
Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 1379 Fight !

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Chapter 1379 Fight !

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 16:39

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist a.s.sociation, Auction House

"This is so real, I can feel the wind brushing my hair, light kissing my skin, I can breathe air and feel its freshness. How is this even possible?" Volunteer No.1 exclaimed

"Hey, genius. Have you never experienced a high-level illusion," Volunteer No.2 scoffed at Volunteer No.1, he did not seem to be impressed by the VR City as it resembled a typical high-level. He would rather go back to his VR Saferoom and continue watching his adult videos in 3D. 

Volunteer No.2 has a lot of experience with illusion-related cards and arrays. He even funded research to create an illusion array or card that could turn adult videos on the network into 3-dimensional experiences. However, no reputed and named array masters or card creationists were willing to partic.i.p.ate in his research. So his promising research idea despite having enough funds came to an end as it was ahead of its time. However, today he saw a chance of reviving that idea in the VR-Coc.o.o.n card. 

Volunteer No.2 felt that VR-Saferoom would be more promising if it could also exhibit the sense of touch and smell, just like its creator proposed. 

"Not, everyone is shameless to live off their daddy's money," Volunteer No.1 mocked Volunteer No.2. 

"Friend, you don't know the burden of having a rich father. I cannot get a job because I am too busy helping my father spend his money," Volunteer No.2 sighed exasperatedly. 

"Friend, I misunderstood you. Your life is hard," Volunteer No.1 expressed his understanding as he neared Volunteer No.2, and then out of nowhere he punch Volunteer No.2 in his face sending him flying into a nearby wall, and yelled, "I have tolerated you enough."

"f.u.c.k, that hurts," getting up from the rubble Volunteer No.2 cussed, despite the pain he did not suffer any damage. 

"I will this one last time, watch your language. Kids might be watching this," Volunteer No.1 warned Volunteer No.2 from using profanity. 

"f.u.c.k f.u.c.k, f.u.c.kity f.u.c.k. I say f.u.c.k f.u.c.k, f.u.c.kity f.u.c.k—" In response to Volunteer No.1's warning Volunteer No.2 began to sing a crude song but then he had to stop and run for his life as the hulking Volunteer No.2 dashed toward him with the anger of ten thousand fathers.

While running for his life Volunteer No.2 yelled, "Yo, Master Wyatt you seeing this? Isn't this against auction house rules?"

"Volunteer No.2 you are in VR-City, their auction house rules don't apply," I respond not planning to intervene in their drama. As the drama was good for business. 

"What about VR-City rules?" Volunteer No.2 enquired in distress. 

"I am sorry, Volunteer No.2. As of now, VR-City has no rules," I said talking pleasure in Volunteer No.2's misery. 

Though both of the volunteers were of the card lord realm, just by looking at their appearance, one could tell that Volunteer No.1's physical prowess where higher than Volunteer No.2's physical prowess. 

"Master Wyatt, I am begging you, do something about this madman before he kills me." Volunteer No.2 pleaded.

"Why don't you just fight back?" I asked 

"Fight back? Have you seen him, he looks like a human-orc hybrid, how can I go against him using my average human body?" Volunteer No.2 complained. 

"Human-orc hybrid, mock all you want. Once I catch you, I will thrash you so hard that you will look like a human-goblin hybrid," Volunteer No.1 was enraged listening to Volunteer No.2 comparing his appearance to a human-orc hybrid.

"Master Wyatt, I don't want to look like a human-goblin hybrid even if all this is just an illusion," Volunteer No.2 sounded like he was going to cry. 

"So, why don't you summon your grimoire and defend yourself?" I advised Volunteer No.2. 

Listening to the creator of VR-City, Volunteer No.2 tried summoning his grimoire in doubt. Seeing he could summon his grimoire in the VR-City, he yelled, "Come here you big fat boar, I will show you the power of the bests cards my daddy's money can buy." 

"You shameless son of a rich daddy," Volunteer No.1 too summoned his grimoire. However, he knew that his card collection could not compare to Volunteer No.2's card collection which costs a big fortune. So he asked, "Master Wyatt, can we use ego gem in here?" 

"Yes. Go wild you two," I rooted for both the Volunteers to fight as it would allow the audience to see the possibilities of the VR-City. 

Actually, I had created a huge stadium in the VR City just for these two to fight after they were done exploring the VR City but fighting on the streets of the city works way better than what I had planned. It reminded me of open world, player verse player, and battle royal games back on earth. 

Learning that he could use his ego gem inside the VR-city, Volunteer No.1 did no longer hesitate and was about to launch an attack, but paused hearing Volunteer No.2 say, "Shameless son of a rich daddy? What kind of taunt is that? You are just stating the obvious. Friend, kneel and expect me as your teacher, I will help you attain enlightenment in the art of cussing."

"My kid is watching the live stream of the card demonstration," Volunteer No.1 explained before resuming his attack. He dashed toward Volunteer No.2 like a lightning bolt burning the asphalt under his foot and leaving a charred footprint in it. 

"Earth escape," seeing Volunteer No.1 dash toward him with his entire covered in the lightning rule power Volunteer No.2 used an escape skill card to dig into the asphalt, burrow into the grown, and escape in a direction only he and the creator of VR-City knew. He was proud of the cards his daddy's money can buy him but he would be foolish to use soul energy against rule power, not just any rule power but lightning rule power. 

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 1379 Fight ! summary

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