
Night Betrayed Part 8

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It was the same sort of petulance that had caused him to give in and kiss her awhile ago, just after that exchange-that kiss-with Selena. Still annoyed by her calling him a youngster in that condescending tone, he'd given Selena the mental flip-off when she walked away-as if the kiss had never happened.

Probably what surprised and annoyed him the most then was the way his f.u.c.king knees had gone weak. And his brain had collapsed. Because if his brain would have been working properly, he would have yanked Selena back for more ... instead of succ.u.mbing to a different pair of puckered lips and an easy a.s.suagement of his ego.

h.e.l.l, after what had happened with Sage-who'd called his kiss "nice"-and Selena-who'd pretty much done the same, though not in so many words-Theo couldn't be blamed for feeling a little petulant himself. His ego had been more than bruised. "I have to take care of something," he told Jen now. "I'll catch up with you later."

He didn't hear what she said as he slipped away, his eyes paring through the milling crowd. The festive mood had obviously deteriorated since the girl had gone missing, and despite the happy ending, it was tainted by the false alarm.

Theo pa.s.sed a group of the twenty-somethings he'd been hanging out with all evening-Jen's friends-and realized they weren't all that that young. They merely young. They merely seemed seemed young to him. h.e.l.l, at age twenty-eight, he and Lou had been raking in the bucks because of their techno-geek brilliance. They'd had the CEOs of two Fortune 500 companies afraid to turn off their BlackBerrys without asking them first. They'd had the owner of one of Vegas's biggest casinos turning the entire electronics systems over to them and their consulting firm for a security upgrade. They'd been workaholics on track to retire by the time they were forty-five, figuring they'd have a chance to live and travel and maybe even marry by then. young to him. h.e.l.l, at age twenty-eight, he and Lou had been raking in the bucks because of their techno-geek brilliance. They'd had the CEOs of two Fortune 500 companies afraid to turn off their BlackBerrys without asking them first. They'd had the owner of one of Vegas's biggest casinos turning the entire electronics systems over to them and their consulting firm for a security upgrade. They'd been workaholics on track to retire by the time they were forty-five, figuring they'd have a chance to live and travel and maybe even marry by then.

It probably would have happened, too, if all h.e.l.l hadn't broken loose. If the men and women in the elite Cult of Atlantis hadn't decided that immortality was worth the destruction of the rest of the earth and civilization.

And so, as Theo walked past the group and they offered him a beer, he took it. He nodded and smiled and wished to h.e.l.l that he remembered what it was like to be so young and to have had such an uneventful life. It would, he thought, be heaven not to have those nightmares that still woke him in a cold sweat.

Gangas sucked, but they were nothing compared to what he and Lou and the rest of the survivors had lived through for the first twenty years after the Change. sucked, but they were nothing compared to what he and Lou and the rest of the survivors had lived through for the first twenty years after the Change.

He was halfway through the beer when he found Selena.

Rather, when she found him.

It wasn't exactly how he'd planned for the meeting to go.

"What the h.e.l.l did you think you were doing?" she said, walking right up to him. She bristled like the way Lou used to wear his hair-straight up spiky all over.

"I might ask you the same question," he responded, removing the beer bottle from his mouth. He'd been in the middle of a drink. "Sneaking out without any protection or any weapon except that thing around your neck."

That surprised her, for she grabbed at her belly where he suspected the object hung, beneath her tunic. But that didn't keep her from flaring back at him. "What I do is none of your business. You're not my father or my son-or anyone in between. You have nothing to do with me and you couldn't even begin to understand the things I've been through in this life. Your busted stunt out there could have gotten either one of us killed."

"I was trying to save your life," he shot back wryly. "Paybacks, you know?" Theo shifted on his feet. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, thinking mainly of the ganga ganga slashes. slashes.

"Other than to give me a d.a.m.ned heart attack, no. But I don't need any help from you," Selena replied. Her voice had calmed, as if she realized it had risen too loudly, but they were in the edge of a shadow from one of the small houses, beneath an apple tree. "I knew what I was doing. I'm a long d.a.m.n way from being a child."

He had to agree with that.

And from the look in her eyes, she was pretty d.a.m.n p.i.s.sed at being treated like one. "I'm old enough to be your mother," Selena was saying. "So back the h.e.l.l off and go hang out with your friends. You can give orders to Jennifer all you want. She'd probably appreciate it. Just don't go riding around and doing stupid stunts like that."

He smothered a smile. He'd never heard that that lecture before. Not that it ever made a difference. lecture before. Not that it ever made a difference.

Theo felt some of his annoyance drain away. He was getting it now. "That's not what you were saying a while ago, over there. I believe your exact words were something like 'not bad for a guy who was dead three days ago.' "

That fl.u.s.tered the h.e.l.l out of her. Her eyelids fluttered and she stepped back.

Theo pressed his advantage, all of a sudden feeling very much in control. That fascination he'd seen earlier in her face, and the flash of horror, had given way to worry.

The kind of worry that made him want to cuddle her up and tell her it was all going to be okay-except that he'd realized he he was the cause of the worry. And that, in his mind, wasn't an altogether bad thing. was the cause of the worry. And that, in his mind, wasn't an altogether bad thing.

"Maybe we ought to test it out again and then you can compare the way I kiss to a guy who's never never been dead." He stepped closer and suddenly his own veins were singing. His skin leapt and p.r.i.c.kled and he looked down at her mouth ... been dead." He stepped closer and suddenly his own veins were singing. His skin leapt and p.r.i.c.kled and he looked down at her mouth ...

... which had sort of puckered and crinkled, and then a little tip of tongue slipped out nervously, and that little flicker nearly had him dropping to his knees.

"Don't," she said, and put out a hand to stop him. It touched his chest.

Now, Theo had been taught very well that when a woman said no no or or don't don't or or stop stop, that was what a guy did. Even if her eyes said yes. yes. Even if the Even if the zing zing of attraction between them was practically visible. So, much as he wanted to, he didn't move any closer. But he looked down at her and caught her gaze with his-a bit difficult, in the faulty light, but he did manage to do so. of attraction between them was practically visible. So, much as he wanted to, he didn't move any closer. But he looked down at her and caught her gaze with his-a bit difficult, in the faulty light, but he did manage to do so.

"Aw, come on, Selena," he said coaxingly. "I'm just a kid. What do you have to fear from me?" He grinned when her lips twitched and he noticed that her breathing had shifted into something more sketchy. A little disrupted.

"Nothing," she managed.

"Then why don't you teach me a thing or two? Show me how it's done?" he asked, his voice low and mellow; his eyes focused on hers.

Her fingers convulsed on his chest and he reached up to close a hand over them. "You're crazy," she managed to say. He could tell what a task it was for her to force those words out.

"What do you expect from a guy who was dead three days ago?" He leaned in, trapping her hand against his chest, and was rewarded by her eyes widening and her breathing shifting. "I might be crazy, but I still want to kiss you"-she opened her mouth to speak, but he continued-" ... among other things."

Her eyes fluttered and her body shivered. Taking that as a good sign, he leaned in.

She met his mouth with hers, lush and warm. Their lips shifted and molded, their tongues danced and slid, and he gathered Selena closer. His body jolted alive and hot as he tasted her-the warm sleekness of her mouth-and as she gave a little sigh against his lips.

Good. Really ... f.u.c.king ... good was about all his brain could process, because it was all hot and needy and alive was about all his brain could process, because it was all hot and needy and alive. More ...

But before he could get in deeper, get her gathered up against him and get down to business, she shifted back a bit. Pulling her mouth away from his reluctant one, she pressed both hands flat onto his chest. He was certain she could feel the racing of his heart.

"You could have killed us, doing that whole Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold thing." The lecture tone was back in her voice, albeit unsteadily. thing." The lecture tone was back in her voice, albeit unsteadily.

"That what?" He literally had to shift his brain back into play and he eased away-fully, painfully aware of how close the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were to the back of his hand where he held hers pinned gently to his chest.

"The horse thing," she replied a little more steadily. "Riding up and yanking me onto the horse without stopping."

"That wasn't a yank, that was a scoop. Or even a sweep," he said, his mouth sliding into a smile. Now they were getting somewhere. "Kate & Leopold?"

She gave an exasperated sigh. "It's on a DVD."

"I figured that. A chick flick, with a name like that. But I was thinking more like Hidalgo Hidalgo," he replied. "When I saw it in my head. The whole sweeping-scooping sort of thing."

"I don't remember it in Hidalgo Hidalgo," she replied, looking as if she was considering it. "But maybe."

"Okay, then, Robin Hood. Robin Hood."

She shook her head, a twitch of a smile on her lips. "I don't think so."

"Prince of Thieves, with Kevin Costner?" he replied, shifting to brush a lock of hair back from her shoulder. It was warm and heavy, and she smelled fresh and alluring. His heart was still pounding and he couldn't quite pull his attention from her pretty kissed-and-crinkled mouth. "I'm pretty sure it happened in that movie. Just like that."

She shrugged and the back of his hand burned from the brush of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Maybe, but I wasn't paying any attention to Kevin what's-his-name. I was more interested in Alan Rickman."

"Alan Rickman? Geez, you and every other female I've ever known have had a thing for that guy." He was chuckling, breathing easier now, and her eyes had lit with humor. He was fully aware of her warmth, her curves, the alluring, feminine smell that clung to her skin and hair ... He was already thinking about sliding his hands under her loose tunic to cup those b.r.e.a.s.t.s she'd been b.u.mping against him ... not to mention the round curve of her a.s.s. His mouth dried, thinking about sliding against her, skin to skin- But then Selena stepped back, her hands leaving his chest, breaking his hold on her. "Theo," she said, all business back in her voice, the laughing dying from her eyes. "You're too young to be messing around with someone like me."

Man, this woman can change like quicksilver. He tried to readjust, to rein in his heated thoughts, but she was continuing her motherly lecture before he could respond. He tried to readjust, to rein in his heated thoughts, but she was continuing her motherly lecture before he could respond.

"I realize I put you in an awkward position earlier," she was saying, easing away with her hand, palm out as if to keep him at arm's length. "And I really appreciate that you played along. But I don't need a pity kiss. And, really-continuing on this way would just embarra.s.s both of us. You don't owe me anything. I would have saved anyone's life if the opportunity arose, so you don't need to feel like you have to make it up to me."

At last Theo was catching up. Pity kiss? Pity kiss? But, by then, she was finished; and with a last little shove of her hand in the air toward him, as if to say But, by then, she was finished; and with a last little shove of her hand in the air toward him, as if to say Stay there Stay there, she ended on, "And I know you're going to be leaving soon, so thanks. And good night." She turned and flitted off.


Her speech settled in his mind. A A pity pity kiss? kiss?

So she thought he he thought he owed her for saving his life? For resurrecting him? And she was worried about him being embarra.s.sed because she was too old? thought he owed her for saving his life? For resurrecting him? And she was worried about him being embarra.s.sed because she was too old?

He started laughing. If she only knew. If she only knew.

Theo could have gone after her but didn't. Instead, he smiled to himself in the dull light. This could be fun, keeping this little secret awhile. Because, clearly, she was attracted to him-and it was her fear that he was downgrading himself.

Nothing, he realized with a start, could be further from the truth. Because it wasn't Jennifer to whom he'd gone back for more.

And was he leaving soon?

Between Brad Blizek's workroom and Selena? ... Not a freaking chance.

Theo got a ride back from Yellow Mountain with Frank-who was up at dawn. After putting in a few hours at the behest of the elderly slave driver, he accrued enough goodwill with Frank that he allowed Theo to go off and work in the arcade.

"Why'd you show it to me," Theo asked as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, "if it's such a secret?"

Frank looked at him with old gray eyes and said, "I been around a long d.a.m.n time. Too G.o.dd.a.m.n long. Don't know when I'm going to go. Someone's got to take care of that G.o.dd.a.m.n equipment. Someone's got to use it."

Theo grinned. "And you figured I'm the one?"

The old man's face turned grumpy. "I'm ninety-three years old. I ain't stupid. You're not like everyone else."

Theo decided to take it as a compliment, and escaped to the arcade. He couldn't wait to get deeper into the systems, down below the layers of security. Or, h.e.l.l, just to play with some of the games. Or, h.e.l.l, just to play with some of the games.

After all, this was Brad Blizek's place. His computer, his LAN ... all his stuff. He looked around, touched the acrylic keyboard and brought the system to life.

What could he find in here? What mysteries or information or even- Wait! Wait!

Wait ... Theo went cold and his fingers paused over the keyboard. He was already shaking his head. Theo went cold and his fingers paused over the keyboard. He was already shaking his head. No, no way; absolutely not. Not Brad Blizek. No, no way; absolutely not. Not Brad Blizek.

There was no way a guy like him would be a member of the Cult of Atlantis.

But ... yet ... he would be a prime candidate to be offered "admission" to the most elite of the elite. To the group made up of the uber uber-rich, the even more powerful, the people who had everything they ever could dream of having ... except the one thing they couldn't get in this world.


His fingers were already flying over the keyboard, searching, digging, drilling down through LINUX and the hidden folders and manipulating the pa.s.swords that he'd already hacked through to find whatever there was to find.

He wished to h.e.l.l Lou was here to help him.

Recently, Simon j.a.pp had learned from an old acquaintance who'd been a member of the Cult of Atlantis, and was now one of the crystaled Elite, that the price of admission to the club had been $50 million. Pocket change to someone like Brad Blizek. And besides his money, there was his electronics expertise. His company. His factories. His mind mind.

Just like Stark Industries, it would have been so easy to use UniZek as a cover for research, development, and creation of whatever it was that the Cult used to cause an island to erupt from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, bringing with it the tsunamis, earthquakes, and other catastrophes that shifted the earth on its axis and destroyed the world fifty years ago.

His stomach swishing and tense, Theo dug deeper. He swore and pounded on the keys, forcing them to do his bidding, cranking, and culling until he finally broke the impenetrable firewall.

Theo's exultation at hacking through Brad Blizek's security system collapsed when he saw the image on the screen before him: the circular drawing of a traditional labyrinth. It was topped with a swastika, and around the edges were the scrolling lines symbolizing oceanic waves.

The sign of the Cult of Atlantis.

Holy s.h.i.t.

Theo erupted from his chair and turned away to pace. Brad Blizek. Attached to the Cult. The people who'd destroyed the world. He felt sick.

h.e.l.l, he and Lou had both idolized Brad-not only for the man's ingenuity and creativity, but for who he was. They'd watched the young man's rise, noticed with delight that he supported the same political figures they had. He'd donated millions to Haiti when the ma.s.sive earthquake struck in 2009. He'd given scholarships and outfitted several inner-city schools with computers.

But he'd also paid $50 million to join a cult that destroyed the world, just so he could wear a little crystal that made him immortal. Theo felt ill.

He turned away from the large wall screens, settled in front of a laptop-sized machine, and logged into his email. Lou was going to be just as devastated about the news.

Remy figured the best place to hide from the Elites and their bounty hunters was right in plain sight. Smack in the midst of them.

Not that any of them knew that she was the granddaughter and namesake of the infamous Remington Truth; she doubted any of them even knew her grandfather was long dead-but she hadn't lived in careful anonymity for fifteen years by being stupid about it. And, she supposed, even if they figured out who she was, they couldn't know what she possessed.

Her fingers moved, as they often did on their own, to the small orange crystal she had nestled in her navel. Guard it with your life. You'll know what to do with it when it's time Guard it with your life. You'll know what to do with it when it's time, her grandfather had said. So she kept it there, in an intricately wrought silver setting that completely enclosed the crystal. It was held in place by four piercings through her belly b.u.t.ton, two at the top and one on each side. Sometimes the stone grew warm, even hot. But she never removed it.

If it hadn't been for that group of men and one red-haired woman who'd shown up at her home in Redlo and tricked her into telling them her name, she would still be living there, making pottery, and being content with her beloved Dantes.

As if he read her mind, Dantes lifted his snout from where it rested on his ma.s.sive paws and looked up at her, c.o.c.king his head. Baroo? Baroo? he seemed to say, in that way dogs do- he seemed to say, in that way dogs do-What is it?

She reached over to scratch him between his two huge triangular ears, relieved beyond measure that he was back with her. She'd lost him for a time when she fled Redlo, and had only recently been reunited with her protector and companion.

Remy frowned. That had been another unpleasant occurrence, despite the fact that she had regained Dantes. Who could have predicted that the same jerk who p.i.s.sed her off so badly she lodged a bullet in the wall above his shoulder back in Redlo-just to make a point-would have been taking care of Dantes in Envy? He had tried to keep her from leaving, and Dantes hadn't been any help because he thought the guy was a friend. The jerk had refused to give her his name, so she had taken to calling him d.i.c.k. As in Mr. Head.

And in order to escape, she'd tossed a snake at him.

"Something funny?"

Remy, who was sitting on the floor on an old cushion that might have once been blue and most certainly had, at some point, been the nest of a rodent, looked up at her partner. The life of a bounty hunter was a transient one, filled with unfamiliar, and questionably sanitary sleeping accommodations and a variety of other inconveniences. But Ian Marck was one of the advantages.

She didn't give him much, just a bit of a smile. "Just thinking of an amusing occurrence."

Ian was a rugged-looking man, probably close to forty, with a wide, square jaw and dark blue eyes. He had a broad forehead and cut cheekbones, with a long, straight nose and dirty blond hair. Harshness and violence oozed from him, ruining what otherwise would have been very good looks. He had a sort of lethal proficiency, as if he'd do whatever he had to do without giving it a second thought. Remy knew that was true. She'd seen him kill a man with his bare hands. Just a quick twist of the neck in an ugly direction, without a change of expression or shift in his breath.

After that, he'd dropped the man and walked away. Cold and hard as a diamond.

Remy didn't trust Ian anymore than she trusted anyone else-maybe even less, because he was infamous in his own right. His father, Raul, had been a much-feared bounty hunter who worked for the uppermost echelon of the Elite-one of the Triumvirate-until he was killed.

There were those who said that Ian was smarter, more violent, and more ruthless than his father had been-but that, unlike Raul, Ian wasn't greedy. He had no price-not even his own life. Which made him a man without a weakness.

The most dangerous sort.

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