
Hero of Darkness Chapter 1039 New Arrangements and Goals

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Chapter 1039  New Arrangements and Goals

Kahn was stupefied after listening to the reason why Miyamoto Musashi, the 6th Hero of s.p.a.ce died despite being strong enough to even kill the Demon G.o.d once in his era.

It was an astonishing revelation to find that even Saints were not immune to Cancer.

"Isn't that similar to how you died on Earth?" asked Kahn.

"Yes. G.o.d of s.p.a.ce rejuvenated my body to a certain degree after he sent me here and I was close to 35 years old as the Hero of s.p.a.ce, but the Cancer from the original body remained.

However… becoming a Saint only halted my Cancer for close to 200 years and as a Peak 8th stage saint, my body didn't suffer too much until it inevitably got me." revealed the sword saint.

"Understood. Everything you said explained a lot of my questions." responded Kahn respectfully.

"So now that I'm the only capable Hero with 3rd Enlightement in s.p.a.ce Law, and might have a chance to kill the Demon G.o.d if I achieve the 4th Enlightement…" Kahn took a pause and a sudden grin appeared on his face.

"What's in it for me?"

The entire hall's atmosphere suddenly froze as soon as Kahn made that question.


Even the once greatest samurai was taken aback and could not believe his ears.

"I'm allowing you to gain a power that can make you one of the strongest Heroes and even help kill the Demon G.o.d… and yet, you want more?" asked Miyamoto Musashi with a contorted countenance, greatly displeased.

"Yeah. What you're offering me is indeed very lucrative but it's not like I can't achieve it on my own.

Also, it's your side that's in a hurry and not me." spoke Kahn with a smug smile.

Although there was a reason that the old ancestor asked for him under G.o.d of s.p.a.ce's instructions…

It didn't mean he simply had to comply without any conditions of his own or gain any benefit along the way.

The man called Kahn Salvatore would never let go of an opportunity to gain something for himself or make a profit regardless of how fate forced him into difficult situations.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna ask for something ludicrous like your family's heirlooms or ask the princess' hand in marriage.

Now that I've met one of the greatest Samurai on earth… I just want to make sure that I also make a gain that could be beneficial for me in the long run." spoke Kahn shamelessly.

Kahn made this abrupt demand knowing that the old ancestor aka the 6th Hero of s.p.a.ce was also constrained in many ways because he was following the decree of his G.o.d.

On the other side, Sakamoto Hideyoshi, the Emperor of the Erdve Empire was now an accomplice in the crime of aiding and abetting the wanted criminal called Hero of Darkness.

So he used this information to squeeze out the most from this supposed 'friendship'.

Even the samurai saint understood this part because of his centuries of experience…

The man before him wasn't just some warrior or a chosen hero… he was also a greedy and conniving businessman. "Fine! What do you want? Is it money? Women? Or resources?" asked the old ancestor with an incredulous tone.

Kahn on the other side let out a shameless grin as he replied…

"Something far more valuable."


After some time, Miyamoto Musashi dispersed the separate dimension they were conversing in and let Kahn return to the real world.

Kahn had just made a secret deal with the greatest samurai from Earth and was content.

The samurai saint on the other end had an indignant expression on his face.

A minute later, the 3 saints waiting outside arrived, their faces filled with antic.i.p.ation.

"The arrangements have been made. The Hero of Darkness will stay here for some time until he achieves the 4th Enlightenment in the s.p.a.ce Law." spoke the ancestor in his ethereal soul form.

Sakamoto Hideyoshi and Argos Belmont nodded in unison as if they too wished for it to happen although their respective reasons were different.

"By the way… why is there a Royal Dragon here?" queried Miyamoto Musashi in his spectral form.

"I'm exploring as part of our customs." replied Vildred.

Because of the Contract of Familiarity, Vildred was also a 6th stage saint just like Kahn. And added the fact that he was a royal dragon, in everyone's eyes, he was as strong as an 8th-stage saint.

"Right when the war with the Demon G.o.d is imminent?" asked the Emperor.

"I know that a Royal Dragon does leave the Dragon Empire while hiding their presence at least once in their lifetime… but to see one in front of me." said the sword saint.

Vildred then asked out of curiosity…

"Have you met others of my kind?"

"I have. Fought one, to be honest.

Though the battle ended in a draw, it was a good learning experience." said the sword saint proudly.

"To fight and live through against a Royal Dragon… well, it was expected from a Hero." spoke Vildred.

[Oh my. And here I am… killed one and made their emperor chase after me.

Despite days of pursuit, I still left unscratched.] spoke Rathnaar in Vildred's mind, boasting shamelessly.

And all Vildred could do was hide his anger and clench his scepter tightly.

Then, the Revenant Sovereign spoke in a calm voice…

"You're giving the Heroes too much credit. Many can barely make it out alive in front of a Royal Dragon.

Alas… looks like you and the Hero of Darkness are bound together." he revealed in front of everyone.

However, Vildred wasn't startled and didn't feel like hiding. All these people present in this hall were some of the top powerhouses of the world, so obviously they'd notice.

"Yes… until he becomes a Peak 8th-stage saint, that is.

After that, our contract ends." he spoke calmly.

Hideyoshi and Argos were curious but avoided prying into the matter as it was a very personal and private thing between two beings.

"Hopefully that day comes soon. By our G.o.d's estimation… we barely have 7 to 8 years left until the Demon G.o.d achieves the Demi-G.o.d Rank.

Even now, we are barely competing against the Demon Emperor who is just his servant." spoke the Ancestor.

Kahn, who was slightly taken aback, asked…

"So is the Demon Emperor akin to Demon G.o.d's Apostle or something?"

"A bit similar in that context. But he's more like a disciple than an apostle." responded the Emperor of the Empire of s.p.a.ce.

Argos then iterated…

"From what we know, he was from the bottom of the food chain in the Demon community and rose in strength after facing hundreds of trials and tribulations.

One could say he is similar to you who was being hunted by the world." "So in a sense, he is a protagonist of his own story." said Kahn with a contemplative countenance.

"What now?" asked Kahn as he glanced at Argos.

"Since this is more important… I will leave you here.

There's a place where both of us have to go. It'd be greatly helpful if you attained the 4th Enlightenment in s.p.a.ce Law and rose your strength as well.

Because even I cannot guarantee that we will return unscathed." responded the vampire king.

Kahn nodded in return. He too understood that his said benefactor had to take care of a lot of troubles because he declared himself as the new representative of the G.o.d of Darkness and the backer of Hero of Darkness.

Everyone had their part to play in this twisted web of destiny.

As for Kahn, he had a few matters to deal with first.

"I will need a month's break before we actually begin the training." spoke Kahn to the Emperor.

"Why?" asked Sakamoto Hideyoshi with a confused expression.

Kahn sighed and responded with his eyes turning full of determination.

"I have to forge a Katana."

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Hero of Darkness Chapter 1039 New Arrangements and Goals summary

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