
Phantasmagoria Part 3

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Chast.i.ty felt heat flush her cheeks in embarra.s.sment. "It's none of your business."

"I take that as a definite no." He smiled and chuckled. "So what are you doin' here, little Miss Innocence?" Rob climbed up on the picnic table beside her and sat with his knee pressed against hers. "You a high-school freshman skippin' school?"

"I'm a senior," she frowned. "And I'm here with my friend Molly." She looked at his denim-clad knee rubbing against her bare skin and felt an interesting warmth race up her spine. "She likes these kinds of parties, and gets invited lots. I'm not as pretty or popular as she is, so I don't get asked."

"G.o.d, you are so naive!" Rob said, choking down a laugh. "Let me tell you-what she looks like has nothin' to do with that girl's popularity." The shock on Chast.i.ty's face reflected in his eyes. "Look," he added patiently, "you're obviously not the kind of girl who puts out, little Miss Never-Been-Really-Kissed-Before. Your not bein' asked to parties with this crowd has more to do with the fact that she does, and you don't."

"Puts out?" Chast.i.ty repeated, stunned.

"Yeah, as in f.u.c.ks anything that moves. According to what I heard about her, the more, the merrier. Look," said Rob, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. "She's already started on this bunch."

Chast.i.ty whipped around to look. Molly had her back to the woods and was kissing a shirtless, muscular blonde guy while his equally shirtless buddy was down on his knees in front of her. Chast.i.ty leaned over to get a better look. The guy kissing Molly looked like his hands were under her shirt. To her surprise, Chast.i.ty watched the kneeling guy's hands slide under Molly's skirt, pushing it up to her waist to grab her b.u.t.t.

Both repelled and fascinated by the display, Chast.i.ty watched the kneeling guy shove Molly's legs wider. He bent closer and appeared to be kissing, no, wait,sucking on Molly's privates. The wet slurping noises and Molly's moans carried over to the picnic table.

"I didn't know," she said softly. "I've never seen her do that before." Molly's shirt was up over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and two guys were sucking on them and pulling on their jeans. The third guy was still busy under her skirt. She had him by the hair and was rocking against his face. Several other guys noticed the show and started walking closer, motioning to their buddies. In moments it was impossible to see what was happening through the crowd of guys.

"You musta left all the parties early. Like, right before the real show started. Speaking of shows..." He took Chast.i.ty's hand. "Come on. If she's the girl I've been hearing about, you're probably not ready to see the rest." He climbed off of the picnic table and tugged on her hand. "There's a spot back behind those trees where we can sit and not have to watch."

"Look, if she's in trouble, I have to get her out of here." She hopped off the picnic table and suddenly swayed off balance. "Whoa."

Rob chuckled as she fell into him. "It's all right, I got you. Probably just the beer."

His strong arm went around her waist and held her upright against his tight body. Her fingers lingered on the strong planes of his muscled belly as she hung on. His skin was so warm, and he smelled wonderfully of sun, clean T-shirt and warm skin. Reluctantly, she let go to stand by herself.

"Don't worry about your friend. Do you hear her screaming or crying over there? From what I understand, she does this pretty often, and won't thank you for interrupting while she's having a little fun. Let's let her have her fun but you may want to get outta sight." He took her small hand engulfing it in his large one and led her toward the trees.

"Huh? Get outta sight? Me?"

"In case you haven't noticed, there's only one girl to that whole pack of guys. There's definitely not near enough p.u.s.s.y to go around, and they're drunk. If they see you, they may not take no for an answer, Little Miss Never-Been-Kissed-Before."

She worriedly turned back toward the scene in the park; she really hated abandoning her friend to all those drunken guys. "But...?"

"Hey," he hissed in her ear, tugging her hand. "I'm trying to hide you for your own good. Do you really want to be gang-banged by twenty-odd guys? Trust me, if they find you, you won't have a hole that doesn't have a d.i.c.k in it for at least an hour."

She felt a cold chill of fear. "I guess you're right." He tugged on her hand and she let him tow her into the trees and onto a dirt path. She stepped over branches and was suddenly glad that she had worn her pink sneakers instead of the high heels Molly had suggested.

He led her back into the trees to a fallen tree trunk where bushes hid the view in the park. "This ought to do it," he said, patting the trunk where the rough bark had worn away. "If they come looking for you, I can get you out of the park from here without being seen. Have a seat."

"I suppose I should thank you for thinking of me," she said softly. "For saving me." She sat and tugged at her skirt as it rode up, barely hiding her panties. He sat next to her, warm thigh to warm thigh.

"Yeah, I suppose you should," he said with a feral grin. "Don't worry, it's not as if I actually did anything. Besides, none of that crowd would be able to appreciate you." He touched her lips with a fingertip. "Not like I do," he added, licking his sensual lips. "Anyway, back to my question. So, you've never been really kissed?"

"No, not really," she said and looked down. Chast.i.ty could feel the blush creeping up to warm her cheeks.

"That's okay," he said softly. "Would you like to be really kissed?" He took her chin with his fingertips and gently turned her to face him. "May I kiss you?"

Chast.i.ty didn't know what to say. He was really handsome and older, and not like any of the guys in school. It would be nice to be kissed by someone with experience, someone that wasn't a fumbling boy. Her eyes focused on his sensual mouth and she nodded slightly.

He leaned closer, brushed his lips across hers. The touch was gentle and soft. He looked at her, then brushed his lips against hers again, a little more firmly, a caress. She closed her eyes as her body thrilled in sudden excitement. She could smell soap, his light after-shave and something else, utterly male. Gently he nibbled on her full bottom lip with his strong teeth, and she parted her lips for more. She felt his tongue softly sweep across her open lips, flicking within.

He pulled away. "Did that feel good?" he asked, his voice husky.

"Yes," she whispered then opened her eyes to look at him.Oh, wow-my first kiss. It was nice. He looked at her with interest, and a small tight smile on his lips. She could see the pulse beating in his throat. I think he liked it too, so I can't be all that bad.

"Good," his voice deepened to a sensual growl. "Now open your mouth a little wider, I want to taste you."

Chast.i.ty blinked, and licked her lips. He leaned in and cradled her face between his palms. His hands were slightly callused, and the roughness felt wonderful on her cheeks. He pressed his lips lightly on hers, touching her lips with his damp tongue. Chast.i.ty opened her mouth.

His tongue swept in to brush hers, strong and very warm. She tasted the beer he had been drinking, and something else that was earthy and thrilling. Her nipples ached as they rose to full attention. Something deep and low within throbbed hungrily. He cupped one large hand behind her head, his fingers tangling in her long hair, and placed his other muscular arm gently around her shoulders, pulling her a little closer. She put her hands on his powerful shoulders and curled her fingers into his long silky hair.

He explored her mouth thoroughly, stroking her tongue repeatedly with his; encouraging her to stroke back. She followed his tongue back into his mouth, and he moaned as she investigated his mouth. She took a deep breath and he captured her tongue with his lips, then sucked on it, surprising her. He pulled away. She licked her lips.

He nodded. "Very nice," he said softly. "Now let me show you how pretty I think you are." He took her small hand and pressed it against the seam of his jeans. Using the full length of his strong hand over hers, he pressed her palm against the heavy bulge, using her hand to caress the full rigid length.

Chast.i.ty gulped in astonishment, but didn't think to pull away. She could feel the swollen warmth of him through the denim.

"Can you feel how hard I am?" he whispered. "Can you feel how much I want you?"

She swallowed and nodded in answer, too stunned and fascinated to speak. He was big, really big, and very hard. The flesh hidden by the denim seemed to shift under her fingers. She curled her fingers, defining his shape and size. She traced the long length until she came to the leather of his belt.

It was frightening and thrilling to know that she had aroused him in that way. She felt a bolt of delicious, excited heat streak straight down her spine to the pit of her belly, then lower. She could feel her hidden s.e.x, swelling, opening and hungry. Moisture suddenly dampened her panties.

Rob turned suddenly, taking her lips in a hard devouring kiss, and pulled her against his broad chest. The hand cupping the back of her head fisted in her hair, holding her mouth against his. His mouth slanted against hers for a better fit and his tongue delved, ruthlessly deepening the kiss, encouraging her to taste him as he tasted her.

A warm intoxicated feeling washed through her entire body and she kissed him back thoughtlessly, reveling in the heady sensations of kissing.

With his mouth locked to hers in a kiss, he took her by the shoulders and slowly pushed her down. His broad lean body pinned her smaller, softer form full length along the top of the tree trunk.

The heat from his body drew an answering heat from hers and she flushed with a desire for a closer, more intimate contact. She felt his hand on her ankle, maneuvering her leg over to the other side of the trunk, spreading her open, and she didn't care.

G.o.d, I never felt this way before,she thought.He tastes so good, he smells so good, and he feels so good. She felt her skirt ride up, with only the cotton of her panties between her b.u.t.t and the smooth wood. He shifted his body until he lay cradled by her hips, his solid masculine heat against the thin protection of her cotton panties with her palm trapped between them.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her. His eyes narrowed with concentration and urgency. His hands crept to her neck, the thumbs rubbing lightly on the pulses he found there, then slid down to grip her shoulders. He pulled, arching his back and moving his hips, rubbing his rigid length along her trapped palm. "Does this still feel good?" he asked softly.

Chast.i.ty moaned with the luscious sensations he evoked and shifted her hips against him, feeling a dizzying pleasure uncurling from her groin.

"I'll take that for a yes." He moved again.

Her eyes fluttered closed with a sigh. She lifted her hips, pressing her soft vulnerable core and her palm against his trapped erection. A powerful appet.i.te was growing and coiled ravenously in her. She had m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed alone in her bed every now and again, touching and stroking her tender c.l.i.t and pulling on her nipples to gratifying climax, but the shuddering power of this strange aching urgency had never been there before.

"That's my little girl," he purred. His mouth captured hers, then his lips moved to her throat, creating more delicious shivers with his tongue and his teeth.

She felt him shift slightly, felt his hand drop to sharply pull up her baby-tee. "What? What are you doing?" She moved to stop him, but one of her hands was trapped between his thighs and he shifted his shoulders to block the other, she was unable to wriggle her free palm between them.

"Just relax, I'm making you feel good," he whispered hoa.r.s.ely. He slid his fingers under her shirt, brushing against her belly. "Aren't I," he insisted. His eyes were hot and he licked his lips watching her closely.

She bit her lip and nodded. She felt cool air on her skin as he tugged the shirt higher, exposing one full breast. The breeze brushed her bared skin and she gasped softly as she felt her nipple peak sharply.

He grinned. "G.o.d, you are so hot." His head dipped toward her.

She felt his groan, and groaned herself as warm wet heat engulfed the exposed nipple. Her mouth opened and she moaned as bolts of delicious delight raced straight down to her c.l.i.t.

He devoured her breast, sucking gently, then not so gently, nipping and tugging at her nipple, sucking and flicking with his tongue. He pulled on her nipple with his teeth and she writhed under him, curling the fingers of one hand into his long dark hair. As his mouth took complete possession of her breast, he shifted and released her trapped hand.

Without thinking, she reached up and dug her fingers into his b.u.t.t. She felt his a.s.s muscles flex under her palm as he settled against her, crotch to crotch.

He pressed in, grinding the seam of his trapped heat directly against her vulnerable c.l.i.t, protected only by a thin layer of cotton. She shuddered from the explosive and consuming excitement that clawed at her unmercifully. He shifted one leg slightly off of hers and she felt his palm on her thigh, tugging her skirt higher. She moved her hands to stop him from pulling up her skirt, but the delicious pleasures from his mouth and the pressure on her excited c.l.i.t made her feel as weak as a kitten.

Another, more basic need began to intrude.

"Um I have to get up," she said wriggling and pushing at his shoulder, trying to sit up. "I have to get up right now," she insisted. His mouth released her nipple with a wet smack.

"Get up? What?"

"No really, I have to pee," she said, and promptly blushed. He looked at her a moment, then a strange feral grin came over him.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, I have to pee too." He abruptly sat up, helped her pull her shirt down and straighten up. "Well, you know what they say about beer, it doesn't even stop to change color." She smiled shyly as he took her hand and tugged her deeper into the trees.

"Here's a perfectly good bush," he commented, and unb.u.t.toned his jeans and pulled down his fly. Chast.i.ty started to walk off to find her own spot, but he grabbed her hand. "Hey, where're you goin'?"

"To pee," she said, averting her eyes as he started to pull his d.i.c.k out.

"Do it here." He sighed and she heard the sound of liquid hitting leaves.

Oh my G.o.d, he's peeing right in front of me!She tugged at her hand, but he held tight.

"What's the matter? Never seen a d.i.c.k before either?"

She swallowed. "Um, no, I haven't."

"Here, it's not so bad." He tugged at her hand, then suddenly wrapped her palm around his d.i.c.k.

She was so surprised she looked. p.i.s.s still sprayed from him in a golden stream to spatter on the leaves. The flared cap on the end was slightly purple with the shaft somewhat thick and long with heavy blue veins tracing its length.I am holding his d.i.c.k and he's p.i.s.sing. His skin was amazingly soft and warm. She could feel the liquid moving through it and felt a strange rush of excitement.It doesn't feel disgusting.

"See? Just a d.i.c.k. You already had your hand on it, just through my jeans. Not so bad, is it?"

She shook her head, afraid to say anything, afraid to think anything.

He groaned as he stopped peeing. "Well, that does it for me." He brushed her palm away, then shook.

He tucked himself away, but didn't close his jeans. "Now it's your turn." "My turn?"

"Yeah. You still have to pee, don't you?" She nodded and turned away. "No, don't go over there, do it right here." Chast.i.ty froze "It's only fair. You got to see me, so I get to see you."

"Um, I don't know if I can."

"Sure you can. It's just peeing."

Chast.i.ty stared up at him. His tone was reasonable, but the smile he wore seemed eager, perhaps a little too eager.Does he get off on seeing girls pee?

"Besides, I wanna keep an eye on you so you don't get ambushed by a couple of those bozos out there doing your friend."

Fear of getting grabbed made Chast.i.ty look around and bite her lip. They weren't all that far from the park and she really had to pee. If she didn't soon, she was going to pee right there in her panties.

"Look, if it'll make you feel better, I got sisters, so I've seen girls pee before," he said, casually leaning against a tree. "It's no big deal," he added, but the look in his eyes made Chast.i.ty think he wanted to see her pee pretty badly. The urge to pee suddenly became really insistent.

"Um, okay." She hunched down a little and started struggling with her short skirt and her panties.

"You're gonna want to take your panties all the way off, or you'll just pee on them and yourself," he offered.

The need for relief was so strong she didn't think to argue, but pulled her panties off, fisted them in her hand and squatted down.

"Spread your knees a lot wider and pull that skirt up or you're gonna pee on it."

Her feet wide apart and her skirt up at her waist, she balanced, then closed her eyes and let go. The sound of liquid hissing on the leaves and the feeling of release was so good, Chast.i.ty moaned.

"That's my girl."

She opened her eyes to see that Rob had squatted right in front of her, watching the hot liquid spraying from her body. She choked in self-consciousness, but couldn't stop her body from relieving itself before his heated eyes.

"See? Not so bad, just peeing."

After an eternity under his hot stare, the flow stopped and she reached for a fallen leaf to use as toilet paper.

"Here, let me." He pulled a yellow napkin from his pocket.

Chast.i.ty's palm clenched on the leaves. "That's okay, I'm good."

"What? It's just a napkin from a burger joint, it's not going to bite you." She s.n.a.t.c.hed at it but he pulled it from her reach. "No. I want to do it."

"No really," she protested, shaking her head, struggling to stand up and pull her skirt down. "I can take care of myself." His hand clamped down hard on her shoulder, his fingers digging in, holding her in place. She grabbed his hand and tried to pull it off, but he was too strong to move.

"Don't be a baby, it's just a napkin," he growled. "Hold still." He gave her shoulder a shake, knocking her off balance and she found herself holding onto his muscular forearm to keep from falling.

"No don't." She whimpered in fright and felt the napkin brush her thigh. "Please, don't," she said and blinked as tears of embarra.s.sment began to form. I am not going to cry in front of him. She turned away in mortification.

"Look at me," he snapped. He caught her eyes and held them with his narrowed black gaze. The tears slid from her eyes, down her cheeks and dropped from her chin onto his arm. He shifted closer and she flinched as his fingers and the napkin brushed against her most private self. He pressed the harsh napkin against the protruding outer lips of her s.e.x, then slowly rubbed up and down.

"There, all done," he said, balling up the napkin and shoving it in a back pocket. "Your tears are so s.e.xy," he said softly. His lips touched the salty trail on her cheek. With his fingertips, he brushed the rest of her tears away. She looked at him in shock. "You can get up now." He offered to help her up but she shoved his hand away.

"I told you, no!" she snapped. "Just what part of no didn't you get?" Turning her back, she tugged the skirt down-finally-wiped at her eyes and went to step into her panties.

"Don't bother putting those back on." She turned to look at him sharply. "Come on, let's go sit down," he continued, she turned back to put on her panties and he grabbed her arm.

She tugged against his hold on her arm but his fingers were like clamps. "Hey! Let go!"

He s.n.a.t.c.hed her panties from her hand. "I'll hold those for you." He shoved them in his back pocket, then grabbed her upper arm and drew her back over to the fallen log.

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Phantasmagoria Part 3 summary

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