
Second World Chapter 1887. Leaving the Secret Garden

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Chapter 1887. Leaving the Secret Garden

"Third team! Grace, Red Death, Nameless, and Bada.s.s," John announced. "The four of you will head to Northern Palgrost Front… Well, we should call it Sangrod Front since it is in Sangrod Territory now. You will help the army fight Belphegor at that front."

The Sangrod Front was where Arlcard was, Jack thought. He knew Arlcard had become Sangrod's emperor. Now that his companion was a sovereign, he couldn't summon Arlcard at will anymore. Otherwise, the army on that front would become a mess if their leader suddenly left the field. Then again, everyone's companion was already active in the war while they trained here. Most likely, no one would summon their companions when they joined the war.

"I gotta ask," Jet said. "Do you truly set up this team arrangement based on our cla.s.s and skill compatibility, or do you do it for your amus.e.m.e.nt?"

"I said it's the latter," Spring Crown gave his opinion.

"I agree to that," David added while giving Spring Crown an irritated glance.

"How can you say that?" John made a hurt face. "Do you think I'm the kind of man who does things for amus.e.m.e.nt when the whole world is at stake?"

"Yes," Everyone uttered at almost the same time.

"Ouch! Now, that hurts," John said.

"Are you sure putting these two ladies together is the right move?" Jet pointed at Grace and Red Death. The two women glanced at one another after Jet's gesture.

"Why is it not?" Jack asked, which caused everyone to give him a stare.

"Uh… Did I say something wrong?" Jack asked.

"Your cluelessness is baffling, brother," Paytowin said to him.

"Now, cut the c.r.a.p," John said. "I've seen the two of them fight together during their spar with Jack. They coordinated very well. Their cla.s.ses also cover each other's weaknesses well. Grace has excellent defense and can heal. Red Death is an excellent damage dealer. If they can cooperate, they will do great."

"I agree," Jack said. He then thought of something and said, "Hey, wait a minute. Weren't you already sleeping that time when I sparred with them?"

"I was just pretending to sleep, my friend. Okay, next team! Paytowin, Hand… Joe! Anotherday, Wilted Tree. You will go to Palgrost Southern Front and fight Leviathan."

"Um… Can I choose another team," Joe asked. "That Leviathan is freaking huge. I don't know how we fight that thing."

"Leave the melee engagement to Paytowin and the Caelum Whale. You will play support with the others," John said.

Paytowin nodded.

John continued. "The fifth team will head to Hydrurond's Northern Front. I will head this team myself. Accompanying me will be Giant Steve, Fierce Flame, Jet, and Purple Mist. Under my leadership, we will take down Beelzebub and secure victory against the demon army. We will then march toward Liguritudum to put an end to Master's ploy and end this once and for all. To victory…!!!"

While many were affected by his enthusiasm and echoed his victory cry, they soon realized something weird. One person and one front were not yet accounted for. They all turned to this person.

"Motherf*cker…," Jack cursed. "Are you asking me to face Satan alone?!"

"You won't be alone. Eoranth and Honuren will be there to aid you," John replied.


"F*ck you! You are doing this on purpose!" The others held Jack down when he was about to lunge at John.

John ran to hide behind Jeanny before saying, "Expert, you have three cla.s.ses. You alone are worth three people. Please believe I make this team arrangement based on objectivity, not subjectivity."

"Even if your argument is sound, why does your team have more members than the rest of us?" Paytowin asked. "Your team has five people. The rest of us, aside from Jack, only have four people."

"Not to mention, his team boasts the best composition," Spring Crown added. "Aside from him, he has a tank, a ranged damage dealer, a melee supporter, and a healer."

"Hm…," Everyone now turned to John.

"Hey! Come on. Like I said. This arrangement is based entirely on objectivity!" John exclaimed. "I'm a strategist. I need p.a.w.ns to bring out my full ability. Thus, it makes sense for me to have the most number of people. This is all to ensure a victory. If I can defeat Beelzebub fast, my team can use Chris' Anywhere Portal to come to your aid and help your side. We agree to hit all the devils simultaneously. That doesn't mean we can't grant one team the highest chance of winning, so that team can quickly complete the task, and then come to the other team's aid. I've placed this vital burden on myself, all to ensure our collective victory. That is how selfless I am!"

Everyone gave him condescending faces. No one here believed he was selfless. Nevertheless, his argument of defeating one devil first was sound. With the other teams pinning the devils down, the devils wouldn't be able to leave their current battlefields even if they sensed one of them was defeated.

"Sending me to go alone is still a low blow," Jack said.

"I can go with you if you want," Grace offered.

"What's the matter, expert? Are you afraid to face Satan?" John asked.

"There is no need to try to provoke me," Jack replied. "Even if you all stay behind, I will still go by myself if I have to. I just don't like the way you set this up. Never mind. So be it! We follow your arrangement. Grace, you go with the others to Sangrod."

"Are you sure?" Grace asked.

"Satan might be extremely strong, but he is also the best opponent I can use to measure how far I have improved over these past two months. I'm not afraid of him!"

"That's how our ace should act!" John came and clapped Jack on the shoulder. Jack responded by giving him a killing stare.

"I can see you are still mad about this. I'll leave you alone," John said. He scurried away to resume absorbing aquatic monster essences. The others did the same. Jack went to one side and practiced his sword art using his new Storm Breaker.

After a couple more hours, everyone finally maxed out their bloodline levels. Bloodlines provided a great percentage boost to their stats. Hence, they felt significantly stronger and faster. After so many improvements, they were now ready to face their greatest challenges.

They walked together toward the Anywhere Portal.

On the way, Four Winds thought of something and asked Jack. "By the way, you don't need to absorb the essence and you don't need to wait for anyone since you don't have a team. Why didn't you head over to the battlefield ahead of us?"

Jack's face showed that he had also just realized that. All he could respond with was, "Oh…"

Chris was already waiting for them there. He was sitting in a low chair, relaxing while sipping wine the fairies brought him.

"You know, I still get irritated every time I see how relaxed he is," Jet said.

"Yeah. He said he busied himself to get the bloodlines, but every time I came out from the training caves, I always saw him relaxing. There is no sign of him ever leaving this place," Paytowin added.

"I bet all he said about busying himself is just bull. He must have had the bloodlines from the start," Spring Crown joined in.

"You, people, do know I can hear you, don't you?" Chris yelled. "This is how you thank me after I gave you so many things?"

Another round of 'thank you' with flat tones sounded from everyone. This p.i.s.sed Chris off.

"Argh…! Begone with you all. Don't come here again!" Chris stood and went to operate his Anywhere Portal.

"Northern Aurebor!" He yelled.

A hectic scene was visible on the other side of the portal. Soldiers running around the place, soldiers operating siege weapons, A long wall that blocked the sight of h.e.l.l on the other side, and soldiers battling demons atop that wall.

The battle was ongoing. The wall was still standing strong. Chris had opened the portal on the side behind the defending wall.

Jeanny, Spring Crown, David, and Freddie walked forward. Jeanny stopped before the portal. He looked at Chris and said, "Thank you."

Jeanny's thank you was not the mocking version with the flat tone. Her words were sincere. Chris' displeasure evaporated then.

"Good luck," Chris said. He was also being sincere.

Jeanny nodded. She went through the portal.

Spring Crown and David looked at each other before saying thank you to Chris. Theirs, however, was the mocking version. They gave each other a high-five before entering the portal. Chris' annoyance returned because of those two. Freddie simply walked past Chris and entered the portal without even a glance.

"d.a.m.n it! Don't expect me to teleport you back here again!" Chris cursed and shut down the current portal. The portal quickly reappeared, but showing the scene from another front.

"Southern Palgrost!" He yelled.

He turned and saw Wilted staring at him.

"So, we are not allowed to come back here again?" Wilted asked.

"My door is always open for you," Chris said with a grin.

"I won't return if the others are not allowed," Wilted said.

"All right. All right. If any of you requested, I will teleport you back here," Chris said with a defeated expression.

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Second World Chapter 1887. Leaving the Secret Garden summary

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