
Second World Chapter 1306 1306. Network Of Worlds

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Chapter 1306 1306. Network Of Worlds

Seeing that Jack treated Master as a sworn enemy, Stefan felt a kinship with Jack. He said, "Brother. If you need my help dealing with him, I'm ready."

"See? I've already got a friend and you instead get an enemy," Jack said to Master.

"Hmph. Like I give a d.a.m.n about a weakling. I don't give a s.h.i.t even if one thousand such weaklings become my enemies," Master said.

Stefan's face was red from such an insult.

"Don't worry. I will kick his b.u.t.t for you one day," Jack said to Stefan, then he added, "By the way, since we are now brothers. Do you mind helping me with something?"

"Anything, brother," Stefan said.

Jack nodded. "It will hurt, though," he warned.

"I'm not afraid of trouble if it is for a friend," Stefan announced. "Tell me what you need. If it is within my power, I will gladly do it. What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, I don't need you to do anything much. Just lean closer," Jack said.

"Closer…? What for?" Stefan was confused, but he complied. He came closer to Jack. He thought perhaps Jack wanted to whisper some secrets to him. Since they couldn't use messages, they needed this old-fashioned way of sharing secrets.

While he was expecting Jack to lean his head closer to his, it was Jack's hand that came. Jack's hand slapped Stefan's cheek hard.

"Ouch…!! What the f*ck was that for…?!" Stefan screamed.

"I'm sorry! I just want to test something," Jack said.

"What the h.e.l.l are you testing by hitting me?" Stefan asked.

"You don't have a damage number appearing," Jack answered.

"Of course, I don't. You don't have a weapon equipped!" Stefan said.

"No, you don't understand. Some of us martial artists have an ability called mana manipulation. With this ability, we can cause damage even if we don't use any weapon. I used this ability just now, but it didn't cause you any damage."

"So, what does that mean, my king?" Kramer asked from Jack's other side.

"You are still on with that 'my king' s.h.i.t? Didn't I tell you no way he is your king?" Stefan said to Kramer. Kramer paid him no mind.

"This means the rules of this constructed world prevent members of the same team from hurting one another," Jack answered. "I bet even if we have weapons equipped, we still won't be able to hurt each other."

Which was a pity, Jack thought. Earlier, when he sent Master flying to the wall, he was ready to continue his a.s.sault. Master had proven to be someone he couldn't tolerate. He wanted to take Master out now that Master was vulnerable, but it seemed that option was out of the window. He couldn't kill Master even if he wanted to since he couldn't cause any damage to a team member.

"Let's rest. We might need our strength for tomorrow," Jack said.

Some rested as Jack suggested. Some continued talking with one another, discussing the event of today. Jack, who was normally chatty didn't join them. He closed his eyes.

He was glad now that Master had changed position. He felt safer with Stefan and Kramer by his sides. Otherwise, he might not dare to risk what he was about to do.

He acted like he was asleep while sitting on the wall, but he was focusing on his mana sense. Gradually, his consciousness left his body.

'Good,' he thought. This ability was still working, the same as his mana sense and mana manipulation.

However, when he expanded his sense, he found that the s.p.a.ce here was just this dungeon they were in. This constructed s.p.a.ce was just a small pocket world. Even if they weren't chained, they were still trapped. There was no exit.

He didn't let himself get disheartened by this finding, though. He floated to where the edge of this constructed world was. The last time, he was able to interact with the mana of a constructed world and sense its structure. Perhaps he could do the same here.

His consciousness touched the wall of this pocket world. He sensed nothing at first, but he forced himself to delve deeper into its fabric. He felt the membrane that enveloped this world shiver.

Sensing the reaction, Jack pushed harder. He forced his consciousness to pierce through the membrane. His control over mana sense and mana manipulation could be cla.s.sified as top-tier already. If anyone could break through this dimensional layer, he would be one such person.

With his persistence, he sensed the membrane give in. His consciousness started to seep into it. As that happened, his sense expanded. His sense was abruptly flooded with so much stimulation that he felt as if he had lost himself in a sea of turbulent waters.

He didn't know for how long, but he slowly regained control. As his awareness returned, he could make sense of all the information that floated around him.

He could see now that there were a lot of these constructed worlds. A whole network of them. Each pocket housed different things. He couldn't sense what was inside them. He would have to pierce through their layers as he did when he penetrated out of the one his body was in.

He was suddenly alarmed. What if he couldn't find his way back? He tried sensing around. He was relieved when his consciousness easily identified the pocket world where his body was located.

After making sure that he had an escape route, he returned to studying this mess of worlds. Was Grace in one of those worlds? But there were too many of them to check one by one.

He wished Peniel was here to guide him. But considering Peniel was also in a different dimension, Jack wondered if he could contact her like usual. Jack tried calling her. No response. He then focused his mind. He felt the connection.

"Where are you?" He heard Peniel's voice.

Jack was happy that they could still be in contact despite his incorporeal state. Perhaps because his mana sense had become stronger.

Jack told her where he had gone and tried describing what he saw. When Peniel didn't quite get it, Jack tried concentrating and sent her his vision. She could see what Jack saw then.

After seeing Jack's vision, Peniel warned him. This constructed dimension was very complex. Anyone responsible for its creation had a G.o.d-level power. She told Jack to not be reckless.

With Peniel's guidance, Jack spent a few hours studying the dimension. He found that all of the pocket worlds were linked to one large pocket world. Jack figured that must be the nexus world. The one that held all the other worlds together.

Jack decided to check this nexus world. If there was a way to escape this place, the clue must be there. Peniel reminded him that the one responsible for creating this dimension was most likely in that nexus world. Jack answered he had no choice. He had to take the risk if he wanted to understand more about this place.

Jack approached the nexus world and did the same thing when he forced himself out of the dimension he was locked in. It took him more time and effort. The wall protecting this nexus world was stronger, but it was still no match for his determination.

When he got through, he found himself in a similar dungeon where he came from.

'Huh? Is this truly the nexus world?' He thought.

He then sensed a presence. He turned in that direction and saw a woman with an appearance that was similar to Aglea. The difference was while Aglea wore an elegant dress, this one wore a ragged one. She was also in chains.

'Is she a prisoner as well,' Jack thought.

While he was thinking, he noticed this woman was looking in his direction.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.


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Second World Chapter 1306 1306. Network Of Worlds summary

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