
Phantasmagoria Part 15

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This has got to be some kind of sick joke. thought Chast.i.ty as she rose from the chair. Sitting at a student desk with the beating still fresh on her a.s.s was a whole new form of torture, but she did it, then faced the blank sheet of paper. She thought back to her s.e.x education cla.s.s, but couldn't remember any of the proper names for the different parts.

After a few moments of writing, she looked up to see Mr. DuLong rise from his desk. She swallowed hard as he walked over to her. I just know this is going to be humiliating...

He took the paper from under her fingers and sighed. "It seems that we must begin with the basics." He crumpled up the paper, then walked over toward the chalkboard and motioned to her. Chast.i.ty rose from the student desk and followed him. "Bring your chair and sit over here." He pointed to a spot by his chair. "I suggest you pay close attention as there will be a test at the end of this cla.s.s." Chast.i.ty carried the heavy chair to where he pointed and sat.

"Very good. Now observe." He unfastened his dress pants, unzipped the fly and shrugged them to his knees. His rigid and engorged c.o.c.k lunged out and pointed straight at her from a forest of dark curls, only inches from her face. His lightly furred ball sack hung like two ripe plums as he widened his stance. The head of his c.o.c.k was a deep angry purple, and the hard dark ivory shaft was knotted with swollen veins.

He may be a sicko, but G.o.d, his d.i.c.k is beautiful,thought Chast.i.ty as she stared hungrily.

"This," he said pointing to his c.o.c.k head, "is called the glans. As you can see, in a state of erection the blood fills the head, creating this color. The flared edge is very sensitive to sensations, so the tongue works particularly well on the glans. A man who is overly sensitive on the glans itself can be similarly stimulated by applying the tongue at its base, underneath, where the glans begins," he said, pointing to a spot on the underside where the head formed a vee.

"I am uncirc.u.mcised, so this," he said, taking himself in hand and shifting the outer skin wrapping the shaft of his p.e.n.i.s, "is my foreskin. It should be noted, that men who are uncirc.u.mcised will normally be far more sensitive, as circ.u.mcision removes this protective covering and causes some insensitivity."

Chast.i.ty swallowed.This is just too weird. I can't tell if I'm in s.e.x Ed., Biology cla.s.s or Perversion 101, she thought.

"By gently moving the foreskin over the p.e.n.i.s," he continued, "you can easily stimulate erection. This," he said, lifting his p.e.n.i.s up so that she could see the underside, "is the urethra." He pointed to what looked like a long thick vein, running up the length of the underside of his c.o.c.k. "This is the tube that both urine and s.e.m.e.n travels through. Seminal fluid is pumped from the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es." He used his other hand to lift his b.a.l.l.s, "Which are inside the s.c.r.o.t.u.m." He moved the wrinkled skin.

I've decided,Chast.i.ty thought to herself. Definitely Perversion 101.She squeezed her legs together. And it's turning me on.

"Applying your mouth to the s.c.r.o.t.u.m over the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es can bring pleasure, but pressure must be applied carefully. Avoid squeezing the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es against each other."

I don't believe this, but I want to put his b.a.l.l.s in my mouth and taste them,Chast.i.ty thought in heated confusion.They look so...succulent. Like bizarre fruit. G.o.d! What is wrong with me? She licked her dry lips.

"The juncture where the s.c.r.o.t.u.m joins the underside of the p.e.n.i.s is heavily populated with nerve endings, so a skilled tongue or lips can bring great pleasure by applying it here. Also," Mr. DuLong continued unabated, "if you apply pressure with your thumb firmly on this same spot over the urethra, you can delay a man from ejaculating."

I want to touch him,Chast.i.ty thought, taking a deep, steadying breath. She leaned a hair closer and realized that a warm and interesting musky scent was coming from him. She wrinkled her nose. The smell reminded her of s.e.m.e.n, but there was something else, something that made her p.u.s.s.y suddenly contract with hunger. He noticed her face and smiled.

"Ah, the odor you are noticing is a pheromone-based scent, rather like a musk, that men produce and release through the skin. It is also released from a gland located in the foreskin that delivers a more concentrated and s.e.m.e.n-based essence. The gland is removed through circ.u.mcision. It works as a type of perfume aphrodisiac."

I think it's working too,thought Chast.i.ty.I can't wait to get out of here so I can m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e and give myself some relief.

"When applying the skill of f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, it is important to remember to use plenty of lubricant, such as saliva, or a purchased lubricant that is water-based. Never use a petroleum-based lubricant for f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o." He stopped.

Chast.i.ty suddenly realized that he was waiting for some kind of response. "Um, yes, no petroleum-based lubricants for, um, f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, sir!"

Mr. DuLong nodded. "To continue, apply steady pressure with the lips, use the tongue to magnify sensations, and the teeth should only be used with extreme discretion." Mr. DuLong took a deep breath and sat in his chair, his erection standing proudly from his lap.

"Are you ready for your test Chast.i.ty?"

"Sir?" she asked.Oh G.o.d, I hope I remembered all that technical stuff.

"To pa.s.s the test, you must apply all the information I just gave you. If you are successful, then you may leave to return tomorrow afternoon. Should you fail your test, then you will a.s.sume the position and submit to three strikes before you will be permitted to leave. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"You also have a second option."


"You may try to pa.s.s the complete exam." He smiled, then dropped his eyes, making the round lenses of his gla.s.ses catch the glare from the overhead lights. "To pa.s.s your exam, you must bring me to climax," he said softly. If you are successful in bringing me to climax, then you will have no more cla.s.ses beyond this one."

"Sir," she began, glancing at the strap by his hand, "are you saying that if I pa.s.s the test, I go home and return tomorrow, and if I make you c.u.m, then that's it? No more for the week, and you won't flunk my English exam?"

"Correct. However," he continued with a raised brow and a cold smile, "should you fail the exam, then you will immediately a.s.sume the position and submit to three strikes, and then my possession of your sweet c.u.n.t. And you will return to be tutored tomorrow afternoon. Think it over and choose carefully."

Chast.i.ty's brow wrinkled in thought.I can't take this every day for the rest of the week, he'll kill me. She looked up at the waiting instructor.Smug b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Of course, he probably has no idea that Molly has been telling me a thing or two about deep-throat. I just hope to G.o.d that I can swallow him without choking too badly.

"Are there any restrictions on how I do this?"

"You may not take me into your body anywhere other than your mouth. This is the only restriction."

I can deal with that,Chast.i.ty thought.

"What is your choice, Chast.i.ty?"

"Mr. DuLong, I want to try to pa.s.s the exam," Chast.i.ty said with grim determination.I'll make you c.u.m if it kills me.

"Excellent." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a heavy metal ring. "This is a c.o.c.k-ring." He put it over the head of his c.o.c.k, pushing it down until it snugly encircled the base and pressed against his b.a.l.l.s. "The c.o.c.k-ring will keep me from climaxing too soon, this way it will be a true test of your actual skill."

That's cheating!thought Chast.i.ty in alarm.G.o.d, he is such an a.s.shole!

"Shall we begin?" Mr. DuLong leaned back and placed his hands on the arms of his chair.

Chast.i.ty nodded, then stood. With a grim smile, she locked her eyes on Mr. DuLong's face. Molly had told her that the best way to take control of a man's s.e.x drive was with eye contact and a smile. She hoped to G.o.d that Molly's little lectures actually worked; she did not want to be beaten, again, by this maniac, and she certainly didn't want to be f.u.c.ked by him, no matter how wet her panties got at the thought. He might be cute, but there was no getting over the fact that he was one sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Her fingers went to the b.u.t.tons of her blouse and she slid them open one by one. She opened the halves of her blouse, then scooped the ends of her pink blouse under her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s, lifting them, presenting them for his approval. Delicately rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against each other, she shrugged out of the blouse, dropping it in her chair.

Reaching behind her, she unhooked her white lace bra. She dropped the straps, then caught the bra under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with both hands. Using the white lace, she squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s together, then slowly sc.r.a.ped the bra up and over, rubbing her nipples to firm erection. In a swift and graceful motion she pulled the bra up and off, making her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggle. She dropped the bra on top of her blouse, taking a moment to rub her thumbs over her swollen nipples the same way that Molly had shown her.

"This is a nice surprise," Mr. DuLong commented. "I like your creativity."

Chast.i.ty merely smiled, then unb.u.t.toned and unzipped her jeans.

"Are you going to strip for me?"

You wish, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d,thought Chast.i.ty. Maintaining eye contact, she dipped a hand down the front and made a show of sliding her finger into her damp panties, then pulled the hand out and licked her fingers. Let's see if I can apply that stripper's trick that Molly mentioned.

Chast.i.ty dropped to her knees, then bowed her head sharply down, tucking her chin tightly. Her long, strawberry blonde hair flipped over her head and onto the floor in front of her. On her hands, she moved her head forward and grabbed for the arms of his chair. Her hands closed on his wrists and she lifted, the red-gold fall of her hair swept into his lap as she rose, tangling and stroking his erection with one long silken embrace.

The sound of his sudden, in-drawn breath was music to her ears.

Liked that, did you?thought Chast.i.ty.Let's see how you like this. She threw her head to one side, flipping her hair, then threw her head to the other, back and forth, whipping his chest with her heavy mane, then flipped her long waves behind her. She caught his eye with a aggressive smile, then arched her back sharply, thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s out and deliberately brushing his erection with her nipples.

Back arched, she pressed forward into his lap, then took her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in both hands and squeezed the warm plump globes around his erect c.o.c.k. The heat of him scorched her soft skin. Slowly, she lifted, pulling on the foreskin of his c.o.c.k, pressed down, then lifted and pressed down again, then again with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, t.i.tty-f.u.c.king his shaft. His breathing increased in speed.

She squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s around his shaft and suddenly dropped her head. Her lips enclosed the purple head of his c.o.c.k as it sat trapped between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She tasted something thick and slightly salty. Her tongue swirled around the flared head, then the sensitive edge of his c.o.c.k, delicately, then not so delicately.

Let's see if I remember what else Molly talked about. Oh, yes.She released her b.r.e.a.s.t.s abruptly. His fiercely erect c.o.c.k sprang up and slapped against his belly. He hissed and his eyes narrowed.

Chast.i.ty grabbed the arms of the chair, trapping his wrists, then lifted herself, pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against the crisp cotton of his shirt and the hardness of his chest as she rose, her nipples seeking the minute hardness of his nipples.

She flipped her head and her hair, forward over his shoulder, then dropped slowly, sweeping her hair down his chest. The silk of her hair rustled against the cotton as she slid down. Her hair slowly pooled into his lap. She flipped her head sharply to one side, the other, whipping his c.o.c.k with her mane, then flipped her hair behind her and leaned in, lips open and damp tongue extended as she had before.

Chast.i.ty locked her eyes on Mr. DuLong and stroked her tongue from the base of his c.o.c.k to the bottom of the flared head. She flicked back and forth, using tiny strokes where the head met the shaft right under the ridge, and felt him shudder with every minute caress. With a groan, he scooted forward to the edge of his chair and spread his knees wider.

Taking his movement as an invitation, she lashed her tongue to the base of his c.o.c.k, then lower, to caress his b.a.l.l.s and lave them with her tongue. Gently she sucked one into her mouth, sweeping her tongue over and around it within the heated recesses, then released it and took in the other. She looked up to see that he had thrown his head back, the muscles of his throat standing out in sharp relief.

Grinning to herself she took his b.a.l.l.s into her palm, tongue-lashing him to the top of his shaft, and engulfed his c.o.c.k as far as she could swallow. Using her lips in a tight O, she sucked and sought to swallow him to the base, pushing his foreskin down with her lips. Unable to take in the last few inches of his thick length, she used her hand, fisting his c.o.c.k tightly to simulate the rest.

She lifted, her fist following her chin, then fell, her fist squeezing against his b.a.l.l.s, sucking and sweeping her tongue back and forth over the shaft of the c.o.c.k she held in her wet mouth. She rose, laving the sensitive head with her tongue, then fell, sucking and sucking. The sound of suction on wet flesh and saliva made obscene sounds in her ears. She rose and fell.

His hips began to push the c.o.c.k deeper into her mouth and she let him choose his speed. Quick, then slow, then very quick, then long and slow, taking him a little deeper with each stroke. Her nostrils flared as she sought to breathe around him. He groaned and she felt him pulse in her throat.

Any time now,she thought and kept pulling and sucking. Chast.i.ty squeezed her thighs together as her hungry c.u.n.t flexed in appet.i.te. She writhed her hips to a.s.suage the building need growing in her body, but only succeeded in making the ravenous hunger worse. She moaned around him, and he hissed in pleasure.

Suddenly, he began to pant and lift his hips off the chair and hard into her mouth. She felt him grab her hair with two fists and shove himself too deep for her to breathe. She choked, her throat closing tightly around the c.o.c.k that gagged her. He slid partway out and she took a quick breath. She choked again as he buried himself all the way down her throat and held her there. He grunted with a few deep strokes, then pulled her completely off by her hair.

Holding her tightly as she gasped for air, he grabbed his c.o.c.k and shouted, "Jeezus f.u.c.k!" Long ropes of creamy s.p.u.n.k shot from his c.o.c.k to spatter on her face, lips and naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Thank G.o.d,thought Chast.i.ty. She kept her chin down to hide her grin. She was ecstatic.No more cla.s.ses with Mr. Weirdo.

"Very, very good, my dear Chast.i.ty," Mr. DuLong panted, as he sat back in his chair. "That was excellent." He pulled out a snowy handkerchief and handed it to her. "You have pa.s.sed your exam."

"Thank you, sir," she said as she wiped her face of the gooey mess.

"Your creative technique certainly won the day for you." He smiled and pulled off his gla.s.ses to wipe them with yet another handkerchief. "It seems that your cla.s.ses are complete."

"May I go, sir?" Chast.i.ty asked, reaching for her clothes.

"Not just yet, but you may stand."

s.a.d.i.s.tic son of a b.i.t.c.h, Chast.i.ty swore to herself as she stood on shaky legs.Now what?

"Turn around please, and a.s.sume the position."

What the f.u.c.k?Chast.i.ty turned around, and grabbed the back of the chair.What the h.e.l.l is he up to now? Her knuckles whitened from her tight grip. Then, she remembered that she had to pull her pants down. She reached around and slid her jeans and soaked panties down to her knees, then she heard him stand.

"Very good," he said softly.

She felt his hand on her a.s.s. She bit her lip as he smoothed his fingers over the marks he had given her. Embarra.s.sment pinked her cheeks.Does his s.h.i.t never end?

"It seems that while you mark quickly, you also recover just as quickly. Tomorrow there may be some redness, but there should be no bruising." He squeezed her b.u.t.tocks. His fingers brushed the seam of her displayed a.s.s.

Gee, I'm thrilled, I'm sure. Can I go now?Chast.i.ty took a breath. "Sir, I thought you said that once I pa.s.sed the exam, I could go home?"

"I said, and I quote: 'If you are successful in bringing me to climax, then you will have no more cla.s.ses beyond this one.' However, this cla.s.s has yet to be finished." He plunged two fingers into her dripping c.u.n.t.

Chast.i.ty gasped slightly as his invading fingers slid with ease deeply into her.What the h.e.l.l is he doing? I'm a student and he's a teacher! She bit her lip.But, he didn't seem to have any problems with me sucking his d.i.c.k...

Her excited body wrapped hungrily around his fingers. She drew a deep breath to keep from groaning.I didn't think I'd gotten this hot...What is going on with my body? It seems to be craving everything he's doing.

"Well, isn't this nice. You seem to have enjoyed our lesson in f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o." He curled his fingers within her, then turned his hand palm up. His thumb brushed the sensitive flesh of her engorged and over-excited c.l.i.t.

She bit her lip to hold back her moans.What is it with this guy? One minute he's beating me, then he wants his d.i.c.k sucked and now he's doing his d.a.m.nedest to make me c.u.m. I don't get it!

"It really is a shame that you were able to pa.s.s the exam. I was looking forward to spending the entire week with you," he said softly. He buried his fingers as deeply as they would go, stroking her trembling flesh within.

A fire-fall pleasure raced down her spine.Jezuz, he's good at this... Chast.i.ty closed her eyes and tried to stay calm, but her body was having none of it. She shuddered with reaction, and couldn't stop a moan from escaping her lips. If he continued, she was going to c.u.m on his hand.

His thumb danced lightly on her c.l.i.t, rubbing and teasing back and forth. His fingers stroked in, then out, increasing in speed. He touched and pressed her deep inside, pushing her already exited body toward climax with every plunge. A powerful need for release quickly overwhelmed her helpless body. Chast.i.ty found herself pushing back against his hand. She felt the walls of her s.e.x pulse around his plunging fingers. She could feel her body tensing to c.u.m...

He suddenly pulled his fingers out. A soft sound of regret escaped Chast.i.ty's lips before she could stop it. She dropped her head on her hands in sudden exhaustion. Her breath came in small gasps and her body trembled from over-stimulation.I am so gonna need to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e when I get home... "Luckily, for you, I also recover quickly," he said breathlessly. His hands closed on her hips. He...what?she thought through a fog of frustrated desire. then she felt the heat of his renewed erection press against her b.u.t.tocks. Her head jerked up and her fingers tightened on the back of the chair. The blunt head of his c.o.c.k pressed for entry against her tight opening. She licked her lips and felt a shiver of antic.i.p.ation flare at the base of her spine. A flush of fresh moisture trickled down her inner thigh. He grunted and shoved into her, burying himself to the root. She gasped and her back arched upward. He felt so good...She could feel him stretching her walls as his c.o.c.k made room for itself within her body. His thighs pressed against her warm b.u.t.tocks. He groaned softly. "Much better." He pulled outward to plunge back in with a moist, wet sound. They both gasped. He pulled back and thrust with deliberate and slow strokes. The sound of wet flesh striking wet flesh was loud in Chast.i.ty's ears as Mr. DuLong took her. His hands slid under her, capturing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, f.u.c.king her as his fingers dug into her soft flesh. He tugged on her swollen nipples and she let out a soft sound.

"Mmm, this is not going to do," he said softly in her ear. His thrusts stopped.

Chast.i.ty could not stop her soft cry of dismay.

He chuckled. "Disappointed?" He held himself, large and heavy within her snug pa.s.sage.

She blushed in humiliation but was helpless against her body's trembling hunger for his c.o.c.k.

"Don't worry, sweet Chast.i.ty," he whispered softly in her ear. "I'm far from done with you yet. Let go

of the chair."

Chast.i.ty released the chair and he pulled her upright, against him. She felt his naked chest against her back and realized that he must have taken his shirt off. Suddenly he turned her, still lodged within her tight c.u.n.t. Chast.i.ty nearly tripped on the jeans that slid to her ankles as he shoved her three steps forward toward the cla.s.sroom blackboard. He shoved down on her shoulder, tipping her forward. Her hands made moist prints on the dusty slate.

His hand fisted in her hair, pulling her head back and bowing her spine. He shoved her closer to the board until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against the cool stone. His fingers slid between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the chalkboard.

He pulled on her trapped nipples and thrust hard, into her. "Now I can f.u.c.k you properly."

His strokes plunged deeply and quickly, with increasing speed and power. Her body shuddered with his hard thrusts. She writhed with the illicit and forbidden pleasure of her teacher's c.o.c.k filling her body.

Biting her lip to keep from moaning out her pleasure she turned her head toward the windows. Her eyes widened as she caught her reflection in the darkened window gla.s.s.

Mr. DuLong was completely naked and she could see the muscles in his back and b.u.t.tocks flex as he f.u.c.ked her against the school blackboard. He was an incredibly beautiful animal in motion. She could see his c.o.c.k moving in and out of her, and her a.s.s shuddering with the impact of his thrusts. Her eyes locked, fascinated, on the erotic display in the reflection as she was taken by her stunning teacher. She gasped as it made her flush with violent l.u.s.t.

Mr. DuLong turned his head to see what she was looking at. His smile in the gla.s.s was broad. "Like watching me f.u.c.k you?"

Chast.i.ty blushed, unable to answer him. She watched him raise his hand. There was a loud crack and a sharp pain as he struck her a.s.s. She flinched.

"I asked you a question," he said in a voice full of harsh pa.s.sion.

"Yes, sir!" she gasped out.

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Phantasmagoria Part 15 summary

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