
Palmistry for All Part 9

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We will now consider the difference of these two positions, how distinctly they affect the mind and temperament, and also their relation as to health and tendency towards disease.


In the first Mount of Mars, at the commencement of the Line of Life, and especially when the subject is born in the House of Mars (March 21st to April 21st, and in a minor way until the 28th), he possesses a strong martial nature which will make its tendencies manifest in all actions of the life, whether the man be a business man, a soldier, or a leader of men in any line whatever.

These subjects are born fighters in every sense of the word. They brook little or no control in all their affairs; they aspire to be leaders in whatever career they undertake, and with even average intelligence they generally become heads of business houses or organisations and take on large responsibilities.

They have great obstinacy of purpose and determination, they resent all criticism, they are decided and dogmatic in all their views, and seldom ask the advice of others, until it is too late to alter their purpose for good or evil.

They must do everything their own way, and as they always believe their way is the only right one they resent the slightest interference from others, and will even turn on their best friend who may attempt to dissuade them from their plans or purpose.

They can only be handled or managed by kindness, patience, tact, or by their affections.

The slightest attempt to fight or coerce them will bring them up "in arms" in a moment. The temper is hasty and explosive, but at the same time quickly over, and when the storm subsides they bitterly regret the outburst of pa.s.sion and the cruel things they may have said in the heat of the moment.

As a rule these people are good-natured and generous, but spasmodic and impulsive in all their actions. Their greatest fault lies in their impulsiveness and lack of self-control, and unless a good Line of Head be shown on the hands, they rush madly into all kinds of difficulties and dangers and often make a complete muddle of their opportunities and the magnificent powers of leadership that they nearly all possess.

These people as a rule are unhappy in their love affairs or domestic life. They rarely meet women who understand them, and if they are lucky enough to escape opposition from their wives, they usually meet with it in their children.

In health they are p.r.o.ne to fevers and blood diseases, especially in their early life. In youth they are also very liable to fits, epilepsy, severe headaches, often water on the brain, and suffer greatly with their teeth.

In old age they have a grave liability towards apoplexy, vertigo, pains in the head and softening of the brain, and especially so if on their hands the Line of Head looks frayed, or made up of little pieces like a chain.

Such people should be advised to cultivate repose self-control, and above all to avoid wines, spirits, and stimulants of all kinds, to which as a rule these natures are very much inclined.

They should endeavour to sleep more than any other cla.s.s, to take more recreation and exercise in the open air, and above all things to curb their pride and control their temper.

The higher types of these subjects and those among them who practise self-restraint, can rise to almost any height in life and do great things for the benefit of their fellow men.


The second Mount of Mars, lying between the Heart and Head Line (Plate VI., Part II.), is more important when the subject is born between the

dates of 21st October and the 21st November and until November 28th. In the Zodiac this period of the year is called the House of Mars Negative or Mental.

In character they are the complete opposite of the former type, all the Mars qualities being in the mind and in the mental att.i.tude towards people and things.

The latter type are mentally very courageous, and possess moral courage more than physical. They hate to have scenes, or to be mixed up with physical violence or bloodshed.

They love to fight mentally, however, and in debates or arguments they also fight to the finish. They are more quietly determined than the former cla.s.s of Mars subjects. They are even more obstinate in their views, but conceal their opinions, and often pa.s.s for a.s.senting parties when in reality they are but waiting for the right opportunity to strike their "mental blow" and confuse their opponent.

These people make better organisers than leaders, and their mental martial spirit often finds a splendid field for their talents as the brain behind an army. In plans, tactics and strategy, in carefully thought-out stores of ammunitions, provisions, or in financial schemes that may bring ruin or discomfiture on a more warlike enemy.

When not highly cultivated or developed, they employ cunning and craft of every description to carry out their plans. They will stop at nothing to carry out their purpose. They can be the most treacherous and deadly enemies of all, and poison in opposition to the sword is one of the chief weapons they most readily employ.

All these Mars Negative people have a mysterious power of magnetism, which they seem almost unconsciously to use in their dealings with others. They make natural hypnotists and thought-readers, and have strong leanings towards occultism and secret societies of all kinds. When on a highly developed plane, they use these wonderful qualities for the good of others, especially if they take up the study of medicine or science, for which work they seem usually well suited.

Mars Negative people are generally so versatile and many-sided that they are the most difficult of all to place in some special career. If a good Line of Head be found on the hand, then there is nothing in the world of mental endeavour in which they will not make a success. It is a curious fact that these people seldom carry out what they were first trained for, and in fact in the course of their lives they are likely to change their profession or vocation as many times as the proverbial cat has lives.

The worst fault of this type is that they are rather too adaptable to their surroundings and to the people with whom they come in contact. If they are thrown with evil-minded persons they are inclined to adapt themselves to their companions and even attempt to "go one better," but if in contact with good influences they just as rapidly develop the best that is in them.

Their period of the Zodiac has from time immemorial been symbolised in their lower development as the figure of a scorpion wounding its own tail, and in their higher development that of an eagle with its head pointing upwards to the sky.

Such symbols perfectly ill.u.s.trate the dual nature of the type under consideration. In their lower aspect no type can be more vicious or harmful, even to wounding themselves and bringing about their own destruction. In their higher form, however, there is probably no cla.s.s whose spiritual nature can, like the eagle, soar to such heights or be so free from earthly ties.

Mars Negative people, especially when young, should above all things be carefully brought up with good companions. They should be especially warned to control their s.e.x nature and be kept aloof from all perverse persons and evil books.

As regards health, this type is usually inclined to be both slight and delicate in their early years, but generally incline towards corpulency after pa.s.sing middle life. Both the men and women have a likelihood of weakness or illness in the s.e.x organs, especially in youth, also in the kidneys and the bladder, while in advanced years the stomach and digestive organs become disordered. All through their lives they should be most careful and abstemious in their diet.



The Mount of Jupiter is found at the base of the first finger (Plate VI., Part II.). When large, it shows desire to dominate, to rule and command

others, to lead and organise, and to carry out some distinct object. But these good qualities will only be employed if the Line of Head is clear and long. When this line is poor and badly formed, then a large Mount of Jupiter gives pride, excess of vanity, a self-confident and a self-opinionated person. But on what is known as a good well-marked hand, there is no Mount more excellent and no surer indication of success from sheer strength of character and purpose.

This Mount may be considered Positive when a person is found born between November 21st and December 20th, and in a minor way until the 28th. These persons are naturally ambitious, fearless and determined in all they undertake, but in acting on their impulses, they generally "hit too straight from the shoulder," or show their ambition too plainly, and so arouse antagonism, opposition, and enmity.

They concentrate all their attention on whatever they may be doing at the moment and see no way but their own, especially if they feel the least opposition to their plans. They are, however, honourable and high principled in almost all they undertake and respond to any trust or confidence placed in them.

They are usually extremely truthful and bitterly resent any attempt at deception, and do not hesitate to unmask any effort to deceive others, even when such an action on their part may ruin their own plans.

They have great enterprise in business and all matters requiring organisation, and easily become the heads of businesses, or hold responsible positions in government offices or under the government. They rarely become politicians, for the simple reason that they cannot bear to bend to any party plans or schemes.

They are perhaps the most independent of all types in choosing their own careers. Because their father may have happened to be a clergyman will be no reason for them to follow his example or even hold the same views on religion.

It is for this reason that in early life such subjects are a cause of worry and anxiety to their parents; but they should always be allowed to choose their own career and even change it a dozen times if they wish, until at last they find their true vocation.

The great fault of this cla.s.s is that they are inclined to go to extremes in all things, and in doing so exhaust their efforts, and then change and fly off in another direction. But in all cases where the Line of Head is well-marked, especially when lying straight across the palm, there is no height in position or responsibility that they may not reach.


These subjects are more inclined to suffer with rheumatism and acid complaints than from any other form of disease, also inflammation of the tongue and throat, boils, carbuncles, eczema, and all skin troubles.


The Mount of Jupiter may be considered negative or mental when the subject is born between the dates of February 19th and March 20th, and in a slighter degree until the 28th.

In this case the ambition takes rather the mental form than what might be termed material. Brain work and brain development is more their speciality than other forms of effort.

They seem to possess a kind of natural understanding of things and easily acquire all sorts of knowledge about a large variety of things, especially the history of countries, races, peoples, geographical, botanical, and geological researches.

In spite of this mental ambition, these people are usually so very sensitive and so lacking in self-confidence that they find the greatest difficulty in carrying out their plans and making people believe in their projects. For this reason they appear to shrink from coming before the public, and have to stand aside and see others getting the credit for what really was their plan.

A great number of literary people, composers and artists are born in this period and exhibit all the qualities that it represents. It is again a strong clear Line of Head which, if found on the hand, will determine whether the mental will power is sufficient to make this type overcome its natural sensitiveness and use the great qualities they have to carry out their aims and ambitions.


People born in this period suffer largely from despondency, insomnia, and a feeling of martyrdom. Like the Positive type of the same Mount, they are also much inclined towards rheumatism and disorders brought on through the blood.

They also suffer from internal chills, liver, and very often jaundice. Climate has the greatest possible effect upon their health, so they should endeavour to live in a bright, dry atmosphere and have plenty of air and exercise, and variety of change and travel.



The Mount of Saturn is found at the base of the second finger (see Plate VI., Part II.). Its chief characteristics are love of solitude,

prudence, quiet determination, the study of serious sombre things, the belief in fatalism and in the ultimate destiny of all things.

A complete absence of this Mount indicates a more or less frivolous way of looking at life, while an exaggeration of it denotes an exaggeration of all the qualities it represents.

The Mount of Saturn may be considered Positive when the subject is found to be born between the following dates, December 21st and January 20th, and during the subsequent seven days while this period is fading out and being overlapped by the period following.

People born in these dates have strong will force and mentality, but they usually feel exceptionally lonely and isolated in going through life.

They are very much children of fate and circ.u.mstances, over which they appear to have no control, and seem to make or mar their careers independently of their strong will.

In character they are usually remarkable for their independence of thought and action, they also detest being under the restraint of others.

For kindness and sympathy they will do almost anything, but they usually feel so isolated that they scarcely believe in the affections that may be offered.

They have strange ideas of love and duty, and for this reason they are usually called somewhat peculiar by those few who attempt to penetrate their isolation.

They have a deeply devotional nature, even when appearing not to be religious, and they make every effort to do good, especially to the ma.s.ses, even when there may be no likelihood of their getting recognition or reward for their efforts.

Such people as a rule feel the responsibilities of life too heavily and in consequence often become despondent and gloomy or retire into their own sh.e.l.l.

If at all inclined to be very religious, they generally go to extremes and become fanatical in any Church they may adopt.

Mysticism and occultism of all kinds appeal very strongly to their inner nature, but here again they are also inclined to go to extremes.

They almost worship clever, intellectual people, and are deep thinkers in all matters that interest them, but they cannot brook interference in their views from others.

They are often found holding positions of great responsibility, but in all matters fatalism seems to play a strange role in their life. They seem chosen to be the instrument or mouthpiece of Destiny, often hurling thousands to destruction in what they believe is their duty. If called upon to make a sacrifice of their own flesh and kin they will be the first to plunge the knife into the heart of their dearest.

Nearly all people born in this period are strange, strong characters, equally feared, loved, and hated.


The chief tendencies towards illness with persons born in this period are towards rheumatism, gout, pains and swellings in the feet and legs, also accidents to the feet, knees, and limbs, trouble with the liver and kidneys, ruptures, and disease of the teeth and ears.


The Mount of Saturn may be considered negative or mental when the person is found born between the dates of January 21st and February 18th, and also for the seven days following.

These people are like the preceding type in almost all things, except that the same things appear to affect them more mentally than physically.

They also feel lonely in life, but more mentally than the former type--they seem to feel less companionship in their ideas and thoughts, whereas the former feel it more in their lives and careers.

These latter types are more sensitive and very easily wounded in their feelings.

They read character instinctively and seem to "see through" people too easily to be really happy. They bitterly resent being taken in or deceived, and when they think they have been, they astonish people by the bitterness of their resentment.

They make loyal, true friends, if their feelings are once aroused, and they will undergo any sacrifice for the sake of a friend, but they will stop at nothing to avenge an injury if they think they have been deceived.

They are usually very active for the public good, and they give a good deal of their time and money to doing good, but in their own way. Like the positive type of Saturn they have very decided views of their own about religion and especially the regular observances and ceremonials of Church life.

They are very different from the previous type in that they usually take a keen interest in public meetings and large gatherings of people. They love theatres, concerts, and places of amus.e.m.e.nt, and yet always if they told the truth, they feel alone in life.

They have a quiet controlling power with their eyes, and although highly nervous people themselves, yet they have the greatest control over excitable and nervous patients and also over the insane. It is a strange fact that in the run of their careers they seem fated to be brought into contact with such cases.


These people suffer most from the nerves of the stomach and the digestive organs, and ordinary remedies seem to fail entirely to relieve them.

They have as a rule poor circulation of the blood, cold feet and hands, very delicate teeth, and suffer much from accidents and hurts to the feet, ankles and limbs.

They seldom feel strong in health and yet they have enormous power of resistance, and when a call is made on their will power, they usually astonish every one by what they can stand, especially if they in any way think that their duty or principles are involved or at stake.

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