
Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2031 Crazy And Suicidal

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Chapter 2031  Crazy And Suicidal

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:04

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air s.p.a.ce

Throwing all his dissatisfaction with his predecessor and his origin card JJ then went through the records stored on shelves to find records on his ancestor's modified human sacrificial summoning ritual. It did not take him long to find it. Finding it JJ learned that the only true way to kill a devil was to kill it in the dark realm. Hence, his ancestors went through the trouble of wasting time on modifying the sacrificial summoning ritual of the demons/devils. Learning that his ancestors would go into the devil's territory and hunt them, JJ could not help but marvel at their bravery and strength. However, right next to these records, JJ found the records of his prodigal predecessor's research on the sacrificial summoning ritual. Curious, JJ went through the records to learn that this predecessor of his wasn't just prodigal but crazy. He modified the sacrificial summoning ritual of the demons/devils to summon the Card World's will itself. His prodigal predecessor's idea was simple and bold but a bit suicidal, he wanted to sacrifice demons/devils to the card world's will to summon it and have it help him comprehend and master rules and their meanings. Learning what his predecessor was up to JJ could not but regain respect for his predecessor even if he did not quite succeed in what he set out to do. Though he did not manage to ever summon the Card World's will to help him comprehend and master rules and their meanings he was able to get it to help him find the rule meanings he was searching for at the bifurcation point of the rule stream. It was like he was bridging the world's will to help him choose the rule meaning he wanted. Though JJ's predecessor did not consider this development as a win, JJ himself thought this was good enough. He was so psyched, he could not imagine the waves it would create in the world however just as that thought crossed his mind JJ felt dread in his heart. He felt that if the world leaders were to get the wind of this Southern region dyed red by them to get their hands on this modified sacrificial summoning ritual. Thinking of this JJ's excitement vanished. He was starting to understand why his prodigal predecessor lost many of their family's heirlooms in a gamble to the central government and others. After all, one of the unspoken laws of the card world was that it was a sin to possess something beyond one's strength. But JJ soon shook his head and wondered if his ancestors were strong and smart enough to find a way to enter the devils' territories and kill them then what changed for their most promising descendant to act prodigal and willingly give away their wealth? JJ felt that somewhere down history while fighting with the demons/devil and their worshipers, the Southern Royal family was also fighting the rest of the world, especially the central government. As his predecessor said, since he was not present back then it would be hard for him to understand what happened and why it happened. Just like how his predecessor did not want to go into the details about it JJ too for now did not want to go into the details about it because with his strength he could not afford it. For, now all his concentration was focused on growing stronger. That's how JJ got started on creating his own version of the sacrificial summoning ritual. However, it took a lot of inspiration from his predecessor's version of the sacrificial summoning ritual. Still, its purpose and application were a hundred percent his idea. JJ's version of the sacrificial summoning ritual also used the sacrifice to call upon the card world's will however, it did not demand the card world to help him comprehend rules and their meaning instead, it would help him summon a monster to fight his battles for him. JJ had thought of this from the theory that the Card world was responsible for the creation of the dungeons.

Since the card world could create the dungeons and the monsters in them, he thought it could also help him summon monsters to fight his battle for him for a price. Though JJ felt that it was asking a lot compared to asking the world will to point out a certain rule meaning at the bifurcation point of the rule stream he did not lose hope in his vision he believed in it with all his heart. JJ's bet was right his modified version of the sacrificial summoning ritual was a huge success even though it consumed a lot of resources as a sacrifice. Still, it was worth it considering that it would allow him to summon SSS-rank boss monsters that even an elite demiG.o.d would fear to fight alone. Once JJ had successfully created his envisioned version of the modified sacrificial summoning ritual, he then proceeded to turn his research into a card and enter the ranks of the most promising youth of the current generation not just in the Southern Region but all five regions. That was how a prodigy of card creation was able to take over the high school gangs of the Southern Capital and stand against the likes of Adriene and Cervos. From certain points, JJ seemed stronger than Adriene and Cervos but the truth was JJ himself was his weak point, Adriene and Cervos did not have to fight his summons to defeat him as long as they defeated or captured him they would win. Hence, JJ and his faction had yet to unify the high school gangs of the Southern Capital and take over its streets like the Bright Lions did in Sky Blossom City. "Roar!!!" the roar of an actual Nine-winged devil dragon sounded at the edge of the void while JJ stood atop its head looking down at Adriene and the Nine-winged devil dragon corpse (Cervos). Just as the three stared at one other while the crowd ran for their life, before things could unfold they heard a loud indifferent uninterested voice chant: "Celestial Blood Fate Domain!!!"

Soon the entire edge of the void in Sky Blossom City's air s.p.a.ce was dyed in red monochrome.

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2031 Crazy And Suicidal summary

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