
Game Alive 4 Conflict Of Interes

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Kage's banners did the job of getting the player's attention particularly the one's who didn't give out to the Smith's stern price setting when it came to buying back gear he sold.

The humble Merchant had listened closely to the buy back price that the smith gave for which equipment and marked it down next to the price he sold them for, this was to show him the price difference in order to set a proper margin for his own buy back while selling the gear he bought for a cheaper price which would do well as the beginners would opt for the cheaper armor so they could save their gold to buy an even better set later on.

Kage smiled to himself as he was brought from his thoughts by the sound of someone entering his shop, it was his first customer and the would be merchant was excited.

"So you buy equipment too. . ." started the Player awkwardly as he looked around the walls and displays and saw nothing but materials and other things that could be acquired from monsters.

"I buy nearly anything" smiled Kage as he was ready to make his first deal.

The player heard this and nodded before bringing out some old gear he had tried to sell earlier at the smith only for the price to be not even a third of what it had cost to get it. He was familiar with the ways of the Smith who shamelessly sold the same items back to players over and over, he had just become sick of it and left for the time being. He knew that in the end the smith would end up with his gear as there was no one else who would buy weapons.

At least until he saw Kage hanging up a banner saying he bought gear as well, figuring that it didn't hurt to hear how much the would be Merchant would offer the player entered the shop and now he hoped to hear some good news.

"So how much will you give for these" asked the Player laying the equipment on the counter.

Kage looked at the items before looking at his notes before confidently saying twenty.

This was double what the smith would pay despite the cost of the armor being fifty gold, he had bought it back for the low price of ten gold every single time and thus the Merchant decided twenty was a good price as it left him enough room to still be able to make a profit.

"T-twenty gold" asked the Player in shock, Double! It was Double the price the Smith had offered.

"O-of course. . ." answered the Player dazedly.

"Why are you buying it for so much. . ." asked the Player suddenly as he looked at Kage suspiciously.

Kage just smiled as he played his role as a friendly merchant perfectly while adding a bit to boost his reputation.

"Naturally I would, it's better than watching everyone get ripped off by that Shameless smith. I didn't imagine the developers would be so ruthless from the start." answered Kage causing the player to become confused by what he meant with the last part.

"What do you mean brutal" asked the player hoping to hear the thought behind the comment.

"Think about it, he hangs up the armor that's already been worn down while still selling it for the same price. Armor with low durability being bought repeatedly until it breaks while also breaking the players wallet, how is anyone supposed to succeed in the beginning if we are being exploited from the very beginning." chuckled Kage as if it was plain to see.

The Player seemed to think about the merchants words but then cast a suspicious gaze towards him as he thought further.

"Then why are you buying it for so much" asked the Player repeating the question this conversation began with.

"Well it is simple, I can buy it for more but still sell it at a discounted price that will allow the less fortunate players still get a hold of some better gear. This way everyone is able to enjoy the game freely." smiled Kage realizing that he did sound suspicious after thinking over his words.

The Player seemed to stare intently at Kage before he nodded to himself and he looked at Kage's gamer tag.

"Let's be friends" stated the Player suddenly before smiling.

"Huh? Why. . ." asked Kage surprised.

"Why not, besides I like meeting people like you. Plus I need to repay the favor one day" smiled the Player as Kage noticed a notification.

[Player: Equinox, has sent a fried request would you like to accept. Yes/no]

Kage smiled and accepted while inwardly chuckling.

'I am as masterful in the game as I am in reality' thought Kage mentally puffing his chest.

Equinox saw the acceptance and smiled.

"In the future should you need anything or find yourself in a difficult situation then just send me a chatter and I will come to a.s.sist you" stated Equinox as he stepped out of the shop with a smile before he went to wait in line at the Smith's however he didn't hesitate to tell others of Kage's shop.
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Soon the a.s.sa.s.sin turned Merchant was flooded with people hoping to sell their old weapons and equipment causing him to internally sulk as he was the only one buying things. He was supposed to be a merchant not a place to cash in equipment, the rate things were going he was gonna end up broke.

Thus as he began to run low on his funds he began advertising that he was selling cheap Equipment, however it was hard to tell if his shouts were heard over the Players in the shop crying to sell their old equipment.

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