
Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Vertuous or Christian life Part 3

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But what is here said implying that Ladies should so well understand their Religion, as to be able to answer both to such who oppose, and to such who misrepresent it; this may seem, perhaps, to require that they should have the Science of Doctors, and be well skill'd in Theological Disputes and Controversies; than the Study of which I suppose there could scarce be found for them a more useless Employment. But whether such Patrons of Ignorance as know nothing themselves which they ought to know, will call it Learning, or not, to understand the Christian Religion, and the grounds of receiving it; it is evident that they who think so much knowledge, as that, to be needless for a Woman, must either not be perswaded of the Truth of Christianity; or else must believe that Women are not concern'd to be Christians. For if Christianity be a Religion from G.o.d, and Women have Souls to be sav'd as well as Men; to know what this Religion consists in, and to understand the grounds on which it is to be receiv'd, can be no more than necessary Knowledge to a Woman, as well as to a Man: Which necessary Knowledge is sufficient to inable any one so far to answer to the Opposers or Corrupters of Christianity, as to secure them from the danger of being impos'd upon by such Mens Argumentations; which is all that I have thought requisite for a Lady; and not that she should be prepar'd to challenge every Adversary to Truth.

Now that thus much knowledge requires neither Learned Education, or great Study, to the attaining of it, appears in that the first Christians were mean and illiterate People; to which part of Mankind the Gospel may rather be thought to have had a more especial regard than that they are any way excluded from the Benefits thereof by incapacity in them to receive it. In the Apostles Days _there were not many Wise who were call'd_, and he tells us that _after that the World by Wisdom knew not G.o.d: it pleased G.o.d by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe_, and tho' _to the perfect_ the same Apostle says, he did _Preach Wisdom_, yet it was the simplicity and plainness of the Christian Religion that made it _to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness_. From whence, we see that all Theorems too abstruse for Vulgar Apprehensions, which Christianity is believ'd to Teach, however Divine Truths, are yet no part of the Doctrine of Salvation. There is not therefore this pretence to impose upon any one the belief of any thing which they do not find to be reveal'd in Scripture; the doing of which, has not only caus'd deplorable dissentions among Christians, but also been an occasion to mult.i.tudes of well meaning People of having so confus'd and unsatisfactory conceptions and apprehensions concerning the Christian Religion as tho' perhaps not absolutely, or immediately prejudicial to their Salvation, yet are so to their seeing clearly that Christianity is a rational Religion; without which few will be very secure from the infection of Scepticism, or Infidelity, where those are become fashionable, and prevailing. A danger to which many Women are no less expos'd than Men, and oftentimes, more so. Whence it is but needful that they should so well understand their Religion as to be Christians upon the Convictions of their Reason; which is indeed no more than one would think it became every Christian, as a rational Creature, to be; were this not requisite in regard of Scepticism, and Infidelity, as to some it is not; there being, no doubt, many a Country Gentlewoman who has never in her Life heard Question'd, or once imagined that any one in their Wits could Question the Articles of her Faith; which yet she her self knows not why she believes.

From the too Notorious Truth of what has been said in reference to the little that Women know concerning Religion, it must be granted that the generality of them are shamefully Ignorant herein. As for other Science, it is believ'd so improper for, and is indeed so little allow'd them, that it is not to be expected from them: but the cause of this is only the Ignorance of Men.

The Age, we live in, has been, not undeservedly, esteem'd a knowing one: But to the Learned Clergy much has been owing for its having obtain'd that Character; and tho' some few Gentlemen have been the greatest advancers of Learning amongst us; yet they are very rare who apply themselves to any Science that is curious: And as for such knowledge as is no less than requisite for Men of Families, and Estates to have in regard of the proper business of their Station; it may, I think, be said that never was this more neglected than at present; since there is not a commoner complaint in every County than of the want of Gentlemen Qualified for the Service of their Country, _viz._ to be Executors of the Law, and Law Makers; both of which it belonging to this Rank of English Men to be, some insight into the Law which they are to see Executed, and into that Const.i.tution which they are to support, cannot but be necessary to their well dischargeing these Trusts: Nor will this Knowledge be sufficiently Servicable to the Ends herein propos'd, without some Acquaintance likewise with History, Politicks, and Morals. Every one of these then are parts of Knowledge which an English Gentleman cannot, without blame, be Ignorant of, as being essential to the duly Qualifying him for what is his proper business.

But whether we farther look upon such Men as having Immortal Souls that shall be for ever Happy or Miserable, as they comply with the Terms which their Maker has propos'd to them; or whether we regard them as Protestants, whose Birthright it is not blindly to _Believe_, but to Examine their Religion; Or consider them only as Men whose ample Fortunes allow them leisure for so important a Study, they are without doubt oblig'd to understand the Religion they profess. Adding this then to what it is above concluded a Gentleman ought to know, let us examine how common such Knowledge only is amongst our Gentlemen, as we see, without just matter of Reproach to them, they cannot want: No one, I think, will deny that so much knowledge as this is so little ordinary, as that those are apparently the far greater number who have never consider'd any part hereof as an Acquisition, which they ought to make; and that they are but a few comparatively, and pa.s.s among us for Men extraordinary, who have but a competent knowledge in any one of the above-mention'd things.

What is by the Obligations of their Duty exacted from them in this regard, seems to be very little reflected on by them; and as for other Considerations, which, as Gentlemen, might be thought to induce them, their Ancestors care has distinguish'd them from their Tenants, and other inferior Neighbours, by t.i.tles and Riches; and that is all the distinction which they desire to have; believing it, in respect of Knowledge, sufficient, if they did once understand a little Latin or Logick in the University; which whoso still retains, altho' he has made no use thereof to the real improvement of his understanding, is yet thought very highly accomplish'd, and pa.s.ses (in the Country) for Learned.

As to Religion, by the little which most Gentlemen understand of that, and by the no shame which they ordinarily enough have in avowing this their ignorance, one cannot but suppose that it is pretty commonly thought by them a matter, the understanding whereof does not concern them: That the Publick has provided others to do this for them: And that their part herein is but to maintain (so far as by their Authority they can) what those Men a.s.sert.

Thus wretchedly dest.i.tute of all that Knowledge which they ought to have, are (generally speaking) our English Gentlemen: And being so, what wonder can it be, if they like not that Women should have Knowledge; for this is a quality that will give some sort of superiority even to those who care not to have it? But such Men as these would a.s.suredly find their account much better therein, if tenderness of that Prerogative would teach them a more legitimate way of maintaining it, than such a one as is a very great impediment or discouragement, at the least, to others in the doing what G.o.d requires of them. For it is an undeniable Truth that a Lady who is able but to give an account of her Faith, and to defend her Religion against the attaques of the Cavilling Wits of the Age; or the Abuses of the Obtruders of vain Opinions: That is capable of instructing her Children in the reasonableness of the Christian Religion; and of laying in them the Foundations of a solid Vertue; that a Lady (I say) no more knowing than this does demand, can hardly escape being call'd Learned by the Men of our days; and in consequence thereof, becoming a Subject of Ridicule to one part of them, and of Aversion to the other; with but a few exceptions of some vertuous and rational Persons. And is not the incuring of general dislike, one of the strongest discouragements that we can have to any thing?

If the a.s.sistance of Mothers be, as I have already affirm'd it is, necessary to the right forming of the Minds, and regulating of the Manners of their Children; I am not in the wrong in reckoning (as I do) that this care is indispensibly a Mothers Duty. Now it cannot, I think, be doubted, but that a Mothers Concurrence and Care is thus necessary, if we consider that this is a work which can never be too soon begun, it being rarely at all well performed, if not betimes undertaken; nothing being so effectual to the making Men vertuous, as to have good Habits and Principles of Vertue establish'd in them before the Mind is tainted with any thing opposite or prejudicial hereunto. Those therefore must needs much over-look the chief Business of Education, or have little consider'd the Const.i.tution of Humane Nature, that reckon for nothing the first eight or ten Years of a Boys Life; an Age wherein Fathers, who seldom are able to do it at any time, can neither charge themselves with the care of their Children, nor be the watchful inspectors of those that they must be trusted to; who usually and unavoidably by most Parents, are a sort of People far fitter to be Learners than Teachers of the Principles of Vertue and Wisdom; the great Foundation of both which consists in being able to govern our Pa.s.sions, and subject our Appet.i.tes to the direction of our Reason: A Lesson hardly ever well learnt, if it be not taught us from our very Cradles. To do which requires no less than a Parents Care and Watchfulness; and therefore ought undoubtedly to be the Mothers business to look after, under whose Eye they are. An exemption from which, Quality (even of the highest degree) cannot give; since the Relation between the Mother and Child is equal amongst all Ranks of People. And it is a very preposterous Abuse of Quality to make it a pretence for being unnatural. This is a Truth which perhaps would displease many Ladies were it told them, and therefore, probably, it is that they so seldom hear it: But none of them could be so much offended with any one for desiring hereby to restrain them from some of their expensive and ridiculous Diversions, by an employment so worthy of Rational Creatures, and so becoming of maternal tenderness, as it is just to be with them for neglecting their Children: A Fault that women of Quality are every way too often guilty of, and are perhaps more without excuse for, than for any other that they are ordinarily taxable with. For tho' it is to be fear'd that few Ladies (from the disadvantage of their own Education) are so well fitted as they ought to be, to take the care of their Children, yet not to be willing to do what they can herein, either as thinking this a matter of too much pains for them, or below their Condition, expresses so senseless a Pride, and so much want of the affectionate and compa.s.sionate Tenderness natural to that s.e.x and Relation, that one would almost be tempted to question whether such Women were any more capable of, than worthy to be the Mothers of Rational Creatures.

But natural Affection apart, it should be consider'd by these, that no one is Born into the World to live idly; enjoying the Fruit and Benefit of other Peoples Labours, without contributing reciprocally some way or other, to the good of the Community answerably to that Station wherein G.o.d (the common Father of all) has plac'd them; who has evidently intended Humane kind for Society and mutual Communion, as Members of the same Body, useful every one each to other in their respective places. Now in what can Women whose Condition puts them above all the Necessities or Cares of a mean or scanty Fortune, at once so honourably and so usefully, both to themselves and others, be employ'd in as in looking after the Education and Instruction of their own Children? This seems indeed to be more particularly the Business and Duty of such than of any others: And if example be necessary to perswade them that they will not herein do any thing mis-becoming their Rank, the greatest Ladies amongst us may be a.s.sur'd that those of a Condition superior to theirs, have heretofore been so far from thinking it any abas.e.m.e.nt to them to charge themselves with the instruction of their own Children, that (to their Immortal Honour) they have made it part of their Business to a.s.sist to that of other Peoples also, who were likely one day to be of consequence to the Common-wealth. And could the bare Love of their Country induce, among many more, the great _Cornelia_, Mother of the _Gracchi_, and _Aurelia_ the Mother of _Julius Caesar_, to do this for the Sons of n.o.ble-men of _Rome_ to whom they had no Relation but that of their common Country, and shall not the like consideration, or what is infinitely beyond this, that of their Children being hereafter for ever happy or miserable, accordingly as they live in this World, prevail with the Ladies of our Days, who call themselves Christians, to employ some of their Time and Pains upon their own Off-spring? The care of which (as has been said) should begin with the first Years of Childrens Lives, in curbing at the earliest appearance thereof, every their least evil inclination; and accustoming them to an absolute, constant, and universal Submission and Obedience to the Will of those who have the disposal of them: Since they will hardly ever after (especially in a great Fortune) be govern'd by their own Reason, who are not made supple to that of others, before they are able to judge of fit and unfit, by any other measure than as it is the Will, or not, of such whom they believe to have a just Power over them. As they do become capable of examining and determining their Actions by Reason, they should be taught never to do any thing of consequence heedlesly; and to look upon the Dictates of their Reason as so inviolable a Rule of their Determinations, that no Pa.s.sion or Appet.i.te must ever make them swerve therefrom. But instead of following this Method, it is commonly thought too soon to correct Children for any thing, 'till the Season is past for this sort of Discipline; which, if it come too late, is commonly so far from producing the good it was design'd for, that losing the benefit of Correction (which, if duly apply'd, is of infinite use) it turns to a Provocation; and renders stiff and incorrigible a Temper it was meant to supple. Nor is it seldom that through this wrong tim'd Discipline, together with that remisness and inequality wherewith Childrens Inclinations are over-rul'd, their Parents Government over them seems to them not a Natural, and just right establish'd for their benefit, but a Tyrannick and Arbritary Power, which accordingly they without Remorse disobey, whenever they believe that they can do so with Impunity: And what is still worse, their evil Dispositions, for the most part, are not only not timely enough restrain'd, but Children are actually taught to indulge to their naturally irregular Inclinations, by those Vicious or wretchedly ignorant People, who are plac'd about them; and who almost universally instil down-right Vice into them, even before they can well speak; as Revenge, Covetousness, Pride and Envy: Whilst the silly Creatures who do them so unspeakable Mischiefs are scarce capable of being made to understand the harm that they do; but think Parents ill-natur'd, or that they have fancies fit only to be smil'd at, who will deny their Child a thing for no other reason, it may be, but because he has desir'd it: And who before he is trusted to go alone will check his Resentment, Impatience, Avarice, or Vanity, which they think becomes him so prettily; neither will suffer him to be rewarded for doing what they bid him to do.

This I am sure, that who so has try'd how very little Sense is to be met with, or can be infus'd into Nurses, and Nurse-Maids; and with what difficulty even the best of them by those who make it their business to watch over them, are restrain'd from what they are perswaded has no hurt in it, will soon be satisfy'd how little fit it is to trust Children any more than is necessary, in such Hands. And no wiser than such, if not much worse, are the greatest part of those who are usually their immediate Successors, _viz._ young Scholars and French Maids, erected into Tutors and Governesses, only for the sake of a little Latin and French.

In Mr. L---- s excellent _Treatise of Education_, he shews how early and how great a Watchfulness and Prudence are requisite to the forming the Mind of a Child to Vertue; and whoso shall read what he has writ on that Subject, will, it is very likely, think that few Mothers are qualify'd for such an undertaking as this: But that they are not so is the Fault which should be amended: In the mean time nevertheless, their presum'd willingness to be in the right, where the Happiness of their Children is concerned in it, must certainly inable them, if they were but once convinc'd that this was their Duty, to perform it much better than such People will do, who have as little Skill and Ability for it as themselves; and who besides, that they rarely desire to learn any more than they have, are not induc'd by Affection to do for those under their care all the Good that they can. Since then the Affairs either of Men's Callings, or of their private Estates, or the Service of their Country (all which are indispensibly their Business) allows them not the leisure to look daily after the Education of their Children; and that, otherwise, also they are naturally less capable than Women of that Complaisance and Tenderness, which the right Instruction and Direction of that Age requires; and since Servants are so far from being fit to be rely'd upon in that great concern, that to watch against the Impediments they actually bring thereto, is no small part of the care that a wise Parent has to take; I do presume that (ordinarily speaking) this so necessary a Work of forming betimes the Minds of Children so as to dispose them to be hereafter Wise and Vertuous Men and Women, cannot be perform'd but by Mothers only. It being a thing practicable but by a very few to purchase the having always Wise, Vertuous and well Bred People, to take the place of a Parent in governing their Children; and together with them such Servants and Teachers, as must peculiarly be employ'd about them; For the World does not necessarily abound with such Persons as these, and in such circ.u.mstances as not to pretend to more profitable employments than Men of one or two thousand Pounds a Year (and much less those great numbers who have smaller Estates) can often afford to make the care of governing their Children from their Infancy to be.

The procuring of such a Person as this may (by accident) sometimes be in such a ones Power; but to propose the ingaging for reward whenever there shall be need for them, vertuous, wife, and well-bred Men and Women, to spend their time in taking care of the Education of young Children, is what can be done but by a very few; since the doing this would not be found an easy charge to the greater part of almost any rank amongst us; unless they would be content for the sake hereof to abridge themselves of some of their extravagant Expences; which are usually the last that Men will deny themselves.

It is indeed wonderful (if we consider Men as rational Creatures) to see how much Mony they will often bestow, not upon their Vices only, (for this is not so unaccountable) but upon meerly fashionable Vanities, which give them more Trouble than Pleasure in the enjoyment: Yet at the same time be as sparing, as is possible, of cost upon a Child's Education; and it is certain, that for Rewards considerable enough to make it worth their while, those of a far different Character from such as for the most part undertake it, would be induc'd to accept even the early charge of Childrens Instruction. But every Gentleman of a good Family, or good Estate also, is not in Circ.u.mstances to propound such sufficient Rewards; and for what the most can afford to give, very few capable of performing this matter well, will trouble themselves about it; at least with such Pupils as must be attended with Nurses or Maids. Wherefore no other remedy, I believe, can be found but in returning still to our Conclusion, That this great concernment, on which no less than Peoples Temporal and Eternal Happiness does mightily depend, ought to be the Care and Business of Mothers. Nor do Women seem less peculiarly adapted by Nature hereunto, than it can be imagin'd they should be, if the Author of Nature (as no doubt he did) design'd this to be their Province in that division of Cares of Humane Life, which ought to be made between a Man and his Wife. For that softness, gentleness and tenderness, natural to the Female s.e.x, renders them much more capable than Men are of such an insinuating Condescention to the Capacities of young Children, as is necessary in the Instruction and Government of them, insensibly to form their early Inclinations. And surely these distinguishing Qualities of the s.e.x were not given barely to delight, when they may, so manifestly, be profitable also, if joyn'd with a well informed Understanding: From whence, _viz._ from Womans being naturally thus fitted to take this care of their little Ones, it follows, that besides the injustice done to themselves thereby, it is neglecting the Direction of Nature for the well breeding up of Children, when Ladies are render'd uncapable hereof, through the want of such due improvements of their Reason as are requisite hereunto.

That this has been no more reflected upon from a Principle of Pitty to that tender Age of Children which so much requires help, seems very strange: For what can move a juster Commiseration than to see such poor innocents, so far from having the Aid they stand in need of, that even those who the most wish to do them good, and who resent, with the deepest Compa.s.sion, every little Malady which afflicts their Bodies, do never attempt to rescue them from the greatest evils which attend them in this Life, but even themselves a.s.sist to plunge them therein, by cherishing in them those Pa.s.sions which will inevitably render them miserable? A thing which can never be otherwise whilst Women are bred up in no right Notions of Religion and Vertue; or to know any use of Reason but in the service of their Pa.s.sions and Inclinations; or at best of their (comparatively trivial) Interests.

To a.s.sert upon this occasion, that Ladies would do well, if, before they came to the care of Families, they did imploy some of their many idle Hours in gaming a little Knowledge in Languages, and the useful Sciences, would be, I know, to contradict the Sense of most Men; but yet, I think, that such an a.s.sertion admits of no other Confutation than the usual one which opposite Opinions to theirs are wont to receive from People who Reason not, but live by Fancy, and Custom; _viz._ being laugh'd at: For it cannot be deny'd that this Knowledge would hereafter be more, or less, useful to Ladies, in inabling them either themselves to teach their Children, or better to over-see and direct, those who do so: And tho' Learning is perhaps the least part in Education, it is not to be neglected; but even betimes taken some care of, least a Habit of Idleness, or Inapplication of the Mind be got, which once contracted, is very hardly cur'd.

This being so, and that the beginnings of all Science are difficult to Children (who cannot like grown People fix their Attention) it is justly to befear'd that they should by the ill usage they receive from the impatience and peevishness of such Teachers, as Servants, or Young Tutors, take an Aversion to Learning (and we see in effect, that this very frequently happens). For the Teaching of little Children so as not to disgust them, does require much greater Patience and Address, than common People are often capable of; or than most can imagine, who have not had experience hereof. But should such Teachers as we have spoke of, have the necessary complaisance for those they Teach, there is then, on the other side, a yet greater danger to be apprehended from them, which is that their Pupils will become fond of them; the bad effect of which will be, That by an Affectation Natural in Children of imitating those they Love, they will have their Manners and Dispositions Tinctur'd and Tainted by those of Persons so dear to them.

Now both the inconveniences here mention'd, might, at least in great measure, if not wholly, be Remedy'd, would Mothers but be at so much Pains as to Teach their Children either altogether, or in good part themselves, what it is fit for them to learn in the first Eight or Ten Years of their Lives. As to Read English perfectly; To understand ordinary Latin; and Arithmetick; with some general knowledge of Geography, Chronology, and History. Most, or all of which things may at the above-said Age be understood by a Child of a very ordinary capacity; and may be so taught Children as that they may learn them almost insensibly in Play, if they have skilful Teachers: It seems to me therefore that Young Ladies cannot better employ so much of their Time as is requisite hereto, than in acquiring such Qualifications as these, which may be of so great use to them hereafter; however, if any who have not made this early Provision of such Science, are yet truly desirous to do their Children all the good that is in their Power to do them, they may, tho' not with the same Facility, yet be able to instruct them alike, notwithstanding that disadvantage; and Mr. L---- on the Experience thereof, has a.s.serted, That a Mother who understands not Latin before hand, may yet teach it to her Child; which, if she can, it is not to be doubted but that she may do the same of all the rest; for such a Superficial Knowledge as will serve to enter any one in every of the above-named Sciences, is much easier attain'd than the Latin Tongue; and if a Mother have ever so little more Capacity than her Child, she may easily keep before him, in teaching both him and her self together; whereby she will make herself the best Reparation that she can for her past neglect, or that of her Parents herein: Who yet, perhaps, not from negligence may have declin'd giving her this advantage. For Parents sometimes do purposely omit it from an apprehension that should their Daughters be perceiv'd to understand any learned Language, or be conversant in Books, they might be in danger of not finding Husbands; so few Men, as do, relishing these accomplishments in a Lady. Nor, probably, would even the example of a Mother herself who was thus qualify'd, and likewise understood, as is afore-said, her Religion, be any great incouragement to her Daughters to imitate her example, but the contrary. For this Knowledge, one part whereof is so strictly the Duty of a Christian, and the other so inconsiderable to those whose Time commonly lies upon their Hands, would in itself, or in the consequences of it, expose a young Woman of Quality (especially if not thought unfit for the fashionable Commerce of the World) to be characteriz'd or censur'd, as would not be very pleasing to her. For if it be consider'd, that she who did seriously desire to make the best use of what she knew, would necessarily be oblig'd (for the gaining of Time wherein she might do so) to order the Course, and manner of her Life something differently from others of her s.e.x and Condition, it cannot be doubted but that a Conduct, which carry'd with it so much Reproach to Woman's Idleness, and disappointment to Men's Vanity, would quickly be judg'd fit to be ridicul'd out of the World before others were infected by the example.

So that the best Fate which a Lady thus knowing, and singular, could expect, would be that hardly escaping Calumny, she should be in Town the Jest of the _Would-be-Witts_; tho wonder of Fools, and a Scarecrow to keep from her House many honest People who are to be pitty'd for having no more Wit than they have, because it is not their own Fault that they have no more. But in the Country she would, probably, fare still worse; for there her understanding of the Christian Religion would go near to render her suspected of Heresy even by those who thought the best of her: Whilst her little Zeal for any Sect or Party would make the Clergy of all sorts give her out for a _Socinian_ or a _Deist_: And should but a very little Philosophy be added to her other Knowledge, even for an Atheist. The Parson of the Parish, for fear of being ask'd hard Questions, would be shy of coming near her, were his Reception ever so inviting; and this could not but carry some ill intimation with it to such as Reverenc'd the Doctor, and who, it is likely, might be already satisfy'd from the Reports of Nurses, and Maids, that their Lady was indeed a Woman of very odd Whimsies. Her prudent Conduct and Management of her affairs would probably secure her from being thought out of her Wits by her near Neighbours; but the Country Gentlemen that wish'd her well, could not yet chuse but be afraid for her, lest too much Learning might in Time make her Mad.

The saving of but one Soul from Destruction, is, it is true, a n.o.ble recompense for ten Thousand such Censurers as these; but it is wondrous strange that only to be a Christian, with so much other Knowledge as a Child of Nine or Ten Years Old may, and ought to have, should expose a Lady to so great Reproaches; And what a shame is this for Men whose woful Ignorance is the alone Cause thereof? For it is manifestly true that if the inimitable Author of _Les Caracteres, ou les Moeurs de ce Siecle_, had demanded in _England, who forbids Knowledge to Women_? It must have been answer'd him, the Ignorance of the Men does so; and the same Answer I think he might have receiv'd in his own Country.

_Monsieur Bruyere_ says indeed, and likely it is, _That Men have made no Laws, or put out any Edicts whereby Women are prohibited to open their Eyes; to Read; to Remember what they Read, and to make use thereof in their Conversation, or in composing of Works_. But surely he had little Reason to suppose, as he herein does, that Women could not otherwise than _by Laws and Edicts_ be restrain'd from Learning.

It is sufficient for this that no body a.s.sists them in it; and that they are made to see betimes that it would be disadvantageous to them to have it. For how few Men are there, that arrive to any Eminence therein? tho' Learning is not only not prohibited to them _by Laws and Edicts;_ but that ordinarily much Care, and Pains, is taken to give it them; and that great Profits, oftentimes, and, always, Honour attends their having it.

The Law of Fashion, establish'd by Repute and Disrepute, is to most People the powerfullest of all Laws, as Monsieur _Bruyere_ very well knew; whose too Satyrical Genius makes him a.s.sign as Causes of Womens not having Knowledge, the universally necessary consequences of being bred in the want thereof. But what on different occasions he says of the s.e.x, will either on the one part vindicate them, or else serve for an Instance that this Ingenious Writers Reflections, however witty, are not always instructive, or just Corrections. For either Women have generally some other more powerful Principle of their Actions than what terminates in rendering themselves pleasing to Men (as he insinuates they have not) or else they neglect the improvement of their Minds and Understandings, as not finding them of any use to that purpose; whence it is not equal in him to charge it peculiarly (as he does) upon that s.e.x (if it be indeed so much chargeable on them as on Men) that they are diverted from Science by _une curiosite toute differente de celle qui contente l'Espirt: ou un tout autre gout que celuy d'exercer leur Memoire_.

Yet since I think it is but Natural, and alike so in both s.e.xes, to desire to please the other, I may, I suppose, without any Injurious Reflexion upon Ladies, presume, that if Men did usually find Women the more amiable for being knowing, they would much more commonly, than now they are, be so.

But the Knowledge hitherto spoken of has a n.o.bler Aim than the pleasing of Men, and begs only Toleration from them; in granting whereof they would at least equally consult their own advantage: as they could not but find, did They not by a common Folly, incident to Humane Nature, hope that contradictions should subsist together in their Favour; from whence only it is that very many who would not that Women should have Knowledge, do yet complain of, and very impatiently bear the Natural, and unavoidable consequences of their Ignorance.

But what sure Remedy can be found for Effects whose Cause remains? and on what ground can it be expected that Ignorance and uninstructed Persons should have the Venues which proceed from a rightly inform'd Understanding, and well cultivated Mind? or not be liable to those Vices which their Natures incline them to? And how should it otherwise be than that they, who have never consider'd the Nature and Const.i.tution of Things, or weigh'd the Authority of the Divine Law, and what it exacts of them, should be perswaded that nothing can be so truly profitable to them as the Indulgence of their present Pa.s.sions, and Appet.i.tes? Which whoso places their Happiness in the satisfaction of, cannot fail of being themselves miserable, or of making those so who are concern'd in them.

Humane Nature is not capable of durable satisfaction when the Pa.s.sions and Appet.i.tes are not under the direction of right Reason: And whilst we eagerly pursue what disappoints our expectation, or cloys with the Enjoyment, as all irregular pleasures, however Natural, do; and whilst we daily create to our selves desires still more vain, as thinking thereby to be supply'd with new Delights, we shall ever (instead of finding true Contentment) be subjected to uneasiness, disgust and vexation: The unhappy state more, or less, of all who want that Knowledge which is requisite to direct their Actions suitably to the Ends which as rational Creatures they ought to propose: and as can inable them profitably to employ their Time.

But since Examples do the best perswade, let us see, with respect to Women, in the most considerable Instances, what plainly are the Natural consequences of that Ignorance which they usually are bred in; and which Men think so advantageous to themselves. We will suppose then a Lady bred, as the generality of Men think she should be, in a blind belief concerning Religion; and taught that it is even ridiculous for a Lady to trouble her Head about this matter; since it is so far from being a Science fit for her, that it indeed properly belongs only to Gown-Men: and that a Woman very well Merits to be laugh'd at who will act the Doctor: Her Duty in the case being plain and easie; as requiring only of her to believe and practice what she is taught at Church, or in such Books of Piety as shall be recommended to her by her Parents, or some Spiritual Director.

This is generally, I think, the Sense of Men concerning the Knowledge which Ladies ought to have of Religion: And thus much, I doubt not may suffice for their Salvation. But the saving of their Souls (tho' it were herein as sure as it is possible) is not, I suppose, all that Men are Solicitous for in regard of their Wives; their own Honour in that of those so near to them, does I think, much more frequently and sensibly employ their Care: And that, too often, appears to be but very weakly secur'd by such an implicit Faith as this. For these Believers (especially if they are thought to have any Wit, as well as Beauty) will hardly escape meeting some time or other, with those who will ask them _why they Believe_; and if they find then that they have no more Reason for going to Church than they should have had to go to Ma.s.s, or even to the Synagogue, had they been bred amongst Papists or Jews, they must needs, at the same time, doubt whether, or no, the Faith they have been brought up in, is any righter than either of these; from whence they will, (by easy steps) be induc'd to question the Truth of all Religion, when they shall be told by those who have insinuated themselves into their Esteem and good Graces, that indeed All Religions are, alike, the Inventions and Artifices of cunning Men to govern the World by; unworthy of imposing upon such as have their good Sense: That Fools only, and Ignorants are kept in Awe, and restrain'd by their Precepts; which, if they observe it, they shall ever find, are the lest obey'd by those who pretend the most to obtrude them upon others.

That this is Language which Women often hear is certain: And such a one as knows no reason for what she has been taught to believe, but has been reprov'd, perhaps, for demanding one, can very hardly avoid being perswaded that there is much appearance of Truth in this; whence she will soon come to conclude, that she has. .h.i.therto been in the wrong, if upon any scruple of Religion, she has not gratify'd her Inclination, in whatever she imagines might tend to make her Life more pleasing to her. And should a young Lady, thus dispos'd, find a Lover whom she thinks has a just value for all her good Qualities, which at best, perhaps, procure her but the cold Civility of her Husband, it is odds that she may be in danger of giving him cause to wish she had been better instructed, than may possibly suffice for her Salvation: Which, whatever happens, none can p.r.o.nounce, may not be secur'd from the allowances due to so great Ignorance, or at least by any timely Repentance: Whilst Honour, if not intirely Ship-wrack'd, it is scarce reasonable to hope, should suffer no Diminution on such an occasion; the which, that Women the most vertuously dispos'd, may never be within distance of, will, in an Age like this, be best provided for by their being betimes instructed in the true Reasons and Measures of their Duty; since those, who are so, are not only better able to defend their Vertue, but have also the seldomest occasion for such a defence. Men, how ill soever inclin'd, being aw'd by, and made asham'd to attaque with so pittiful Arguments, as Vice admits of, such as they see are rationally Vertuous; whilst easy ignorance is look'd upon as a Prey expos'd to every bold Invader: And whatever Garb of Gravity or Modesty it is cloath'd withal, invites such very often, even where the Charms of the Person would not otherwise attract them.

But as such Men who think that the understanding of Religion is a thing needless to Women, do commonly much more believe all other rational Knowledge to be so; let us see how reasonably these same Men who willingly allow not to Ladies any employment of their Thoughts worthy of them as rational Creatures, do yet complain, that either Play is their daily and expensive pastime; or that they love not to be at home taking care of their Children, as did heretofore Ladies who were honour'd for their Vertue; but that an eternal round of idle Visits, the Park, Court, Play-houses and Musick Meetings, with all the costly Preparations to being seen in publick, do constantly take up their Time and their Thoughts. For how heavy an Accusation soever this, in itself, is, may it not justly be demanded of such Men as we have spoken of, what good they imagine Mothers who understand nothing that is fit for their Children to know, should procure to them by being much in their Company: And next, whether they indeed think it equitable to desire to confine Ladies to spend the best part of their Lives in the Society and company of little Children; when to play with them as a more entertaining sort of Monkeys or Parroquets, is all the pleasing Conversation that they are capable of having with them? For no other Delight can ignorant Women take in the Company of young Children; and if to desire this, is not equitable or just, must it not be concluded, that the greatest part of those, who make the above-mention'd Complaints, do really mean nothing else thereby, but, by a colourable and handsome pretence, to oblige their Wives, either to be less expensive, or to avoid, it may be, the occasions of gaining Admirers which may make them uneasy? Neither can such, possibly, be presum'd upon any Principle of Vertue, to disapprove those ways of anothers spending their Time, or Mony, which themselves will either upon no consideration forbear; or else do so only, from a preference of things as little, or yet less reasonable; as Drinking, Gaming, or Lew'd Company. Such Persons of both s.e.xes as These, are indeed but fit Scourges to chastise each others Folly; and they do so sufficiently, whilst either restraint on the one side begets unconquerable hatred and aversion; or else an equal indulgence puts all their Affairs into an intire confusion and disorder: Whence Want, mutual ill Will, Disobedience of Children, their Extravagance, and all the ill effects of neglected Government, and bad Example follow; till they make such a Family a very Purgatory to every one who lives in it. And as the Original cause of all these mischiefs is Peoples not living like rational Creatures, but giving themselves up to the blind Conduct of their Desires and Appet.i.tes; so all who in any measure do thus, will accordingly, more or less, create vexation to each other, because it is impossible that they should ever be at ease, or contented in their own Minds.

There being then so very few reasonable People in the World, as are, that is to say, such who indeavour to live conformably to the Dictates of Reason, submitting their Pa.s.sions and Appet.i.tes to the Government and Direction of that Faculty which G.o.d has given them to that end; what wonder can it be that so few are happy in a Marry'd Estate? And how little cause is there to charge their Infelicity, as often is done, upon this Condition, as if it were a necessary Consequence thereof?

The necessities of a Family very often, and the injustice of Parents sometimes, causes People to sacrifice their Inclinations, in this matter, to interest; which must needs make this State uneasy in the beginning to those who are otherways ever so much fitted to live well in such a Relation; yet scarce any vertuous and reasonable Man and Woman who are Husband and Wife, can know that it is both their Duty and Interest (as it is) reciprocally to make each other Happy without effectually doing so in a little time. But if no contrary Inclination obstruct this Felicity, a greater cannot certainly be propos'd, since Friendship has been allow'd by the wisest, most vertuous, and most generous Men of all Ages to be the solidest and sweetest pleasure in this World: And where can Friendship have so much advantage to arrive to, and be maintain'd in its Perfection, as where two Persons have inseparably one and the same Interest; and see themselves united, as it were, in their common Off-spring? All People, it is certain, have not a like fitness for, or relish of this pleasure of Friendship, which therefore, however preferable to others in the real advantages of it, cannot be equally valuable to all. But where there is mutually that predominant Disposition to vertuous Love, which is the Characteristick of the most excellent Minds, I think we cannot frame an Idea of so great Happiness to be found in any thing in this Life, as in a Marry'd State.

It seems therefore one of the worst Marks that can be of the Vice and Folly of any Age when Mariage is commonly contemn'd therein; since nothing can make it to be so but Mens Averseness to, or incapacity for those things which most distinguish them from Brutes, Vertue and Friendship.

But it were well if Mariage was not become a State almost as much fear'd by the Wise, as despis'd by Fools. Custom and silly Opinion, whose consequences yet are (for the most part) not imaginary, but real Evils, do usually make it by their best Friends thought adviseable for those of the Female s.e.x once to Marry; altho' the Risque which they therein run of being wretched, is yet much greater than that of Men; who (not having the same inducements from the hazard of their Reputation, or any uneasie dependance) are, from the examples of others Misfortunes, often deter'd from seeking Felicity in a condition wherein they so rarely see, or hear of any who find it; it being too true that one can frequent but little Company, or know the Story of but few Families, without hearing of the publick Divisions, and Discords of Marry'd People, or learning their private Discontents from their being in that state. But since the cause of such unhappiness lies only in the corruption of Manners, were that redress'd, there would need nothing more to bring _Mariage_ into credit.

Vice and Ignorance, thus, we see, are the great Sources of those Miseries which Men suffer in every state. These, oftentimes, mingle Gall even in their sweetest Pleasures; and imbitter to them the wholesomest Delights. But what remedy hereto can be hop'd for, if rational Instruction and a well order'd Education of Youth, in respect of Vertue and Religion, can only (as has been said) rectify these Evils? For vicious and ignorant Parents are neither capable of this, or generally willing that their Children should be instructed or govern'd any other ways, than as themselves have been before them.

One might hence therefore, it may be, reasonably believe, that G.o.d reserves to himself, by some extraordinary interposition of his providence, that Reformation which we are a.s.sur'd, will some time be effected. But yet if all Persons, eminent by their Quality, who merit not to be rank'd among the Vicious and Ignorant, would give the Example, much would thereby be done towards the introducing of a general amendment: Since these could make a greater care of Education in the above-mention'd Respects, become, in some degree, Fashionable: And even a reasonable thing will not want Followers, if it be once thought the Fashion. We have seen also that Mothers, in regard of their Childrens Instruction, ought to take upon themselves, as their proper Business, a very great part in that concernment; and one would think that there were no inconsiderable number of Ladies amongst us, who might, with hopes of success, be address'd to, that they would indeavour to acquit themselves herein of their Duty. I mean all such as are unhappily Marry'd; for what so good Reparation can they find for the misfortune of having foolish and vicious Husbands, who neglect or treat them ill, as the having Children honour'd for their Vertue, and who shall honour and love them, not only as their Parents, but as those to whom they owe much more than their Being?

To perswade such whose Heads are full of Pleasure, and whose Hours pa.s.s gaily, to seek their satisfaction in things of which they have never yet had any tast, could not reasonably be thought other than a vain Attempt: But they who are wretched, one would think, should be easily prevail'd with to hearken to any Proposition, which brings but the least glimpse of Happiness to them; and were that tenderness of their Children, which ingages Mothers to do them all the good they can, less natural than it is to Vertuous Women, one would imagine, that when from these alone they must expect all their Felicity in this Life, they should readily contribute what is in their Power to the securing to themselves this only Blessing which they can propose; and which they cannot miss of, without the greatest increase imaginable to their present unhappiness: Childrens Ill-doing being an Affliction equal to the Joy of their doing well. Which must be an unspeakable one to such Parents as are conscious, that this is in great measure the Fruit and Effect of their right direction. Nor is there any thing which a vertuous Man or Woman does not think they owe, or is too much for them to return to those to whom they believe themselves indebted for their being such. How great a Felicity then may a Mother, unhappy in the Relation of a Wife, (by procuring to herself such Friends as these) lay up for her declining Age, which must otherwise be more miserable than her unfortunate Youth? And how much better would she employ her time in this care, than in the indulging to a weakness, very incident to tender Minds, which is to bemoan themselves, instead of casting about for Relief against their Afflictions, whereby they become but yet more soften'd to the Impressions of their Sorrow, and every day less able to support them?

They are usually (it is true) the most Vertuous Women who are the aptest to bear with immoderate Grief, the ill Humour, or unkindness of their Husbands: But it is pitty that such, who (in an Age wherein the contrary is too often practis'd) have more Vertue than to think of returning the Injuries they receive, should want so much Wit as not to repay unkindness, with a just contempt of it: But instead thereof, foolishly sacrifice their Lives, or the Comforts of them (which is our All in this World) to those who will not sacrifice the least inclination to their reasonable Satisfaction: And how much wiser and more becoming Christians would it be for such Ladies to reflect less upon what others owe to them, and more upon what they owe to themselves and their Children, than to abandon themselves, as too many do, to a fruitless Grief; which serves for nothing else, but to render them yet less agreeable to those whom they desire to please; and useless in the World: Diseases, and, in time, constant ill Health being the almost never failing Effects of a lasting Discontent upon such feeble Const.i.tutions. But I take leave to say, that the fault of those who make others thus miserable, and the weakness of such who thus suffer their Minds to think under Adversity, are in a great measure both owing to one and the same Cause, viz. Ignorance of the true Rules and Measures of their Duty; whereby they would be taught to correct every excess; together with the want of such other Knowledge (suitable to the Capacity and Condition of the Person) as would both usefully and agreably employ their Time: This Knowledge, tho' not perhaps of a Nature immediately conducing to form, or rectify the Manners, yet doing so, in a great measure, by restraining or preventing the irregularities of them. For as ill natur'd and vicious Men, if they know but how pleasantly and profitably to employ those tedious hours which lye upon their Hands, would be generally less Vicious, and less ill Humour'd than they are; so Women of the most sensible Dispositions would not give up themselves to sorrow that is always hurtful, and sometimes dangerous both in their Honour and Salvation (excess of Tenderness, when abus'd, too often producing Hatred, and that Revenge) if they were not only very little inform'd as to what G.o.d requires of them; but also very Ignorant in regard of any kind of Ingenious Knowledge, whereby they might delightfully employ themselves, and divert those displeasing Thoughts which (otherwise) will incessantly Torment, and Prey upon their Minds. She who has no Inclinations unbecoming a Vertuous Woman, who prefers her Husbands Affection to all things in the World; and who can no longer find that pleasure in the ordinary Circle of Ladies Diversions, which perhaps, they gave her in her first Youth, is but very ill provided to bear Discontent where she proposes her greatest satisfaction, if she has nothing within her self which can afford her pleasure, independently upon others: Which is what none can lastingly have, without some improvement of their rational Faculties; since as Childhood, and Youth, wear off, the relish of those pleasures that are suited to them, do so too; on which account the most happy would not ill consult their advantage, if by contracting betimes a Love of Knowledge (which is ever fruitful in delight to those who have once a true taste of it) they provide in their Youth such a Source of Pleasure for their Old Age as Time will not dissipate, but improve; by rendring their Minds no less vigorous, and its Beauties yet more attracting, when the short Liv'd ones of their Faces are impair'd, and gone. Whilst those whose Youthful Time has been devoted to Vanities, or Trifles, Age does inevitably deliver over either to melancholy Repentance, or (at best) to the wearisome Languishings which attend a Life deprived of Desire and Enjoyment.

Now in the pursuit of that Pleasure which the exercise and improvement of the understanding gives, I see no Reason why it should not be thought that all Science lyes as open to a Lady as to a Man: And that there is none which she may not properly make her Study, according as she shall find her self best fited to succeed therein; or as is most agreeable to her Inclination: provided ever, that all such Knowledge as relates to her Duty, or is, any way, peculiarly proper to her s.e.x, and Condition, be princ.i.p.ally, and in the first place her Care: For it is indeed very preposterous for a Woman to employ her Time in enquiries, or speculations not necessary for her, to the neglect of that for Ignorance whereof she will be guilty before G.o.d, or blameable in the Opinion of all Wise Men; And to do this, is plainly no less irrational and absurd, than for one dest.i.tute of necessary Cloathing, to lay out what should supply that want upon things meerly of Ornament. There is yet, methinks, no difference betwixt the Folly of such Learned Women, and that of Learned Men, who do the same thing, except that the one is the greater Rarity.

But it is not perhaps very seasonable to propose that Ladies should have any greater Accomplishments or Improvements of their Understandings than the well discharging of their Duty requires, till it is thought fit for them to have that: The advantages of which to Men themselves, and the necessity thereof to a right Education of their Children of both s.e.xes are too evident, when reflected upon, not to obtain Encouragement of so much Knowledge in Women from all who are Lovers of Vertue, were it not true that Conviction does not always operate. The Law of Fashion or Custom, is still to be obey'd, let Reason contradict it ever so much: And those bold Adventurers are look'd upon but as a sort of _Don Quixots_; whose Zeal for any Reformation puts them upon Combating generally receiv'd Opinions, or Practices; even tho' the Honour of their Maker be concern'd therein: Or (what is nearer to most) their own Private and Temporal Interests.

I am sure that a just consideration of both these furnishes every one with very cogent inducements to make what opposition they can to Immorality, both by amending their own faults, and by indeavouring to prevail upon others to correct whatever has contributed to the making us a vicious People. For, not to say that it is a rational as well as Pious Fear that G.o.d by some signal Judgment upon such as have abus'd many Mercies, should make an example of them for the deterring of others, it is more certain (tho' usually less reflected upon) that it is no way necessary to the punishment of any Wicked Ungrateful Nation, that G.o.d should interpose, by some extraordinary act of his Providence, to inflict upon them the due Reward of their Disobedience, and Ingrat.i.tude: Since so fitly are all things dispos'd in their Original Const.i.tution, and the order of Nature to the All-wise ends of their Maker, that (without his especial Interposition in the case) the establish'd course of things does bring to pa.s.s the effects that he sees fit in respect of the Moral, as well as of the Natural World; nor scarcely can any People from the avenging Hand of the Almighty, in the most astonishing Judgments which can render them an eminent example of his Displeasure, receive any severer Chastis.e.m.e.nt, than what they will find in the Natural result and consequences of their Moral Corruption when grown to an Extremity.

It would be to enter into a large Field of Discourse to shew how experience has always attested this. And we perceive, but too sensibly, that Vice proportionably to its measure, carries along with it, its own Punishment, to need that we should search for Foreign, or Remote examples in proof hereof.

A general Contempt of Religion towards G.o.d: Want of Truth and Fidelity amongst Men: Luxury and Intemperance, follow'd with the neglect of industry, and application to useful Arts and Sciences, are necessarily attended with misery, and have been usually also, the Fore-runners of approaching Ruine to the best and most flourishing Governments which have been in the World. And as in the same proportion that these things do any where prevail, so must naturally the unhappiness of such a People; it is evident, that for any Prophane, Debauch'd, or Vicious Nation to expect a durable Prosperity, is no other than to hope that G.o.d will in their Favour (who have justly incur'd his Indignation) withhold the natural Effects of that Const.i.tution and Order of things, which he has with infinite Wisdom Establish'd: A Conceit too contradictious to Reason, as well as too Presumptuous for any one, I suppose, to entertain.


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