
Rothstein_ The Life, Times, And Murder Of The Criminal Genius Part 31

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336 Simpson, Brodsky, McQuade, Ewald: Allen (The Tiger), pp. 242, 244-46; Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 279, 281-82; Fowler (Beau James), pp. 270-74, 279, 287; Walsh, pp. 219-20; Mitgang, pp. 168, 189, 222-26; Kohn, pp. 75-76; NY Times, 7 April 1955, p. 27; Cohen (The New York Graphic), pp. 155, 157. The mystery of Crater's disappearance, or of the motive or motives for it, was never solved. Despite later intimations of corruption, he was an attorney of some substance. He had served as law clerk to Judge Robert E Wagner, Sr., and, some said, harbored ambitions to eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

336 Vivian Gordon: Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 279-84; Allen (The Tiger), pp. 242-44; Fowler (Beau James), pp. 74, 287; Walsh pp. 247-48; Mitgang, pp. 204-05.

337 FDR career: Weiss, pp. 48-49, 65; Mitgang, pp. 218-9; Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 249-50. Prior to 1913 and the Seventeenth Amendment, United States senators were still largely elected by state legislatures.

337 "the investigation . . . New York.": Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 203, 218-20. Crain, a former judge, had presided over the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire trial. His instruction to the jury-that the company's owners had to have knowledge that the exits were locked-was instrumental in their acquittal.

337 "Well, ... hurt any.": As Tammany chieftain, Olvany, an Al Smith ally, had once been quoted: "The Irish are natural leaders. The strain of Limerick keeps them at the top. They have the ability to handle men. Even the Jewish districts have Irish leaders. The Jews want to be ruled by them." Oddly enough, they didn't. (Mitgang, pp. 162-63).

337 James McQuade: Mitgang, pp. 222-25, 241-42; Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 281, 283-84; Smith (The Tiger), pp. 245-46; Walsh, pp. 261-63, 282-84, 286-87. McCormick went to prison for income-tax evasion.

337-38 Q: "You deposited ... wonderful box." Walsh, pp. 271-73; Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 282-83; Allen (The Tiger), pp. 246-47; Mitgang, pp. 216-18.

339 "as a matter ... his salary.": Mitgang, pp. 217-18; Allen (The Tiger), p. 247, Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 283-84. Previously, FDR hadn't been quite so particular regarding the balancing of Sheriff Farley's public income and his cash reserves. He had received $20,000 in donations for his gubernatorial campaign from the modestly recompensed Farley.

340 Equitable Coach, Block: NY Times, 26 May 1932, p. 1; Connable and Silberfarb, pp. 284-85; Fowler (Beau James), pp. 303-2; Walsh, pp. 300-15; Nasaw, p. 254; Mayer (The 1937 Newark Bears), pp. 9-11; O'Neal, pp. 315-16; Pietrusza (Lights On!), p. 77. Block was an old pal of Tammany nemesis William Randolph Hearst. Some claimed he had been dating the young Marion Davies when Hearst first met her in December 1915. In 1928 Block purchased the International League's Newark Bears. That season he hired Walter Johnson to manage the team. The Bears finished seventh. The following season, Block replaced The Big Train with Tris Speaker, another Hall of Famer. They finished sixth. On August 6, 1930 Block was among the first owners to install lights. On November 12, 1931 he sold the team to New York Yankees owner, Colonel Jacob Ruppert for an estimated $350,000. Representing Block in the transaction, was high-priced, Tammany-connected attorney Max D. Steuer, Bridgie Webber's counsel in the Rosenthal-Becker case. Steuer was integral to Tammany's defense in the Walker case.

340-41 "Politics is . . . exalted." Fowler (Beau James), pp. 312-13. The 5'6 1/2" Huggins had managed the Yankees to their first six pennants. In September 1929 He died suddenly of erysipelas, a bacterial skin infection.

341 Dr. William H. Walker: Walsh, pp. 315-16. Dr. Walker had another legal source of public-service income, earning $50 per night at boxing matches.

341-42 "Jim, you're ..." ... "... as yours.": Fiorello LaGuardia is remembered as one of New York's best vote-getters. But he wasn't. In his four runs for the office, LaGuardia garnered 3.7 million votes; his opponents received over 4.3 million votes.

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