
Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 4

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Chapter Five.

They found Pol in a taverna already dancing to the sounds of a stringed laota, his arms over his head, his feet tracing complicated patterns on the floor. Cas procured himself and Fiona a table near the center of the taverna, and they sat down to watch Pol.

Pol danced well for a man so tall and muscular. He moved with a sinuous grace that was all masculine and every female in the place appreciated it. He snapped his fingers with the beat and the drinkers at the tables around him clapped or snapped fingers with him.

He moved his feet as languidly as had the belly-dancer, his hands making sharper gestures than hers. His black hair glistened in the candlelight, his swarthy face gleaming with perspiration.

aHe loves attention,a Cas said, sounding amused. Head pulled his seat close to Fionaas and draped his arm across the back of her chair.

Another man joined Pol on the floor, one with white hair and an obvious experience with dancing. He danced slowly around Pol, the two men moving in harmony. After a time, another man joined with his wife.

Fiona looked up at Cas to find his face close to hers, his eyes holding a fire that could have burned down the taverna. She wondered where her shyness had gone. Two days ago, she would have writhed with embarra.s.sment to be this close to a man, especially when it was obvious what he had in mind.

Now she gazed back at him, her heartbeat quick, then raised her face to his and met his lips in a kiss.

His warm mouth brushed hers and he kissed the corner of her lips, darting his tongue briefly over her skin. Her female places went moltena"she swore there was lava down there.

She kissed him again, following his lead to take it slowly. His eyes closed, thick black lashes resting on his bronzed cheeks. He nuzzled her, then kissed her upper lip. She caught his lower between hers and sucked.

Cas made a noise of satisfaction. He drew back, eyes half-closed, the gleam from beneath his lids wicked.

On the floor, Pol continued to dance. He had his gaze on the dancing woman, a fact which the woman noticed and her husband did not. Pol winked and she blushed.

aI see my brother might be keeping himself busy tonight,a Cas murmured. He slid his arm around Fionaas shoulders and eased her gently back against him.

aBut sheas married,a Fiona hissed.

Remembering stories of G.o.ds and demiG.o.ds of the Greek Pantheon, she realized that none of them paid much attention to the marital status of the person they wanted. The only reason Zeus had disguised himself as animals or rain or whatever was because he didnat want his wife Hera to know he was off philandering. He hadnat been particular about whether the woman of his affections was married or single.

aFew women can resist Pol,a Cas said.

Fiona flushed. aIncluding me, it seems. Iave never done that before. You know, with two.a aThereas a first time for everything.a He cuddled her close and pressed a warm kiss to her hair. aI hope the second time is with me.a aWill Pol mind?a What is wrong with me? Iam asking a man if his brother minds if he doesnat do a mnage a trois with us.

aHe knows how to keep himself busy.a Cas skimmed his thumb along Fionaas jaw and turned her face to his. This kiss was still slow, but fuller, his mouth slanting all the way across hers. Her blood ran hot, sweat p.r.i.c.kling on her forehead, and the cream between her thighs was definitely lavalike.

He dipped his tongue into her mouth gently but completely and delved expertly to taste every corner of her.

When she came up for air, she saw Pol staring at them. His look was not possessive like Casa, but almost feral. He seemed to like watching his brother kiss Fiona so thoroughly.

aLet us walk,a Cas said. He sc.r.a.ped his chair back and rose, his large body dwarfing hers as he waited, his hand on her chair.

aWhat about Pol?a Cas slid his gaze to his brother who was dancing again. The beat had increased and Polas steps became faster and more intricate. Someone whooped.

aHeall be fine. He likes to show off.a aBut he doesnat know how to get back to the dorm. Should we leave him?a aWe will not go far.a Hand on the small of her back, Cas steered Fiona through the maze of tables and chairs and out into the cool night. The street was still lively, the sidewalks filled with people lounging and drinking and smoking, music spilling out of doors.

Fiona liked Athens best at this time of night. The work day was over, the night air refreshing, and everyone relaxed and chatted under the streetlights and the stars.

aIt was like this in the Athens of old,a Cas said. aExcept the married women stayed inside. I like to see the women outside, walking freely.a Fiona grinned. aAn ancient Athenian feminist.a aI have not heard this word feminist. But why should women be locked away like prisoners? Men should be allowed to look even if they cannot touch.a Fiona tucked her arm through his. aWell, I donat think your motives are exactly pure, but I sure wouldnat want to be confined to my home. But then, when I said I wanted to be an archeologist, people wondered why I didnat want to get married instead. Not that it was a difficult choice, because no one asked me to marry them.a aI am glad they did not. I would have to fight them or trick them to get to you, because I am determined to have you.a Her heart did a little flutter. aYouare very sweet.a His look told her he didnat know what she was talking about. She decided to say nothing more and just enjoy walking next to a tall, delicious man with beautiful black eyes who wanted to be with her.

aWhen did you begin to believe me?a Cas asked. They reached the end of the street and turned into a narrower lane, replete with shadows.

aHmm?a aWhen we first appeared in your bed, you did not believe we were demiG.o.ds from your vessel. Why do you now?a She thought a moment, twining her fingers more firmly around his forearm.

aI donat know, really. I figured if you want to say youare demiG.o.ds from 500 B.C.E., why shouldnat I let you? Either youare telling the truth and believing you is the least I can do, or youare making it up as a joke, in which case, who am I to stand in the way of your fun?a He slanted a smile at her that was full of promise. aIt sounds very logical.a aYes, it does to me too. I think. Why are we here?a Cas had led her around another corner into a sheltered walkway between streets. It had been turned into a strip of hidden garden with a latticed roof laced with vines and roses, a gravel walkway, more vines on the walls, high where they could reach the sun, and wooden benches.

aWhy do you think?a he said, then he kissed her, a full-blown a.s.sault this time.

His tongue reached deep into her mouth, possessing it, telling her firmly, You are mine. He tasted incredibly sweet, the rich dark wine head drunk mellow and soft on her tongue. She twined her arms around his neck, liking having someone want her so much.

The kiss was hard and demanding, his mouth opening hers, lips bruising. Fiona had never really believed women sighed in surrendera"it was only what she read in romance novelsa"but her knees weakened and she let out a moan that was pure surrender. Shead wave a white flag if she had one.

aFiona,a he whispered as he moved his mouth to her cheek, her forehead, her chin. His shoulders bunched as he kissed her throat, his kisses including little licks that sent shock waves through her body.

aWhat if someone comes?a Her voice was weak, as though she couldnat think why she was protesting at all.

aWhat if they do?a He smiled, breath hot on her face. aWhat if they see you, beautiful Fiona, and me loving you?a He slid his hand into her blouse and began to undo b.u.t.tons.

aNo, really, itas a public walkway.a He led her a few feet down the path to the shadows next to a bench. aBetter?a aNo.a aLet them watch.a He kissed her parted lips, darted his tongue inside, then evaded her when she tried to kiss him back. aDo you like being watched?a aNo. I donat know. I never have been.a He pried open more b.u.t.tons, working his way down her shirt. Cool air touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s which swelled over her sensible white bra. He touched the top seam, fingertip brushing her skin. aI want this off. How does it work?a aIn the back.a She reached behind herself but Cas slid his hand inside her shirt and began to work at the clasps.

A demiG.o.d from ancient Greece shouldnat know how to undo bra hooks, she thought, and he didnat. He played with them for a long time before they finally burst free.

aDid your other lovers never display you?a Cas asked as he eased her shirt and bra from her shoulders. Both garments hung from her lower arms, and she froze, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s exposed to outside air for the first time in her life. aDid they never show others how beautiful you were?a Stunned surprise chased shock then amus.e.m.e.nt through her brain. aHardly. Charles, my boyfriend in grad school, didnat even want to display me to himself. He always kept the light off.a aPerhaps he had something to hide,a Cas suggested. aThere is no reason to conceal this beauty.a He traced his fingers over the sides of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s then to her areolas, which were already hard and tight for him.

aYou think Iam beautiful?a Could she sound any more wistful?

aWhat I think does not matter. Your beauty is a fact.a She shivered hard, so wanting to believe him. No one had ever called Fiona McCarty, Ph.D., dusty archaeology postdoc, beautiful.

aI think youare flattering me so you can get into my pants,a she said, then she blushed, remembering the taverna and Cas pressed behind her. aNo wait, you already got into my pants.a aEvery moment of this afternoon was unforgettable. I want more.a aYou make me want you too.a aGood.a He drew out the word, breathing into her hair.

aI donat trust myself,a she whispered as she slid her hands around his neck.

aThen trust me.a She closed her eyes, already knowing she wasnat going to fight. Donat lose your heart, Fiona, she chided herself. He showed up out of nowhere and heall take what he wants and disappear back to nowhere, leaving you in the dust. Itas what happens with gorgeous men like him.

Yes, but gorgeous men like him never happen to me.

She had no intentions of pushing him away. She kissed him as he went back to swirling his fingers around her areolas. If he was going to leave her in the dust, why shouldnat she enjoy the heck out of him first? Shead go in with no expectations. Expectations were what got you hurt.

No way could she push him away anyway. Her entire body was on fire, cream ran rampant between her legs and he was so strong.

Cas sat on the bench and pulled her to stand between his thighs. This made it easier for him to tilt his head and close his lips over her nipple. Fiona groaned and let her head drop back, thrusting herself farther into his mouth.

He suckled her, a sensation of both pleasure and pain. Her old boyfriend had occasionally played with her nipples while they had s.e.x, but with Charles it had been pinch, pinch, thrust, thrust, done, and her lying there wondering what had happened.

Cas took his sweet time. He gave all his attention to her breast with lips and tongue and teeth and fingers, until her body heated to unbearable temperatures. As if sensing she was pushing the limit, Cas released her. Just as she drew a breath of mixed disappointment and relief, he switched to her left breast.

She murmured something incomprehensible even to herself and swirled her fingers through his black hair. She loved the feel of it, thick and silky, rampant with curls.

He moved his tongue around her left nipple, playing until it stood up as much as the right. Then he switched back and forth, sucking one, nipping the other, flicking his tongue over the first one, rubbing fingers gently over the second.

He was doing a good job driving her crazy. She rocked on the b.a.l.l.s of her feet, her thighs wet and scalding with cream, wanting him. aPlease, Cas.a aIall let you release in a moment. Not yet.a aWhy not?a she whimpered.

aI have not finished. Iall help you release when Iam ready.a aPlease, please, please,a she begged.

aWhen I am ready.a He went back to pleasuring her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her shirt sagged open, and he drew his tongue, a streak of fire, down to ma.s.sage her navel. He went lower, as far as he could before running into her shirt and the waistband of her shorts.

He put his fingers under the waistband and slid the b.u.t.ton through the hole. Fiona shivered in excitement, wishing head go on and thrust his fingers inside her like he had this afternoon.

She remembered the heat of his body behind her and his fingers moving through her slick opening, f.u.c.king her with his hand while she held onto the incredible heat of Polas c.o.c.k. It had been the loveliest experience of her life.

To her disappointment, Cas stopped at unb.u.t.toning the waistband and sat back away from her. Before she could voice her sorrow, he grabbed the hem of his own shirt and pulled it off over his head.

She closed her mouth on her words and simply admired the moonlight on Cas. His torso, as shead noted the night before, had sharply defined muscles, a shadowed hollow between the pectorals, and hard shoulders. Hair curled over his chest, black and wiry, his male nipples in perfect proportion. Dreamily, Fiona touched one nipple, happy to see it draw to a peak as tight as hers did.

aDo you like that?a she asked, a bit surprised.

aDo you?a aYes.a aThat is your answer.a He stood up and draped his shirt over the backless wooden bench. aLie down.a This was getting out of hand. They were both half-undressed and this was still a public place.

But did she b.u.t.ton up her shirt, tell him no and sensibly walk away? Of course not. She obediently plopped to the bench and swung her legs up to lie full length on it.

Cas unzipped her shorts and tugged them and underwear down her legs, releasing her right leg from them so that the fabric bunched around her left ankle. He pressed her thighs apart, making her straddle the bench.

aPerfect,a he said, then he positioned himself between her thighs and kissed her quim.

No man had ever done that. A few men had wanted to, but Fiona had always felt shy about letting them see her private places, not sure shead like it and fearing they wouldnat.

Cas didnat bother asking. He kissed her c.l.i.t then worked kisses down to her opening, breath hot on her folds, whiskers abrading the soft flesh of her thighs. She squirmed and arched, begging with her body for him to do more and more.

The shirt beneath her softened the bench, containing warmth from his skin and Casa heady scent.

Cas licked her, his tongue masterful. Her excitement spiraled and built, and suddenly she came, moaning into the night.

She pressed her hand over her mouth to stifle her cries, and Cas continued to torture her. He licked and played, delving his tongue deeper as she arched into him, and she prayed her noise wouldnat cause someone to hear and investigate. How embarra.s.sing to have to explain an arrest for indecent exposure to Dr. Wheelan.

Cas raised his head and smiled at her, holding her down with both hands. aThe torment of Aphrodite,a he said. aShe made sure that women would have the greatest of all pleasures.a He touched the spot that in Latin was called the mons Venusa"Aphrodite was Venus in the Greek.

Aphrodite had done her job. Fiona gasped and groaned, tears leaking from her eyes.

Cas at last withdrew his fingers, but the fever still hummed through her body. She felt happy and strong and ready for s.e.x.

Instead of continuing to the next step, Cas lifted her and settled her in his lap. She tilted her head back to kiss him and the kiss went on, long and deep and taking.

She heard gravel crunch suddenly on the path. She gasped and broke the kiss. aSomeone was watching.a Cas smoothed his hand through her hair. Her shirt sagged and her shorts were still wrapped around one leg, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and quim exposed to the air.

aWhat if they were?a Cas whispered. aYou are beautiful and gave them a lovely show.a aTerrific. Just what I always dreamed of.a aYou should not be ashamed.a His lips grazed her temple, breath burning. aBeing watched turns me on in a big way. So does watching.a aIt does?a aWatching a woman pleasure herself is a heady thing. You learn exactly what she likes and exactly what brings her to ecstasy.a Fiona shivered, imagining his intense black gaze riveted to her while she dipped her fingers into her own quim. aOh my,a she said.

aDo it now.a Fiona turned to stare at him. He wore a smile on his lips, but his eyes held raw need.

aNow?a He pushed her gently from his lap, and she landed shakily on her feet. aNow. Touch yourself for me, Fiona. I will warn you if anyone comes.a She didnat quite believe him, and she wondered if she had heard someone on the path before. It might have been a bird or animal, and in spite of the dark excitement flowing through her, she hoped so.

Cas wanted her to touch herself while he sat on the bench and watched. Dear G.o.ds. He expected it. He folded his arms across his chest, muscles playing, a slight breeze ruffling his hair as he waited.

Boldly, Fiona kicked off her shorts and set them on the bench. Her shirt and bra still hung from her arms but she left them there. The feel of the cotton loose against her skin aroused her, making her feel naughty.

She stuck her forefinger into her mouth and drew it out slowly, then she did what shead never done in her lifea"probed her fingertip through her own folds.

She was wet and hot and her quim was tight. Shead never known. Shead lived with her femaleness all her life but shead never explored or appreciated it.

Casa raw, hot gaze helped her juices flow faster, wetting her fingers with scalding liquid. Shead come in her underwear before, but shead never felt the honey with her hands, never touched the hard nub that released all her fantasies.

The pictures in her mind when she touched herself were incredible. First was Cas as he was, watching her. Next was herself kneeling before him, sucking him into her mouth with enthusiasm. Then she thought of him behind her on his knees, easing that huge c.o.c.k into her while she screamed and writhed.

She put Pol in the shadows, watching with the same intense gaze Cas had now. And then she had Pol kneel in front of her, his c.o.c.k heavy and long, b.u.mping her lips until she pulled him into her mouth.

The last picture made her moan with longing. She pressed her hands hard against herself, legs parted, cream all over her fingers. She loved it, loved it, loved it.

Cas rose and came to her. He swiftly pulled her against him, his body almost a.s.saulting her. He let her rub her wet quim over his jeans, making her o.r.g.a.s.m go on and on.

Hot and sweet and rough, oh G.o.ds, I love this.

Casa hands covered her b.u.t.tocks as she writhed against his thick thigh. His mouth came down hard on hers, his tongue all over the place inside her as he caught her cries.

aCas,a she said, her voice ragged. aDo you want toa"go all the way?a aAll the way? You mean f.u.c.k?a aYes. Yes, thatas what I mean.a To her surprise and embarra.s.sment, he shook his head. aNot yet, my love. Not because I donat want you, but because you must be ready.a aButaa She gulped for air. aI just let you lick me, and then I took off my shorts and played with myself for youa"in a public garden.a aI know. And it was beautiful.a aI think it means Iam ready.a aNot yet.a He held her hard, the hot friction of his jeans almost as satisfying as his tongue. She rocked a few more times, enjoying the fire.

aYou like this?a he asked.

aYes.a She continued to pleasure herself on him, amazed at herself. It felt so good to move against his powerful muscles, hearing him grunt softy as he held her with hard fingers.

aYou are beautiful, Fiona.a She was coming again, but the only thing that would satisfy her, deeply satisfy her, was having him inside her. She remembered the pressure of his fingers in her quim and the feeling of his long c.o.c.k pressed against her a.s.s.

Fiona wanted that c.o.c.k deep inside her and she wanted it now.

But he wouldnat give it to her now. She had the feeling that no matter how much she begged, he would have s.e.x with her only when he decided it was time.

She wished it would be time quickly.

As her o.r.g.a.s.m died away into little gasps, Cas lifted her in his arms then sat down on the bench and arranged her in his lap.

aYou are the sweetest woman,a he whispered against her hair. aYou taste sweet and watching you come is delectable.a aI want to taste you.a She touched his jaw and kissed his lips.

Cas laughed softly and gently lifted her shirt and bra over her shoulders again.

aI am forever grateful to you, Fiona. You have lessened the sadness of leaving behind all I knew. I missed so much, but now I have you.a He returned her kiss with a deep one of his own, then he pushed her to her feet. aI have much to teach you, but later.a Fiona found herself standing in front of him bare-a.s.sed, shirt unb.u.t.toned, scrutinized by his appreciative gaze. Her entire body was crying out for s.e.x, and he knew it, if the smile on his face was anything to go by.

She took up her shorts and underwear from the bench. aWhen?a She hoped she didnat sound too eager and h.o.r.n.y and needy and pathetic.

He lifted his shirt and pulled it on over his head. aWe will have other opportunities for play.a His smile turned dark. aI promise you. Now let us return to find Pol.a aPol?a She started. aI thought you wanted me all to yourself.a He chuckled and gave her another searing kiss. aI do. But I am thirsty, and where we find wine, we will also find Pol.a He graciously gave her time to put on and zip up her shorts, then he slid his arm firmly around her shoulders and led her back out into Athens.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 4 summary

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