
Roget's Thesaurus Part 127

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take the pledge, go on the wagon.

Adj. temperate, moderate, sober, frugal, sparing; abstemious, abstinent; within compa.s.s; measured &c. (sufficient) 639.

on the wagon, on the water wagon.

[re locations where alcoholic beverages are prohibited] dry.

Pythagorean; vegetarian; teetotal.

Phr. appet.i.tus rationi obediant [Lat][Cicero]; l'abstenir pour jouir c'est l'epicurisme de la raison [Fr][Rousseau]; trahit sua quemque voluptas [Lat][Vergil].

#954. Intemperance. -- N. intemperance; sensuality, animalism, carnality; tragalism[obs3]; pleasure; effeminacy, silkiness; luxury, luxuriousness; lap of pleasure, lap of luxury; free living.

indulgence; high living, wild living, inabstinence[obs3], self- indulgence; voluptuousness &c. adj.; epicurism, epicureanism; sybaritism; drug habit.

dissipation; licentiousness &c. adj.; debauchery; c.r.a.pulence[obs3].

revels, revelry; debauch, carousal, jollification, drinking bout, wa.s.sail, saturnalia, orgies; excess, too much.

Circean cup.

[drugs of abuse: list] bhang, hashish, marijuana, pot [coll.], hemp [coll.], gra.s.s [coll.]; opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin; LSD[abbr], lysergic acid diethylamide[Chem][Chem]; phencyclidine, angel dust, PCP; barbiturates; amphetamines, speed [coll.].

V. be intemperate &c. adj.; indulge, exceed; live well, live high, live high on the fat of the land, live it up, live high on the hog; give a loose to indulgence &c. n.; wallow in voluptuousness &c. n.; plunge into dissipation.

revel; rake, live hard, run riot, sow one's wild oats; slake one's appet.i.te, slake one's thirst; swill; pamper.

Adj. intemperate,inabstinent[obs3]; sensual, self-indulgent; voluptuous, luxurious, licentious, wild, dissolute, rakish, fast, debauched.

brutish, c.r.a.pulous[obs3], swinish, piggish.

Paphian, Epicurean, Sybaritical; bred in the lap of luxury, nursed in the lap of luxury; indulged, pampered; full-fed, high-fed.

Phr. "being full of supper and distempering draughts" [Oth.e.l.lo].

#954a. Sensualist. -- N. Sybarite, voluptuary, Sardanaphalus, man of pleasure, carpet knight; epicure, epicurean, gourmet, gourmand; pig, hog; votary of Epicurus, swine of Epicurus; sensualist; Heliogabalus; free liver, hard liver; libertine &c. 962; hedonist; tragalist[obs3].

#955. Asceticism. -- N. asceticism, puritanism, sabbatarianism[obs3]; cynicism !, austerity; total abstinence; nephalism[obs3].

mortification, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, flagellation; penance &c. 952; fasting &c. 956; martyrdom.

ascetic; anch.o.r.et[obs3], anchorite; martyr; Heautontimorumenos[obs3]; hermit &c. (recluse) 893; puritan, sabbatarian[obs3], cynic, sanyasi[obs3], yogi.

Adj. ascetic, austere, puritanical; cynical; over-religious; acerbic.

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#956. Fasting. -- N. fasting; xerophagy[obs3]; famishment, starvation.

fast, jour maigre[Fr]; fast day, banyan day; Lent, quadragesima[obs3]; Ramadan, Ramazan; spare diet, meager diet; lenten diet, lenten entertainment; soupe maigre[Fr], short commons, Barmecide feast[obs3]; short rations.

V. fast, starve, clem , famish, perish with hunger; dine with Duke Humphrey[obs3]; make two bites of a cherry.

Adj. lenten, quadragesimal[obs3]; unfed[obs3]; starved &c.v.; half- starved; fasting &c. v.; hungry &c. 865.

#957. Gluttony. -- N. gluttony; greed, avarice; greediness &c. adj.; voracity.

epicurism; good living, high living; edacity[obs3], gulosity[obs3], c.r.a.pulence[obs3]; guttling[obs3], guzzling; pantophagy[obs3].

good cheer, blow out; feast &c. (food) 298; gastronomy, batterie de cuisine[Fr].

epicure, bon vivant, gourmand; glutton, cormorant, hog, belly G.o.d, Apicius[obs3], gastronome; gourmet &c. 954a, 868.

v. gormandize, gorge; overgorge[obs3], overeat oneself; engorge, eat one's fill, cram, stuff; guttle[obs3], guzzle; bolt, devour, gobble up; gulp &c. (swallow food) 298; raven, eat out of house and home.

have the stomach of an ostrich; play a good knife and fork &c.

(appet.i.te) 865.


Adj. gluttonous, greedy; gormandizing &c.v.; edacious[obs3], omnivorous, c.r.a.pulent[obs3], swinish.

avaricious &c. 819; selfish &c. 918.

pampered; overfed, overgorged[obs3].

Phr. jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit [Lat][Horace].

#958. Sobriety. -- N. sobriety; teetotalism.

temperance &c. 953.

water-drinker; hydropot !; prohibitionist; teetotaler, teetotalist; abstainer, Good Templar, band of hope.

V. take the pledge.

Adj. sober, sober as a judge.

#959. Drunkenness. -- N. drunkenness &c. adj.; intemperance; drinking &c. v.; inebriety[obs3], inebriation; ebriety[obs3], ebriosity[obs3]; insobriety; intoxication; temulency[obs3], bibacity[obs3], wine bibbing; comtation[obs3], potation; deep potations, baccha.n.a.ls, baccha.n.a.lia, libations; bender* [U.S.].

oinomania[obs3], dipsomania; delirium tremens; alcohol, alcoholism; mania a potu[Fr].

drink; alcoholic drinks; blue ruin*, grog, port wine; punch, punch bowl; cup, rosy wine, flowing bowl; drop, drop too much; dram; beer &c.

(beverage) 298; aguardiente[obs3]; apple brandy, applejack; brandy, brandy smash [U.S.]; chain lightning*, champagne, c.o.c.ktail; gin, ginsling[obs3]; highball [U.S.], peg, rum, rye, schnapps [U.S.], sherry, sling [U.S.], uisquebaugh[Irish], usquebaugh, whisky, xeres[obs3].

drunkard, sot, toper, tippler, bibber[obs3], wine-bibber, lush; hard drinker, gin drinker, dram drinker; soaker*, sponge, tun; love pot, toss pot; thirsty soul, reveler, carouser, Baccha.n.a.l, Baccha.n.a.lian; Bacchal[obs3], Bacchante[obs3]; devotee to Bacchus[obs3]; b.u.m* [U.S.], guzzler, tavern haunter.

V. get drunk, be drunk &c. adj.; see double; take a drop too much, take a gla.s.s too much; drink; tipple, tope, booze, bouse[Fr], guzzle, swill*, soak*, sot, b.u.m* [U.S.], besot, have a jag on, have a buzz on, lush*, bib, swig, carouse; sacrifice at the shrine of Bacchus[obs3]; take to drinking; drink hard, drink deep, drink like a fish; have one's swill*, drain the cup, splice the main brace, take a hair of the dog that bit you.

liquor, liquor up; wet one's whistle, take a whet; crack a bottle, pa.s.s the bottle; toss off &c. (drink up) 2198; go to the alehouse, go to the public house.

make one drunk &c. adj.; inebriate, fuddle, befuddle, fuzzle[obs3], get into one's head.

Adj. drunk, tipsy; intoxicated; inebrious[obs3], inebriate, inebriated; in one's cups; in a state of intoxication &c.n.; temulent[obs3], temulentive[obs3]; bombed, smashed; fuddled, mellow, cut, boozy, fou[obs3], fresh, merry, elevated; fl.u.s.tered, disguised, groggy, beery; top-heavy; potvaliant[obs3], glorious; potulent ; squiffy*[obs3]; overcome, overtaken; whittled, screwed*, tight, primed, corned, raddled[obs3], sewed up*, lushy*[obs3], nappy[obs3], muddled, muzzy[obs3], obfuscated, maudlin; c.r.a.pulous[obs3], dead drunk.

woozy[1][slightly drunk], buzzed, flush, flushed.

inter pocula[obs3]; in liquor, the worse for liquor; having had a drop too much, half seas over, three sheets in the wind, three sheets to the wind; under the table.

drunk as a lord, drunk as a skunk, drunk as a piper, drunk as a fiddler, drunk as Chloe, drunk as an owl, drunk as David's sow, drunk as a wheelbarrow.

drunken, bibacious[obs3], sottish; given to drink, addicted to drink, addicted to the bottle; toping &c.v.

Phr. nunc est bibendum[Lat]; "Bacchus ever fair and young" [Dryden]; "drink down all unkindness" [Merry Wives]; "O that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains" [Oth.e.l.lo].

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#960. Purity. -- N. purity; decency, decorum, delicacy; continence, chast.i.ty, honesty, virtue, modesty, shame; pudicity[obs3], pucelage[obs3], virginity.

vestal, virgin, Joseph, Hippolytus; Lucretia, Diana; prude.

Adj. pure, undefiled, modest, delicate, decent, decorous; virginibus puerisque[Lat]; simon-pure; chaste, continent, virtuous, honest, Platonic.

virgin, unsullied; cherry [coll.].

Phr. "as chaste as unsunn'd snow" [Cymbeline]; "a soul as white as heaven" [Beaumonth & Fl.]; "'tis Chast.i.ty, my brother, Chast.i.ty" [Milton]; "to the pure all things are pure" [Sh.e.l.ley].

#961. Impurity.-- N. impurity; uncleanness &c. (filth) 653; immodesty; grossness &c. adj.; indelicacy, indecency; impudicity[obs3]; obscenity, ribaldry, Fescennine, s.m.u.t, bawdry[obs3], double entente, equivoque[Fr].

concupiscence, l.u.s.t, carnality, flesh, salacity; pruriency, lechery, lasciviency[obs3], lubricity; Sadism, sapphism[obs3].

incontinence, intrigue, faux pas[Fr]; amour, amourette[obs3]; gallantry; debauchery, libertinish[obs3], libertinage[obs3], fornication; liaison; wenching, venery, dissipation.

seduction; defloration, defilement, abuse, violation, rape; incest.

prost.i.tution, social evil, harlotry, stupration[obs3], wh.o.r.edom, concubinage, cuckoldom[obs3], adultery, advoutry[obs3], crim[abbr]. con.; free love.

seraglio, harem; brothel, bagnio[obs3], stew, bawdyhouse[obs3], cat house, lupanar[obs3], house of ill fame, bordel[obs3], bordello.

V. be impure &c. adj.; intrigue; debauch, defile, seduce; prost.i.tute; abuse, violate, deflower; commit adultery &c.n.

Adj. impure; unclean &c. (dirty) 653; not to be mentioned to ears polite; immodest, shameless; indecorous, indelicate, indecent; Fescennine; loose, risque [French], coa.r.s.e, gross, broad, free, equivocal, s.m.u.tty, fulsome, ribald, obscene, bawdy, p.o.r.nographic.

concupiscent, prurient, lickerish[obs3], rampant, l.u.s.tful; carnal, carnal-minded; lewd, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, erotic, ruttish, salacious; Paphian; voluptuous; goatish, must, musty.

unchaste, light, wanton, licentious, debauched, dissolute; of loose character, of easy virtue; frail, gay, riggish[obs3], incontinent, meretricious, rakish, gallant, dissipated; no better than she should be; on the town, on the streets, on the pave, on the loose.

adulterous, incestuous, b.e.s.t.i.a.l.

#962. Libertine. -- N. libertine; voluptuary &c. 954a; rake, debauchee, loose fish, rip, rakeh.e.l.l[obs3], fast man; intrigant[obs3], gallant, seducer, fornicator, lecher, satyr, goat, wh.o.r.emonger, paillard[obs3], adulterer, gay deceiver, Lothario, Don Juan, Bluebeard[obs3]; chartered libertine.

adulteress, advoutress[obs3], courtesan, prost.i.tute, strumpet, harlot, wh.o.r.e, punk, fille de joie[Fr]; woman, woman of the town; streetwalker, Cyprian, miss, piece[Fr]; frail sisterhood; demirep, wench, trollop, trull[obs3], baggage, hussy, drab, b.i.t.c.h, jade, skit, rig, quean[obs3], mopsy[obs3], s.l.u.t, minx, harridan; unfortunate, unfortunate female, unfortunate woman; woman of easy virtue &c. (unchaste) 961; wanton, fornicatress[obs3]; Jezebel, Messalina, Delilah, Thais, Phryne, Aspasia[obs3], Lais, lorette[obs3], cocotte[obs3], pet.i.te dame, grisette[obs3]; demimonde; chippy* [obs3][U.S.]; sapphist[obs3]; spiritual wife; white slave.

concubine, mistress, doxy[obs3], chere amie[Fr], bona roba[It].

pimp, procurer; pander, pandar[obs3]; bawd, conciliatrix[obs3], procuress[obs3], mackerel, wittol .

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-- 5. INSt.i.tUTIONS

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