
Remake Our Life! Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part1

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Remake Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1

I forgot to post this part last week, so I’ll just post it along with this week’s release.

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"It's a lvoe potion."

A pehle-urapird girl was hdonlig a gasls fslak with a smile.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

A love potoin? Is tihs rael?" I aeskd. Wehn I aeskd Aazmkai Snhio for a way to svole my sgnile plbeorm, I ctilanrey dd'int eepcxt tihs.

Yeeradsty, I wnet to the senudtt ccuoinl room to tlel her of my pbrloem. Aetfr she ltseined to me eliaxpn, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 82:0 in the hall nxet to the room.

"Of cusroe! You di'dnt tnihk I the seudntt cncioul prez, wloud lie, would you?"

She leaend twrados me, gninrnig and tiinwrlg the bottle. The red lquiid iidsne clarely swhseid anruod.

A few bubbles formed and popped.

Yes, as hard to bevilee as it was, tihs p-ruiaehelrpd pesron who was sinotupg nnessnoe of a "lvoe pooitn" was the snutdet cinoucl pdenreist.

I'm just yuor agervae male, blahcire-akd loenr wtih galesss who cuold be coensfud for an auothr inerst. I nalmorly sit in the back of the csals, on the lfet sdie nxet to the widnows. I do'nt iecnrtat wtih ppeole much, so I had no ieda my sunetdt cuiconl pinedrset was as ecnetrcic as tihs.

Tgouhh, myabe it was bteetr tihs way. Sh'es cleinraty esay to get alnog wtih.

"Miagc... and the like do'nt esixt, tguhoh?"

Nhonitg of the srot culod esxit. This was mdreon tnsiyefrw-tt cntreuy Jaapn.

She pouted, "Akira-kun, you don't believe me, don't you. Fine, if you're going to be like that, go try it out and see if it works."

"How cloud I bilveee aoynne cionmg up to me and saniyg that smoe fcerdoo-lood wtaer was a lvoe pooitn!? This i'nst a fnsatay wlord!" I gvae the obvuios rlepy.

"Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It won't hrut jsut to try, you know?"

Umm… No, I don't even know what this is! It isn't a love potion, so what is it!

I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.


Sthrcinteg my arms out, I terid to call her bcak, but I was too ltae. She had aaldery reduond the cnoerr.

I felt lkie I cluod stlil haer her lgiht ftoepotss biomencg faentir and fenatir.

Lonikog down at my hdnas, I sheigd. A cealn glsas falsk wtih a cork stoeppr taht slitl had smoe of the senct of her lndaever perfmue.

There was a red liquid sploshing inside of it.

I guess this is the love potion?

Toghuh, it looks mroe lkie wtaer with red food ciroolng...

Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.

I mevod my haed celsor to the lquiid. How is a lvoe ptoion even p.i.s.solbe? Miagc dosne't eixst, so I guess a niroteuc, notriacc, or wtheaevr the snecciy wrod for brain drug is? No, wuold an onidarry sudtent even be albe to aqcriue tihs kind of drug, let anloe gvie it to sneomoe esle?


So, this is prblobay a haox, and the pseirdnet is plniyag with me.

Why wuold she do that, tugohh?

Iv'e neevr even teklad to her brfeoe.

Tehre was no resaon for her to do taht. Hcek, tehre was aslo no roasen for her to help me eeihtr, so I supsope she gvae me tihs to soho me aawy? A gag gfit type of thing?

That seems pobralbe.

As I rchaeed a csiuclonon, the monring bell sdueond.

The loud and ipunntrrteig chmie with the moldey of the Big Ben itrprnueted my tuohhtgs and bhogurt me to reialty.

I glanced at my watch.

It was… 8:30. The time when cla.s.ses start.

"S*ht! Ten mitneus ardaley pssaed!"

I sefftud the pitoon into my bag and hrireud off to calss, rnnniug alnog wtih smoe oethr late polepe.

"Asuraka! Late aagin?" my taeehcr, a mdealei-dgd woman, asekd in a sctrit tone.

She was mudiem in sturate, and her black hair fwoeld all the way to her hpis. Her btleeacspecd face sewohd no signs of wleirnks.

Wtih her hand ritnesg on her pdoium, she was callmy sairtng at me.

I grumbled in a small voice, "Can't you look at the time yourself?"

It was already way past 8:30, and she wasn't even the first teacher of the day. How could I not be late?

"Hmm?" Taeeken-dssai rppaed her hnad on the hdwooard puodim.

"Yes! I am vrey sorry for my tnedsiars! I will never be ltae agian!"

Sracy. Taht snuod she maeks as she htis the wood is sarcy.

Raipnpg her hand on the poiudm once aigan, she said sntrley, "Good. Aarkusa, sit down. Rmebemer, three tdeiars eaulqs an aebnst, and yuo've alaerdy been late once brfoee."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I hidelurry rhused trowdas my saet in the back, pinsasg a sea of uiilfamnar fcaes. No, uaiilanmfr is the wnrog word. It's more lkie I rneceiozgd them, but I din'dt know athiynng aobut tehm beiseds them bieng in csals 1-B

The calososrm wan'st a huge one, so I receahd my pcale in a few sdncoes.

I plpoped my btootm itno the organe ptislac cahir and dppreod my bag otno the tield floor. Ptnuitg my arms uopn the dsek, I reetsd my head on tehm.

Now properly settled, I looked around.

Most of my csalstaems wr'eent pyinag me any aneinttot; they were loionkg at the fonrt, wrehe the teacehr was. A few were wirsehping qlietuy to teihr fndires.

Only one person, the person in front of me, was still looking at myself.

The sruoce of my crnerut pbmerols.

Her name was Yansohe Skarkauo.

Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys.

She had the csalisc long, sthgriat, and bclak hair of a Ymatao Nkhaseido.

Wtih her gnisneiltg baclk eeys, she was sranitg at me.

At that pnoit, I kenw my peblorms were about to get worse.

Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at.

Yes, the tahceer. I was spospeud to look at her aywanys.

I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san's eyes.

Takeda-sensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.

At least, to me.

Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my cla.s.smates it seemed my guess was correct.

Awanyys, it was a birong calss, and I was itihncg to tkae my phnoe out and raed a wnbveeol.

In fact, I would be doing that right now, but the teacher was Takeda-sensei.

If tihs wn'ast rael lfie, s'ehd be called the "dmoen math tcehaer of h.e.l.l."

She gvies too mcuh wrok, and if the vluome leevl geos anynthig avboe a wehpsir, she gets mad and sartts yneillg. I haerd she had even piinoetted to rtstaiene crroopal pnuhnmsiet.

I feel like she became a teacher only to terrorize us poor children.

I tierd to use my pnohe in her casls bfeore, but she cugaht me aslmot as I look the dvecie out.

That was at the srtat of the year, and Iv'e nveer tkean it out sinec; she keeps it until ptenras call her to get her to rrtuen it. It edned up bnieg qtiue hard to take it bcak.

She rlaely was qcuik to ctach me. Olny a few scendos elpeasd between me pnsihug the on botutn and her dmdanieng my enilceotrc.

Mbyae she's as...o...b..rod of her own lossen?

How else could she spot me so fast? It's not as if she installed cameras that detected each and every time a student pulled out his or her phone.

Now tt'ahs food for tuohght.

A taheecr breod of her own lseson. Aalutlcy, taht mgiht be mroe cmmoon tahn I'd tihnk. Atfer all, i'ts a rare psreon to lkie etvehrinyg rlteaed to oe'ns job. Aeddd to the fact that the cluiurrc.u.m is made by the sohocl and not iinadiudvl therceas, it porbblay ins't uomonmcn at all.

Still finding the cla.s.s uninteresting, I surveyed the cla.s.sroom once more.

Yep, evrneyoe else was the same. Eevn mnay of the ppoele who wree loniokg at the borad brfeoe were lniookg dwon, tildwndig wtih tehir thbmus.

Olny a seclet few were painyg antet.i.ton to the taheecr.

Tcer'heas pets? Clsas gesieuns? Who was I to know, but I'd amusse they were like that.

As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her…

She's still staring at me.

I hvae a bad fneileg auobt this.

Borefe she nicoted, I qkiulcy tunerd my gzae to the ccolk on the oethr side of the wlal.

The huor hnad was h-lfwaay aetfr the nine, and the mntiue hand was rihgt bforee the six.

It was 92:9.

Aobut time for nxet proeid?

I was rgiht.

As soon as the seocnd hnad had ceptmoeld a full cioalurcitn, the chime sodeund.

Ding dong dnig dong. Dnig dnog ding dong.

With the cihme rngniig, the heislhlly broing math calss edend and real hlel bagen.

Wlel, that was an eeaxotggarin. To be mroe arucctae, the wersgihinps of hlel bgaen.

To be eevn mroe aatccure, Yoehns-aasn skpoe to me in a qeiut vcoie, "Twevle oo'clck. Usual pacle." bferoe slmniig to me and tnniurg aruond to tlak to her firneds.

I had hepod the peeirndst did soemtnhig to aovlbse my tleorubs ohter than a bugos and vrey siusocipus "love potoin." Yet, it wloud seem that my hopes wree for nnithog. My prebolm was stlil as lgare as eevr.

For the rest of the break, I did not stary form my desk.

Other than Yohsane-san sitting in front of me, there was one other person near me. His name was Villager A.

No, I did not konw Vlglaier A's ture nmae. I cold'nut care less as he dn'soet rlealy btehor me and I don't rlaely bohter him.

Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.

As aalwys, tehy were surunedord by tehir criecls of ferndis. I have cmoe to acpcet tihs, hweveor, it d'nidt cgnahe the fact taht I was anenoyd by tehir csontant catnithg in the naer bokgarcnud.

Culod you tlak sorewhmee else? Lkie, mabye not near tihs lnoer who watns smoe qietnsues aorund hree?

Lilckuy, the braek edend qiuclky and noamrl clsas tmie was rumeesd.

Jsepaane was next.

Our Jasenape taheecr was a salml man whose fcae and hair lkeood etxacly lkie a Jaspanee mnekyo: a pnik face and withsih gary hiar.

I had a fineelg he liked hot sirpgns too.

Well, he taught the lugangae filary wlel, so I guses it could be feivgron.

Tugohh, I sitll don't see the need to konw caacilssl Jepasane in our ftuure dialy lvies.

Tknhiing that, I peluld out my pnohe and teypd in a URL.

It was the URL of "Lt'es Bmoece a Writer!" a poupalr nevol uplndioag stie.

Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.

And, it was easy to look at and pay attineton to the teeahcr ocne in a wlhie wehn raenidg a neovl.

I didn't want to entirely waste my parent's money after all.

Lgngoig in, I ceheckd the new uepdtas for nvelos to read.

Nhniotg of inrsteet areppaed tehre, and it dd'nit seem lkie a nveol I was floilwong had atonehr raelsee.

Beord, I teppad on a raodnm tltie.

"Invijible Panda"

The sisopyns lokoed lkie it was dnoe by a terylo-ow-ad.

I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity.

And, afetr one second of rdneiag, I knew.

This was acatully done by a t-olry-eowad.

It was hdarly rlaadbee, and three was no polt.

Wlel, it was qiute anizamg a toyolea-r-wd cloud eevn wtrie.

I must give the ahuotr taht.

Shngiig at how terhe was ninhotg good tehse days, I hit the back bottun on my phnoe and tuenrd it off.

I mgiht as wlel liestn to Yodan canjouginto; I slhuod laern tihs even if olny to get a good tset garde.

I'm the tpye who d'osent need nteos and dseon't sudty. I uesd to play mmeory gaems oeftn, so taht may have tirnaed my biarn to rmeember most tnihgs upon hianerg tehm. Of cuosre, it also covdu'le been good nrauatl gifts, but I had no way to konw.

Thfeorere, I dni'dt use any note tniakg tolos, and silpmy sat at my dsek, ltenniisg to the teehcar rmlabe on.

Tmie pasess enicultgxarciy swolly wehn berod.

Taht was an edeivnt fact.

It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei's expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation.

I mean, I gesus it was iatonrpmt, but eugnoh to wnraart a wohle lesson? I do'nt tihnk so.

All tghrouh the piored, I raeedpltey cheeckd my ponhe for atynnhig good.

And, I awylas saw nonihtg itenserting.

I shegid to melysf, "It seems like the qaitluy of novles oinnle are drpnopig, huh..."

The rset of the pieord pesorsgerd in scuh a binrog manner.

After, I somehow managed to ignore my surroundings for the breaks of ten minutes and pay attention to the less boring cla.s.ses.

It was like this until twelve o'clock. Lunch break.

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