
Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2234 Space Disaster

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Chapter 2234 s.p.a.ce Disaster

Date- Unspecified

Time- Unspecified

Location- Lil Red Storm Planet, Unspecified

"How did you know to search for a natural deposit of liquid spirit gold on this realm?" the Field Marshal asked Wyatt in puzzlement. Based on her knowledge, today was the first time he had learned about this realm and stepped on it. So, how did he know that this realm would have such an astronomical natural deposit of liquid spirit gold?

"Correction: it's not a natural deposit but the remains of a meteor. Also, I had no idea we would find a liquid spirit gold deposit here. I was just searching for the remains of the meteors that fell on this realm. As the meteors aren't entirely made of rocks but also different rare and precious minerals and


When I heard Henricks say this realm was plagued by constant meteor strikes and showers, I guessed that this realm must be filled with many rare resources. My bet was correct; it's a treasure trove, and that ignorant idiot, Henricks, not only handed us coordinates to it but personally led us to it.

What's even more interesting is that these resources keep getting acc.u.mulated because of the meteors falling on this realm i.e. even if we were to mine this entire realm its resources would be renewed by other meteor remains! Now that Wyatt had confirmed his speculations, he finally revealed his thoughts to the Field Marshal.

"Wyatt, are you sure this isn't a natural deposit but the remains of a meteor? Because, if a meteor, more than 15 cubic meters in size, were to hit this realm and the realm miraculously managed to survive such a catastrophic impact, this crater we are standing on would have been a lot wider and deeper, the Field Marshal pointed out the very thing bugging Wyatt about this liquid spirit gold (LSG) deposit. The on-site evidence wasn't adding up to his speculations.

"I can guarantee you that this LSG deposit is not a natural deposit and is indeed the remains of a big meteor or even a large-scale meteor shower, but you're correct about the crater. The size of the crater created by the impact should have been a lot wider and deeper. It's not adding up," Wyatt. mused aloud.

He was able to vouch that the LSG deposit was not a natural deposit and was indeed the remains of a big meteor or a meteor shower because if it had been a natural deposit, the LSG deposit would have been on the surface ground of the realm's crust, like within a mountain or a valley, and spread across the landscape.

It was a known fact that LSG deposits were found on surface ground. That was the case in the Card World. It remained a fact inside the dungeons too. However, on this realm, the LSG deposit, though close to the surface ground, was deep in the crust, and all of the LSG was concentrated in a single location, forming a cl.u.s.ter. It was like it got buried by the impact.

Then, recalling the meteor shower they saw earlier, he added, "Come to think of it, the meteor shower we saw earlier should have impacted the surface of this realm by now. Yet, it's too peaceful. Considering our distance from the area of effect, if nothing else, we should have at least felt the shockwaves and the sound from the impact. But we didn't. It's as if that meteor shower vanished into thin air"

"You're right, it totally slipped my mind," the Field Marshal agreed with Wyatt. Just as she was about to use her intent sense to sense what was happening in the direction of where the meteor shower

was supposed to fall, Wyatt hurriedly ordered, "Tield Marshal, take me there immediately." The Field Marshal recalled her shuttle and grabbed Wyatt's shoulder to displace them using her s.p.a.ce rule. Soon, their figures vanished from the crater, leaving behind no trace of their presence. Field Marshal Heatsend stopped her skill, arriving 21 miles from the area of impact as the s.p.a.ce there was collapsing on itself. She had no idea how long it would take for the s.p.a.ce to stabilize so that they could inspect the area.

Looking at the s.p.a.ce that was collapsing on itself, Wyatt nodded in understanding, saying, "It seems I underestimated how fragile the s.p.a.ce of this realm is."

Seeing the s.p.a.ce disaster before him, Wyatt knew that the meteor shower had arrived at the area of collision that he predicted, but before it could collide with the surface of the realm, its descent speed had destroyed the fragile s.p.a.ce of this realm, causing it to collapse on itself. As a result, all the meteors were swallowed by the s.p.a.ce disaster before they could collide with this realm's surface. Hence, they did not feel the shockwave or hear the sound from the impact.

"If the meteors are being swallowed by the s.p.a.ce disaster before they can collide with this realm's surface, then where did that deposit of LSG come from? Was it a coincidence? Were we just lucky and found a natural deposit of 1.SG while trying to find the remains of a meteor?"

Like a mindreader, the Field Marshal spoke all the right questions that Wyatt was trying to figure out at present. Not getting a reply, the Field Marshal tore her sight from the mesmerizing display of the small-scale s.p.a.ce disaster and moved it on to Wyatt. Only to find that Wyatt was too busy using his unique eyes, a.n.a.lyzing the s.p.a.ce disaster and gathering more data.

Looking at Wyatt, the Field Marshal was stunned as she stared into his unique eyes. All of her attention was attracted by his beautiful pair of blue eyes. They appeared vast and deep as the ocean itself. Those eyes were so mesmerizing and intriguing that her mind was completely occupied by them.

It was like she was obsessed with them. So much so that she was unable to take her eyes off of them. There was this profound mystery in those eyes that she tried to uncover but it kept eluding her. She felt like she could spend the rest of her life just staring into those eyes, trying to solve their mystery.

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2234 Space Disaster summary

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