wealthy.
Being a boy of promise they bestowed on him a good education. At his majority he commenced a successful mercantile career at Bristol in his native country. Surrounded by a large family he resolved on changing his location and came to Charleston S. C. in 1770, where he pursued merchandizing two years. He then sold out his store, purchased a plantation on St. Catharine Island, Georgia, to which he removed and became an enterprising agriculturist. He possessed an active mind and was a close observer of pa.s.sing events. Having resided in England during the formation of the visionary and impolitic plan of taxing the colonies, he understood well the frame-work of the British cabinet. From the course he promptly pursued it is plain he was a Whig in England. The subject of raising revenue from the colonies of the new world had been fully and ably discussed in Great Britain. Many of her profound statesmen had portrayed, with all the truth of prophecy, the result of the blind unjust course of ministers towards the Americans. The most sagacious English statesman then in Parliament, Lord Chatham, exerted his n.o.blest powers to bring the cabinet to a sense of common justice--the only path of safety. Mingling with intelligent men at Bristol, Mr. Gwinnett had become well informed upon the litigated points in controversy and was well acquainted with the relative feelings and situation of the two countries. When the question of liberty or slavery was placed before the people of his adopted land he declared in favor of freedom. Knowing the superior physical force of Great Britain and the weakness of the colonies, a successful resistance seemed to him problematical. His doubts upon the subject were removed by the enthusiasm of the patriots generally and especially by the lucid demonstrations of Lyman Hall, a bold and fearless advocate of equal rights with whom he became intimate. Convinced of the justice and possible success of the cause he at once became a champion in its favor.
He had counted the cost, he had revolved in his mind the dangers that would acc.u.mulate around him and truly predicted his property would be destroyed by the devastating enemy--yet he n.o.bly resolved to risk his life, fortune and honor in defence of chartered rights and const.i.tutional franchises.
He enrolled his name among the leaders of the patriotic movements--became a member of several committees and conspicuous at public meetings. In her colonial capacity Georgia was the last to come to the rescue. Some of her n.o.blest sons had become shining lights in the glorious cause. Patriotism was extending--oppression increasing, eyes opening, ears listening, minds working, hearts beating and those who were perching on the pivot of uncertainty were fast losing their balance. At length the cry of blood was heard from Lexington. The work was done. Georgia started from her lethargy like a lion roused from his lair and prepared for the conflict. Like green wood--she was slow to take fire but gave a permanent heat when ignited.
On the 2d of February 1776 Mr. Gwinnett was appointed to the Continental Congress and took his seat on the 20th of May ensuing. Although his const.i.tuents were determined to maintain their rights at all hazards most of them looked upon the plan of Independence as a project of visionary fancy--ideal, not to be hoped for or attempted. It gained strength by discussion and emerged from its embryo form. At this juncture a colleague of Mr. Gwinnett, the Rev. Mr. Zubly with a Judas heart, wrote a letter to the royal governor of Georgia, disclosing the contemplated measure, a copy of which was in some way obtained and placed in the hands of Mr. Chase who immediately denounced the traitor on the floor of Congress. The Iscariot at first attempted a denial by challenging the proof but finding that the betrayer had been betrayed he fled precipitately for Georgia in order to place himself under the protection of the governor who had just escaped from the enraged patriots on board a British armed vessel in Savannah harbor and had enough to do to protect himself without rendering aid or comfort to a traitor. He was followed by Mr. Houston one of his colleagues. Swift was the pursuit but swifter the flight. On the wings of guilt he flew too rapidly to be overtaken.
When the proposition came before Congress for a final separation from the mother country Mr. Gwinnett became a warm advocate for the measure.
When the trying hour arrived, big with consequences, he gave his approving vote and affixed his name to the important doc.u.ment that stands acknowledged by the civilized world the most lucid exposition of human rights upon the records of history--the Declaration of American Independence. In February 1777 he took a seat in the convention of his own state convened to form a const.i.tution under the new government. He at once took a leading part and submitted the draft of a const.i.tution which was slightly amended and immediately adopted. Shortly after this he was elevated to the Presidency of the Provincial Council, then the first office in the state--rising in a single year from private life to the pinnacle of power in Georgia. At this time an acrimonious jealousy existed between the civil and military authorities. At the head of the latter was Gen. McIntosh against whom Mr. Gwinnett had run the previous year for Brig. General and was unsuccessful. His elevation and influence annoyed the General. The civil power claimed the right to try military officers for offences that Gen. McIntosh contended came only under the jurisdiction of a court martial. Mr. Gwinnett had planned an expedition against East Florida and contemplated having the command. Gen. McIntosh conferred it upon a senior lieutenant-colonel. The expedition was a failure. The General publicly exulted over his hated enemy and gloried in the misfortune. Under the new const.i.tution a governor was to be elected on the first Monday of the ensuing May. Mr. Gwinnett became a candidate. His compet.i.tor was a man far inferior to him in point of talents and acquirements but was elected. Gen. McIntosh again publicly exulted in the disappointments that were overwhelming his antagonist. A challenge from Mr. Gwinnett ensued--they met on the blood stained field of false honor--fought at four paces--both were wounded, Mr. Gwinnett mortally and died on the 27th of May 1777, the very time he should have been in Congress. Comment is needless--reflection is necessary.
Aside from this rash error the escutcheon of Mr. Gwinnett was without a blot. He was a splendid figure, commanding in appearance, six feet in height, open countenance, graceful in his manners and possessed of fine feeling. He was a kind husband, an affectionate father, a good citizen and an honest man.
Decision gives weight to character when tempered with prudence and discretion. The individual who is uniformly perched on the pivot of uncertainty and fluttering in the wind of indetermination can never gain public confidence or exercise an extensive influence. To be truly beneficial decision must receive its momentum from the pure fountain of our own matured judgment and not depend upon others to point us to the path of duty. When the child becomes a man he should think and act as a man and draw freely from the resources of his own immortal mind. He may enjoy the reflective light of others but should depend upon the focus of his own, made more clear by reflectives. The man who pins his faith upon the sleeve of another and does not keep the lamp of his own understanding trimmed and burning, is a mere automaton in life and never fills the vacuum designed by his creation. When he makes his final exit from the stage of action he leaves no trace behind--no rich memento to tell that he once lived, moved and had a being upon the earth or bore the moral image of his G.o.d. The Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution left bright examples of self-moving action and decision of character.
Among those who were roused to exertion by the reflection of their own minds was Lyman Hall, born in Connecticut 1731. He graduated in Yale College at an early age, studied medicine, married a wife before he was twenty-one, removed to Dorchester, S. C. in 1752 and commenced the practice of medicine. After residing there a short time he joined a company of some forty families, mostly New Englanders and removed to Medway in the parish of St. John, Georgia. He became a successful pract.i.tioner and was esteemed for his prudence, discretion, clearness of perception, soundness of judgment--united with refinement of feeling, urbanity of manners, a calm and equable mind and great benevolence. He had only to be known to be appreciated. As years rolled peacefully along Dr. Hall became extensively acquainted and greatly beloved. He took great interest in the happiness of those around him and in the welfare of the people at large. He was a close observer of men and things--understood well the philosophy of human rights and the principles of the tenure by which the mother country held jurisdiction over the colonies. When the marked bounds of that jurisdiction were pa.s.sed he was one of the first to meet the aggressors and point his countrymen to the innovations. As encroachments increased his patriotism grew warmer--enthusiastic zeal followed, tempered by the purest motives--guided by the soundest discretion. The indecision and temporizing spirit of Georgia, for a time, was painful to her truly patriotic sons who early espoused the cause of Liberty. It was extremely annoying to Dr. Hall but only tended to increase his exertions in the work of political regeneration. Over the people of his own district he exercised an unlimited--a judicious influence. He attended the patriotic meetings held at Savannah in 1774-5 and contributed much in promoting the glorious cause just bursting into life. His immediate const.i.tuents were with him in feeling and action. All the other colonies had united in defence of their common country determined to resist the common enemy. St. John being a frontier settlement and more exposed than any other in the province, he prudently laid the subject before his people and called upon them to choose whom they would serve. They promptly decided against domination of royalty and declared for Liberty. They at once separated from the other parishes--formed a distinct political community--applied for admission into the confederation of the other colonies--pa.s.sed resolutions of non-intercourse with Savannah so long as it remained under kingly authority except to obtain the absolute necessaries of life and organized committees to carry these patriotic and decisive measures into effect. Placed on such an eminence they were welcomed into the general compact as men worthy of freedom. In March 1775 they elected Lyman Hall to the Continental Congress to represent the parish of St. John that stood like an isolated island of granite in the ocean regardless of the waves of fury that were foaming around it.
This example had a powerful influence on the other parishes. From this lump of liberty-leaven the whole ma.s.s became rapidly impregnated--rose beautifully and was admirably baked in freedom's oven and soon fit for use. In July following Dr. Hall had the proud satisfaction of seeing Georgia fully represented by men honest and true--always excepting Judas Iscariot _alias_ Zubly. To Dr. Hall may be justly attributed the first impetus given to the revolutionary ball in his district which was formed into a new county in 1777 and named LIBERTY.
On taking his seat in Congress Dr. Hall was hailed with enthusiasm as the nucleus of patriotism that would eventually draw to one common centre the people of his province. He was a valuable acquisition to the various committees on which he was placed and gained the esteem of all around him. On the floor he was listened to with profound attention. He reasoned closely and calmly, confining himself to the question under consideration without any effort to shine as an orator. His known patriotism, decision of character, purity of purpose and honesty of heart--gave him a salutary influence that was sensibly felt, fully acknowledged and judiciously exercised. In 1776 he again took his seat in Congress and became decidedly in favor of cutting loose from the mother country. He had induced his own district to present a miniature example that stood approved by every patriot. He felt the justice of the cause of Liberty. He believed Providence would direct a successful result. He was fully convinced the set time had come to free the colonies. With such feelings he hailed the birth day of our Independence as the grand jubilee of LIBERTY. He cheerfully joined in pa.s.sing the mighty Rubicon--aided in preparing the sarcophagus of tyranny and signed the certificate of freedom with a joyful heart.
He was continued in Congress up to 1780 when he took his final leave of that body where he had rendered faithful and important service. In 1782 he returned to his own State and aided in rendering more perfect the organization of her government. The enemy had destroyed his property and wreaked a special vengeance on his district generally. His family had been compelled to fly to the North and depend on the bounty of others for support. In 1783 he was elected Governor of Georgia and contributed largely in perfecting the superstructure of her civil inst.i.tutions and in placing her on the high road to peace and prosperity. This accomplished he retired from public life under the broad banner of an honest and well earned fame. He then settled in Burke County where he was again permitted to pursue the even tenor of his ways and enjoy the highest of all earthly pleasure--the domestic fireside with his own dear family. Calmly and quietly he glided down the stream of time until 1790 when he closed his eyes upon the transitory scenes of earth--entered the dark valley of death and disappeared from mortals to enjoy a blissful immortality. He was deeply mourned by his relatives and numerous acquaintances and by every patriot in our nation. His name is perpetuated in Georgia by a county being named after him as a tribute of respect for his valuable services.
Dr. Hall was among those who do good for the sake of goodness--not to be seen of men and applauded by the world. In person his appearance was prepossessing. He was full six feet in height with a graceful deportment and benignant countenance. His examples are worthy of imitation. Without the luminous talents that tower to the skies in a blaze of glory that dazzles every eye--he rendered himself substantially and widely useful.
He was like a gentle stream that through a verdant field producing irrigation in its course without overflowing and tearing up its banks. Decision of character, prudence in action and discretion in all things marked his whole career. Not a stain tarnishes the bright l.u.s.tre of his public fame or private character. He lived n.o.bly and died peacefully. With such men our UNION is safe.
JOHN HANc.o.c.k.
The thrilling history of American Independence is ever a subject of deep interest to the patriot and philanthropist. It has no parallel in the history of nations. Its causes, progress and successful termination combine to throw around it a sacred halo that fills the reader with wonder and admiration. The n.o.ble spirits who planned and achieved it command the profoundest respect over the civilized world. As time advances that respect is ripening into veneration. The names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, like those of the twelve Apostles, are surrounded with a refulgent glory--unfading and enduring as the planetary system. Among them was John Hanc.o.c.k, born near Quincy, Ma.s.s., in 1737. His father was a clergyman of eminent piety, highly esteemed by his parishioners. He died when this son was an infant, leaving him under the guardian care of an uncle, who bestowed upon him all the attention and tenderness of a father. He graduated at Harvard College in 1754, with great credit to himself and satisfaction to his numerous friends.
His uncle was a wealthy and thorough merchant and placed his nephew in his counting house that he might add to his collegiate acquirements a more important acquisition--a knowledge of men and things. In 1760 he was sent to England--saw the mortal remains of George II. laid in the tomb and the crown placed upon the head of his successor. He continued in the employment of his uncle until 1761, who then died, leaving this nephew his entire estate, supposed to be the largest of any one in the province at that time.
John Hanc.o.c.k was long one of the Selectmen of Boston. In 1766 he was elected to the General a.s.sembly. He there exhibited talents of a high order as a statesman, at once gaining the esteem and admiration of his colleagues. He also gained the particular attention of a certain clique, who determined to rule or ruin him. They placed him in the crucible of slander, from which he came like gold seven times tried--triumphant and unscathed.