
Religion in Earnest Part 20

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The writer remembers on one occasion walking a couple of miles to pay the trifling sum of sixpence to a party, who was at the time indebted to his father as many pounds. Notwithstanding the severity with which she judged her own actions, her piety was entirely free from asceticism;--it was always cheerful, recollected, and heroic; and in her intercourse with others, characterised by great humility and christian courtesy. In prayer she was simple and earnest, zealous without pa.s.sion, and often particularized in the devotions of the family the special cases of its individual members. Her's was the cry of a child to its father, the appeal for help, that felt confident of success. Her prayers, which were offered continually, day and night, might truly be said to be mighty; and her children, even when distant from her, have often felt conscious that her intercessions were going up on their behalf. But they were urged for many,--for all; and in particular for the prosperity of Zion, and the ministers of divine truth. The Rev. John Hartley writes, "I feel that in your mother's removal I suffer loss. I have seldom been more affected than when she told me, on the last occasion of my seeing her, that not a day pa.s.sed without her pleading with G.o.d for me. Who am I, I thought, that this saint of G.o.d should thus remember me in her prayers?" Her zeal in the cause of G.o.d was constant, patient and persevering; not as we sometimes see, now bursting into a furious blaze, and then dying away; it burnt with a bright and steady flame,--being fed by the secret supplies she obtained through constant communion with G.o.d. Although ready for every good work, and glad to take her share in the mere machinery of the Christian church, her chief aim was the salvation of souls. This she never lost sight of, and generally, when collecting for Missions or other benevolent objects, availed herself of the opportunity of warning, exhortation, or prayer. One who frequently accompanied her on such excursions says, "We called at every house in the district. Some of the people were exceedingly poor. At one door I said, 'Mrs. Lyth, you will not beg here.' Her reply was, 'It is my duty to ask them, if they give us but a penny, it will not lose its reward.' In another case the people were Roman Catholics; she at once exhorted them to come direct to Christ, and not allow the priest to come betwixt them and the Savior. In a third, where a member of the family was sick, we went in, and Mrs. Lyth prayed." Another writes, "I first became acquainted with her about 1823, and have always found her the same consistent character. She a.s.sisted me in the formation of my cla.s.s in Acomb. Her visits to us were always welcome and profitable.

Her eye was single. She had light in her own soul, and it shone in every society in which she was cast. Many a round we have had together among the villagers, to beseech them to be reconciled to G.o.d. In this work she went, perhaps, even beyond her strength, that sinners might be brought into the fold of Christ. She rejoiced to lend a helping-hand to the seeking soul; warning the unruly, comforting the feeble-minded, and encouraging believers to seek after a full devotion of heart and life to the service of Christ. Her faithfulness in the administration of reproof was exemplary; and though naturally of a retiring disposition, in the defence of truth and the cause of her Master she became bold and fearless." Her ready pen, for to the last she wrote a clear and steady hand, was often in requisition to administer counsel, encouragement, or consolation. Whatever might be said of her "bodily presence," her "letters were powerful," and, as they were accompanied with believing effectual prayer, seldom failed to produce a happy effect. The writer much regrets that the prescribed limits of this volume precludes the introduction of extracts from the voluminous correspondence placed in his hands. It is sufficient to say here that her letters strikingly exhibit her oneness of purpose.

In all without exception, the one thing is prominent, and although ordinary topics are not overlooked, they are invariably turned to good account, and made the basis of apposite and profitable reflection. One of her correspondents observes: "Her letters were always refreshing to me, and brought my mind in immediate contact with one who lived in the spirit of prayer and general devotedness. I never knew one, so far as my observation went, who more constantly exhibited a oneness of aim to glorify G.o.d, and promote the welfare of those with whom she came in contact. Some might object, some might smile, but there was a holy force of spiritual life in her, which could not be concealed, and which made itself felt everywhere My dear friend was as attentive to family duties as though the church had no claim upon her; and I have often dwelt upon her character when far, far away. I have heard her regret that she did not more fully manifest tender affection, when her heart was fall of love. I need not say how rousing I found her remarks, uttered in an humble gentle tone and manner; and how often I have been taken into her closet to pray for many, particularly her distant son." Another says: "I have been perusing some of her letters, which I value above gold. Through them all, breathes the same spirit of ardent love to Jesus, with a deep sense of her own helplessness.

Her character was that of an humble soul constantly living tinder the rays of the Sun of righteousness. I have often heard her express fears concerning herself, but never doubting the faithfulness of Jesus, in whom she trusted. Since I had the happiness of knowing her--which is more than thirty years--I have seen nothing but what I could love and admire. I have often been thankful that my lot was cast so near her in years gone by. Some of my most hallowed moments have been when bowed with her at the throne of grace. Under all circ.u.mstances she proved herself my friend; by her strong faith in G.o.d she encouraged me to trust, where I could not trace, the dispensations of Providence; often comforted my mind by an appropriate pa.s.sage of G.o.d's word, and by her simple and earnest pleadings at the throne of grace, led me nearer to the mercy-seat. I owe much to the memory of my precious friend; and her example has often stimulated me to increased diligence. How forcibly did she remind others of the treasures of religion! Plain in reproof, she was yet so transparent, that none could be offended with her faithful dealings."

The department of usefulness in which she chiefly delighted, and for which she was pre-eminently qualified, was, perhaps, the cla.s.s-meeting; upon this service she entered at first with considerable hesitation, but eventually conducted three large cla.s.ses, besides forming several others.

"During my somewhat lengthened ministerial life," says the Rev. John Rattenbury, "I have met with no female cla.s.s-leader, that surpa.s.sed, and with but few that equalled, your sainted mother. Her religious character was beautifully moulded by the Divine Spirit. Tranquil, fervent, spiritual, devoted; she was a pattern to her people: she was successful in attracting people to the Society, and what is of more importance, and perhaps more difficult, she was successful in retaining them. Her cla.s.ses, though large, were well preserved, and seldom did the column for backsliders gain addition from them. She was of the earlier school of Methodists, and combined the simplicity, plainness, and fervour of the past age, with the generous and more aggressive spirit of the present." One of her members says: "It was my privilege to be a member of her cla.s.s about eight years. She was both deep and clear in her own experience, and never failed to impress upon her members the necessity of daily growth in grace; and was especially faithful, in warning them against worldliness and trifling. In her we had a pattern worthy of imitation." As respects the improvement of time and talent, she was always well employed, and ever had for her object, the good of others. Another writes: "As a cla.s.s-leader, Mrs.

Lyth appeared to stand almost alone--talented, punctual, humble, and faithful. Once she reproved a young person in my presence for frequently neglecting the cla.s.s. When she had finished speaking and the party was gone, she turned to me and said, 'I think I was faithful with Elizabeth,' 'Yes, 'I replied, 'and rather sharp;' she answered, 'I don't want to have the blood of any of you on my skirt,'"

As to her general Christian character and usefulness, the following testimonies by the pens of well-known and esteemed Ministers, will be read with interest. The first is from the venerable Wm. Naylor, and refers to a period of more than forty years ago. "Though many years have pa.s.sed over since I was stationed in York, the remembrance of your esteemed mother is very refreshing to my mind. I place her among the most excellent of the pious females of our Society, that it has been my privilege and happiness to number amongst my intimate friends.

Her piety was genuine, and her experience rich in the enjoyment of close and constant communion with G.o.d. I admired her oneness of character and disposition--ever the same; in sickness and trial, calm and submissive, confiding in the love of the Saviour; and in health, delighting to do good to the needy and sick; her religion was not the excitement of momentary feeling, it was the habitual principle and power of grace. In disposition she was kind and cheerful; but it never degenerated into levity, and few have more fully exemplified the Christian rule of rejoicing with those that do rejoice, and weeping with those that weep."

The Rev. Luke Wiseman writes: "My acquaintance with your mother was during the last three years of her life. On arriving in the York Circuit, she was among the first who were mentioned to me as pillars in the Church, and 'Mothers in Israel.' I heard her name mentioned with respect by many, who are themselves ent.i.tled to the highest regard, sad was thus prepared, before being introduced to her, to meet with a venerable, and lively disciple of our common Lord. Nor was I disappointed. What she was in her years of maturity others can relate. In her days of bodily decline, and feebleness, I saw in her a beautiful specimen of a child of grace nearing the heavenly home. Her appearance, worn, and somewhat shrivelled, yet retained marked traces of uncommon energy. Her features sharpened by age, equally indicated penetration, and benevolence. Her voice was still good, her utterance remarkably distinct, and when she spoke of the things of Christ, it was with no subdued or half-abashed tone, but with the same full, clear, cheerful voice. It was impossible to doubt that her heart was full of heavenly treasure from her very manner of speaking of divine things,--easy, energetic, unforced, graceful. I am afraid, that being so far below her in divine knowledge, my visits may have been of but little benefit to her: but however this may be, they were of great benefit to myself. She shewed an ardent love for the cause of Christ, for His ministers, and for all His people. She appeared to feel being laid aside from active work, and amongst her many inquiries about the Society, she would now and then utter an expression of regret, that she was now no more amongst them as formerly. She had a very clear conception of christian doctrine, and I believe an equally clear, and satisfying joy and peace through being consciously accepted in Christ.

I never pa.s.sed by her house, so far as I can recollect, without some such thought as this while going by, 'Within these doors dwells one whom Jesus loves.'"

For the following we are indebted to the courtesy of the Rev. P.


"Mrs. Lyth was in the decline of life before it was my happiness to form her acquaintance; and consequently I am but ill able to do justice to her christian character, or to point out the various modes of faithful pitying love, by which she endeavoured in her years of prime to glorify G.o.d, and serve her generation. It was impossible, however, to visit her, even in her invalid state, without being impressed with her mental power, eminent piety, and scriptural intelligence; without discerning that she was a 'mother in Israel.'

In my own case, these impressions were so deep, that, though in my intercourse with her I had to sustain the Pastor's part, I often, from choice, occupied the seat of the learner. Her favourite themes of discourse, were the love of G.o.d in Christ Jesus, the grace and wisdom of Divine Providence, the great and precious promises, christian experience, missions to the heathen, and the revival and extension of the work of G.o.d in the earth. I frequently proposed questions to elicit her views on these and kindred topics; and when, drawn out in conversation, she often gave utterance to weighty and discriminating thoughts, judicious counsels, animating recollections of the past, and bright antic.i.p.ations of the future. Intercourse with her was truly a means of grace; and I generally left her glorifying G.o.d on her account, and longing for a double portion of her spirit.

"Mrs. Lyth, like all who excel in piety, was a diligent and devout student of the book of G.o.d. She not only read the scriptures, but she searched them; she pondered their import, and meditated in them day and night. The result was, the word of G.o.d dwelt in her richly, in all wisdom, so that she was able to teach and admonish others with singular propriety and power. Her accurate and extensive acquaintance with the scriptures gave a richness and impressiveness to her conversation, which awed the trifler, edified the thoughtful, and shed light and comfort upon the minds of anxious inquirers. Many of her own s.e.x resorted to her for counsel as to an oracle; and as she generally joined in prayer with her inquiring friends, her advices and cautions became in numerous instances, as a "nail fastened in a sure place."

Her love for the Sanctuary amounted almost to a pa.s.sion. In her inner life it stood identified with vivid views of saving truth; rich manifestations of Divine love, and transforming effusions of sanctifying grace. When in health, neither weather, nor company, nor any surmountable obstacle, could keep her at home, when it was open for worship; and when enfeebled by age, she sought to improve each gleam of sunshine, and each interval of returning strength, by paying another visit to the sacred shrine, as if she thought each one might be the last.

"Having yielded up her son at the call of the Church to the perils of a Missionary life, in a land of cannibals, she never revoked the gift, neither grudged the sacrifice. Her maternal yearnings were often excited by the narration of his sufferings and privations; but they were never suffered to rise in mutinous rebellion against the Divine will. For nearly twenty-two years she not only submitted to his absence with uncomplaining meekness, but she abounded in thanksgivings on his account, and gloried in the sacrificial services he was enabled to render to the cause of the Redeemer, in the high places of the field.

"Mrs. Lyth's religion made her habitually happy. Fully a.s.sured of her acceptance in the Beloved, walking daily in the liberty of the children of G.o.d, and exercising herself to have always a conscience void of offence, the smile of contentment rested on her countenance; benignity beamed in her eye; the law of love regulated her speech, while kindness, courtesy, and a cheerful urbanity, marked the whole of her deportment. In her dress she was simple, neat and economical.

In her habits, she was a pattern of order, early rising, diligence, prompt.i.tude, and punctuality. Possessing inward peace, she was calm, self-possessed, firm, and full of trust in the providence of G.o.d.

Doing one thing at a time, and always intent upon doing that thing well, she accomplished a great amount of holy service; was seldom in a hurry, and always in time at the Sanctuary and Cla.s.s-meeting. With such traits of character, and modes of action, it will not excite surprise that she became a centre of religions influence in the community to which she belonged. The sick sought her prayers, persons in spiritual distress, and temporal perplexity, applied to her for advice; the poor appealed to her for relief, the young listened to her counsels, and those who were intent upon obtaining a full salvation, coveted her friendship, strove to imbibe her spirit, and to imitate her example.

"In age and feebleness extreme, she was divinely supported by her Saviour's might; and was cheered by His love, and the hope of beholding His glory. No murmuring word escaped her lips, no sign of impatience was visible in her appearance and manner; but expressions of grat.i.tude, praise, and thanksgiving, flowed from her tongue, and indicated the peacefulness and purity of her mind. On her death-bed I found her calmly resting on the merits of her Redeemer. Her countenance was full of interest, a placid smile rested upon it, and but for her laborious breathing, and interrupted utterances, hopes might have been entertained that she would yet be spared, she was herself hopefully waiting the hour of her dismissal; yet there was one earthly wish, which she breathed out in meek submission to her heavenly Father, not yet gratified; that was, that she might once more see her Missionary son, before she quitted the clay tabernacle. Prayer was offered, and among other pet.i.tions it was urged, that her maternal desire might be granted. She lingered on the border land, till he arrived, and soon after having kissed _him_, and blessed all present, she fell asleep in Jesus; the last accents of her lips being those of praise, adoration, and filial confidence."

We conclude these notices by the following kind words of condolence from the Rev. M.C. Taylor.

"I cannot resist saying how much I was affected by the tidings of the pa.s.sing away of your sainted mother; not that I could mourn for _her_, but I felt deprived and bereaved of one of the most lovely and touching pictures of grace I have ever seen; and I mourned for myself.

Her name and memory are an inheritance indeed. To have known her will be an honour and joy for ever,--to have belonged to her is more than great riches. Hundreds are this week glorifying G.o.d in her."

_By the same Author_,







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