
Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 347: Soul Pact Card

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Chapter 347: Soul Pact Card

Date- –/–/ 2321

Time- –/–

Location- Sky Blossom City, outskirts

“A lie is when you say one thing and do another thing… No, that is hypocrisy. I got it, lying is when you say something to trick someone, yes that’s it.” Cortney was no scholar and her words made it apparent

“Ok, so does that mean you will not stop coming here right?” Bloodette’s understanding of a lie was still shaky but she cared more about Cortney leaving.

“Well… I will no longer be sleeping and spending time here because I am moving in with my mother. But I promise to come to visit you when I get the time to.” Cortney was happy she gets to live with her estranged mother but also sad that she will be able to spend more time with Bloodette whom she just got to know.

“Okay” having learned about lying a while ago Bloodette did not know whether to trust Cortney’s words… but something amazing happened when Cortney made the promise. The world and its rules which would barely look at humans started to observe Cortney very closely. And soon an illusory pact was born between Cortney and Bloodette. This led to Bloodette believing Cortney’s promise unconditionally.

“Little girl you are here!” It has been three weeks since Bloodette last saw Cortney and was very happy finally meeting her.

“Sorry, It took so long to visit you. I was busy with my master’s training” Cortney apologized to Bloodette for not coming to visit her early.

“I thought you were with your mother..” Bloodette asked, hearing Cortney was busy doing training with her master.

“I am with my mother but she asked me not to call her mother but master,” Cortney said in disappointment.

“Little girl, you sad?” Bloodette asked in concern feeling Cortney’s disappointment as she spoke of her mother

“Yes, a little. It is okay because now I get pocket money like other children and can buy things I want. I brought something for you too. I didn’t know what you would like so I brought blood pudding. Since you are made of blood I thought you would enjoy eating it as it is made using monster blood.” Cortney summoned her storage truck and retrieved the jumbo Blood pudding pack she had stored in it.

“…” Concept of eating was just theoretical to Bloodette as she grew up being nourished by the world rule ‘blood’. Except for that one time when the world rule asked her to drink Cortney’s blood Bloodette never considered eating or drinking. Nonetheless, for the sake of the little girl Bloodette ate the Blood pudding.

“I want more, give me more!” Having tasted blood pudding the first time Bloodette was hooked to it despite being warned by world rule Blood to not devour junk blood like blood pudding as it will not help increase her strength.

“That’s all of it. I did not know if you would like it so I did not bring more. I promise I will bring more on my next visit. I also brought some blood wine, do you want to try some” Once again when Cortney made a verbal agreement with Bloodette the world and its rules started paying attention to her. Soon an illusionary pact witnessed by the world was formed between Cortney and Bloodette.

“Yuck, it is so disgusting” Bloodette seemed to prefer blood pudding over blood wine, telling a lot about her mental age.

“Let’s watch cartoons. I bet you will like it” Cortney decided to spend the rest of her visit watching cartoons in her grimoire with Bloodette.

“What took you so long? I have been waiting for an eternity for you. Give me the blood pudding” Bloodette showed first stage withdrawal symptoms of high sugar blood addition, Crankiness.

“My master to me for survival training after regular training. And you don’t have to exaggerate, it has only been a month since my last visit. I brought enough blood pudding that can last you for another month till my next visit.” Considering when her next visit will be, Cortney brought enough blood pudding to last a month, roughly 90 jumbo blood pudding packs, 3 per day should last a month.

“You are the best.” seeing a small mountain of stacked jumbo blood pudding packs Bloodette turned into a blood blob and soon engulfed the entire stack of jumbo blood pudding packs.

“…” Cortney’s jaw hung open seeing Bloodette engulf the pudding worth a month in one gulf ‘At least leave the containers, they are good for health’. And to her surprise, the front of the blood blob swallowed the puddings, and the posterior spit out the containers of the pudding.

“Do you have more?” Bloodette did not seem to be satisfied yet and asked for more.

“No, that was supposed to last you a month,” Cortney answered in dismay.

“Hehe!” Bloodette let out an embarra.s.sed laugh and added, “but I want more”.

“Bloodette honey you have a problem. I will be a bad friend if I do not stop you here.” Cortney was warned by the shopkeeper that too much blood pudding may affect her health. Remembering this Cortney decoded to put an end to Bloodette’s blood pudding madness.

“You are Bloodette’s friend,” asked Bloodette asked innocently, she did consider Cortney as a friend but hearing it out loud from that very person had a different feel to it.

“Yes, why do you think I spend the only leave I get for a month with you? You are my friend.” Cortney did not hesitate to call a humanoid blood-hungry monster her friend.

“Yea! Bloodette has a friend too.” Bloodette celebrated in great joy.

“Ok, I have to go now. See you next month” seeing it was already late Cortney decided to leave before the curfew.

“Wait, you are leaving already. I want blood pudding.” Bloodette said pointing towards the empty pudding packs.

“And who’s fault is that? That was supposed to last a month” Cortney rolled her eyes to Bloodette’s plea.

“But… But ..” Bloodette was at a loss of words since it was her fault to eat all the blood pudding at once.

“How about you come with me? This way I can give you blood pudding every day. ” Cortney suggested.

“Bloodette cannot leave the dungeon.” Answered Bloodette pitifully. But soon her eyes brightened hearing the world rule that it has a way to help her.

“So you are saying you want to form a contract with me. So that I can summon you out of this dungeon whenever and wherever I want. In return for blood pudding and watching cartoons you will fight for me.” Cortney summarised the equal contract put forward by Bloodette.

“Yes, I am strong. I will help you in return you will summon me out of this seal and give me pudding, let me watch cartoons in your grimoire. Little girl, what do you say?” Bloodette was enthusiastic about the contract as it allowed her to leave the seal as long as she abides by the contract rules.

After a heated discussion, both sides reached an agreement to desired terms and signed the contract under the witness of the world and its rules. Soon an illusionary pact formed between Cortney and Bloodette. But this time the pact turned into a card and laid Cortney’s palm.

“That is a Soul Pact Card representing the contract between us. You can use that card to summon me. Little girl don’t forget to summon me whenever you get a chance to.” Bloodette explained about the pact card.

“Wow! I didn’t know that Cards like this one existed” expressing her surprise Cortney added the soul pact card to her origin card Tome of Contracts.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 17:04

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card Stadium, Arena

‘I will kill the target in return you guys give my mother her freedom’ Cortney clearly remembered her deal with the circle. Later knowing the target was Dalton Wyatt, someone considered as friend Cortney could not make up her mind. Cortney was not worried she could not complete the deal because she knew her physique would force her to complete the deal and during this period of deal suicide was not an option.

Knowing that she will kill Wyatt no matter what, she keeps reminding Wyatt that she will kill him so that he will grow to hate her … Cortney did not know why she did this but something in her told that she wanted to reduce her guilt of killing him by having him hate her.

As expected once the Match began her thoughts were suppressed by the world and its rules forcing her to execute her part of the deal. With her body being taken over by the world and its rules, Cortney blanked out completely. This was the side effect of having an omnipotent witness.

The expressionless Corney went all out and did not hold back to complete the deal by summoning Bloodette using debt collection on her, Cortney’s strongest trump card.

“Kill him” expressionless Cortney ordered Bloodette but seeing her protest expressionless Cortney used debt recovery to use the world and its rules help to get her way.

Under the influence of the world and its rules, Bloodette continued to execute the order given to her by expressionless Cortney even after she fainted.


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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 347: Soul Pact Card summary

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