
Pinheads And Patriots: Where You Stand In The Age Of Obama Part 12

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On September 17, 2009, President Obama announced that the United States would sc.r.a.p the planned missile defense shield for Poland and the Czech Republic. Notice in the interview that Mr. Obama said the missile shield was "appropriate," but that it has to "work." He did not swear he would keep it. He danced.President Barack Obama, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (left), and Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus (center right) share a toast at a luncheon before signing the New Start START Treaty on April 8, 2010. So what exactly are we celebrating?

White House Photographed by Pete SouzaThe President gave into Vladimir Putin's paranoia about the shield because he wanted the wily Russian leader to lay off Georgia and Ukraine. This was one of those Chicago backroom deals. Putin got the shield shelved; Obama got less aggressive Russian military expansion. Poland and the Czechs got hosed.Welcome to the real world.Republicans, of course, screamed about the President's "sell-out" to Putin, but since the situation is below the radar (sorry), most Americans couldn't care less about it.For the record, the Obama administration says it isn't giving in to Russian demands; it is just shifting the missile strategy around. According to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a Patriot, the United States will now deploy Navy Aegis ships equipped with SM-3 interceptor missiles in the eastern Mediterranean Sea in order to block any aggressive action by Iran. Down the road, Gates says, the United States might install the interceptors in Poland and the Czech Republic as well.Again, few of your fellow citizens care about this. If you do, you can make the call as to whether or not it's a Pinhead move.

O'Reilly: Yeah, let's get to the economy. I want you to react to a couple of steps that I, that I pulled outta here. You are a big "tax the rich" guy. Yeah, let's get to the economy. I want you to react to a couple of steps that I, that I pulled outta here. You are a big "tax the rich" guy.

Obama: [ [Laughs.] Yeah.

O'Reilly: Aren't you? Aren't you?

Obama: Just you, Bill. Just you, Bill.

O'Reilly: I know. I know.

Obama: I think you are making too much money. I think you are making too much money.

O'Reilly: You and Hillary both, you just want to take my money. You and Hillary both, you just want to take my money.

Obama: [ [Laughs.]

O'Reilly: And you can have it; I mean, I don't care if I live in a hut. And you can have it; I mean, I don't care if I live in a hut.

Obama: [ [Laughs.]

O'Reilly: All right. And you want to "tax the rich." Under President Bush- All right. And you want to "tax the rich." Under President Bush- Obama: Yes. Yes.

O'Reilly:-the government-the federal government derived 20 percent more revenue than under President Clinton. Did you know that?

Obama: Well, the, uh- Well, the, uh- O'Reilly: Did you know that? Did you know that?

Obama: The, the economy grew, Bill. The, the economy grew, Bill.

O'Reilly: It grew. That's right. It grew. That's right.

Obama: The economy grew, so- The economy grew, so- O'Reilly: Under President Bush- Under President Bush- Obama:-so, so of course, uh, the, uh, the- O'Reilly:-the, the economy grew 19 percent more than Clinton.

Obama: Right. Right.

O'Reilly: See, this is what I am not getting about you Democrats- See, this is what I am not getting about you Democrats- Obama: No. No, no, no, no. Hold on, Bill. No. No, no, no, no. Hold on, Bill.

O'Reilly: Nineteen percent- Nineteen percent- Obama: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't, don't-hold on a second now. I mean, because you know, you, you, you-you know the famous saying about "There are-there are lies, d.a.m.n lies, and statistics"? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't, don't-hold on a second now. I mean, because you know, you, you, you-you know the famous saying about "There are-there are lies, d.a.m.n lies, and statistics"?

O'Reilly: Yeah. Yeah.

Obama: I mean, well, you and I can-we can play a statistics game- I mean, well, you and I can-we can play a statistics game- O'Reilly: I know, I know it's bull-I know it is- I know, I know it's bull-I know it is- Obama: So, so, so what.... Well, let's, let's, let's be clear on the record, all right? So, so, so what.... Well, let's, let's, let's be clear on the record, all right?

O'Reilly: All right. All right.

Obama: The, uh.... During the Bush administration- The, uh.... During the Bush administration- O'Reilly: Yeah? Yeah?

Obama:-there was economic growth. Not as fast as during the 1990s, okay, but there was growth during the Bush administration. But what happened was, that wages and incomes-for ordinary Americans-the guys who watch your show- O'Reilly: Yeah. Yeah.

Obama:-the guys who you advocate for and you speak for on this show- O'Reilly: Right. Right.

Obama:-their wages and incomes did not go up.

O'Reilly: Why? Why?

Obama: They went, they went down. They went, they went down.

O'Reilly: Do you know why? Do you know why?

Obama: And the reason they went down- And the reason they went down- O'Reilly: Yeah? Yeah?

Obama:-is because most of the corporate profits and increased productivity went to the top-not just 1 percent-but the top one-tenth of 1 percent.

O'Reilly: All right. Let me submit to you that you are wrong- All right. Let me submit to you that you are wrong- Obama: And as part of, as part of- And as part of, as part of- O'Reilly: Let me submit to you that you are wrong, okay? Let me submit to you that you are wrong, okay?

Obama: Right, okay, make your argument. Right, okay, make your argument.

O'Reilly: We have been studying this issue-because we want to be fair and balanced and give all sides. We have been studying this issue-because we want to be fair and balanced and give all sides.

Obama: Right. Right.

O'Reilly: The reason the wages have been depressed-and they are not that much: it's about four or five hundred dollars, uh, for the Bush administration, real wages up; and about two thousand under the Clinton administration-is because there are 10 million immigrants-new immigrants-in the workforce-most of whom are illegal aliens. The reason the wages have been depressed-and they are not that much: it's about four or five hundred dollars, uh, for the Bush administration, real wages up; and about two thousand under the Clinton administration-is because there are 10 million immigrants-new immigrants-in the workforce-most of whom are illegal aliens.

Obama: Bill- Bill- O'Reilly: Those 10 million- Those 10 million- Obama:-I totally disagree with you- O'Reilly:-with their, with their salaries- Obama: Yeah? Yeah?

O'Reilly:-have brought it down. But again, that's statistics, yes.

Obama: But, but, but, but- But, but, but, but- O'Reilly: But let's get back to "tax the rich." But let's get back to "tax the rich."

Obama: All right, but, but what-so let me just finish making my point. All right, but, but what-so let me just finish making my point.

O'Reilly: All right. All right.

Obama: The fact is, for people in your income bracket-and mine- The fact is, for people in your income bracket-and mine- O'Reilly: Right. Right.

Obama: Now, we, we, we both come from humble beginnings and we worked our-and we were talking before the show. And the fact that, only in America, could we have this success. Now, we, we, we both come from humble beginnings and we worked our-and we were talking before the show. And the fact that, only in America, could we have this success.

O'Reilly: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Obama: And, and I-and I am not somebody who begrudges that success. I want people to- And, and I-and I am not somebody who begrudges that success. I want people to- O'Reilly: But you want 50 percent of my success- But you want 50 percent of my success- Obama: No, I don't want it- No, I don't want it- O'Reilly: Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do.

Obama: No, I don't- No, I don't- O'Reilly: That's your tax rate. That's your tax rate.

Obama: That is not true- That is not true- O'Reilly: Fifty. Fifty.

Obama: What I am- What I am- O'Reilly: Fifty. Fifty.

Obama: What, what I have said is, is that, uh, uh.... Now let's be clear about this- What, what I have said is, is that, uh, uh.... Now let's be clear about this- O'Reilly: Payroll tax and, and income tax-50. Payroll tax and, and income tax-50.

Obama: Well, listen-listen up. Now, let me-now, let me make sure that we are clear on, on the facts here. I would take your marginal rate back to what it was under Bill Clinton- Well, listen-listen up. Now, let me-now, let me make sure that we are clear on, on the facts here. I would take your marginal rate back to what it was under Bill Clinton- O'Reilly: Yeah, and that was 39. Yeah, and that was 39.

Obama: And that was-you go back to 39. And that was-you go back to 39.

O'Reilly: Right. Right.

Obama: You can afford that. That's point number one. Well, you can't deny that you can afford it. You can afford that. That's point number one. Well, you can't deny that you can afford it.

O'Reilly: Yes. Yes.

Obama: It's not gonna hurt you. It's not gonna hurt you.

O'Reilly: I am not gonna deny that. I am not gonna deny that.

Obama: All right? In exchange, I am cutting taxes-for 95 percent of Americans. Ninety-five percent- All right? In exchange, I am cutting taxes-for 95 percent of Americans. Ninety-five percent- O'Reilly: Well, guess what? Well, that's cla.s.s warfare- Well, guess what? Well, that's cla.s.s warfare- Obama: It's not-95 percent- It's not-95 percent- O'Reilly: And- And- Obama:-is not cla.s.s warfare.

O'Reilly: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Obama: And I am saying that 95 percent of the American people are getting a tax break-three times the amount of tax relief under my plan than John McCain's. And that's not my statistic- And I am saying that 95 percent of the American people are getting a tax break-three times the amount of tax relief under my plan than John McCain's. And that's not my statistic- O'Reilly: Here, here is- Here, here is- Obama:-that is from- O'Reilly: Here is what I got- Here is what I got- Obama:-from independent a.n.a.lysts.

O'Reilly: And, and, and it's not all about me, believe me. And, and, and it's not all about me, believe me.

Obama: Go ahead. Go ahead.

O'Reilly: Twenty percent more revenue coming in under Bush than Clinton, all right? And he cuts taxes, people invest more. And he cuts the capital gains. And the government gets 20 percent more than under Clinton. You want to raise it back up-it doesn't make sense. Secondly- Twenty percent more revenue coming in under Bush than Clinton, all right? And he cuts taxes, people invest more. And he cuts the capital gains. And the government gets 20 percent more than under Clinton. You want to raise it back up-it doesn't make sense. Secondly- Obama: Well- Well- O'Reilly: Secondly- Secondly- Obama: Okay, go ahead. Okay, go ahead.

O'Reilly: The payroll tax-over to 50? You are gonna hike it to infinity- The payroll tax-over to 50? You are gonna hike it to infinity- Obama: I am not. I am not.

O'Reilly: What, what's the cap? What, what's the cap?

Obama: That's not true- That's not true- O'Reilly: What's the cap? What's the cap?

Obama: And all, all- And all, all- O'Reilly: Hold it! What's the cap? Hold it! What's the cap?

Obama: [ [Laughs.] All I said-[Laughs.] All I said is that after- O'Reilly: Yeah? Yeah?

Obama: Right? Then we could raise the cap. Not- Right? Then we could raise the cap. Not- O'Reilly: That we could, or we will? That we could, or we will?

Obama: What I have said is, is that if we have got a set of options to stabilize Social Security-which I think is important-and I think you do, too, because there are millions of seniors out there- What I have said is, is that if we have got a set of options to stabilize Social Security-which I think is important-and I think you do, too, because there are millions of seniors out there- O'Reilly: I do. Right. I do. Right.

Obama:-who depend on it. And we have got a couple of options. We could raise the retirement age-and I just left-talking to a whole bunch of guys who have been working- O'Reilly: Look, I have no beef on this- Look, I have no beef on this- Obama: All right. So you don't want to do that. Number-or number two, we could cut benefits. Try living on Social Security right now; that's no fun if you are a senior. Number three, we could just do nothing, in which case Social Security will be- All right. So you don't want to do that. Number-or number two, we could cut benefits. Try living on Social Security right now; that's no fun if you are a senior. Number three, we could just do nothing, in which case Social Security will be- O'Reilly: So- So- Obama: And let me finish-and let me finish my point, Bill. Uh, in the upcoming years, it's gonna be essentially, uh, a reduction in benefits. We could raise the payroll tax on everybody- And let me finish-and let me finish my point, Bill. Uh, in the upcoming years, it's gonna be essentially, uh, a reduction in benefits. We could raise the payroll tax on everybody- O'Reilly: Don't do that. Don't do that.

Obama: Of course. Of course.

O'Reilly: Don't do that. Don't do that.

Obama: But there is no free lunch. But there is no free lunch.

O'Reilly: But what I- But what I- Obama: So my only point is- So my only point is- O'Reilly: No, there is a free lunch. No, there is a free lunch.

Obama: What is the free lunch? What is the free lunch?

O'Reilly: The free lunch is that-you are taking the wealthy American-the big earners, okay? The free lunch is that-you are taking the wealthy American-the big earners, okay?

Obama: Okay. Okay.

O'Reilly: You are taking money away from them, and you are giving it to people who don't have. That's called "income redistribution." It's a socialist tenet. You are taking money away from them, and you are giving it to people who don't have. That's called "income redistribution." It's a socialist tenet.

Obama: No. Bill- No. Bill-O'Reilly: Come on, you know that. Come on, you know that. Obama: Obama: Bill, Bill- Bill, Bill- O'Reilly: You went to Harvard- You went to Harvard- Obama: Teddy Roosevelt supported the "progressive income tax." Uh, look- Teddy Roosevelt supported the "progressive income tax." Uh, look- O'Reilly: Not at the level you do. Not at the level you do.

Obama: Bill, well, here is my point-listen, you, you are-you are making it out like I am talking about going back to 70 percent marginal rates- Bill, well, here is my point-listen, you, you are-you are making it out like I am talking about going back to 70 percent marginal rates- O'Reilly: You are above 50- You are above 50- Obama: No, I am not. No, I am not.

O'Reilly: For me, you are. For me, you are.

Obama: No, I am not. What I have said is you go-you go up to 39, all right? That's what it was under Clinton- No, I am not. What I have said is you go-you go up to 39, all right? That's what it was under Clinton- O'Reilly: I am 39, and I am payroll-taxed. I am 39, and I am payroll-taxed.

Obama: But that- But that- O'Reilly:-until you decide I am not.

Obama: But, but, but potentially, we have got to explore a raise in the capital gains- But, but, but potentially, we have got to explore a raise in the capital gains- O'Reilly: No- No- Obama: But I have made a commitment- But I have made a commitment- O'Reilly: I think it's "income redistribution." I think it's "income redistribution."

Obama: Here, here is-here is, here is the-uh, here is the general point that I have got to make. Look, I don't like paying taxes. What, you think I like writing a check? Why would I like to write a check any more than you do? Here, here is-here is, here is the-uh, here is the general point that I have got to make. Look, I don't like paying taxes. What, you think I like writing a check? Why would I like to write a check any more than you do?

O'Reilly: Because you love your country. Because you love your country.

Obama: Uh.... What I believe is, is that there are certain things we have got to do. And we have got to help people who are...who have a tough time affording college, so they can benefit like we have. People are having a tough time. They don't have health care. People who are trying to figure out, uh, how they are going to pay the bills. And there are certain things we have got to do. Our infrastructure-you-look at what happened in Beijing. You go to the Olympics, and these folks are building. And we have got, uh, sewer lines that are crumbling- Uh.... What I believe is, is that there are certain things we have got to do. And we have got to help people who are...who have a tough time affording college, so they can benefit like we have. People are having a tough time. They don't have health care. People who are trying to figure out, uh, how they are going to pay the bills. And there are certain things we have got to do. Our infrastructure-you-look at what happened in Beijing. You go to the Olympics, and these folks are building. And we have got, uh, sewer lines that are crumbling- O'Reilly: And- And- Obama: And, and, and at, and at a certain point, we have got to pay for it. Now, I, I am not-I, I, I- And, and, and at, and at a certain point, we have got to pay for it. Now, I, I am not-I, I, I- O'Reilly: But it is only the very few that are gonna pay for it, okay? But it is only the very few that are gonna pay for it, okay?

Obama: Right. Right.

O'Reilly: You are, you are not across-the-boarding it. You are going- You are, you are not across-the-boarding it. You are going- Obama: But, but Bill- But, but Bill- O'Reilly: "I am taking from the rich." "I am taking from the rich."

Obama: [ [Laughs.]

O'Reilly: "And I am Robin Hood Obama-" "And I am Robin Hood Obama-"

Obama: Bill, if, if, if- Bill, if, if, if- O'Reilly: "-and I am giving it-" "-and I am giving it-"

Obama: All, all, all I am saying is- All, all, all I am saying is- O'Reilly: And then you want to raise corporate taxes- And then you want to raise corporate taxes- Obama: All I, all I want-no, I don't. That's not true. All I, all I want-no, I don't. That's not true.

O'Reilly: You want- You want- Obama: All, all, all I want- All, all, all I want- O'Reilly: You don't want to raise them? You don't want to raise corporate taxes? You don't want to raise them? You don't want to raise corporate taxes?

Obama: All, all I want-all I am saying is-all I am saying is, is that, if we have got something that we have got to pay for-Now, George Bush-under George Bush, the, the debt has gone up $4 trillion, all right? So that's the credit card we have taken out-on our kids-from the Bank of China-that they are gonna have to pay for- All, all I want-all I am saying is-all I am saying is, is that, if we have got something that we have got to pay for-Now, George Bush-under George Bush, the, the debt has gone up $4 trillion, all right? So that's the credit card we have taken out-on our kids-from the Bank of China-that they are gonna have to pay for- O'Reilly: The war on terror, though. Come on. The war on terror, though. Come on.

Obama: Well, no, no, no. That, that-that's not true. Uh, the, uh...that has to do-in part-with the Bush tax cuts, and no cuts in spending. Well, no, no, no. That, that-that's not true. Uh, the, uh...that has to do-in part-with the Bush tax cuts, and no cuts in spending.

O'Reilly: No, it can't be, because the Bush tax cuts- No, it can't be, because the Bush tax cuts- Obama: So- So- O'Reilly:-generated more income.

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Pinheads And Patriots: Where You Stand In The Age Of Obama Part 12 summary

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