
Reading Made Easy for Foreigners - Third Reader Part 6

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He lay upon his dying bed, His eye was growing dim, When, with a feeble voice, he called His weeping son to him: "Weep not, my boy," the veteran said, "I bow to Heaven's high will; But quickly from yon antlers bring The sword of Bunker Hill."

The sword was brought; the soldier's eye Lit with a sudden flame; And, as he grasped the ancient blade, He murmured Warren's name; Then said: "My boy, I leave you gold, But what is richer still, I leave you,--mark me, mark me, now,-- The sword of Bunker Hill.

"'Twas on that dread immortal day, I dared the Britons' band; A captain raised his blade on me, I tore it from his hand; And while the glorious battle raged, It lightened Freedom's will; For, boy, the G.o.d of Freedom blessed The sword of Bunker Hill.

"Oh, keep this sword,"--his accents broke,-- A smile--and he was dead; But his wrinkled hand still grasped the blade, Upon the dying bed.

The son remains, the sword remains, Its glory growing still, And eighty millions bless the sire And sword of Bunker Hill.

_William R. Wallace_.

The battle of Bunker Hill was fought on the 17th of June, 1775, in Charlestown, Ma.s.sachusetts. The Americans, after having twice repulsed double their number of the English, were compelled to retreat for want of ammunition. This was the first actual battle of the Revolutionary War.

NOTE:--Joseph Warren, a distinguished American general and patriot, born in Ma.s.sachusetts in 1741, graduated at Harvard College in 1759.

He was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill in 1775.



_Notes of Invitation_.


March 8, 1909.

_Mr. Joseph H. Curtis_:--

The pupils of Cla.s.s A, Public School No. -- most cordially invite Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph H. Curtis to attend the Closing Exercises to be held in the school on Thursday evening, March eleventh, at eight o'clock.


February 2, 1909.

_My dear Mr. Curtis_:--

May we have the pleasure of your company at dinner Tuesday evening, February ninth, at seven o'clock?

Sincerely yours,


406 Elm Street.


February 4, 1909.

My dear Mr. Story:--

I thank you for your kind invitation to dine with you Tuesday evening, but a previous business engagement makes it impossible for me to be present. I am very sorry.

Cordially yours,


215 Cedar Street.


Mr. and Mrs. George H. Baldwin request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Gray on Thursday evening, March fourth, at eight o'clock.

315 Madison Avenue.


Mr. Henry S. Gray regrets that he is unable to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Baldwin for Thursday evening, at eight o'clock.

506 Myrtle Avenue.


ROCHESTER, N. Y., March 1, 1909.

My dear Friend:--

I arrived here yesterday afternoon in the best of spirits. I am staying here at a nice, quiet hotel, and expect to remain here for the next few days. Rochester is so different from the great Metropolis.

This morning I went to see the University and some other public buildings. I am delighted with my trip. From here I intend to proceed to Buffalo and to Niagara Falls. From there I shall write you a much longer letter.

Please give my kindest regards to all the family.

Cordially yours,

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Reading Made Easy for Foreigners - Third Reader Part 6 summary

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