
Trial Of Love Chapter 390 - Let See What You Can Do...

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"Everyone take cover."

Screams of men came from every corner of town. Who would have thought, hunter, to become being hunted? There were loads of high skilled mercenaries but each one fell to their grave. In a blink, they saw darkness and couldn't even react to what was happening.

"Sh*t, what should we do?"

"It seems there are a lot of mercenaries after the Young Princess."

"What should we do then?"

Akita was roaming around town checking the situation with her girls. She was pleased to see the blood on the ground whilst her girl stood tall and unharmed.

"Mistress, they were from Western Org. It seems quite a lot are after the Young Princess."

"Hmm, for a billion they are willing to meet there death. Do they really think Lord Knightley would allow his daughter to roam freely? Idiots!"

Akita watched as men who were sent by Master Shou arrived to clean the mess. She got her phone out to make a report.

"Master, we found the Young Princess."

"Good, how is our little princess?"

"She fine, it seems they'll be heading to the capital."

"And the trash?"

"They've been taking care of. However, Master we just discovered that a member of the Western Org joined the party as well."



"Hmm, I'm sure Lord Knightley will pay them a visit soon."

Master Shou ended the call as Akita check on the location of the Young Princess by tracking the location of her personnel. She grabs her phone to check on them.

"How is she?"

"They're fine, I'm having a hard time keeping up with them seems a few mercenaries have noticed them."

"No worries, I'm on my way."

"Yes, Mistress."

Meanwhile, Elizabeth continues to be observant of her surroundings. She can somehow smell a strange smell in the air. Since she could determine what it is it kept bothering her.

"Is something wrong?" Megan asked noticing the seriousness in her face.

"Can you smell that?" She responded as she looked around smelling the air to where the smell is coming from.

"I can't smell anything," Jo responded immediately.

"What can you smell?" Megan inquiries for she too couldn't smell anything.

Unlike Megan and Jo, Elizabeth's sense has been enhanced when she was staying with Professor Petrovich.

"I can smell something fishy in the air."

"Well, we are by the coast," Jo responded sarcastically.

Elizabeth frowned for she was being serious yet Jo didn't take her seriously. "I'm telling you, there is something odd in the air."

"Then we better get a move on. It won't be long now." Megan spoke and cut in between Jo and Elizabeth worried that they might quarrel once again.

What Elizabeth smelt was the smell of blood from the men Akita's personnel was killing. She was fighting very skilled men and found it hard to keep a close watch at Elizabeth whilst fighting them.

"Sh*t!" She frowned when she noticing Elizabeth and her companion were on the move once more...

"Boss who is she?"

"F*ck I didn't expect someone is also after the Young Princess?"

"What should we do?"

"Which organization do you think she's from?"

As Akita's personnel continued to fight the men, she ended up losing track of Elizabeth. She was so annoyed that the devil within her emitted.

"F*ck you, now I've lost her."

She became Hela and the will to kill was her only priority now that she lost track of Elizabeth. She became more violent and attacks the men viciously. However, they were very skilled mercenaries than the rest and were able to match her skills. In the end, she received a few cuts and bruises.

"B*tch, who are you?"

"F*ck you!" She puked out some blood.

Before the group of men could further attack her, they soon each went down on their knees surprising her. She looked back and saw Akita and a few of the girls.


"Are you alright?"

"Mistress, this men, they were S cla.s.s mercenaries. I haven't checked which organization they are from."

Akita's face turned dark. She didn't expect things to turn so complicated. She thought they'll be handling some low-cla.s.s mercenaries. But who would have thought that even top organization and S Cla.s.s mercenaries to join.

"Send her back, I'll go and search for the Young Princess."

As they were reaching their destination, they unexpectedly b.u.mp into some mercenaries group which surprised Elizabeth greatly. She did not expect that the reason to why Jo and Megan were looking so trouble were because of them. It seems like someone else is after her yet she does not know the reason why.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elizabeth turned to them looking so trouble.

"We were bound to meet one of them soon." Megan forces a smile but soon fade when she saw how furious the girl was.

"What do you mean one? Who mean there are more?" It upset Elizabeth greatly that they hid something so important from her. She was worried that she'll put them in danger because of her father. But who would have thought that she'll indeed be bringing them to their death?

"This is not the time to fight about it! We need to think of a way out." Jo cut in between them as she pointed at the mercenaries standing a few feet away from them.

"Hmm…" Elizabeth examined the mercenaries upfront and couldn't see a great deal in them. "I can handle them."

Jo was shocked and yelled. "What?"

Megan: "….."

"They are after me so I'm sure they won't try to kill me. So, if I go after them now, I'll give us a better chance in survival, giving you an opening to go finding a way out of here. I'll destruct them while you to make a run, I'll catch up."

"That won't do, you don't even know where we're heading."

"Jo, go and check on things. I'll stay behind and help her. Make sure to prepare everything I asked you."

Jo's face paled hearing what Megan suggested. He thought they'll be able to make it out alive together but it seems it was far from impossible.  "I'm on it."

He left without any further instructions causing Elizabeth to wonder why Jo had such bitter expression.

"What's wrong with him?" She turned to face Megan but only notice the innocent smile on her face.

"Don't worry about him, why don't we clear the way for him." Megan replied with a hidden pain within her. She hopes to see the girl recover her memory and hope to bond with her once again. But who would have expected that their time together will be cut short and soon her life too?

"You're hiding something from me again? What is it?"

Megan ruffled Elizabeth's hair as she went ahead and made the first move. "Let's see what you can do, daughter of the Knightley family."

Elizabeth was stunned for a moment when she saw a familiar situation. As if everything around her froze and a memory of her past flashed in front of her.

"Let's see what you can do, Little Lady."

As she reminisces the familiar statement brought a great shock in Elizabeth's heart. The pain was so painful that it made it hard for her to breathe. She looked at Megan who was a few steps away from encountering the mercenaries who were charging at her as well.

"Who are you?" She mumbled as she continued to be in a daze of everything.

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Trial Of Love Chapter 390 - Let See What You Can Do... summary

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