
Photographs of Nebulae and Clusters Part 2

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Plates are backed, not more than a day or two before use, with Carb.u.t.t's "Columbian backing," which is an excellent preparation for this purpose.

During the exposure the observer and a.s.sistant exchange places every half hour, thereby greatly relieving the tediousness of the work, though two exposures of four hours each, in one night, have proved to be too fatiguing for general practice. At the end of the first two hours it is necessary to close the slide and wind the clock.

The brightness of the guiding star is a matter of some importance. If the star is too bright, its glare is annoying; if it is too faint, the effort to see it strains the eye, and changes of focus are not easily recognized.

A star of the ninth magnitude is about right. In most cases a suitable star can be found without difficulty.

In such an apparatus as that described above, the amount by which the plate may be allowed to depart from its zero position is subject to a limitation which has not, I think, been pointed out, although it is sufficiently obvious when one's attention has been called to it. It depends upon the fact that the plate necessarily moves as a whole, in a straight line which is tangent to a great circle of the sphere, while the stars move on small circles around the pole. The compensation for drift, when the plate is moved, is therefore exact at the equator only.

Let the guiding star have the declination [Greek: delta]_{1}, and let a star on the upper edge of the plate (which, when the telescope is north of the zenith, and the eye-end is on the north side of the telescope, will be the southern edge) have the declination [Greek: delta]_{2}. Then if the guiding star is allowed to drift from its zero position through the distance _d_, the other star will drift through the distance _d_ (cos [Greek: delta]_{2} / cos [Greek: delta]_{1}). If the guiding star is followed by turning the right-ascension screw, the upper edge of the plate, as well as the guiding eyepiece, will be moved through the distance _d_. Hence there will be produced an elongation of the upper star, represented by

_e_ = _d_ ((cos [Greek: delta]_{2} / cos [Greek: delta]_{1}) - 1)

from which _d_ = (_e_ cos [Greek: delta]_{1}) / (cos [Greek: delta]_{2} - cos [Greek: delta_{1}]).

Now, in the Crossley reflector, the upper edge of the plate and the guiding eyepiece are just about 3-2/3 inches, or 1, apart. If _e_ is given, the above formula serves to determine the maximum range of the slide for different positions of the telescope.

It has been stated farther above that the smallest star disks, on a good photograph, are sometimes not more than 2'' in diameter, or in a linear measure, about 1/20 mm. An elongation of this amount is therefore perceptible. There are many nebulae in high northern declinations, and there are several particularly fine ones in about +70. If, therefore, we take [Greek: delta]_{2} = 70, [Greek: delta]_{1}, = 71, _e_ = 0.05, and subst.i.tute these values, we find _d_ = 1.0 mm, which is the greatest permissible range of the plate in photographing these nebulae. Before I realized the stringency of this requirement, by making the above simple computation, I spoiled several otherwise fine negatives by allowing the plate to get too far from the center, thus producing elongated star images.

There is a corresponding elongation in declination, the amount of which can be determined by an adaptation of the formula for reduction to the meridian, but it is practically insensible.

On account of the short focal length of the three-foot mirror, the photographic resolving power of the telescope is much below its optical resolving power. For this reason the photographic images are less sensitive to conditions affecting the seeing than the visual images. On the finest nights the delicate tracery of bright lines or caustic curves in the guiding star is as clear and distinct as in a printed pattern. When the seeing is only fair these delicate details are lost, and only the general form of the image, with its two princ.i.p.al caustics, is seen. A photograph taken on such a night is not, however, perceptibly inferior to one taken when the seeing is perfect. When, however, the image is so blurred that its general form is barely distinguishable, the photographic star disks are likewise blurred and enlarged, and on such nights photographic work is not attempted.

The foregoing account of the small changes which have been made in the Crossley telescope and its accessories may appear to be unnecessarily detailed, yet these small changes have greatly increased the practical efficiency of the instrument, and, therefore, small as they are, they are important. Particularly with an instrument of this character, the difference between poor and good results lies in the observance of just such small details as I have described.

At present the Crossley reflector is being used for photographing nebulae, for which purpose it is very effective. Some nebulae and cl.u.s.ters, like the great nebula in _Andromeda_ and the _Pleiades_, are too large for its plate (3-1/4 4-1/4 in.), but the great majority of nebulae are very much smaller, having a length of only a few minutes of arc, and a large-scale photograph is required to show them satisfactorily. It is particularly important to have the images of the involved stars as small as they can be made.

Many nebulae of Herschel's I and II cla.s.ses are so bright that fairly good photographs can be obtained with exposures of from one to two hours; but the results obtained with full-light action are so superior to these, that longer exposures of three and one half or four hours are always preferred.

In some exceptional cases, exposures of only a few minutes are sufficient.

The amount of detail shown, even in the case of very small nebulae, is surprising. It is an interesting fact that these photographs confirm (in some cases for the first time) many of the visual observations made with the six-foot reflector of the Earl of Rosse.

Incidentally, in making these photographs, great numbers of new nebulae have been discovered. The largest number that I have found on any one plate is thirty-one. Eight or ten is not an uncommon number, and few photographs have been obtained which do not reveal the existence of three or four. A catalogue of these new objects will be published in due time.

Some of the results obtained with the Crossley reflector, relating chiefly to particular objects of some special interest, have already been published.[11] The photographs have also permitted some wider conclusions to be drawn, which are constantly receiving further confirmation as the work progresses. They may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. Many thousands of unrecorded nebulae exist in the sky. A conservative estimate places the number within reach of the Crossley reflector at about 120,000. The number of nebulae in our catalogues is but a small fraction of this.

2. These nebulae exhibit all gradations of apparent size, from the great nebula in _Andromeda_ down to an object which is hardly distinguishable from a faint star disk.

3. Most of these nebulae have a spiral structure.

To these conclusions I may add another, of more restricted significance, though the evidence in favor of it is not yet complete. Among the objects which have been photographed with the Crossley telescope are most of the "double" nebulae figured in Sir John Herschel's catalogue (_Phil. Trans._, 1833, Plate XV). The actual nebulae, as photographed, have almost no resemblance to the figures. They are, in fact, spirals, sometimes of very beautiful and complex structure; and, in any one of the nebulae, the secondary nucleus of Herschel's figure is either a part of the spiral approaching the main nucleus in brightness, or it can not be identified with any real part of the object. The significance of this somewhat destructive conclusion lies in the fact that these figures of Herschel have sometimes been regarded as furnishing a.n.a.logies for the figures which Poincare had deduced, from theoretical considerations, as being among the possible forms a.s.sumed by a rotating fluid ma.s.s; in other words, they have been regarded as ill.u.s.trating an early stage in the development of double star systems. The actual conditions of motion in these particular nebulae, as indicated by the photographs, are obviously very much more complicated than those considered in the theoretical discussion.

While I must leave to others an estimate of the importance of these conclusions, it seems to me that they have a very direct bearing on many, if not all, questions concerning the cosmogony. If, for example, the spiral is the form normally a.s.sumed by a contracting nebulous ma.s.s, the idea at once suggests itself that the solar system has been evolved from a spiral nebula, while the photographs show that the spiral nebula is not, as a rule, characterized by the simplicity attributed to the contracting ma.s.s in the nebular hypothesis. This is a question which has already been taken up by Professor Chamberlin and Mr. Moulton of the University of Chicago.

The Crossley reflector promises to be useful in a number of fields which are fairly well defined. It is clearly unsuitable for photographing the Moon and planets, and for star charting. On the other hand, it has proved to be of value for finding and photographically observing asteroids whose positions are already approximately known.

One of the most fruitful fields for this instrument is undoubtedly stellar spectroscopy. Little has been done in this field, as yet, with the Crossley reflector, but two spectrographs, with which systematic investigations will be made, have nearly been completed by the Observatory instrument-maker. One of these, constructed with the aid of a fund given by the late Miss C. W. Bruce, has a train of three 60 prisms and one 30 prism, and an aperture of two inches; the other, which has a single quartz prism, will, I have reason to expect, give measurable, though small, spectra of stars nearly at the limit of vision of the telescope.

The photogravure[12] of the Trifid nebula, which accompanies this article, was made from a photograph taken with the Crossley reflector on July 6, 1899, with an exposure of three hours. It was not selected as a specimen of the work of the instrument, for the negative was made in the early stages of the experiments that I have described, and the star images are not good, but rather on account of the interest of the subject. At the time the photogravures were ordered no large scale photograph of the Trifid nebula had, so far as I am aware, ever been published.[13] The remarkable branching structure of the nebula is fairly well shown in the photogravure, though less distinctly than in the transparency from which it was made. The enlargement, as compared with the original negative, is 2.9 diameters (1 mm = 13''). The fainter parts of the nebula would be shown more satisfactorily by a longer exposure.


+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |N.G.C.| [Greek: a]|[Greek: d]| Remarks. | | No. | 1900.0 | 1900.0 | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | h m s | ' | | | 185 | 0 33 25 | +47 47.3 |H II, 707 | | 205 | 0 34 56 | +41 8.2 |H V, 18 | | 221 | 0 37 15 | +40 19.0 |M 32 | | 224 | 0 37 17 | +40 43.4 |Great nebula in _Andromeda_ | | 247 | 0 42 3 | -21 17.9 |H V, 20 | | 253 | 0 42 36 | -25 50.6 |H V, I | | 524 | 1 19 33 | + 9 1.0 |H I, 151 | | 598 | 1 28 12 | +30 8.6 |M 33 | | 628 | 1 31 19 | +15 16 |M 74 | | 650 | 1 36 0 | +51 4.0 |M 76 | | 891 | 2 16 15 | +41 53.6 |H V, 19 | |1023 | 2 34 8 | +38 38.0 |H I, 156 | |1068 | 2 37 34 | - 0 26.3 |M 77 | |1084 | 2 41 5 | - 8 0.0 |H I, 64 | | ... | 3 41 | +24 |_Pleiades_ in _Taurus_ | |1555 | 4 16 8 | +19 17 |T _Tauri_ and Hind's variable nebula | |1931 | 5 24 48 | +34 10.1 |H I, 261 | |1952 | 5 28 30 | +21 57 |Crab nebula in _Taurus_ | | ... | 5 30 | - 5 |Great nebula in _Orion_ | |1977 | 5 30 27 | - 4 54.2 |H V, 30 | |2024 | 5 36 48 | - 1 54.3 |H V, 28 | |2068 | 5 41 37 | + 0 0.8 |M 78 | |2239 | 6 25 37 | + 5 1.1 |Cl.u.s.ter and nebula in _Monoceros_ | |2264 | 6 35 | +10 0 |Nebula near 15 _Monocerotis_ | |2287 | 6 42 43 | -20 38.4 |M 14 | | ... | 6 59 40 | -10 18.2 |New nebula in _Monoceros_ | |2359 | 7 12 54 | -13 2.0 |H V, 21 | |2366 | 7 18 18 | +69 13.4 |H III, 748 | |2371-2| 7 19 6 | +29 41.0 | H II, 316-7 | |2403 | 7 27 9 | +65 48.9 |H V, 44 | |2437 | 7 35 24 | -14 35.3 |Cl.u.s.ter and nebula M 46 | |2632 | 8 34 | +20 |_Praesepe_ cl.u.s.ter | |2683 | 8 46 29 | +33 47.8 |H I, 200 | |2841 | 9 15 6 | +51 24 |H I, 205 | |2903-0| 9 26 31 | +21 57 |H I, 56-57 | |3003 | 9 42 38 | +33 52.8 |H V, 26 | |3031 | 9 47 18 | +69 32 |M 81 | |3079 | 9 55 9 | +56 10.1 |H V, 47 | |3115 | 10 0 16 | - 7 14.0 |H I, 163 | |3169 | 10 9 4 | + 3 57.7 |H I, 4 | |3184 | 10 12 15 | +41 55.1 |H I, 168 | |3198 | 10 13 42 | +46 3.7 |H I, 199 | |3226-7| 10 17 59 | +20 24.1 |H II, 28-29 | |3242 | 10 19 29 | -18 5 |H IV, 27 | | ... | 10 21 7 | +68 58 |New nebula in _Ursa Major_ (Coddington).| |3556 | 11 5 40 | +56 13.0 |H V, 46 | |3587 | 11 9 0 | +55 33.7 |Owl nebula, M 97 | |3623 | 11 13 43 | +13 38.4 |M 65 | |3627 | 11 15 1 | +13 32 |M 66 | |3726 | 11 27 56 | +47 35.8 |H II, 730 | |4244 | 12 12 29 | +38 22.0 |H V, 41 | |4254 | 12 13 45 | +14 59 |M 99 | |4258 | 12 14 2 | +47 51.6 |H V, 43 | |4303 | 12 16 18 | + 5 1.7 |M 61 | |4321 | 12 17 52 | +16 22.7 |M 100 | |4382 | 12 20 21 | +18 44.7 |M 85 | |4485-9| 12 25 40 | +42 15.3 |H I, 197-198 | |4501 | 12 26 56 | +14 58.5 |M 88 | |4536 | 12 29 20 | + 2 44.2 |H V, 2 | |4559 | 12 30 59 | +28 30.6 |H I, 92 | |4565 | 12 31 24 | +26 32.2 |H V, 24 | |4631 | 12 37 19 | +33 5.9 |H V, 42 | |4656-5| 12 39 6 | +32 42.8 |H I, 176-7 | |4725 | 12 45 33 | +26 3 |H I, 84 | |4736 | 12 46 13 | +41 39.5 |M 94 | |4826 | 12 51 49 | +22 13.9 |M 64 | |5055 | 13 11 20 | +42 33.6 |M 63 | |5194-5| 13 25 39 | +47 42.6 |M 51 | |5247 | 13 32 39 | -17 22.4 |H II, 297 | |5272 | 13 37 35 | +28 53 |M 3 | |5457-8| 13 59 39 | +54 50 |M 101 | |5857-9| 15 2 55 | +19 58.9 |H II, 751-2 | |5866 | 15 3 45 | +56 9.0 |H I, 215 | |5904 | 15 13 29 | + 2 27 |M 5 | |6205 | 16 38 6 | +36 39.0 |M 13 | |6218 | 16 42 2 | - 1 46.2 |M 12 | |6412 | 17 32 41 | +75 47.3 |H VI, 41 | |6514 | 17 55 43 | -23 2 |Trifid nebula in _Sagittarius_ | |6523 | 17 57 43 | -24 23 |M 8 | |6543 | 17 58 35 | +66 38 |H IV, 37 | |6618 | 18 15 0 | -16 13 |M 17 Omega nebula | |6656 | 18 30 17 | -23 59.3 |M 22 | |6705 | 18 45 42 | - 6 23.3 |M 11 | |6720 | 18 49 53 | +32 54.0 |M 57 | |6853 | 19 55 17 | +22 27 |Dumb-Bell nebula | |6894 | 20 12 22 | +30 15.5 |H IV, 13 | |6946 | 20 32 48 | +59 48.0 |H IV, 76 | |6951 | 20 35 47 | +65 45.4 | | |6995 | 20 53 0 | +30 49.8 | | |7008 | 20 57 38 | +54 9.5 |H I, 192 | |7009 | 20 58 11 | -11 48 |H IV, 1 | |7023 | 21 0 30 | +67 46.2 |H IV, 74 | |7078 | 21 25 9 | +11 43.7 |M 15 | |7089 | 21 28 19 | - 1 16.0 |M 2 | |7099 | 21 34 42 | -23 38.0 |M 30 | |7217 | 22 3 24 | +30 52.3 |H II, 207 | |7331 | 22 32 30 | +33 53.9 |H I, 53 | |7448 | 22 55 7 | +15 26.6 |H II, 251 | |7479 | 22 59 56 | +11 47.0 |H I, 55 | |7537-4| 23 9 38 | + 3 59.4 |H II, 429-30 | |7662 | 23 21 5 | +41 59.2 |H IV, 18 | |7782 | 23 48 47 | + 7 24.8 |H III, 233 | |7814 | 23 58 8 | +15 34.5 |H II, 240 | |7817 | 23 58 52 | +20 11.6 |H II, 227 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+


+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | | 1| 0 0 27.4| +3.0732 |+20 34 57 | +20.048 |vS eeF | | 2| 0 32 7.7| 3.2795 |+47 55 29 | 19.855 |eF N | | 3| 0 32 8.1| 3.2801 |+48 1 22 | 19.855 |F vbM E140 | | 4| 0 32 9.3| 3.2776 |+47 37 24 | 19.855 |eF bM | | 5| 0 32 28.8| 3.2799 |+47 39 5 | 19.851 |B vE70 | | 6| 0 33 23.9| 3.2674 |+47 55 5 | 19.841 |eF vS | | 7| 0 35 43.1| 3.3009 |+47 46 18 | 19.810 |eF vS | | 8| 0 40 51.1| 2.9793 |-21 25 48 | 19.730 |18 vS R | | 9| 0 47 0.1| 2.9804 |-21 9 17 | 19.727 |16 vS bM 3 sep. parts | | 10| 0 41 16.2| 2.9781 |-21 29 43 | 19.723 |18 vS R bM | | 11| 0 41 16.7| 2.9792 |-21 15 2 | 19.723 |18 vS R | | 12| 0 41 29.7| 2.9798 |-21 3 8 | 19.719 |18 vS bM E50 | | 13| 0 42 4.4| 2.9633 |-26 0 7 | 19.711 |17 vS R bsw | | 14| 0 42 30.7| 2.9780 |-20 56 38 | 19.703 |18 vS bM E115 | | 15| 0 42 34.2| 2.9620 |-25 59 10 | 19.702 |17 vS N E160 | | 16| 0 42 37.6| 2.9776 |-20 58 28 | 19.701 |14 S E stell N | | 17| 0 42 39.7| 2.9772 |-21 1 54 | 19.701 |17 vS Spiral bM | | 18| 0 42 39.9| 2.9774 |-21 0 3 | 19.700 |18 vS Ring? | | 19| 0 42 40.5| 2.9770 |-21 3 55 | 19.700 |15 S Spiral N bM | | 20| 0 42 40.6| 2.9762 |-21 13 54 | 19.700 |18 vS R | | 21| 0 43 10.4| 2.9603 |-25 59 36 | 19.692 |18 vS R bM | | 22| 0 43 16.2| 2.9730 |-21 37 17 | 19.691 |18 vS dif | | 23| 0 43 27.1| 2.9613 |-25 40 21 | 19.688 |17 vS R N | | 24| 0 43 29.0| 2.9593 |-26 0 57 | 19.687 |18 vS R gbM | | 25| 0 44 10.8| 2.9714 |-21 30 29 | 19.676 |18 vS R | | 26| 0 44 26.6| 2.9735 |-20 58 35 | 19.672 |17 vS R bM | | 27| 1 18 30.9| 3.1475 |+ 9 27 25 | 18.887 |F S N | | 28| 1 18 53.5| 3.1475 |+ 9 24 28 | 18.875 |F vbM Spiral? | | 29| 1 19 11.3| 3.1474 |+ 9 21 53 | 18.867 |F vbM Spiral? | | 30| 1 19 30.7| 3.1467 |+ 9 14 18 | 18.857 |F bM E | | 31| 1 29 50.7| 3.2101 |+15 6 37 | 18.526 |pF E45 bp | | 32| 1 29 54.4| 3.2161 |+15 43 25 | 18.524 |F R | | 33| 1 30 20.9| 3.2127 |+15 17 38 | 18.509 |vF L R | | 34| 1 30 24.7| 3.2132 |+15 20 28 | 18.507 |pF S vF extension 135| | 35| 1 30 35.9| 3.2153 |+15 32 2 | 18.501 |S pB pmb M | | 36| 1 30 54.7| 3.2176 |+15 43 1 | 18.491 |vvF vS | | 37| 1 31 5.0| 3.2179 |+15 43 38 | 18.485 |F S E95 | | 38| 1 31 15.9| 3.2159 |+15 30 44 | 18.478 |pF S R | | 39| 1 31 25.7| 3.2187 |+15 44 34 | 18.473 |vF S R | | 40| 1 31 44.8| 3.2194 |+15 46 49 | 18.462 |F L R gbM | | 41| 1 31 44.8| 3.2126 |+15 4 18 | 18.462 |F L gbM R | | 42| 1 32 5.9| 3.2158 |+15 20 54 | 18.450 |S pB E135 | | 43| 1 32 41.3| 3.2171 |+15 23 22 | 18.430 |vF S E45 | | 44| 1 32 48.8| 3.2156 |+15 12 27 | 18.424 |vF pL | | 45| 1 33 10.4| 3.2168 |+15 16 49 | 18.413 |vF pL gbM | | 46| 1 33 13.2| 3.2166 |+15 15 14 | 18.412 |p B R gbM | | 47| 2 14 10.2| 3.7341 |+41 50 8 | 16.715 |pF E135 | | 48| 2 14 26.6| 3.7349 |+41 49 1 | 16.701 |pB N R | | 49| 2 14 33.9| 3.7307 |+41 37 31 | 16.696 |B N | | 50| 2 14 36.7| 3.7313 |+41 38 24 | 16.694 |F | | 51| 2 14 55.0| 3.7506 |+42 24 20 | 16.677 |eF vS bM E135 | | 52| 2 15 6.2| 3.7517 |+42 25 6 | 16.668 |F gbM E130 Spiral? | | 53| 2 15 14.9| 3.7493 |+42 16 44 | 16.661 |F pmbM | | 54| 2 15 16.1| 3.7484 |+42 14 4 | 16.659 |F B_{*}f | | 55| 2 15 38.4| 3.7666 |+42 55 0 | 16.641 |eF vS R | | 56| 2 15 43.8| 3.7503 |+42 13 58 | 16.637 |S F R | | 57| 2 15 56.5| 3.7724 |+43 5 24 | 16.626 |F E170 bsf | | 58| 2 16 1.0| 3.7539 |+42 20 55 | 16.623 |B S vbM E150 bnp | | 59| 2 16 6.4| 3.7403 |+41 44 51 | 16.619 |S F R | | 60| 2 16 9.7| 3.7408 |+41 45 26 | 16.616 |F S pmbM | | 61| 2 16 13.0| 3.7613 |+42 36 32 | 16.613 |pB vbM E150 Spiral? | | 62| 2 16 31.1| 3.7640 |+42 39 27 | 16.598 |eeF E50 | | 63| 2 16 34.5| 3.7412 |+41 42 6 | 16.595 |pB pmbM | | 64| 2 16 40.3| 3.7620 |+42 33 22 | 16.591 |B S pbM | | 65| 2 16 43.3| 3.7403 |+41 38 14 | 16.588 |pB E0 pmbM | | 66| 2 16 53.2| 3.7625 |+42 32 12 | 16.580 |vB S mbM | | 67| 2 16 57.8| 3.7567 |+42 16 48 | 16.576 |F triN npN | | 68| 2 17 13.8| +3.7403 |+42 22 37 | +16.563 |pB bs B_{*}p | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | | 69| 2 17 18.9| +3.7661 |+42 36 12 | +16.559 |pS pB gbM E40 | | 70| 2 17 28.5| 3.7415 |+41 33 3 | 16.551 |pF S R | | 71| 2 17 28.8| 3.7560 |+42 9 35 | 16.551 |vF | | 72| 2 17 33.2| 3.7606 |+42 20 17 | 16.547 |F vS bnp | | 73| 2 17 36.2| 3.7789 |+43 3 25 | 16.545 |eeF S | | 74| 2 17 37.2| 3.7469 |+41 45 2 | 16.544 |F vL vmbM | | 75| 2 17 41.8| 3.7592 |+42 15 8 | 16.540 |S pB bs | | 76| 2 17 43.3| 3.7554 |+42 5 21 | 16.539 |F bsp | | 77| 2 17 44.6| 3.7441 |+42 18 28 | 16.538 |B S E90 bM | | 78| 2 17 45.5| 3.7425 |+42 22 45 | 16.537 |F L bM N B_{*}np | | 79| 2 17 50.8| 3.7743 |+42 50 20 | 16.533 |pB gbM E135 | | 80| 2 17 51.1| 3.7484 |+41 46 22 | 16.532 |pB E135 gbM | | 81| 2 18 0.2| 3.7743 |+42 48 30 | 16.525 |vF pL gbM E50 | | 82| 2 18 0.8| 3.7502 |+41 48 55 | 16.525 |pF L | | 83| 2 18 4.2| 3.7603 |+42 14 0 | 16.522 |S B vbM | | 84| 2 18 14.8| 3.7579 |+42 7 27 | 16.513 |pB E150 Spiral | | 85| 2 18 23.6| 3.7792 |+42 56 10 | 16.507 |eeF pL E120 | | 86| 2 18 26.7| 3.7604 |+42 10 8 | 16.503 |vB E45 | | 87| 2 18 30.7| 3.7465 |+41 34 13 | 16.499 |F E150 bnf | | 88| 2 18 33.5| 3.7784 |+42 52 19 | 16.498 |B S gbM | | 89| 2 18 34.0| 3.7628 |+42 14 44 | 16.497 |vS vF bsp | | 90| 2 18 37.4| 3.7837 |+43 4 26 | 16.495 |S F bs | | 91| 2 31 51.3| 3.7209 |+38 16 30 | 15.806 |vF vS | | 92| 2 33 53.9| 3.7295 |+38 19 27 | 15.694 |F vS N | | 93| 2 33 56.7| 3.7461 |+38 49 15 | 15.691 |F S bn E0 long N | | 94| 2 34 7.5| 3.7405 |+38 43 4 | 15.681 |pF S i triN | | 95| 2 34 9.2| 3.7399 |+38 43 10 | 15.680 |pF vS | | 96| 2 34 11.8| 3.7259 |+38 7 39 | 15.678 |F L E40 Spiral on | | | | | | | edge | | 97| 2 34 44.2| 3.7402 |+38 38 27 | 15.648 |eeeF doubtful | | 98| 2 34 44.4| 3.7488 |+38 16 16 | 15.648 |pB N E50 S pmbM | | 99| 2 35 1.0| 3.7469 |+38 18 45 | 15.632 |L F pmbM | |100| 2 36 32.9| 3.7436 |+38 30 26 | 15.548 |S F E100 | |101| 2 36 53.3| 3.0662 |- 0 24 48 | 15.525 |vS vF gbM | |102| 2 37 6.0| 3.0728 |- 0 2 43 | 15.518 |vS F m E30 | |103| 2 38 44.2| 3.0688 |- 0 16 20 | 15.427 |F S m E80 | |104| 2 41 11.6| 2.9503 |- 8 3 17 | 15.294 |pB vS E135 | |105| 2 41 53.7| 2.9564 |- 7 38 9 | 15.254 |vF vS mbM | |106| 2 42 18.9| 2.9499 |- 8 2 27 | 15.230 |eeF S | |107| 4 35 22.9| 3.0244 |- 2 12 20 | 7.235 |16 S E165 Dif bM | |108| 4 36 0.6| 3.0307 |- 1 54 37 | 7.183 |18 vS R | |109| 4 36 3.6| 3.0300 |- 1 56 42 | 7.179 |17 vS R stell | |110| 4 36 12.7| 3.0337 |- 1 46 19 | 7.167 |16 vS nearly R bM | |111| 4 36 15.2| 3.0238 |- 2 13 38 | 7.164 |18 vS R (Spiral?) | |112| 4 36 40.5| 3.0251 |- 2 9 53 | 7.129 |18 vS R N | |113| 4 36 41.2| 3.0293 |- 1 58 23 | 7.128 |18 vS E30 bn | |114| 4 37 2.4| 3.0268 |- 2 5 10 | 7.099 |18 vS dif | |115| 4 37 26.8| 3.0298 |- 1 56 51 | 7.066 |15 vS Spiral B N | | | | | | | (stell) | |116| 5 24 48.1| 3.9674 |+34 6 28 | + 3.075 |bright stell N on | | | | | | | north side | |117| 7 14 0.7| 6.4903 |+69 39 20 | - 6.362 |17 vS bM | |118| 7 14 24.5| 6.4656 |+69 31 49 | 6.395 |17 vS N Ring | |119| 7 14 37.5| 6.4241 |+69 18 15 | 6.413 |17 R bM | |120| 7 15 45.6| 6.4282 |+69 21 35 | 6.507 |17 vS | |121| 7 15 50.7| 6.4875 |+69 41 26 | 6.514 |16 vS R | |122| 7 16 4.1| 6.4719 |+69 36 40 | 6.532 |17 vS E125 D? | |123| 7 16 8.0| 6.4219 |+69 20 4 | 6.538 |18 vS E70 | |124| 7 16 35.2| 6.4099 |+69 16 46 | 6.575 |16 vS iF | |125| 7 16 48.0| 6.4578 |+69 33 16 | 6.593 |17 vS R | |126| 7 17 9.1| 6.4119 |+69 18 25 | 6.622 |18 vS R | |127| 7 17 38.5| 6.4906 |+69 45 29 | 6.662 |17 vS bM R | |128| 7 17 45.3| 6.4750 |+69 40 36 | 6.672 |17 vS R bM | |129| 7 17 49.6| 3.7911 |+29 41 49 | 6.677 |18 vS F_{*}inv dif | |130| 7 17 49.7| 6.4843 |+69 43 46 | 6.678 |17 vS E135 bM N | | | | | | | Spiral | |131| 7 18 11.1| 6.4754 |+69 41 28 | 6.707 |16 vS dif 2 or 3 N | |132| 7 18 14.4| 3.7838 |+29 27 41 | 6.711 |18 vS iF N | |133| 7 18 20.1| 3.7840 |+29 28 20 | 6.719 |18 vS bM | |134| 7 18 21.1| 3.7950 |+29 51 18 | 6.721 |18 vS bM | |135| 7 18 42.2| 3.7832 |+29 27 23 | 6.749 |18 vS iF sc | |136| 7 18 51.0| 6.6430 |+69 38 32 | 6.763 |17 vS E80 bM N Spiral| | | | | | | on edge | |137| 7 18 56.5| 3.7827 |+29 27 7 | 6.769 |19 vS | |138| 7 19 10.0| +3.7819 |+29 26 7 | - 6.788 |18 vS R bM N Spiral? | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |139| 7 19 11.6| +3.7800 |+29 22 12 | - 6.790 |18 vS bM | |140| 7 19 11.8| 6.4683 |+69 40 54 | 6.790 |15 vS Neb_{*} | |141| 7 19 25.2| 6.4609 |+69 38 50 | 6.809 |16 vS R bM N Spiral? | |142| 7 19 30.0| 3.7874 |+29 38 22 | 6.816 |18 vS 2N R | |143| 7 19 34.0| 6.4629 |+69 39 46 | 6.821 |17 vS R | |144| 7 19 46.5| 3.7859 |+29 35 58 | 6.839 |18 vS bM N R | |145| 7 19 48.3| 3.7866 |+29 37 21 | 6.841 |18 vS R bM | |146| 7 21 13.4| 6.4694 |+69 44 51 | 6.957 |17 vS R bM N Spiral? | |147| 7 21 57.9| 6.4648 |+69 44 42 | 7.018 |17 vS bM N R Spiral? | |148| 7 24 8.0| 5.8308 |+65 39 28 | 7.198 |pB E200 bn | |149| 7 30 37.2| 5.8297 |+65 53 16 | 7.720 |vF vS | |150| 7 31 10.9| 5.8139 |+65 47 0 | 7.767 |pB S gpmbM | |151| 8 32 38.8| 3.4536 |+19 56 37 | 12.387 |16 S E10 stell N M | | | | | | | (Spiral on edge?) | |152| 8 32 40.2| 3.4534 |+19 56 0 | 12.388 |17 E95 S dif | |153| 8 34 11.6| 3.4527 |+19 59 50 | 12.493 |17 vS E30 stell N | | | | | | | Spiral? | |154| 8 35 28.9| 3.4520 |+20 2 47 | 12.581 |17 S Spiral N | |155| 8 36 7.4| 3.4514 |+20 3 33 | 12.624 |17 S R bM N | |156| 8 44 40.5| 3.7549 |+34 13 21 | 13.203 |eF E140 | |157| 8 46 1.9| 3.7442 |+33 50 57 | 13.290 |vF vS | |158| 8 46 26.8| 3.7403 |+33 44 26 | 13.318 |F vS N E120 Spiral | |159| 8 46 52.6| 3.7397 |+33 45 19 | 13.345 |pB eS N R | |160| 8 47 20.6| 3.7507 |+34 14 43 | 13.376 |eF eS bf | |161| 8 47 56.9| 3.7509 |+34 18 41 | 13.415 |eeF | |162| 9 12 0.0| 4.2083 |+51 47 20 | 14.898 |L 12 m E135 | |163| 9 12 2.1| 4.2062 |+51 44 32 | 14.904 |16 E80 bs S | |164| 9 12 12.5| 4.2001 |+51 36 54 | 14.910 |17 vS Ring bs | |165| 9 12 38.0| 4.1950 |+51 31 43 | 14.939 |16 E155 gbm | |166| 9 12 40.4| 4.1862 |+51 18 0 | 14.936 |16 vS E15 stell N | |167| 9 12 45.4| 4.1835 |+51 16 34 | 14.942 |16 E75 vbN Spiral? | |168| 9 13 54.3| 4.1814 |+51 22 45 | 15.009 |18 vS N bM | |169| 9 14 0.5| 4.1839 |+51 26 53 | 15.016 |18 vS scNuclei | |170| 9 15 23.9| 4.1662 |+51 11 46 | 15.091 |17 vS R | |171| 9 15 24.6| 4.1652 |+51 10 12 | 15.091 |17 vS bN Ring or | | | | | | | Spiral | |172| 9 15 29.3| 4.1658 |+51 11 59 | 15.096 |17 S R | |173| 9 15 44.6| 4.1631 |+51 11 26 | 15.111 |15 B bM E145 | |174| 9 16 6.3| 4.1821 |+51 42 11 | 15.136 |17 R S | |175| 9 16 14.6| 4.1638 |+51 15 42 | 15.142 |17 L vF bM | |176| 9 16 31.6| 4.1528 |+51 46 32 | 15.168 |17 R S bs | |177| 9 24 20.2| 3.4095 |+21 49 50 | 15.597 |vF vS | |178| 9 24 36.8| 3.4084 |+21 48 6 | 15.612 |pB bs S | |179| 9 25 58.5| 3.4047 |+21 45 25 | 15.687 |eF E85 | |180| 9 26 22.5| 3.4046 |+21 48 50 | 15.711 |pB S R gpmbM N | |181| 9 28 0.2| 3.4020 |+21 52 36 | 15.801 |eeF vS | |182| 9 41 3.6| 3.5855 |+33 58 24 | 16.474 |16 vS bM E75 | |183| 9 41 9.9| 3.5850 |+33 58 12 | 16.480 |15 vS sbM Spiral | |184| 9 42 9.0| 3.5779 |+33 45 49 | 16.528 |17 vS N Spiral? | |185| 9 42 49.5| 3.5822 |+34 6 11 | 16.561 |16 vS bM | |186| 9 43 12.4| 3.5805 |+34 4 43 | 16.580 |15 vS sbM N Spiral | |187| 9 43 29.2| 3.5789 |+34 2 26 | 16.594 |16 vS bnw R | |188| 9 44 13.0| 3.5764 |+34 2 7 | 16.630 |14 vS bM N Spiral | |189| 9 44 24.6| 3.5760 |+34 3 1 | 16.640 |16 vS R N Spiral? | |190| 9 44 44.4| 3.5668 |+33 37 27 | 16.656 |17 vS E20 | |191| 9 44 52.8| 5.0574 |+69 28 13 | 16.670 |pB vS R gpmbM | |192| 9 47 5.7| 4.9895 |+69 5 27 | 16.776 |pF S bf E90 | |193| 9 47 22.2| 4.9858 |+69 5 25 | 16.790 |vF dif | |194| 9 50 19.4| 4.9915 |+69 30 40 | 16.930 |pF S E120 | |195| 9 50 52.8| 4.9930 |+69 35 26 | 16.955 |eeF S E120 | |196| 9 50 59.1| 5.0068 |+69 44 0 | 16.959 |pB S E50 pmbM Spiral | |197| 9 52 29.2| 4.9219 |+69 6 51 | 17.039 |eF E100 | |198| 9 54 4.1| 4.1109 |+56 5 53 | 17.096 |11 vS neb_{*} | |199| 9 54 24.7| 4.1167 |+56 18 38 | 17.111 |18 vS R | |200| 9 54 26.5| 4.1121 |+56 11 53 | 17.113 |15 vS E95 bM | |201| 9 55 14.0| 4.1162 |+56 27 13 | 17.148 |17 vS R | |202| 9 56 46.2| 4.0872 |+56 0 18 | 17.219 |17 vS R bM | |203| 9 57 29.5| 4.0952 |+56 20 33 | 17.250 |15 vS R N | |204|10 0 15.3| 2.9839 |- 7 33 34 | 17.372 |17 vS sbN Spiral | |205|10 0 40.4| 2.9909 |- 6 59 25 | 17.391 |17 vS stell sbN | |206|10 0 42.8| 2.9850 |- 7 29 50 | 17.392 |11 S D iF gbN bn | |207|10 1 49.7| 2.9891 |- 7 12 11 | 17.441 |17 vS stell | |208|10 6 50.1| +3.1101 |+ 3 50 57 | -17.653 |14 vS D neb_{*} | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |209|10 7 18.1| +3.1112 |+ 4 5 30 | -17.671 |16 vS iF bM | |210|10 7 18.5| 3.1112 |+ 4 4 25 | 17.672 |16 vS bM N Spiral E50| |211|10 7 58.4| 3.1128 |+ 3 58 44 | 17.699 |16 vS sbM N Spiral | | | | | | | E20 | |212|10 8 20.6| 3.1137 |+ 3 52 13 | 17.714 |15 S iF bM | |213|10 9 40.7| 3.1169 |+ 4 8 34 | 17.769 |18 vS R | |214|10 9 44.8| 3.1171 |+ 4 9 47 | 17.772 |17 vS sbM N Spiral? | | | | | | | E45 | |215|10 9 48.3| 3.6290 |+42 0 20 | 17.776 |16 E95 33'' long | | | | | | | small spur follows | | | | | | | E45 | |216|10 9 50.2| 3.1172 |+ 4 10 50 | 17.776 |17 vS bM N R | |217|10 9 58.9| 3.6294 |+42 4 6 | 17.783 |17 vS R | |218|10 10 3.0| 3.6318 |+42 12 15 | 17.786 |17 vvS stell | |219|10 10 15.5| 3.6205 |+41 39 52 | 17.793 |15 S E60 | |220|10 10 16.8| 3.6317 |+42 15 56 | 17.795 |vS R stell | |221|10 10 16.8| 3.6311 |+42 14 7 | 17.795 |18 vvS sbN Spiral? | |222|10 10 21.8| 3.1184 |+ 3 51 52 | 17.797 |17 vS bM N Spiral | |223|10 10 23.0| 3.6194 |+41 38 24 | 17.798 |16 vS bM Spiral N | |224|10 10 23.9| 3.6208 |+41 42 47 | 17.799 |18 vvS R Spiral? N | |225|10 10 24.5| 3.6206 |+41 42 41 | 17.800 |18 vvS sbN iF | |226|10 10 50.9| 3.6230 |+41 56 45 | 17.817 |18 vvS iF | |227|10 10 54.4| 3.6245 |+42 2 23 | 17.819 |17 vS iF | |228|10 11 44.0| 3.6222 |+42 7 31 | 17.852 |18 vvS bn iF | |229|10 11 44.0| 3.6221 |+42 7 3 | 17.852 |18 vvS Spiral sbN | |230|10 11 47.5| 3.6210 |+42 4 27 | 17.854 |17 vS sbN Spiral | |231|10 11 52.1| 3.6945 |+45 40 52 | 17.856 |F S R gbM bf | |232|10 11 52.2| 3.6214 |+42 6 56 | 17.857 |18 vvS iF stell | |233|10 12 6.2| 3.6114 |+41 36 50 | 17.861 |10 S neb_{*} | |234|10 12 21.8| 3.6231 |+42 19 55 | 17.878 |17 vS sbN Spiral | |235|10 12 29.1| 3.6192 |+42 8 54 | 17.882 |17 vS sbN Spiral | |236|10 12 31.5| 3.6204 |+42 13 16 | 17.883 |16 vS stell | |237|10 12 33.4| 3.6184 |+42 7 46 | 17.884 |18 vS E100 Spiral? | |238|10 12 41.5| 3.6939 |+45 51 34 | 17.890 |eeeF?? | |239|10 12 43.2| 3.6150 |+41 59 8 | 17.891 |17 vS sbM N | |240|10 12 43.5| 3.6168 |+42 5 16 | 17.891 |16 vvS bN stell | |241|10 12 48.1| 3.6940 |+45 53 41 | 17.894 |F vS R gbM | |242|10 12 50.6| 3.6940 |+45 54 11 | 17.896 |F S E90 | |243|10 12 51.3| 3.6163 |+42 5 23 | 17.897 |18 vvS R stell | |244|10 12 57.8| 3.6136 |+41 58 39 | 17.901 |18 vvS iF | |245|10 13 0.4| 3.6212 |+42 23 5 | 17.902 |16 vS iB N Spiral E30| |246|10 13 4.1| 3.6999 |+46 14 17 | 17.905 |B S E130 Spiral on | | | | | | | edge | |247|10 13 10.1| 3.7010 |+46 18 50 | 17.909 |B R vm bM | |248|10 13 19.7| 3.6960 |+46 7 15 | 17.915 |eF S R bM | |249|10 13 33.8| 3.6170 |+42 17 28 | 17.924 |18 vS stell | |250|10 13 37.1| 3.6054 |+41 42 39 | 17.927 |17 vS Spiral stell N | |251|10 13 44.2| 3.6159 |+42 16 17 | 17.929 |17 vS R gbN | |252|10 13 46.0| 3.6110 |+42 1 15 | 17.933 |17 vvS gbN Spiral N | |253|10 13 48.5| 3.6972 |+46 17 57 | 17.934 |F S E170 Spiral? | |254|10 13 53.9| 3.6036 |+41 41 1 | 17.938 |18 vS sbN | |255|10 13 54.5| 3.6107 |+42 3 31 | 17.938 |17 vS R gbN | |256|10 13 57.9| 3.6103 |+42 3 5 | 17.940 |17 vS iF gbN | |257|10 14 0.0| 3.6032 |+41 41 9 | 17.942 |18 vvS iF | |258|10 14 5.5| 3.6812 |+45 37 1 | 17.944 |vF vvS R | |259|10 14 11.5| 3.6113 |+42 9 10 | 17.949 |18 vvS bN Spiral | |260|10 14 12.5| 3.6113 |+42 9 44 | 17.949 |17 vS sbN Spiral | |261|10 14 24.2| 3.6104 |-42 9 42 | 17.958 |19 vvS iF E130 | |262|10 14 26.8| 3.6865 |+45 57 27 | 17.958 |B S E45 | |263|10 14 33.0| 3.6785 |+45 36 39 | 27.962 |vF vS E100 | |264|10 14 35.7| 3.6250 |+42 0 31 | 17.965 |17 vS Spiral N E100 | |265|10 14 46.3| 3.6916 |+46 16 40 | 17.972 |vvF E100 spindle | | | | | | | shaped | |266|10 14 52.3| 3.6779 |+45 39 59 | 17.975 |vF S R | |267|10 15 22.5| 3.6866 |+46 11 40 | 17.995 |F R S gbM | |268|10 16 17.4| 3.6765 |+45 57 9 | 18.031 |F S R gbM | |269|10 16 27.1| 4.5844 |+68 53 10 | 18.038 |S pB bf | |270|10 16 37.1| 3.6761 |+46 1 1 | 18.044 |F pmbM E10 | |271|10 17 8.0| 3.2872 |+20 19 46 | 18.062 |13 vS sbM N Spiral | | | | | | | E135 | |272|10 17 12.7| 3.2868 |+20 18 16 | 18.065 |13 vS gbM Spiral | |273|10 17 19.6| 3.2865 |+20 17 47 | 18.070 |14 vS gbN | |274|10 17 47.1| 3.2899 |+20 40 58 | 18.087 |15 vS iF gbM | |275|10 17 53.6| 3.2880 |+20 31 57 | 18.091 |14 S sbM N Spiral | | | | | | | E130 | |276|10 18 7.1| 3.2906 |+20 47 25 | 18.100 |13 vS sbM N Spiral | |277|10 19 5.2| 3.2870 |+20 38 42 | 18.136 |13 S sbM N Spiral | |278|10 19 6.9| +3.2857 |+20 32 21 | -18.137 |16 vS iF gbM | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |279|10 19 10.3| +3.2885 |+20 47 38 | -18.139 |14 vS stell | |280|10 19 20.6| 4.5635 |+69 9 51 | 18.149 |S pF R | |281|10 24 6.2| 4.4863 |+68 59 31 | 18.317 |vS F E95 | |282|11 1 52.7| 3.5701 |+55 59 0 | 19.407 |16 vS bN iF | |283|11 2 5.8| 3.5753 |+56 25 16 | 19.412 |15 vS neb_{*} | |284|11 2 9.5| 3.5660 |+55 53 31 | 19.413 |16 S gbM E100 | |285|11 2 22.6| 3.5740 |+56 28 29 | 19.419 |15 vS stell | |286|11 2 54.6| 3.5647 |+56 11 43 | 19.429 |15 vS sbM stell N | |287|11 3 8.0| 3.5613 |+56 6 26 | 19.435 |17 vS N | |288|11 3 12.3| 3.5620 |+56 11 17 | 19.435 |16 vS sbN R Spiral? | |289|11 3 22.7| 3.5523 |+55 58 43 | 19.439 |14 vS neb_{*} | |290|11 4 32.2| 3.5510 |+56 12 9 | 19.463 |17 vS stell | |291|11 4 44.8| 3.5467 |+56 4 9 | 19.467 |15 S R sbM N Spiral | |292|11 4 47.7| 3.5469 |+56 5 40 | 19.468 |17 vS R neb_{*} | |293|11 4 57.3| 3.5437 |+55 59 16 | 19.471 |17 vS stell | |294|11 5 6.2| 3.5426 |+56 0 26 | 19.474 |Two 18 mag. objects, | | | | | | | iF, close together | |295|11 5 16.1| 3.5379 |+55 48 58 | 19.478 |16 vS. Uniform | | | | | | | brightness | |296|11 5 20.8| 3.5431 |+56 8 46 | 19.479 |17 vS iF stell | |297|11 5 22.1| 3.5373 |+55 49 20 | 19.480 |15 vS R gbM N Spiral | |298|11 5 35.2| 3.5408 |+56 8 18 | 19.484 |16 vS R gbM | |299|11 5 42.3| 3.5387 |+56 4 33 | 19.487 |18 vS sbM N Ring | |300|11 5 50.5| 3.5412 |+56 16 58 | 19.490 |17 vS sbM N Spiral? | |301|11 5 54.8| 3.5299 |+55 40 11 | 19.493 |vvF E75 | |302|11 5 58.2| 3.5290 |+55 37 33 | 19.494 |S vF R | |303|11 6 1.6| 3.5352 |+56 1 39 | 19.494 |16 vS R sbM N Spiral | |304|11 6 6.1| 3.5322 |+55 53 51 | 19.495 |17 vS gbM iF | |305|11 6 8.8| 3.5347 |+56 3 23 | 19.496 |17 S vm E85 | |306|11 6 12.5| 3.5292 |+55 45 22 | 19.499 |vF E100 spindle | | | | | | | shaped | |307|11 6 19.1| 3.5312 |+55 56 37 | 19.500 |17 vS dif | |308|11 6 23.7| 3.5305 |+55 56 44 | 19.501 |vS iF dif | |309|11 6 27.1| 3.5300 |+55 56 40 | 19.502 |17 vS gbM iF | |310|11 6 28.4| 3.5303 |+55 58 4 | 19.503 |16 vS sbM N Spiral | |311|11 6 42.0| 3.5330 |+56 13 33 | 19.507 |16 vS bM E150 | |312|11 6 43.0| 3.5297 |+56 3 13 | 19.508 |17 vS dif iF | |313|11 6 45.0| 3.5298 |+56 4 18 | 19.508 |17 vS dif iF | |314|11 6 51.1| 3.5313 |+56 12 24 | 19.510 |17 vS sbM N Spiral | |315|11 6 55.4| 3.5262 |+55 57 11 | 19.512 |16 vS R sbM N Spiral | |316|11 7 6.7| 3.5295 |+56 13 36 | 19.516 |13 S sbM N Spiral E70| |317|11 7 10.| ... |+56 14 0| ... |16 vS stell iF neb? | |318|11 7 15.9| 3.5304 |+56 21 9 | 19.519 |15 vS R sbM N Spiral | |319|11 7 23.9| 3.5248 |+56 5 58 | 19.522 |15 vS neb_{*} | |320|11 7 32.4| 3.5239 |+56 7 1 | 19.525 |16 vS sbM N Spiral | |321|11 7 57.5| 3.5230 |+56 15 58 | 19.533 |16 vS gbM E25 | |322|11 7 59.6| 3.5172 |+55 57 47 | 19.534 |16 vS neb_{*} | |323|11 8 1.8| 3.5117 |+55 36 17 | 19.534 |pB S R | |324|11 8 3.4| 3.5177 |+56 1 13 | 19.536 |16 vS sbM | |325|11 8 4.9| 3.5153 |+55 51 25 | 19.536 |S F gbM E100 | |326|11 8 17.4| 3.5200 |+56 15 18 | 19.540 |12 S gbN be Spiral | | | | | | | E30 | |327|11 8 25.0| 3.5178 |+56 12 21 | 19.543 |17 vS stell | |328|11 8 46.3| 3.5117 |+56 1 58 | 19.550 |15 vS stell N | |329|11 8 59.2| 3.5043 |+55 38 13 | 19.553 |pB S E160 | |330|11 9 10.7| 3.5006 |+55 30 18 | 19.556 |B irr B_{*}n | |331|11 9 20.7| 3.5034 |+55 45 42 | 19.559 |vS B E100 bM | |332|11 9 38.0| 3.4948 |+55 23 27 | 19.565 |S pF R another | | | | | | | apparently distinct | | | | | | | neb np | |333|11 9 41.7| 3.5046 |+56 0 2 | 19.566 |L B pmbM R | |334|11 9 56.7| 3.4978 |+55 43 41 | 19.571 |vS B E135 spindle | | | | | | | shaped | |335|11 10 14.5| 3.4873 |+55 14 57 | 19.578 |S B E90 gbM | |336|11 10 28.9| 3.4870 |+55 19 48 | 19.581 |S pF E135 companion n| |337|11 10 43.8| 3.4929 |+55 49 55 | 19.587 |vS F E100 bf | |338|11 10 58.5| 3.4913 |+55 14 50 | 19.592 |S B R vmbM | |339|11 11 1.0| 3.4817 |+55 17 47 | 19.593 |S B E45 bsf | |340|11 11 4.2| 3.4809 |+55 16 23 | 19.594 |B Spiral | |341|11 11 36.5| 3.4780 |+55 21 45 | 19.604 |vvF S R | |342|11 12 23.8| 3.4719 |+55 23 11 | 19.619 |vB S e E170 | |343|11 13 21.2| 3.1360 |+13 15 33 | 19.632 |B S R neb_{*} | |344|11 13 22.7| 3.1362 |+13 17 29 | 19.633 |S F gbM | |345|11 25 13.4| 3.2933 |+47 34 7 | 19.818 |S pB N | |346|11 26 40.5| 3.3848 |+47 39 8 | 19.836 |vS F | |347|11 27 2.8| 3.2828 |+47 42 13 | 19.840 |vS F | |348|11 27 10.3| +3.2774 |+47 2 45 | -19.842 |vS F gbM | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |349|11 27 28.6| +3.2797 |+47 38 54 | -19.846 |vS B vmbM Spiral | |350|11 27 41.9| 3.2757 |+47 16 48 | 19.848 |vS B E135 | |351|11 28 18.1| 3.2698 |+46 59 22 | 19.856 |vS F | |352|11 28 50.2| 3.2694 |+47 24 46 | 19.862 |vS B | |353|11 29 23.4| 3.2668 |+47 32 31 | 19.869 |vS vB N E100 | |354|11 30 3.6| 3.2603 |+47 13 56 | 19.877 |pS pF | |355|12 10 36.7| 3.0230 |+38 30 36 | 20.026 |S pB bf | |356|12 10 45.3| 3.0232 |+38 4 44 | 20.025 |S pB E95 | |357|12 10 51.8| 3.0218 |+38 34 3 | 20.025 |S pB bf | |358|12 11 18.1| 2.9996 |+47 51 36 | 20.025 |15 vS stell | |359|12 11 27.3| 2.9987 |+47 49 2 | 20.024 |15 vS E135 sbM N | | | | | | | Spiral | |360|12 11 46.7| 2.9956 |+48 6 2 | 20.022 |16 S E65 | |361|12 11 48.5| 2.9961 |+47 55 0 | 20.022 |15 vS R sbM sN Spiral | |362|12 11 50.1| 3.0176 |+38 27 34 | 20.021 |S vF | |363|12 12 7.0| 2.9935 |+48 5 58 | 20.020 |15 vS R | |364|12 12 12.2| 3.0536 |+14 45 22 | 20.019 |17 vS R bM | |365|12 12 16.4| 3.0529 |+15 10 26 | 20.019 |18 vS R | |366|12 12 19.7| 3.0532 |+14 54 6 | 20.018 |18 vS R | |367|12 12 23.2| 3.0527 |+15 11 34 | 20.018 |18 vS vF dif | |368|12 12 23.5| 3.0535 |+14 39 45 | 20.018 |18 vS E160 | |369|12 12 25.7| 3.0529 |+15 1 40 | 20.018 |18 vS R | |370|12 12 36.3| 2.9903 |+48 5 25 | 20.017 |16 vS dif vgbM | |371|12 12 42.0| 3.0529 |+14 45 51 | 20.016 |18 vS vF R | |372|12 12 44.4| 3.0530 |+14 38 8 | 20.016 |18 vS dif | |373|12 12 45.0| 3.0145 |+37 57 9 | 20.016 |S F R | |374|12 12 45.6| 2.9909 |+47 38 17 | 20.016 |16 vS iF | |375|12 12 51.5| 3.0526 |+14 44 42 | 20.016 |18 vS R bs | |376|12 12 54.4| 2.9895 |+47 45 31 | 20.016 |17 vS iF dif | |377|12 12 54.6| 3.0523 |+14 54 0 | 20.015 |18 vS E110 | |378|12 12 56.2| 3.0521 |+15 0 2 | 20.015 |17 vS R bM | |379|12 13 2.0| 3.0519 |+15 2 28 | 20.015 |17 vS R N | |380|12 13 5.6| 3.0515 |+15 15 4 | 20.014 |18 vS vF dif | |381|12 13 7.9| 3.0518 |+15 0 8 | 20.014 |18 vS R bM | |382|12 13 9.5| 3.0515 |+15 12 43 | 20.014 |17 vS R N | |383|12 13 13.1| 3.0120 |+38 6 46 | 20.014 |vS vF | |384|12 13 30.1| 3.0108 |+38 4 43 | 20.013 |S F | |385|12 13 33.8| 3.0108 |+37 57 29 | 20.013 |pL vF R | |386|12 13 36.6| 3.0510 |+15 4 41 | 20.012 |18 vS R | |387|12 13 37.3| 3.0514 |+14 47 32 | 20.012 |18 vS R N | |388|12 13 43.8| 3.0512 |+14 47 28 | 20.011 |18 vS R | |389|12 13 53.1| 3.0505 |+15 6 48 | 20.010 |18 vS E120 | |390|12 13 53.6| 3.0506 |+15 4 0 | 20.010 |17 vS E100 N | |391|12 13 57.4| 3.0505 |+15 3 34 | 20.010 |18 vS R N | |392|12 13 58.6| 3.0510 |+14 40 44 | 20.010 |19 vS vF | |393|12 14 5.2| 3.0508 |+14 41 10 | 20.009 |18 vS R bn | |394|12 14 6.2| 3.0502 |+15 5 31 | 20.009 |19 vS E110 stell N | |395|12 14 12.7| 2.9815 |+47 38 45 | 20.009 |17 vS sbM Spiral | |396|12 14 22.8| 3.0497 |+15 8 31 | 20.008 |18 vS E130 | |397|12 14 25.3| 3.0499 |+14 57 48 | 20.008 |17 vS R N | |398|12 14 31.1| 3.0497 |+14 58 50 | 20.007 |18 vS R | |399|12 14 44.0| 3.0496 |+14 50 50 | 20.006 |18 vS R N | |400|12 14 49.2| 3.0489 |+15 11 38 | 20.005 |18 vS vF | |401|12 15 4.9| 3.0490 |+14 53 4 | 20.004 |18 vS dif | |402|12 15 5.0| 3.0492 |+14 41 30 | 20.004 |18 vS R two N | |403|12 15 11.0| 3.0643 |+ 4 45 22 | 20.003 |pF vE15 | |404|12 15 11.1| 3.0483 |+15 13 37 | 20.003 |17 vS E120 bM | |405|12 15 22.7| 3.0482 |+15 6 45 | 20.002 |17 vS R | |406|12 15 31.2| 3.0484 |+14 47 34 | 20.002 |18 vS E150 | |407|12 15 39.3| 3.0478 |+15 11 10 | 20.001 |18 vS R | |408|12 16 10.5| 3.0638 |+ 5 11 15 | 19.997 |F pS | |409|12 16 12.4| 3.0647 |+ 4 37 52 | 19.997 |vF S bn | |410|12 16 31.2| 3.0438 |+16 32 16 | 19.995 |16 S E0 sbM N Spiral | |411|12 16 34.7| 3.0442 |+16 18 0 | 19.995 |16 S sbM stell N R | | | | | | | Spiral? | |412|12 16 36.7| 3.0442 |+16 13 30 | 19.994 |18 vS iF | |413|12 16 49.6| 3.0439 |+16 12 0 | 19.993 |17 vS gbM iF | |414|12 17 3.5| 3.0432 |+16 21 14 | 19.991 |18 S dif iF E135 | |415|12 17 5.| 3.0446 |+15 56 30| 19.991 |17 vS sbM Spiral N | |416|12 17 5.2| 3.0431 |+16 23 20 | 19.991 |18 vs bs R | |417|12 17 12.1| 3.0638 |+ 4 50 23 | 19.991 |F vS l E50 | |418|12 17 14.3| +3.0429 |+16 21 16 | 19.990 |17 vS dif gbM R | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |419|12 17 15.6| +3.0430 |+16 17 18 | -19.990 |16S sbM N Spiral | |420|12 17 21.0| 3.0633 |+ 5 7 14 | 19.990 |! pB L Spiral | |421|12 17 29.5| 3.0639 |+ 4 41 53 | 19.989 |vF vS | |422|12 17 37.0| 3.0639 |+ 4 41 13 | 19.989 |vF vS 1E45 | |423|12 17 57.9| 3.0414 |+16 27 36 | 19.985 |17S gbM Spiral E135 | |424|12 18 5.1| 3.0633 |+ 4 54 53 | 19.986 |vvF vs | |425|12 18 16.2| 3.0411 |+16 22 30 | 19.983 |15S sbM N Spiral? | |426|12 18 17.4| 3.0409 |+16 25 22 | 19.983 |18vS stell N Spiral | |427|12 18 19.3| 3.0629 |+ 5 0 40 | 19.983 |eeF S | |428|12 18 34.6| 3.0352 |+18 54 45 | 19.981 |18vS R diffic | |429|12 18 40.4| 3.0352 |+18 49 41 | 19.980 |18vS vF E160'' | |430|12 19 17.4| 3.0388 |+16 37 37 | 19.976 |17vS R gbN Spiral | |431|12 19 45.5| 3.0333 |+18 45 1 | 19.972 |15vS E45 stell N | |432|12 20 0.7| 3.0399 |+16 15 57 | 19.971 |18 vS iF | |433|12 20 9.1| 3.0374 |+16 38 51 | 19.970 |17 S gbM N E60 Spiral| | | | | | | on edge | |434|12 20 10.9| 3.0372 |+16 40 27 | 19.970 |17 vS R sbM N Spiral | |435|12 20 21.3| 3.0322 |+18 41 40 | 19.968 |18 vS R bM | |436|12 20 21.8| 3.0369 |+16 40 40 | 19.968 |18 vS iF dif | |437|12 20 22.8| 3.0314 |+19 2 32 | 19.968 |18 vS R | |438|12 20 35.2| 3.0323 |+18 26 52 | 19.966 |18 vS R bM | |439|12 20 40.8| 3.0307 |+19 4 16 | 19.966 |18 vS vF R | |440|12 21 21.9| 3.0296 |+18 59 58 | 19.960 |18 vS R bM | |441|12 21 39.2| 3.0296 |+18 41 29 | 19.958 |18 vs R | |442|12 21 55.3| 3.0297 |+18 35 37 | 19.956 |17 vs R bM | |443|12 21 56.5| 3.0282 |+19 4 14 | 19.956 |18 vS R bM | |444|12 21 59.8| 3.0290 |+18 42 0 | 19.956 |18 vS E120 | |445|12 22 13.3| 3.0282 |+18 49 7 | 19.954 |17 vS R bM | |446|12 25 24.7| 3.0336 |+14 42 46 | 19.924 |14 S E60 | |447|12 25 35.6| 3.0320 |+15 8 33 | 19.922 |18 vS dif | |448|12 25 47.1| 3.0316 |+15 11 13 | 19.921 |15 vS bM iF | |449|12 25 49.9| 3.0317 |+15 6 17 | 19.920 |16 vS gbM | |450|12 25 53.0| 3.0312 |+15 19 36 | 19.920 |16 S E115 bM | |451|12 26 0.9| 3.0320 |+14 54 29 | 19.918 |16 vS R | |452|12 26 0.9| 3.0308 |+15 20 0 | 19.918 |17 vS iF bM | |453|12 26 4.7| 3.0323 |+14 48 53 | 19.918 |18 vS iF | |454|12 26 8.1| 3.0319 |+14 55 14 | 19.917 |16 vS R sbM N | |455|12 26 12.2| 3.0322 |+14 44 59 | 19.916 |12 neb_{*} | |456|12 26 17.2| 3.0321 |+14 44 55 | 19.916 |16 vS iF gbM N | |457|12 26 17.3| 3.0323 |+14 40 6 | 19.916 |16 vS gbM N Spiral? | |458|12 26 34.7| 3.0299 |+15 24 49 | 19.913 |14 S bM E165 | |459|12 26 51.1| 3.0308 |+14 51 34 | 19.910 |15 L m E80 bM N | | | | | | | Spiral on edge | |460|12 27 26.5| 3.0636 |+ 3 8 36 | 19.904 |17 vS E80 gbM Spiral | | | | | | | on edge? | |461|12 27 30.4| 3.0634 |+ 3 12 55 | 19.903 |15 L vm E40 small | | | | | | | spur from M | |462|12 27 31.7| 3.0290 |+15 7 56 | 19.903 |16 vS | |463|12 27 31.8| 3.0623 |+ 3 34 13 | 19.903 |17 vS gbM iF | |464|12 27 39.2| 3.0304 |+14 36 16 | 19.902 |11 L bM iF sc | |465|12 27 41.6| 3.0299 |+14 44 55 | 19.902 |11 neb_{*} | |466|12 27 44.2| 3.0629 |+ 3 21 0 | 19.900 |17 vS vgbM iF | |467|12 27 45.0| 3.0634 |+ 3 10 55 | 19.900 |17 vS vgbM | |468|12 27 55.1| 3.0641 |+ 2 53 13 | 19.899 |18 vS R (Ring?) | |469|12 28 10.1| 3.0646 |+ 2 42 3 | 19.896 |17 vS R | |470|12 28 18.2| 3.0646 |+ 2 42 24 | 19.894 |16 vS [circle] | |471|12 28 26.5| 3.0648 |+ 2 50 47 | 19.893 |17 vS E150 | |472|12 28 35.9| 3.0645 |+ 2 41 20 | 19.891 |17 vS E160 N | |473|12 28 37.4| 3.0272 |+15 10 32 | 19.891 |16 vS sbM N Spiral | | | | | | | E50 | |474|12 28 43.8| 3.0653 |+ 2 25 53 | 19.890 |16 vS gbM | |475|12 28 44.0| 3.0646 |+ 2 49 52 | 19.890 |17 vS R bM | |476|12 23 50.7| 3.0653 |+ 2 24 19 | 19.888 |18 vS vF R | |477|12 28 54.3| 3.0267 |+15 11 50 | 19.887 |18 vS sbM N Ring? | |478|12 28 55.5| 3.0656 |+ 2 19 2 | 19.887 |18 vS dif | |479|12 28 58.5| 3.0644 |+ 2 41 54 | 19.887 |18 vS E130 N | |480|12 29 1.7| 3.0653 |+ 2 23 42 | 19.886 |17 vS R | |481|12 29 8.9| 3.0266 |+15 6 23 | 19.885 |16 vS sbM N Spiral | |482|12 29 15.8| 3.0614 |+ 3 39 39 | 19.883 |17 vS stell | |483|12 29 15.8| 3.0615 |+ 3 39 15 | 19.883 |18 vS N? Spiral? | |484|12 29 27.0| 3.0635 |+ 2 58 4 | 19.881 |18 vS dif iF | |485|12 29 28.7| 3.0636 |+ 3 7 14 | 19.881 |17 vS sbM N Spiral | |486|12 29 30.5| 3.0650 |+ 2 27 49 | 19.881 |17 vS R stell N | |487|12 29 40.8| 3.0616 |+ 3 33 41 | 19.879 |17 vS bM N Spiral | |488|12 29 42.7| +3.0635 |+ 2 55 34 | -19.879 |17 vS R | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No.|[Greek: a]|Precession|[Greek: d]|Precession| Description. | | | 1900.0 | | 1900.0 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | |h m s | s | ' '' | '' | | |489|12 29 45.4| +3.0650 |+ 2 26 4 | -19.878 |17 vS E90 N | |490|12 29 51.4| 3.0620 |+ 3 24 29 | 19.877 |17 vS iF | |491|12 29 55.3| 3.0652 |+ 2 21 0 | 19.876 |17 vS R N | |492|12 29 56.6| 3.0632 |+ 3 0 22 | 19.876 |18 vS R N | |493|12 29 57.1| 3.0652 |+ 2 20 13 | 19.876 |17 vS R | |494|12 29 58.5| 3.0653 |+ 2 19 14 | 19.876 |18 vS R | |495|12 30 3.3| 2.9859 |+26 19 54 | 19.875 |15 vS R bM | |496|12 30 4.2| 3.0652 |+ 2 20 7 | 19.875 |18 vS R | |497|12 30 6.6| 3.0616 |+ 3 33 6 | 19.874 |17 vS bs iF | |498|12 30 11.2| 3.0616 |+ 3 30 36 | 19.873 |17 vS stell | |499|12 30 12.4| 3.0649 |+ 2 25 7 | 19.873 |18 vS R | |500|12 30 12.8| 2.9853 |+26 22 24 | 19.873 |17 VS R bM | |501|12 30 14.8| 3.0648 |+ 2 26 29 | 19.873 |18 vS E70 | |502|12 30 27.3| 3.0648 |+ 2 26 16 | 19.870 |18 vS R bM | |503|12 30 28.4| 3.0648 |+ 2 26 41 | 19.870 |17 vS R bM | |504|12 30 29.0| 3.0651 |+ 2 19 36 | 19.870 |16 vS R | |505|12 30 30.6| 3.0613 |+ 3 35 6 | 19.870 |15 L vm E165 sbM | | | | | | | Spiral | |506|12 30 32.2| 3.0650 |+ 2 22 17 | 19.869 |18 vS R bM | |507|12 30 35.8| 3.0642 |+ 2 37 39 | 19.869 |18 vS R | |508|12 30 36.8| 2.9840 |+26 24 5 | 19.868 |14 S E135 N | |509|12 30 39.5| 3.0643 |+ 2 34 35 | 19.868 |18 vS R | |510|12 30 39.7| 3.0645 |+ 2 29 55 | 19.868 |18 vS R | |511|12 30 42.6| 3.0648 |+ 2 25 14 | 19.867 |18 vS R bM | |512|12 30 43.7| 2.9819 |+26 50 17 | 19.867 |17 vS E40 | |513|12 30 44.2| 2.9822 |+26 46 25 | 19.867 |15 vS N E50 | |514|12 30 52.0| 3.0648 |+ 2 22 56 | 19.866 |17 vS R | |515|12 30 52.6| 3.0619 |+ 3 19 59 | 19.866 |17 vS sbM Spiral E110| |516|12 31 22.5| 2.9809 |+26 38 7 | 19.859 |18 vS R | |517|12 31 32.7| 2.9797 |+26 47 58 | 19.857 |18 vS R | |518|12 31 39.6| 2.9794 |+26 47 9 | 19.856 |16 vS R N | |519|12 31 46.1| 2.9796 |+26 39 51 | 19.855 |17 vS R N | |520|12 32 6.9| 2.9787 |+26 38 28 | 19.850 |17 vS R N | |521|12 32 21.2| 2.9784 |+26 31 56 | 19.848 |18 vS vF R | |522|12 32 22.7| 2.9777 |+26 42 36 | 19.847 |18 vS R bM | |523|12 22 29.7| 2.9777 |+26 37 36 | 19.846 |18 vS R bM | |524|12 32 34.2| 2.9780 |+26 28 24 | 19.845 |16 neb_{*} | |525|12 32 49.7| 2.9758 |+26 50 59 | 19.842 |18 vS vF E135 D | |526|12 35 41.0| 2.9371 |+33 7 48 | 19.805 |16 vS E140 bM | |527|12 36 34.4| 2.9348 |+32 56 17 | 19.792 |17 vS R bM | |528|12 36 45.3| 2.9340 |+32 56 48 | 19.790 |18 vS E80 | |529|12 36 54.9| 2.9309 |+33 24 23 | 19.787 |17 vS E0 D | |530|12 37 14.3| 2.9303 |+33 18 35 | 19.781 |15 vS E125 N Spiral | | | | | | | on edge | |531|12 38 9.9| 2.9291 |+32 52 38 | 19.770 |18 vS bM E140 | |532|12 38 13.8| 2.9277 |+33 6 12 | 19.769 |18 vS R | |533|12 38 15.0| 2.9279 |+33 2 21 | 19.768 |14 vS E145 bM | |534|12 38 33.3| 2.9247 |+33 26 3 | 19.764 |15 neb_{*} | |535|12 38 35.6| 2.9268 |+33 0 52 | 19.764 |16 neb_{*} | |536|12 38 41.7| 2.9267 |+32 56 47 | 19.762 |18 vS R | |537|12 38 45.4| 2.9259 |+33 2 53 | 19.761 |18 vS R | |538|12 44 9.3| 2.8448 |+41 38 45 | 19.677 |18 vS R N | |539|12 44 30.5| 2.8431 |+41 38 16 | 19.670 |15 vS E60 Spiral? | |540|12 44 31.8| 2.8425 |+41 41 45 | 19.670 |18 vS vR dif | |541|12 44 36.3| 2.8424 |+41 39 31 | 19.669 |18 vS vF R diffic | |542|12 44 39.0| 2.8418 |+41 41 51 | 19.668 |18 vS R diffic | |543|12 44 46.6| 2.8401 |+41 49 26 | 19.666 |17 vS R bM | |544|12 44 46.9| 2.9440 |+26 19 4 | 19.666 |16 vS E60 bM | |545|12 44 47.5| 2.8417 |+41 23 51 | 19.666 |18 vS R bM | |546|12 44 52.4| 2.8423 |+41 30 43 | 19.664 |17 vS R | |547|12 44 55.4| 2.8398 |+41 46 30 | 19.663 |18 vS vF R diffic | |548|12 44 56.5| 2.8426 |+41 25 53 | 19.663 |18 vS R | |549|12 45 8.4| 2.8376 |+41 54 40 | 19.659 |18 vS vF dif D? | |550|12 45 16.5| 2.8412 |+41 23 26 | 19.657 |16 vS E80 bM Spiral? | |551|12 45 16.9| 2.9453 |+25 50 0 | 19.657 |17 vS R bM | |552|12 45 21.5| 2.8404 |+41 26 8 | 19.656 |16 vS R bM | |553|12 45 27.0| 2.8395 |+41 29 21 | 19.654 |18 vS vF E150 bM | | | | | | | Spiral on edge

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