
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 4

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_Some Observations and Experiments upon _May-Dew_._

That ingenious and inquisitive Gentleman, Master _Thomas Henshaw_, having had occasion to make use of a great quant.i.ty of _May-dew_, did, by several casual Essayes on that Subject, make the following Observations and Tryals, and present them to the _Royal Society_. {34}

That _Dew_ newly gathered and filtred through a clean Linnen cloth, though it be not very clear, is of a yellowish Colour, somewhat approaching to that of Urine.

That having endevoured to putrefy it by putting several proportions into Gla.s.s bodies with blind heads, and setting them in several heats, as of dung, and gentle baths, he quite failed of his intention: for heat, though never so gentle, did rather clarify, and preserve it sweet, though continued for two moneths together, then cause any putrefaction or separation of parts.

That exposing of it to the Sun for a whole Summer in Gla.s.ses, that hold about two Gallons, with narrow mouths, that might be stopp'd with Cork, the only considerable alteration, he observed to be produced in it, was, that Store of green stuff (such as is seen in Summer in ditches and standing waters) floated on the top, and in some places, grew to the sides of the Gla.s.s.

That putting four or five Gallons of it into a half Tub, as they call it, of Wood, and straining a Canvas over it, to keep out Dust and Insects, and letting it stand in some shady room for three weeks or a month, it did of itself putrefy and stink exceedingly, and let fall to the bottom a black sediment like Mudd.

That, coming often to see, what Alterations appeared in the putrefaction, He observed, that at the beginning, within twenty four hours, a slimy film floated on the top of the water, which after a while falling to the bottom, there came another such film in its place.

That if _Dew_ were put into a long narrow Vessel of Gla.s.s, such as formerly were used for Receivers in distilling of _Aqua Fortis_, the slime would rise to that height, that He could take it off with a Spoon; and when he had put a pretty quant.i.ty of it into a drinking Gla.s.s, and that it had stood all night, and the water dreined from it, if He had turned it out of his hand, it would stand upright in figure of the Gla.s.s, in substance like boyled white Starch, though something more transparent, if his memory (_saith he_) fail him not.

That having once gotten a pretty quant.i.ty of this gelly, and put it into a Gla.s.s body and Blind-head, He set it into a gentle {35} Bath with an intention to have putrefied it, but after a few days He found, the head had not been well luted on, and that some moisture exhaling, the gelly was grown almost dry, and a large _Mushrom_ grown out of it within the Gla.s.s.

It was of a loose watrish contexture, such an one, as he had seen growing out of rotten wood.

That having several Tubs with good quant.i.ty of _Dew_ in them, set to putrefy in the manner abovesaid, and comming to pour out of one of them to make use of it, He found in the water a great bunch, bigger than his fist, of those Insects commonly called _Hog-lice_ or _Millepedes_, tangled together by their long tailes, one of which came out of every one of their bodies, about the bigness of a Horsehair: The Insects did all live and move after they were taken out.

That emptying another Tub, whereon the Sun, it seems, had used sometimes to shine, and finding, upon the straining it through a clean linnen cloth, two or three spoonfulls of green stuff, though not so thick nor so green as that above mentioned, found in the Gla.s.ses _purposely_ exposed to the Sun, He put this green stuff in a Gla.s.s, and tyed a paper over it, and coming some dayes after to view it, He found the Gla.s.s almost filled with an innumerable Company of small Flyes, almost all wings, such as are usually seen in great Swarms in the Aire in Summer Evenings.

That setting about a Gallon of this _Dew_ (which, he saith, if he misremember not, had been first putrefied and strained) in an open Jarre-Gla.s.s with a wide mouth, and leaving it for many weeks standing in a South-window, on which the Sun lay very much, but the Cas.e.m.e.nts were kept close shut; after some time coming to take account of his _Dew_, He found it very full of little Insects with great Heads and small tapering Bodies, somewhat resembling Tadpoles, but very much less. These, on his approach to the Gla.s.s, would sink down to the bottom, as it were to hide themselves, and upon his retreat wrigle themselves up to the top of the water again.

Leaving it thus for some time longer, He afterwards found the room very full of Gnats, though the Door and Windows were kept shut. He adds, that He did not at first suspect, that those Gnats had any {36} relation to the _Dew_, but after finding the Gnats to be multiplied and the little watry Animals to be much lessened in quant.i.ty, and finding great numbers of their empty skins floating on the face of his _Dew_, He thought, he had just reason to perswade himself, the Gnats were by a second Birth produced of those little Animals.

That vapouring away great quant.i.ties of his putrefied _Dew_ in Gla.s.s Basons, and other Earthen glased Vessels, He did at last obtain, as he remembers, above two pound of _Grayish Earth_, which when he had washed with more of the same _Dew_ out of all his Basons into one, and vapoured to siccity, lay in leaves one above another, not unlike to some kind of brown Paper, but very friable.

That taking this Earth out, and after he had well ground it on a Marble, and given it a smart Fire, in a coated Retort of Gla.s.s, it soon melted and became a Cake in the bottom, when it was cold, and looked as if it had been Salt and Brimstone in a certain proportion melted together; but, as he remembers, was not at all inflamable. This ground again on a Marble, _he saith_, did turn Spring water of a reddish purple Colour.

That by often calcining and filtring this Earth, He did at last extract about two ounces of a fine small _white Salt_, which, looked on through a good _Microscope_, seemed to have Sides and Angles in the same number and figure, as _Rochpeeter_.

_The Motion of the _Second_ Comet predicted, by the same Gentleman, who predicted that of the _former_._

Monsieur _Auzout_, the same Person, that not long since communicated to the World his _Ephemerides_ touching the course of the former _Comet_, and recommended several Copies of them to the _Royal Society_, to compare their Observations with his Account, and thereby, either to verifie his Predictions, or to shew, wherein they differ, hath lately sent another _Ephemerides_ concerning the Motion of the Second _Comet_, to the same end, that invited him to send the other. {37}

In that Tract he observes, first in _General_, that this second _Comet_ is contrary to the precedent, almost in all particulars: seeing that the _former_ moved very swift, _this_, pretty slow; _that_ against the Order of the signs from East to West, _this_, following them, from West to East: _that_, from South to North, _this_, from North to South, as far as it hath been hitherto, that we hear off, observed: _that_, on the side opposite to the Sun, _this_, on the same side: _that_, having been in its _Perigee_ at the time of its Opposition, _this_, having been there, out of the time of its Conjunction: where he taketh also notice, that this _Comet_ differs in brightness from the other, as well in its Body, which is far more vivid and distinct, as in its _Train_, whose splendor is much greater, since it may be seen even with great _Telescopes_, which were useless in the former, by reason of its dimness. After this he descends to particulars, and informs us, that he began to observe this Comet _April_ the second, and continued for some days following, and that as soon as he had made three or four Observations, he resolved to try again an _Ephemerides_; but that, having no instruments exact enough, and the Comet being in a place, dest.i.tute of Stars, and subject to Refractions, he feared to venture too much upon Observations so neer one another, since in such matters a perfect exactness is necessary, and wished to see some precedent Observations to direct him: which having obtained, he thereby verified what he had begun, and resolved to carry on his intended _Ephemerides_, especially being urged by his Friends, and engaged by his former undertaking, that so it might not be thought a meer hazard, that made him hit in the former; as also, that he might try, whether his Method would succeed as well in slower, as in swifter Comets, and in those, that are neer the Sun; as in such as are opposite thereunto, to the end, that men might be advertised of the _determination_ of its use, if it could not serve but in certain particular Cases.

He relateth therefore, that he had finished this New _Ephemerides_ _April_ the sixth, and put it presently to the Press; in doing of which, he hopes, he hath not disobliged the Publick: seeing that, though we should loose the sight of this Star within a few days, by reason of its approach to the Sun, yet having found, {38} that it is always to rise before the Sun, and that we may again see it better, when it shall rise betimes, towards the end of _May_, and in the beginning of _June_, if the cleerness of the Day-break hinder us not; he thought it worth the while to try, whether the truth of this _Ephemerides_ could be proved.

He affirms then, that the _Line_ described by this Star resembles. .h.i.therto a _Great Circle_, as it is found in all other Comets in the midst of their Course. He finds the said Circle inclined to the _Ecliptick_ about 26. d.

30'. and the _Nodes_, where it cuts it, towards the beginning of _Gemini_ and _Sagittary_; that it declines from the _Equator_ about 26. _d_ and cuts it towards the 11. d. and consequently, that its greatest _Lat.i.tude_ hath been towards _Pisces_, where it must have been _March_ 24. and its greatest _Declination_, towards the 25 d. of the _Equator_, where it was to have been _April_ 11.

He puts it in its _Perigee_ _March_ 27. about three of the Clock in the Afternoon, when it was about the 15 degrees of _Pisces_, a little more _Westerly_ then _Marshab_, or the _Wing_ of _Pegasus_, and that it was to be in _Conjunction_ with the _Sun_, _April_ 9. Where yet he noteth, that according to another Calculation, the _Perigee_ was _March_ 27. more towards Night, so that the Comet advances a little more towards the _East_, and r.e.t.a.r.ds towards the _West_; which not being very sensible in the first days, differs more about the end, and in the beginning; which he leaves to Observation.

He calculateth, that the greatest Motion it could make in one day, hath been 4. d. and 8'. or 9'; in one hour, about 10'. and 25". so that its _Diurnal Motion_ is to its last distance from the Earth a little more than as 1. to 14. and its _Hourly Motion_, as 1. to 330.

He wonders, that it hath not been seen sooner; the first Observations that he hath seen, but made by others, being of _March_ 17. Whereas he finds, that it might have been seen since _January_, at least in the Months of _February_ and _March_, when it rose at 2 of the Clock and before: because it is very likely, that, considering its bigness and brightness, when it was towards its _Perigee_, it was visible, since that towards the end of _February_ it was not three times as much remote from the Earth, than when it was in its _Perigee_, and that towards the end of _January_ it was not five times as much. {39}

In the interim, _saith he_, the other _Comet_ could be seen with the naked eye until _January_ 31. when it was more than ten times further remote, than in its _Perigee_, although it was not by far so bright, nor its streamer shining as this hath appeared.

He wishes, that all the changes that shall fall out in this _Comet_, might be exactly observ'd; because of its not being swift, and the Motion of the Earth very sensible, unless the _Comet_ be extreamly remote, we should find much more light from this, than the former Star, about the Grand Question, whether the _Earth_ moves or not; this Author having all along entertained himself with the hopes, that the Motion of _Comets_ would evince, whether the _Earth_ did move or not; and this very _Comet_ seemed to him to have by design appeared for that end, if it had had more _Lat.i.tude_, and that consequently we might have seen it before Day break. He wishes also, that, if possible, it may be accurately observed, whether it will not a little decline from its great Circle towards the _South_; Judging, that some important truth may be thence deduced, as well as if its motion r.e.t.a.r.ded more, than the place of its _Perigee_ (which will be more exactly known when all the pa.s.sed Observations shall have been obtained) and its greatest Motion do require.

He fears only, that it being then to rise at Break of Day, exact Observations cannot be made of it: but he would, at least have it sought with _Telescopes_, his _Ephemerides_ directing whereabout it is to be.

_April_ 10. it was to be over against the point of the _Triangle_, and from thence more _Southerly_ by more than two degrees; and _April_ 11. over against the bright Star of _Aries_, _April_ 17. over against the Stars of the _Fly_, a little more _Southerly_, and _May_ 4 it is to be over against the _Pleiades_, and about the fourth or fifth of the same Month, it is to be once more in _Conjunction_ with the _Sun_; after which time, the _Sun_ will move from it _Eastward_, and leave it towards the _West_; which will enable us to see it again at a better hour, provided the cleerness of the Day-break be no impediment to us. He addeth, that this Star must have been the third time in _Conjunction_ with the _Sun_, about the time when it first began to appear: and foresees, that from all these particulars many considerable consequences may be deduced. {40}

It will cut the _Ecliptick_ about the end of _July_, new Style, a little more _Eastwards_ than the _Eye_ of _Taurus_; at which time there will be no seeing of it, except it be with a _Telescope_.

It will be towards the _End_ of _April_, new style, twice as far distant as it was in _Perigee_, thrice as far, _May_ the fourth, four times, _May_ the eighteenth, and five times, _June_ the first, &c.

He would not have Men surprised, that there have been two _Comets_ within so short a time; seeing, _saith he_, there were four, at least three, in the Year 1618. and in other Years there have been two and more at the same time. What he adds about their signification, we leave to _Astrologers_ to dispute it with him. He concludeth with asking pardon, if he have committed mistakes, which he hopeth he shall obtain the sooner, because of the small time he hath had for these calculations; and he wishes that he could have made all the Observations himself, seeing that it is easie to fail, when one must trust to the Observations of others, whereof we know not the exactness: where he instanceth, that according to his Observations, the way of the _Comet_ should go neerer the Ecliptick than he hath marked it, even without having any great regard to the Refractions: but since he would subject himself to others, he hath made it pa.s.s a little higher, which, he saith, was almost insensibly so, in those few days that he was observing and writing, but that this may perhaps become sensible hereafter; which if it be so, he affirms that it will cut the _Ecliptick_ and _Equator_ sooner, than he hath marked it, &c. However, he thinks it convenient, to have given aforehand a common Notion of what will become of a _Comet_, to prepare men for all the Changes that may fall out concerning it: which he affirms he hath endeavoured to do; the rest being easie to correct, as soon as any good Observations, somewhat distant, have been obtained, considering, that there need but two very exact ones, a little distant when the Star is not swift, to trace its Way; although there must be at least three, to find out all the rest. But, then would he have it considered, that although his Method should be very exact, if there be not at hand Instruments big enough, and Globes good enough to trust to, nothing can be done perfectly in these kind of Predictions. {41}

_A Relation of the advice given by Monsieur _Pet.i.t_, Intendant of the Fortifications of _Normandy_, touching the Conjunction of the _Ocean_ and _Mediterranean_._

This Intelligent Gentleman, Monsieur _Pet.i.t_, having been consulted with, touching the Conjunction of the _Ocean_ and _Mediterranean_, delivers first the Proposition, and then giveth his thoughts upon it.

The Proposition is, That there being about two Leagues below _Castres_ in _Languedoc_ a Rivolet, called _Sor_, pa.s.sing to _Revel_, there may by the means thereof be made a Communication of the two Seas, by joyning the Waters of this Rivolet by a Channel (to be kept full all the year long) with those of St. _Papoul_, and others, which fall into _Fresqueil_ (another small River) that runs into the _Aude_ below _Carca.s.sone_, and go together to _Narbonne_, scituated upon the _Mediterranean_.

Having given the Proposition, he adds some particulars, to ill.u.s.trate the same, before he declares his judgment upon it. For he relateth, that there is but one way, after the division of the Waters, to pa.s.s to the _Mediterranean_, which is by a Rivolet, called _Fresqueil_, that is conjoyn'd with the _Aude_: But, to pa.s.s to the _Ocean_, there are three; One, by _Riege_, entring into the _Caronne_ above _Tholouse_; the other, by _Lers_, pa.s.sing on the side, and below the same Town; and the third, by _Sor_, falling into the River _Agoust_ under _Castres_, afterwards into the _Tarne_, and thence to _Montauban_, and lastly into the _Garonne_. And that, to compa.s.s this design, all these Rivers and Rivolets are first to be made Navigable unto their _Sluces_; that of _Aude_ and _Fresqueil_ for the _Mediterranean_, and one of the others, such as shall be chosen, for the _Ocean_. He addeth, that, as to the several Ways pa.s.sing to the _Ocean_, all of them commended as proper and convenient, and the three Countries concerned therein, speaking every one for their advantage: Those of _Castres_ and {42} _Montauban_, are for the River _Agoust_; those of _Tholouse_, for _Riege_; and the rest, for _Lers_.

Now concerning his Opinion upon this Proposition, he thinks, that all that hath been represented touching this matter, can signifie very little, seeing that the main thing is wanting, which is the a.s.surance, and certain and positive mensuration of the height and quant.i.ty of the Waters, necessary to fall into both the Channels of the _Aude_ and _Caronne_: that there must be plenty of that, to furnish at all times and alwayes the highest and first _sluces_, since what once issues thence, doth never enter again into them; and after some Boats are pa.s.sed, if there should not be a sufficient supply for those that come after; either to go up, or to go down, all would stand dry, and Merchants and their commodities would stay long enough expecting the supply of Rains, to their great detriment. He concludeth therefore, that no knowing and discreet Person is able, in matters of this nature, to give a positive answer, without having before him a large and exact Topographical Map of those places, and of the sources of all the Rivolets, that are to supply the Water to the Head of the pretended Channel, together with a full account of the survey and mensuration of all the places, through which it is to pa.s.s; of the Nature of the Ground, whether it be stony, sandy, rocky, &c. of the exact level of all the places, where it is to be made, and of the several risings and depressions thereof, to be a.s.sured that the Water may be conveyed to the greatest rising, and to the highest _Sluce_; and lastly, of the quant.i.ty, that may be had at high, middle, and low Water, to have enough for all times; that all these things being first made out, 'tis then time enough to judge of the possibility of the thing, and to calculate the charges necessary for Execution.

This Artist having thus prudently waved this Proposition, diverts himself with reflecting upon several others of the like nature, among which he insists chiefly upon two, whereof one is that so much celebrated in _Egypt_; the other, of _Germany_. And he is of Opinion, that the most important of all is that, of conjoyning the _Red sea_ by the _Nile_ with the _Mediterranean_, which he looks upon as the most excellent conveniency to go into the _East Indies_ without doubling the _Cape of Good Hope_; and yet it {43} could not be executed by those great Kings of _Egypt_, that raised so many stupendious _Pyramids_; although in his Opinion the reasons alleged by _Historians_ to justifie them for having abandoned that undertaking are of no validity, and that the _Red Sea_ cannot be, as they feared, higher than the _Nile_, and therefore not indanger the inundation of _Egypt_.

The other Proposition was made to _Charles Magna_, _Anno_ 793. for joyning the _Euxine_ Sea and the _Ocean_ together, by a Channel, which was begun for that end, and designed to be 2000. paces long and 100. paces broad, betwixt the River _Altmull_, falling into the _Danube_ above _Ratisbone_, and the River _Rott_, pa.s.sing at _Nurenberg_, and thence running into the _Main_, and so into the _Rhine_. But yet this also proved abortive, though there was great appearance of success at first.

_Of the Way of killing _Ratle-Snakes_._

There being not long since occasion given at a meeting of the _Royal Society_ to discourse of _Ratle Snakes_, that worthy and inquisitive Gentleman, Captain _Silas Taylor_, related the manner, how they were killed in _Virginia_, which he afterwards was pleased to give in writing, attested by two credible persons in whose presence it was done; which is, as follows.

The Wild _Penny-royal_ or _Ditany_ of _Virginia_, groweth streight up about one foot high, with the leaves like _Penny-royal_, with little blue tufts at the joyning of the branches to the Plant, the colour of the Leaves being a reddish green, but the Water distilled, of the colour of Brandy, of a fair Yellow: the Leaves of it bruised are very hot biting upon the Tongue: and of these, so bruised, they took some, and having tyed them in the cleft of a long stick, they held them to the Nose of the _Ratle-Snake_, who by turning and wriggling laboured as much as she could to avoid it: but she was killed with it, in less than half an hours time, and, as was supposed, by the scent thereof; which was done _Anno_ 1657. in the Month of _July_, at which season, they repute those creatures to be in the greatest vigour for their poison. {44}

_A Relation of Persons killed with subterraneous _Damps_._

This Relation was likewise made to the _Royal Society_, by that Eminent _Virtuoso_ Sir _R. Moray_, who was pleased, upon their desire, to give it them in writing; as followeth.

In a Coal-pit, belonging to the Lord _Sinclair_ in _Scotland_, where the Coal is some 18 or 20 foot thick, and antiently wasted to a great depth: The Colliers, some Weeks agoe, having wrought as deep as they could, and being to remove into new Rooms (as they call them) did, by taking off, as they retired, part of the Coal that was left as Pillars to support the Roof and Earth over it, so much weaken them, that within a short s.p.a.ce, after they were gone out of the Pitt, the Pillars falling, the Earth above them filled up the whole s.p.a.ce, where the Colliers had lately wrought, with its ruins. The Colliers being here-by out of work, some of them adventured to work upon old remains of Walls, so near the old wastes, that striking through the slender part.i.tion of the Coal-wall, that seperated between them and the place, where they used to work, they quickly perceived their Errour, and fearing to be stifled by the bad Air, that they knew, possessed these old wastes, in regard not onely of the Damps, which such wastes do usually afford, but because there having for many years been a Fire in those wastes, that filled them with stifling fumes and vapors, retired immediately and saved themselves from the eruptions of the Damp. But next day some seven or eight of them came no sooner so farr down the staires, that led them to the place where they had been the day before, as they intended, but upon their stepping into the place, where the Air was infected, they fell down dead, as if they had been shott: And there being amongst them one, whose Wife was informed he was stifled in that place, she went down so far without inconvenience, that seeing her Husband near her, ventured to go to him, but being choaked by the Damp, as soon as she came near him, she fell down dead by him. {45}

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