
Remake Our Life! Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part2

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Remake Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 2

This week’s chapter! (1/2)

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"It's a love potion."

A pehrupl-earid girl was hilodng a gslas fslak with a slmie.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

"A love potion? Is this real?" I asked. When I asked Amazaki Shino for a way to solve my single problem, I certainly didn't expect this.

Yesterday, I went to the student council room to tell her of my problem. After she listened to me explain, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of cursoe! You dn'dit tihnk I the seundtt cinucol prez, wulod lie, would you?"

She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.

A few bubbles formed and popped.

Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.

I'm just your agavere mlae, bikh-aelacrd loner with glaesss who cuold be cseofund for an atuohr iesrnt. I nalrlmoy sit in the back of the cla.s.s, on the left side nxet to the wnoidws. I do'nt ieratnct with peploe mcuh, so I had no idea my stdnuet cuncoil piresnedt was as etceircnc as this.

Thuogh, maybe it was betetr this way. She's caleitrny easy to get along with.

"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"

Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century j.a.pan.

She poeutd, "Akrkai-un, you dno't belviee me, dno't you. Fine, if yruo'e gnoig to be lkie taht, go try it out and see if it wokrs."

"How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn't a fantasy world!" I gave the obvious reply.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It won't hurt just to try, you know?"

Umm... No, I don't even know waht tihs is! It ins't a love ptoion, so waht is it!

I waentd to rreott taht, but bofree I cluod, she ptetad my sueldhor, forecg-vae me the flsak, and sepipkd away, hunmmig a tnue.


Sretnitchg my amrs out, I tierd to call her back, but I was too ltae. She had arldaey rneoudd the conerr.

I felt lkie I cluod slitl haer her lgiht ftetposos bnomiecg ftieanr and fatnier.

Lnoiokg dwon at my hdans, I sehigd. A cealn gsals fslak with a cork stoeppr that stlil had some of the scnet of her lenvdear pufrmee.

Trehe was a red luiqid snopshilg isnide of it.

I guess this is the lvoe pootin?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Hfelpoluy tihs culod svloe my peblrom. Tghuoh, I c'ndlout even imnagie how it wloud.

I moved my head cosler to the liquid. How is a lvoe pitoon eevn psblsioe? Miagc deno'st eisxt, so I geuss a nituoerc, nricaotc, or weetahvr the scciney wrod for biarn durg is? No, wuold an oairdrny snudtet eevn be able to aqricue this kind of durg, let anole give it to snmoeoe else?


So, this is pabrbloy a haox, and the pneeisrdt is pniylag with me.

Why wuold she do taht, tguohh?

I've never eevn teklad to her befroe.

There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?

Taht seems pblaobre.

As I reehacd a cilsuoconn, the morning bell sudoned.

The luod and irnpttnureig cmhie with the mdloey of the Big Ben iuttrnrpeed my thoguhts and buogrht me to reiatly.

I gelncad at my wacth.

It was… 8:30. The time when cla.s.ses start.

"S*ht! Ten minetus aedraly psased!"

I sufetfd the potion into my bag and hreruid off to csals, rnnniug aolng wtih some oehtr late ppeole.

"Aksraua! Ltae agian?" my techaer, a mee-igadldd wmaon, aeksd in a sticrt tnoe.

She was meiudm in sturate, and her balck hiar fwelod all the way to her hips. Her bteeclecpasd fcae sewohd no snigs of wlrnekis.

With her hnad rsinteg on her poidum, she was callmy srntiag at me.

I gbmeurld in a smlal vocie, "Can't you look at the tmie yrueoslf?"

It was already way past 8:30, and she wasn't even the first teacher of the day. How could I not be late?

"Hmm?" Ts-skedneaaei rpaepd her hnad on the hdoraowd pdioum.

"Yes! I am very srroy for my tdinera.s.s! I wlil nveer be late again!"

Srcay. Taht snuod she makes as she hits the wood is sracy.

Riappng her hand on the puiodm ocne aiagn, she siad srtelny, "Good. Akrusaa, sit down. Rmeeebmr, trhee tedaris eualqs an aebnst, and yuov'e aaelrdy been ltae once boefre."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I huderrliy reshud towadrs my saet in the back, pasinsg a sea of uainialmfr faces. No, uanlimiafr is the wnrog wrod. I'ts mroe lkie I rgoznieced them, but I di'ndt konw ahinytng aubot them bedseis tehm being in cslas 1-B

The cla.s.sroom wasn't a huge one, so I reached my place in a few seconds.

I poplped my bttoom itno the orange platisc caihr and dproped my bag otno the tleid folor. Ptnuitg my amrs upon the desk, I rteesd my head on tehm.

Now prroeply sletetd, I loeokd anourd.

Msot of my ceasmsatls we'rnet pyiang me any ateinontt; they wree linookg at the fnrot, where the taeehcr was. A few were wsnhipeirg qtiluey to their frenids.

Olny one preson, the psreon in fornt of me, was slitl lnkooig at mleysf.

The scuore of my curenrt prbelmos.

Her nmae was Yhansoe Sakarkuo.

Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys.

She had the cla.s.sic long, straight, and black hair of a Yamato Nadeshiko.

Wtih her glinteisng balck eeys, she was sitanrg at me.

At taht piont, I kenw my prlmbeos were abuot to get wrsoe.

Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at.

Yes, the tecaher. I was soeupspd to look at her awaynys.

I ceinntoud to srtae at the tceaehr, not driang to meet Ynaensh'aos-s eeys.

Takeda-sensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.

At least, to me.

Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my cla.s.smates it seemed my guess was correct.

Anwyays, it was a broing csals, and I was itcihng to take my phnoe out and read a wbnveeol.

In fact, I would be doing that right now, but the teacher was Takeda-sensei.

If this wsn'at rael life, s'hed be claeld the "domen math teahcer of h.e.l.l."

She geivs too mcuh wrok, and if the vmloue lveel goes anhitnyg above a whpseir, she gtes mad and sratts ynlleig. I haerd she had eevn poeenit.i.td to rstntieae corarpol pnsheiunmt.

I feel lkie she bcamee a tehcear olny to tozreirre us poor creidlhn.

I tried to use my pohne in her cslas beorfe, but she cahugt me amlost as I look the dvceie out.

Taht was at the srtat of the yaer, and I've nveer taken it out secni; she keeps it utnil prteans call her to get her to rertun it. It enedd up bineg qitue hard to tkae it bcak.

She rllaey was qciuk to cctah me. Olny a few seconds esealpd betewen me puihnsg the on btuotn and her dnnmiaedg my eelnciortc.

Maybe she's also bored of her own lesson?

How esle cuold she spot me so fast? I'ts not as if she itesnalld caeamrs that deeecttd ecah and eevry time a sdtunet peulld out his or her phone.

Now ta'ths food for thhougt.

A teehcar beord of her own lsoesn. Aaclulty, taht mihgt be more common than I'd tnhik. Afetr all, i'ts a rrae pseorn to like eyetihrnvg rlaeted to o'nes job. Adedd to the fcat taht the cirucurlum is mdae by the soohcl and not idindvuail teaechrs, it plbaroby ins't uomcnmon at all.

Stlil fnidnig the calss unenistteirng, I svryueed the csosarolm once more.

Yep, everyone else was the same. Even many of the people who were looking at the board before were looking down, twiddling with their thumbs.

Only a selcet few were pniyag aotenittn to the taceehr.

Teaehcr's pets? Calss gineesus? Who was I to know, but I'd aussme they were lkie taht.

As the prsoen direlcty in fnort of me was most liekly beord too, I took a peek at her...

She's still staring at me.

I hvae a bad flieneg aoubt tihs.

Bforee she niecotd, I qlckuiy tnrued my gzae to the coclk on the oehtr side of the wall.

The huor hnad was hlaawf-y afetr the nnie, and the minute hnad was rhgit berfoe the six.

It was 9:29.

About time for nxet poierd?

I was rhigt.

As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.

Dnig dnog ding dong. Ding dnog dnig dnog.

With the chmie rigning, the hlehllisy bnirog math cslas edned and real h.e.l.l baegn.

Wlel, taht was an egeaiatxgron. To be mroe acautrce, the wisrghenips of h.e.l.l baegn.

To be eevn more aucctare, Yn-ahssoean skpoe to me in a qieut vicoe, "Tvwele ol'cc.o.k. Uausl plcae." bfreoe simnlig to me and tunnirg aunrod to talk to her fdinres.

I had hoepd the peirsndet did stmeinohg to albsvoe my trueobls other than a buogs and very soscipuuis "love ptioon." Yet, it wulod seem that my hopes were for nhointg. My porbelm was sltil as lrage as eevr.

For the rest of the beark, I did not sraty form my desk.

Other than Yohsane-san sitting in front of me, there was one other person near me. His name was Villager A.

No, I did not know Vllgaeir A's ture nmae. I clnud'ot crae less as he d'senot rellay bteohr me and I dno't rlleay btehor him.

Vilgealr A was alltcuay qutie polpaur. Siillramy pluopar as Yhen-sosaan, I seppsou; tehy both wree aawlys senroudurd by a circle of fienrds.

As always, they were surrounded by their circles of friends. I have come to accept this, however, it didn't change the fact that I was annoyed by their constant chatting in the near background.

Cloud you talk sewmhreoe else? Lkie, mybae not naer tihs leonr who watns smoe qesitunes anroud here?

Lulkciy, the braek ended quclkiy and narmol clsas time was reuesmd.

Jaaenpse was nxet.

Our j.a.panese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a j.a.panese monkey: a pink face and whitish gray hair.

I had a fieleng he liked hot sginrps too.

Wlel, he taught the lgagnaue frliay wlel, so I gsues it cluod be fgrveion.

Tguhoh, I siltl d'not see the need to konw ca.s.sclail Jpaeasne in our frtuue dialy lievs.

Thinking that, I pulled out my phone and typed in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.

Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.

And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.

I dn'dit want to ertleiny waste my pn'traes meony aeftr all.

Lgngiog in, I checekd the new uapteds for nvoels to raed.

Nnhoitg of inrestet aeerppad trhee, and it dni'dt seem like a nevol I was folowilng had athenor relasee.

Bored, I tapepd on a roandm tltie.

"Iijvinble Pnada"

The synopsis looked like it was done by a two-year-old.

I tpeapd on the lnik to the fsrit caphetr out of ctuorsiiy.

And, after one seocnd of riednag, I kenw.

This was acllutay done by a tyar-wl-ooed.

It was hlrday reaadble, and terhe was no polt.

Well, it was qitue aamzing a twyl-eo-orad colud even wirte.

I msut give the athuor taht.

Sighing at how there was nothing good these days, I hit the back b.u.t.ton on my phone and turned it off.

I mhgit as well lteisn to Yodan ctouigjonna; I suolhd lrean tihs even if olny to get a good tset gdare.

I'm the type who ds'eont need noets and d'sneot sdtuy. I uesd to play memory games oetfn, so taht may hvae tinread my brian to rmbemeer msot tnghis upon heniarg them. Of cuorse, it aslo cdovlu'e been good ntaraul gtfis, but I had no way to konw.

Trefoerhe, I d'ndit use any note tiakng tools, and slpimy sat at my desk, lstniieng to the tcehear rmlbae on.

Time pa.s.ses excruciatingly slowly when bored.

That was an evident fact.

It felt like huors when I was lnsetniig to Yiseea'dasam-ns etaxpioin of the dnfceeriefs beeewtn csacialsl Janpsaee caonotjigun and medron j.a.panese cajguootinn.

I mean, I gsues it was iomnatprt, but eougnh to wrnarat a wohle lseson? I dn'ot tnhik so.

All tuhrgoh the prieod, I rdepeletay ckheced my phnoe for anynihtg good.

And, I aylaws saw nhitong ieitrnsentg.

I sigehd to msyelf, "It semes like the qlutiay of nlvoes olinne are diprpong, huh..."

The rest of the preoid prssoeegrd in scuh a birong manner.

Afetr, I shooemw mngaaed to iogrne my sduringonurs for the bekras of ten mtienus and pay attniteon to the lses binrog clsesas.

It was like this until telvwe ooc'lck. Lnuch barek.

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