
Roget's Thesaurus Part 86

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anhelation, shortness of breath; faintness; collapse, prostration, swoon, fainting, deliquium[Lat], syncope, lipothymy[obs3]; goneness[obs3].

V. be fatigued &c. adj.; yawn &c. (get sleepy) 683; droop, sink, flag; lose breath, lose wind; gasp, pant, puff, blow, drop, swoon, faint, succ.u.mb.

fatigue, tire, weary, irk, flag, jade, hara.s.s, exhaust, knock up, wear out, prostrate.

tax, task, strain; overtask, overwork, overburden, overtax, overstrain.

Adj. fatigued, tired &c. v.; weary &c. 841; drowsy &c. 683; drooping &c. v.; haggard; toilworn[obs3], wayworn; footsore, surbated , weather- beaten; faint; done up, used up, knocked up; bushed * [U.S.]; exhausted, prostrate, spent; overtired, overspent, overfatigued; unrefreshed[obs3], unrestored.

worn, worn out; battered, shattered, pulled down, seedy, altered.

breathless, windless; short of breath, out of breath, short of wind; blown, puffing and blowing; short-breathed; anhelose[obs3]; broken winded, short-winded; dyspnaeal[obs3], dyspnaeic[obs3].

ready to drop, all in, more dead than alive, dog-weary, walked off one's legs, tired to death, on one's last legs, played out, hors de combat[Fr].

fatiguing &c v.; tiresome, irksome, wearisome; weary, trying.

#689. Refreshment. -- N. bracing &c. v.; recovery of strength, recuperation &c. 159; restoration, revival &c. 660; repair, refection, refocillation , refreshment, regalement[obs3], bait; relief &c. 834.

break, spell.

refreshment stand; refreshments; ice cream[list], cold soda, soda pop, hot dogs (food).

V. brace &c. (strengthen) 159; reinvigorate; air, freshen up, refresh, recruit; repair &c. (restore) 660; fan, refocillate ; refresh the inner man.

breathe, respire; drink in the ozone; take a break, take a breather, take five, draw breath, take a deep breath, take breath, gather breath, take a long breath, regain breath, recover breath; get better, raise one's head; recover one's strength, regain one's strength, renew one's strength &c. 159; perk up, get one's second wind.

come to oneself &c. (revive) 660; feel refreshed, feel like a giant refreshed.

Adj. refreshing &c v.; recuperative &c. 660.

refreshed &c. v.; untired[obs3], unwearied.

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#690. Agent.-- N. doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator; executor, executrix; pract.i.tioner, worker, stager.

bee, ant, working bee, termite, white ant; laboring oar, servant of all work, factotum.

workman, artisan; craftsman, handicraftsman; mechanic, operative; working man; laboring man; demiurgus, hewers of wood and drawers of water, laborer, navvy[obs3]; hand, man, day laborer, journeyman, charwoman, hack; mere tool &c. 633; beast of burden, drudge, f.a.g; lumper[obs3], roustabout.

maker, artificer, artist, wright, manufacturer, architect, builder, mason, bricklayer, smith, forger, Vulcan; carpenter; ganger, platelayer; blacksmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright.

machinist, mechanician, engineer.

sempstress[obs3], semstress[obs3], seamstress; needlewoman[obs3], workwoman; tailor, cordwainer[obs3].

minister &c. (instrument) 631; servant &c. 746; representative &c.

(commissioner) 758, (deputy) 759.

coworker, party to, partic.i.p.ator in, particeps criminis[Lat], dramatis personae[Lat]; personnel.

Phr. quorum pars magna fui [Lat][Vergil]; faber est quisque fortunae suae [Lat].

#691. Workshop. -- N. workshop, workhouse, workplace, shop, place of business; manufactory, mill, plant, works, factory; cabinet, studio; office, branch office bureau, atelier.

hive[specific types of workplace: list], hive of industry; nursery; hothouse, hotbed; kitchen; mint, forge, loom; dock, dockyard; alveary[obs3]; armory; laboratory, lab, research inst.i.tute; refinery; cannery; power plant; beauty parlor; beehive, bindery, forcing pit, nailery[obs3], usine[obs3], slip, yard, wharf; foundry, foundery[obs3]; furnace; vineyard.

crucible, alembic, caldron, matrix.

Adj. at work, at the office, at the shop; working.

-- 2. Complex Voluntary Action --

#692. Conduct. -- N. conduct[actions of an individual agent]; behavior; deportment, comportment; carriage, maintien[obs3], demeanor, guise, bearing, manner, observance.

dealing, transaction &c. (action) 680; business &c. 625.

tactics, game, game plan, policy, polity; generalship, statesmanship, seamanship; strategy, strategics[obs3]; plan &c. 626.

management; husbandry; housekeeping, housewifery; stewardship; menage; regime; economy, economics; political economy; government &c. (direction) 693.

execution, manipulation, treatment, campaign, career, life, course, walk, race, record.

course of conduct, line of conduct, line of action, line of proceeding; role; process, ways, practice, procedure, modus operandi, MO, method of operating; method &c., path &c. 627.

V. transact[cause to occur], execute; despatch, dispatch; proceed with, discharge; carry on, carry through, carry out, carry into effect, put into effect; work out; go through, get through; enact; put into practice; do &c. 680; officiate &c. 625.

bear oneself, behave oneself, comport oneself, demean oneself, carry oneself, conduct oneself, acquit oneself.

run a race, lead a life, play a game; take a course, adopt a course; steer one's course, shape one's course; play one's paint, play one's cards, shift for oneself; paddle one's own canoe; bail one's own boat.

conduct; manage, supervise &c. (direct) 693.

partic.i.p.ate &c. 680.

deal with, have to do with; treat, handle a case; take steps, take measures.

Adj. conducting &c. v. strategical, businesslike, practical, executive.

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#693. Direction. -- N. direction; management, managery[obs3]; government, gubernation[obs3], conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance; bossism [U.S.]; legislature; steerage, pilotage; reins, reins of government; helm, rudder, needle, compa.s.s; guiding star, load star, lode star, pole star; cynosure.

supervision, superintendence; surveillance, oversight; eye of the master; control, charge; board of control &c. (council) 696; command &c.

(authority) 737.

premiership, senatorship; director &c. 694; chair, portfolio.

statesmanship; statecraft, kingcraft[obs3], queencraft[obs3].

ministry, ministration; administration; stewardship, proctorship[obs3]; agency.

[person who directs] director &c. 694.

V. direct, manage, govern, conduct; order, prescribe, cut out work for; bead, lead; lead the way, show the way; take the lead, lead on; regulate, guide, steer, pilot; tackle [intransitive] take the helm, be at the helm; have the reins, handle the reins, hold the reins, take the reins; drive, tool.

superintend, supervise; overlook, control, keep in order, look after, see to, legislate for; administer, ministrate[obs3]; matronize[obs3]; have the care of, have the charge of; be in charge of, have charge of, take the direction; boss, boss one around; pull the strings, pull the wires; rule &c. (command) 737; have the direction, hold office, hold the portfolio; preside, preside at the board; take the chair, occupy the chair, be in the chair; pull the stroke oar.

Adj. directing &c. v.; hegemonic.

Adv. at the helm, at the head of.

#694. Director. -- N. director, manager, governor, rector, comptroller.

superintendent, supervisor, straw boss.

intendant; overseer, overlooker[obs3]; supercargo[obs3], husband, inspector, visitor, ranger, surveyor, aedile[obs3]; moderator, monitor, taskmaster; master &c. 745; leader, ringleader, demagogue, corypheus, conductor, fugleman[obs3], precentor[obs3], bellwether, agitator; caporal[obs3], ch.o.r.egus[obs3], collector, file leader, flugelman[obs3], linkboy[obs3].

guiding star &c. (guidance) 693; adviser &c. 695; guide &c.

(information) 527; pilot; helmsman; steersman, steermate[obs3]; wire- puller.

driver, whip, Jehu, charioteer; coachman, carman, cabman; postilion, vetturino[obs3], muleteer, arriero[obs3], teamster; whipper in.

head, head man, head center, boss; princ.i.p.al, president, speaker; chair, chairman, chairwoman, chairperson; captain &c. (master) 745; superior; mayor &c. (civil authority) 745; vice president, prime minister, premier, vizier, grand vizier, eparch[obs3].

officer, functionary, minister, official, red-tapist[obs3], bureaucrat; man in office, Jack in office; office bearer; person in authority &c. 745.

statesman, strategist, legislator, lawgiver, politician, statist !, statemonger[obs3]; Minos, Draco; arbiter &c. (judge) 967; boss [U.S.], political dictator.

board &c. (council) 696.

secretary, secretary of state; Reis Effendi; vicar &c. (deputy) 759; steward, factor; agent &c. 758; bailiff, middleman; foreman, clerk of works; landreeve[obs3]; factotum, major-domo[obs3], seneschal, housekeeper, shepherd, croupier; proctor, procurator.

Adv. ex officio.

#695. Advice. -- N. advice, counsel, adhortation ; word to the wise; suggestion, submonition , recommendation, advocacy; advis.e.m.e.nt.

exhortation &c. (persuasion) 615; expostulation &c. (dissuasion) 616; admonition &c. (warning) 668; guidance &c. (direction) 693.

instruction, charge, injunction, obtestation[obs3]; Governor's message, President's message; King's message, Queen's speech; message, speech from the throne.

adviser, prompter; counsel, counselor; monitor, mentor, Nestor, magnus Apollo[Lat][obs3], senator; teacher &c. 540.

guide, manual, chart &c. (information) 527.

physician, doctor, leech !, archiater[obs3].

arbiter &c. (judge) 967.

reference, referment[obs3]; consultation, conference, pourparler.

V. advise, counsel; give advice, give counsel, give a piece of advice[Fr]; suggest, prompt, submonish[obs3], recommend, prescribe, advocate; exhort &c. (persuade) 615.

enjoin, enforce, charge, instruct, call; call upon &c. (request) 765; dictate.

expostulate &c. (dissuade) 616; admonish &c. (warn) 668.

advise with; lay heads together, consult together; compare notes; hold a council, deliberate, be closeted with.

confer, consult, refer to, call in; take advice, follow advice; be advised by, have at one's elbow, take one's cue from.

Adj. recommendatory; hortative &c. (persuasive) 615; dehortatory &c.

(dissuasive) 616[obs3]; admonitory &c. (warning) 668.

Int. go to!

Phr. "give every man thine ear but few thy voice" [Hamlet]; "I pray thee cease thy counsel" [Much Ado About Nothing]; "my guide, philosopher, and friend" [Pope]; "'twas good advice and meant, my son be good" [Crabbe]; verb.u.m sat sapienti [Latin: a word to the wise is sufficient]; vive memor leti[Lat]; "we, ask advice but we mean approbation" [Colton].

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