
Second World Chapter 1920. One-Devil Army

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1920 Chapter 1920. One-Devil Army

When John, Giant Steve, Fierce Flame, Jet, and Purple Mist appeared at Hydrurond's Northern Defense Front, everything wasn't as they expected. Many parts of the wall had been destroyed. In many areas, the defenders were fighting demons and demonic bugs behind the defensive walls. Only a few of the siege weapons were still working.

"What the h.e.l.l…? The situation wasn't as bad as this when we watched using Chris' spying tool," Giant Steve said.

"It has been many hours since then. We took quite a while preparing," Purple Mist offered her opinion.

"It was just a few hours, and everything has gone to s.h.i.t?" Jet asked.

"Many things can happen in a few hours," John said. "But with things like this, we can't make our stand here."

"What should we do, then?" Steve asked. "This is the last defensive line for Hydurond's Northern Front. If we don't fight here, we will have to retreat through the Khan region and into Themisphere."

Everyone turned to John. He ignored their gazes. He continued to look at the situation in front before turning and looking at the back. He then opened the map in his status window. While he was studying the map, a loud horn sounded.

"What was that?" Jet asked.

"It's the signal to retreat," John answered without turning his gaze from the map, which only he could see.

"Already?" Steve asked.

While they were dejected the army retreated the moment they arrived, they couldn't deny the situation was bad. More and more demons breached the defensive walls. The defenders continued to get pushed back. This front always had the fewest number of troops. If not for the ancient sect and the many powerful natives from the league factions defending this front, it would have lost earlier than the Palgrost Northern Front.

"We need to help them!" Steve exclaimed. Many demonic bugs were scurrying from the sides. From the look of it, these bugs planned to cut the defenders' escape path.

John closed his map. "Beelzebub must have decided to stop holding back. Wilted did mention that among the devils, he is the one with the most no-nonsense att.i.tude. From the ridiculous number of demonic bugs we see here, he must have kept his bodily portal open for a long period."

Wilted had explained to them that the bugs coming out of Beelzebub were not creatures he housed inside his body. They were his minions, raised in his territory in the underworld. Each of these bugs carried his marks. When needed, his body could act as a portal to bring them to where he was. Throughout his territory, he had cultivated hundreds of millions of these bugs. He still had many more to spare.

Opening the portal consumed his MP, though. Keeping too many bugs in this plane also drained his energy. They didn't come through the proper underworld portal, after all. Hence, he didn't conjure too many if not needed. He did so now because he wanted a decisive win. He grew tired of this slow conquest.

There was also the matter of a decrease in the reinforcement coming from the main underworld portal. He didn't understand why that happened. He had sent a squad of demons to check, but that squad had not yet reported back. He disliked uncertainties, so he decided to defeat the defenders here before other unexpected things happened.

The demonic bugs he pulled from the underworld were enough to cover the missing reinforcement. He stepped it up even more and doubled his army count using these bugs. That's how his army could overrun this front and force them to retreat in such a short time.

Even if Beelzebub was alone, he could become a one-devil army.

"Considering the situation, we can't fight Beelzebub yet," John continued. "We will focus on helping the defenders retreat."

"All right! My hands are getting itchy!" Jet exclaimed. He spread the wings from his wings tool. He was about to fly up, but John held him back.

"Slow down, you old kid!" John scolded. "You won't make much impact by blindly rushing forward and engaging the enemies. We are helping them retreat, not advance."

"So, what should we do?" Steve asked.

"See those bugs coming from the flanks?" John pointed. "They are targeting the runecraft Society's members who were deactivating the rune diagrams sealing the traps. If those traps fail to work, the enemies will continue to hara.s.s our army during retreat. We will continue to lose troops that way. Steve, Flame, you two go that side. Jet, you and your pet help the opposite side."

The three nodded. They flew in the directions John indicated.

"What about me?" Purple Mist asked.

"The two of us will move forward and give the defenders the opening to retreat. Ready your level 90 spell," John told her.

The two flew forward. As they did, John cast a spell. When it was completed, nothing happened. He continued flying forward.

"There," John pointed.

In the direction he pointed was Ragorth, who was in Gigantify condition. His greatsword was also under Enlarge Weapon skill. Ragorth swung his giant weapon without ends. He held back the demons so the rest of the defenders could retreat. Supporting him were many young Ja.n.u.s casting spells to hold the demons at bay. Duke Alfredo and Jack's other royal guards were also there. In the sky, Syndrillis and the top combatants from the eaglefolk held the line.

"Royal Advisor John," True Ja.n.u.s greeted without pausing his spellcasting.

"My royal advisor t.i.tle is currently being lent to someone else," John replied. "Anyway, we will be helping you retreat. I understand you have many clones spread among the army for fast coordination, don't you?"

"That's correct," Ja.n.u.s answered.

"Please organize so the army moves to these coordinates," John said. He opened his map and let Ja.n.u.s interface with it.

"Why there? Isn't it better if we retreat directly to Themisphere? A defensive line has been prepared there," Ja.n.u.s asked.

"It takes too long to retreat to Themisphere. Our world is short on time if we are to win. We will defeat Beelzebub at these coordinates," John answered. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

Ja.n.u.s was about to ask how, but he decided not to. Now was not the time for explanation. Furthermore, he had heard of John's reputation. Jack might be the heart behind many of Themisphere's victories, but John was the brain.

"Understood. I will guide the troops there," Ja.n.u.s said.

"Good man!" John said. "Now, tell everyone to prepare to break into a run. We will create an opening. Also, tell everyone not to worry if they see wilderness monsters coming their way. They are here to help."

"Wilderness monsters?" Ja.n.u.s asked.

"Because she has a spell that could have saved you many resurrection potions," John answered for Purple Mist. Purple Mist herself had flown toward the pile of corpses after Ja.n.u.s stopped speaking.


Purple Mist saw that almost half of the pile were members of the Council of Virtus. This faction boasted many high-level natives, but they tended to put themselves in harm's way. It was not strange if they suffered the most losses.

"Just trust me," John answered. He didn't have the time to explain. He turned to Purple Mist. "Purple, ready?"

"Wait! What is that pile of corpses?" Purple Mist asked Ja.n.u.s.

"Those are our fallen brethren with the highest levels and grades," Ja.n.u.s answered. "We started this system quite a while ago. We carry the body of our fallen with levels at least 70 and rare elites and put them in one spot. Healers with resurrection spells or resurrection potions are on standby to use the spells or potions on the ones with the highest level and grade. This way, we don't waste the spells and the potions on weaker combatants. We only have a few of both, after all."

"Are you saying those are all natives who died less than one hour ago?" Purple Mist asked.

"Most are. We normally separate the ones who have died for more than an hour. But with the current chaos, the healers have retreated. We have stopped organizing, so some in that pile might have been there for more than an hour. Why are you concerned about that?"

"Because she has a spell that could have saved you many resurrection potions," John answered for Purple Mist. Purple Mist herself had flown toward the pile of corpses after Ja.n.u.s stopped speaking.

Purple Mist saw that almost half of the pile were members of the Council of Virtus. This faction boasted many high-level natives, but they tended to put themselves in harm's way. It was not strange if they suffered the most losses.

Purple Mist started casting. The spell she cast was Keeper of Immortality's level 80 spell, Ma.s.s Resurrect. This spell resurrected a maximum of one hundred dead allies within a fifty-meter radius area. She could manually choose who to resurrect if the number of the fallen was more than one hundred. If she didn't choose, the spell would automatically choose the ones with the highest levels and grades. She let the spell go into auto mode.

A lot of corpses were in that pile, so the spell's quota was easily reached. One hundred people came back to life with 10% HP.

They were easily killed again with such low HP, so Purple Mist cast another spell. Her spell was Sanctuary, which was Keeper of Immortality's level 60 spell.

The spell marked a fifty-meter radius area. Upon casting, all allies within the area healed 10% HP. They then received a healing of 1000 HP every second. This spell lasted ten minutes. Everyone within this marked area was immune to status afflictions and movement restrictions. All the damage they received while within this area was reduced by 30%.

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Second World Chapter 1920. One-Devil Army summary

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