
Roget's Thesaurus Part 18

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Adj. powerful, puissant; potential; capable, able; equal to, up to; cogent, valid; efficient, productive; effective, effectual, efficacious, adequate, competent; multipotent[obs3], plenipotent[obs3], omnipotent; almighty.

forcible &c. adj. (energetic) 171; influential &c. 175; productive &c.


Adv. powerfully &c. adj.; by virtue of, by dint of.

Phr. a toute force[Fr]; [Sp][Grk][Grk][Grk][Grk][Grk]; eripuit coelo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis [Latin]; fortis cadere cedere non potest [Latin].

#158. Impotence.-- N. impotence; inability, disability; disablement, impuissance, imbecility; incapacity, incapability; inapt.i.tude, inept.i.tude, incompetence, unproductivity[obs3]; indocility[obs3]; invalidity, disqualification; inefficiency, wastefulness.

telum imbelle[Lat], brutum fulmen[Lat], blank, blank cartridge, flash in the pan, vox et proeterea nihil[Lat], dead letter, bit of waste paper, dummy; paper tiger; Quaker gun.

inefficacy &c. (inutility) 645[obs3]; failure &c. 732.

helplessness &c. adj.; prostration, paralysis, palsy, apoplexy, syncope, sideration , deliquium [Lat], collapse, exhaustion, softening of the brain, inanition; emasculation, orchiotomy [Med], orchotomy[Med].

cripple, old woman, m.u.f.f, powder puff, creampuff, p.u.s.s.ycat, wimp, mollycoddle; eunuch.

V. be impotent &c. adj.; not have a leg to stand on.

vouloir rompre l'anguille au genou [French], vouloir prendre la lune avec les dents [French].

collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop; go by the board, go by the wayside; go up in smoke, end in smoke &c. (fail) 732.

render powerless &c. adj.; deprive of power; disable, disenable[obs3]; disarm, incapacitate, disqualify, unfit, invalidate, deaden, cramp, tie the hands; double up, prostrate, paralyze, muzzle, cripple, becripple[obs3], maim, lame, hamstring, draw the teeth of; throttle, strangle, garrotte, garrote; ratten[obs3], silence, sprain, clip the wings of, put hors de combat[Fr], spike the guns; take the wind out of one's sails, scotch the snake, put a spoke in one's wheel; break the neck, break the back; unhinge, unfit; put out of gear.

unman, unnerve, enervate; emasculate, castrate, geld, alter, neuter, sterilize, fix.

shatter, exhaust, weaken &c. 160.

Adj. powerless, impotent, unable, incapable, incompetent; inefficient, ineffective; inept; unfit, unfitted; unqualified, disqualified; unendowed; inapt, unapt; crippled, disabled &c. v.; armless[obs3].

harmless, unarmed, weaponless, defenseless, sine ictu[Lat], unfortified, indefensible, vincible, pregnable, untenable.

paralytic, paralyzed; palsied, imbecile; nerveless, sinewless[obs3], marrowless[obs3], pithless[obs3], l.u.s.tless[obs3]; emasculate, disjointed; out of joint, out of gear; unnerved, unhinged; water-logged, on one's beam ends, rudderless; laid on one's back; done up, dead beat, exhausted, shattered, demoralized; graveled &c. (in difficulty) 704; helpless, unfriended[obs3], fatherless; without a leg to stand on, hors de combat[Fr], laid on the shelf.

null and void, nugatory, inoperative, good for nothing; ineffectual &c. (failing) 732; inadequate &c. 640; inefficacious &c. (useless) 645.

Phr. der kranke Mann[Ger]; "desirous still but impotent to rise"

[Shenstone]; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

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#159. [Degree of power.] Strength.-- N. strength; power &c. 157; energy &c. 171; vigor, force; main force, physical force, brute force; spring, elasticity, tone, tension, tonicity.

stoutness &c. adj.; l.u.s.tihood[obs3], stamina, nerve, muscle, sinew, thews and sinews, physique; pith, pithiness; virtility, vitality.

athletics, athleticism[obs3]; gymnastics, feats of strength.

adamant, steel, iron, oak, heart of oak; iron grip; grit, bone.

athlete, gymnast, acrobat; superman, Atlas, Hercules, Antaeus[obs3], Samson, Cyclops, Goliath; tower of strength; giant refreshed.

strengthening &c. v.; invigoration, refreshment, refocillation[obs3].

[Science of forces] dynamics, statics.

V. be strong &c. adj., be stronger; overmatch.

render strong &c. adj.; give strength &c. n.; strengthen, invigorate, brace, nerve, fortify, sustain, harden, case harden, steel, gird; screw up, wind up, set up; gird up one's loins, brace up one's loins; recruit, set on one's legs; vivify; refresh &c. 689; refect[obs3]; reinforce, reenforce &c.

(restore) 660.

Adj. strong, mighty, vigorous, forcible, hard, adamantine, stout, robust, st.u.r.dy, hardy, powerful, potent, puissant, valid.

resistless, irresistible, invincible, proof against, impregnable, unconquerable, indomitable, dominating, inextinguishable, unquenchable; incontestable; more than a match for; overpowering, overwhelming; all powerful, all sufficient; sovereign.

able-bodied; athletic; Herculean, Cyclopean, Atlantean[obs3]; muscular, brawny, wiry, well-knit, broad-shouldered, sinewy, strapping, stalwart, gigantic.

manly, man-like, manful; masculine, male, virile.

unweakened[obs3], unallayed, unwithered[obs3], unshaken, unworn, unexhausted[obs3]; in full force, in full swing; in the plenitude of power.

stubborn, thick-ribbed, made of iron, deep-rooted; strong as a lion, strong as a horse, strong as an ox, strong as brandy; sound as a roach; in fine feather, in high feather; built like a brick s.h.i.thouse; like a giant refreshed.

Adv. strongly &c. adj.; by force &c. n.; by main force &c. (by compulsion) 744.

Phr. "our withers are unwrung" [Hamlet].

Blut und Eisen[Ger]; coelitus mihi vires[Lat]; du fort au diable[Fr]; en habiles gens[Lat]; ex vi termini; flecti non frangi[Lat]; "he that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill" [Burke]; "inflexible in faith invincible in arms" [Beattie].

#160. Weakness.-- N. weakness &c. adj.; debility, atony[obs3], relaxation, languor, enervation; impotence &c. 158; infirmity; effeminacy, feminality[obs3]; fragility, flaccidity; inactivity &c. 683.

anaemia, bloodlessness, deficiency of blood, poverty of blood.

declension of strength, loss of strength, failure of strength; delicacy, invalidation, decrepitude, asthenia[obs3], adynamy[obs3], cachexy[obs3], cachexia[Med], sprain, strain.

reed, thread, rope of sand, house of cards.

softling[obs3], weakling; infant &c. 129; youth &c. 127.

V. be weak &c. adj.; drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave.

render weak &c. adj.; weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, shake, deprive of strength, relax, enervate, eviscerate; unbrace, unnerve; cripple, unman &c.

(render powerless) 158; cramp, reduce, sprain, strain, blunt the edge of; dilute, impoverish; decimate; extenuate; reduce in strength, reduce the strength of; mettre de l'eau dans son vin[Fr].

Adj. weak, feeble, debile ; impotent &c. 158; relaxed, unnerved, &c.

v.; sapless, strengthless[obs3], powerless; weakly, unstrung, flaccid, adynamic[obs3], asthenic[obs3]; nervous.

soft, effeminate, feminate[obs3], womanly.

frail, fragile, shattery[obs3]; flimsy, unsubstantial, insubstantial, gimcrack, gingerbread; rickety, creaky, creaking, cranky; craichy[obs3]; drooping, tottering &c. v..

broken, lame, withered, shattered, shaken, crazy, shaky; palsied &c.

158; decrepit.

languid, poor, infirm; faint, faintish[obs3]; sickly &c. (disease) 655; dull, slack, evanid , spent, short-winded, effete; weather-beaten; decayed, rotten, worn, seedy, languishing, wasted, washy, laid low, pulled down, the worse for wear.

unstrengthened &c. 159[obs3], unsupported, unaided, una.s.sisted; aidless[obs3], defenseless &c. 158; cantilevered (support) 215.

on its last legs; weak as a child, weak as a baby, weak as a chicken, weak as a cat, weak as a rat; weak as water, weak as water gruel, weak as gingerbread, weak as milk and water; colorless &c. 429.

Phr. non sum qualis eram[Lat].

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#161. Production.-- N. {ant. 162, 158} production, creation, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture; building, architecture, erection, edification; coinage; diaster[obs3]; organization; nisus formativus[Lat]; putting together &c. v.; establishment; workmanship, performance; achievement &c. (completion) 729.

flowering, fructification; inflorescence.

bringing forth &c. v.: parturition, birth, birth-throe, childbirth, delivery, confinement, accouchement, travail, labor, midwifery, obstetrics; geniture[obs3]; gestation &c. (maturation) 673; a.s.similation; evolution, development, growth; entelechy[Phil]; fertilization, gemination, germination, heterogamy[Biol], genesis, generation, epigenesis[obs3], procreation, progeneration[obs3], propagation; fecundation, impregnation; alb.u.men &c. 357.

spontaneous generation; archegenesis[obs3], archebiosis[obs3]; biogenesis, abiogenesis[obs3], digenesis[obs3], dysmerogenesis[obs3], eumerogenesis[obs3], heterogenesis[obs3], oogenesis, merogenesis[obs3], metogenesis[obs3], monogenesis[obs3], parthenogenesis, h.o.m.ogenesis[obs3], xenogenesis [obs3]; authorship, publication; works, opus, oeuvre.

biogeny[obs3], dissogeny[obs3], xenogeny[obs3]; tocogony[obs3], vacuolization.

edifice, building, structure, fabric, erection, pile, tower, flower, fruit.

V. produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture; weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel; build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put together, set up, run up; establish, const.i.tute, compose, organize, inst.i.tute; achieve, accomplish &c.

(complete) 729.

flower, bear fruit, fructify, teem, ean[obs3], yean[obs3], farrow, drop, pup, kitten, kindle; bear, lay, whelp, bring forth, give birth to, lie in, be brought to bed of, evolve, pullulate, usher into the world.

make productive &c. 168; create; beget, get, generate, fecundate, impregnate; procreate, progenerate[obs3], propagate; engender; bring into being, call into being, bring into existence; breed, hatch, develop, bring up.

induce, superinduce; suscitate ; cause &c. 153; acquire &c. 775.

Adj. produced, producing &c. v.; productive of; prolific &c. 168; creative; formative, genetic, genial, genital; pregnant; enceinte, big with, fraught with; in the family way, teeming, parturient, in the straw, brought to bed of; puerperal, puerperous[obs3].

digenetic[obs3], heterogenetic[obs3], oogenetic, xenogenetic[obs3]; ectogenous[obs3], gamic[obs3], haematobious[obs3], sporogenous[Biol], sporophorous[Biol].


Phr. ex nihilo nihil[Lat]; fiat lux[Lat]; materiam superabat opus [Lat][Ovid]; nemo dat quod non habet [Latin].

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#162. [Nonproduction.] Destruction.-- N. {ant. 161} destruction; waste, dissolution, breaking up; diruption[obs3], disruption; consumption; disorganization.

fall, downfall, devastation, ruin, perdition, crash; eboulement[French], smash, havoc, delabrement[French], debacle; break down, break up, fall apart; prostration; desolation, boulevers.e.m.e.nt[Fr], wreck, wrack, shipwreck, cataclysm; washout.

extinction, annihilation; destruction of life &c. 361; knock-down blow; doom, crack of doom.

destroying &c. v.; demolition, demolishment; overthrow, subversion, suppression; abolition &c. (abrogation) 756; biblioclasm[obs3]; sacrifice; ravage, razzia[obs3]; inactivation; incendiarism; revolution &c. 146; extirpation &c. (extraction) 301; beginning of the end, commencement de la fin[French], road to ruin; dilapidation &c. (deterioration) 659; sabotage.

V. be destroyed &c.; perish; fall to the ground; tumble, topple; go to pieces, fall to pieces; break up; crumble to dust; go to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, go to wreck, go to pot, go to wrack and ruin; go by the board, go all to smash; be all over, be all up, be all with; totter to its fall.

destroy; do away with, make away with; nullify; annual &c. 756; sacrifice, demolish; tear up; overturn, overthrow, overwhelm; upset, subvert, put an end to; seal the doom of, do in, do for, dish*, undo; break up, cut up; break down, cut down, pull down, mow down, blow down, beat down; suppress, quash, put down, do a job on; cut short, take off, blot out; dispel, dissipate, dissolve; consume.

smash, crash, quell, squash, squelch, crumple up, shatter, shiver; batter to pieces, tear to pieces, crush to pieces, cut to pieces, shake to pieces, pull to pieces, pick to pieces; laniate[obs3]; nip; tear to rags, tear to tatters; crush to atoms, knock to atoms; ruin; strike out; throw over, knock down over; fell, sink, swamp, scuttle, wreck, shipwreck, engulf, ingulf[obs3], submerge; lay in ashes, lay in ruins; sweep away, erase, wipe out, expunge, raze; level with the dust, level with the ground; waste; atomize, vaporize.

deal destruction, desolate, devastate, lay waste, ravage gut; disorganize; dismantle &c. (render useless) 645; devour, swallow up, sap, mine, blast, bomb, blow to smithereens, drop the big one, confound; exterminate, extinguish, quench, annihilate; snuff out, put out, stamp out, trample out; lay in the dust, trample in the dust; prostrate; tread under foot; crush under foot, trample under foot; lay the ax to the root of; make short work of, make clean sweep of, make mincemeat of; cut up root and branch, chop into pieces, cut into ribbons; fling to the winds, scatter to the winds; throw overboard; strike at the root of, sap the foundations of, spring a mine, blow up, ravage with fire and sword; cast to the dogs; eradicate &c. 301.

Adj. destroyed &c. v.; perishing &c. v.; trembling to its fall, nodding to its fall, tottering to its fall; in course of destruction &c.

n.; extinct.

all-destroying, all-devouring, all-engulfing.

destructive, subversive, ruinous, devastating; incendiary, deletory ; destroying &c. n. suicidal; deadly &c. (killing) 361.

Adv. with crushing effect, with a sledge hammer.

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