
Night Betrayed Part 10

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And then ... He's fricking serious. He's fricking serious. He really wants to know about me. He really wants to know about me. Both delight and terror rushed through her. Both delight and terror rushed through her.

"And about Sam's father, and whether he's still around and why he isn't," Theo continued. "Whether it was your decision or his or what. And," he stepped closer to her, "how I'm going to make it clear to you that I don't give pity kisses. Not even for women who bring me back to life." His hands landed gently on her shoulders and she felt his shoe b.u.mp against her bare toes.

"How many of them do you have?" she managed to say, realizing belatedly that her hands had risen and settled flat onto his broad, warm chest. Wow. Solid as a brick wall. Wow. Solid as a brick wall.

"How many of what?"

"Women who bring you back to life."

"Only one." He started to lean in, then stopped and pulled back. Selena released the breath she'd been holding, startled out of the warmth he'd lulled her into. "Make that two."

"What?" she asked, her voice rising-partly in surprise and partly to hide her disappointment. "You've been brought back to life before?"

His lips curved and one of his hands shifted to flick a heavy lock of hair off her shoulder, then slid along its length. "Well, technically, yes. When I was a baby, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and I came out blue everywhere, limp as a wet noodle. Heart stopped and everything. There was a nurse who did CPR-she breathed inside my mouth-and brought me back to life."

"A nurse nurse?"

"But don't worry," he added quickly, "I don't remember the incident at all. So for all intents and purposes," he said, slipping his hand around the back of her neck, lifting her hair, cupping her skull, "you're the only woman who brought me back to life. And this is most definitely not a pity kiss."

She met him halfway as his lips moved to add, " ... at least on my end."

Selena's laugh was smothered by his mouth. She closed her eyes as their lips met, softly at first and then hungrily. He held her head with strong fingers as the kiss turned deep and sleek. Beneath her own palms, the planes of his chest shifted and his heart b.u.mped fiercely.

He didn't feel like a kid to her, not now, not with this demand and confidence, not with the solid muscle and strength against her. Her body had turned warm and liquid, awakening from a dormancy due to neglect. Selena stopped questioning, stopped resisting, and when his hands moved down along her back, following the line of her torso, she eased into him, molding her body into his.

Why not? Why not enjoy this? It's been too long.

He's so young!

And he'll be leaving any day now. No problem.

He makes me laugh.

Theo gave a soft little groan and shifted, pushing her back against something solid, holding her there so their bodies lined up, imprinting every curve and every rise into the other. If she had any lingering doubt about pity kisses, it was effectively erased at that point. His desire was blatant, and the gentle, insistent pressure as their hips ground together had her pressing just as hard back into him.

"Geeezz ... uzz," he muttered, disentangling their mouths and burying his face into the hair by her ear. "Selena ..." He breathed roughly, nipping and sucking along the line of her neck so that she twitched and shuddered against him.

She murmured her pleasure, sliding her hands under his shirt, feeling the flat slabs of his pecs and skimming over the tight nipples, aware of the faint trembling beneath her fingers, deep in his muscles. He was warm and sleek and her world had turned hot and bold ... so much that she hardly realized when he pulled back, tugging her with him.

The next thing she knew, he pulled her onto his lap, her toes b.u.mping the base of the chair as she straddled him. Theo grinned briefly up at her, but his mouth was tight and his eyes hot as he slipped his hands beneath her loose shirt. She resisted instinctively when he tried to lift it-No, no, not in the light!-and he seemed to get the message, instead moving to her spine.

As her bra loosened and sagged, Selena arched toward him, half aware of the hot sun streaming through the window on her behind and the way his hands moved around to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Ahhh Ahhh. His thumbs were firm and his palms warm as he lifted, pressed, stroked.

Now she had her hands on his shoulders for stability, her eyes closed, allowing the pleasure to grow and roll, unfurling from belly to chest to between her legs, where she pressed against him. His hair was warm and soft, thick beneath her fingers ... his shoulders wide and square.

Theo moved beneath her as he bent and pulled the vee of her tunic to the side, finding one of her nipples and covering it with his warm, sleek mouth.

Selena jolted at the spike of sensation, then gasped as it didn't stop, didn't relent ... but became a long, slick tug, a sensual dance of tongue and lips sucking, swirling, stroking. The hot shaft of pleasure arced through her, from her belly down south. She shifted on his lap, her fingers digging into his shoulders, heat and pressure building and throbbing between them.

Suddenly, he released her with a soft groan, leaving her nipple wet and throbbing, chafing back beneath her tunic. Pulling her up against him, his arms bundling her close, he slammed his mouth over hers once more. The kiss burned, deep and fierce, as his hands shifted down to her hips and jerked her close, into him, settling her legs wide against him. She felt the throbbing settle between them, his erection hard and waiting, she herself full and wet, the seams of their jeans meeting and intensifying the sensation.

And then, once again, he was shifting her, and once again, she moved at his direction-hazy, full, aroused-her legs coming together, sliding to one side of him. Before she knew it, he'd jammed his fingers down beneath the loosened fly of her jeans, down beneath the hot cotton of her panties, and into the sleek warmth that pulsed there.

They both groaned and sighed at the same time, and Selena's eyes flew open when he first touched her. She nearly jolted off his lap, but he held her steady, safely, his fingers so long and easy, sliding and stroking where she was full and ready.

Oh G.o.d ... She held on to him, lifted her hips as her jeans opened wider, feeling the stream of hot sun blasting through the window over her head and shoulders. His fingers ... a wide, determined plane, curling and slipping, coaxing smoothly and evenly, as his own breath hitched and roughened against her ear. She held on to him, lifted her hips as her jeans opened wider, feeling the stream of hot sun blasting through the window over her head and shoulders. His fingers ... a wide, determined plane, curling and slipping, coaxing smoothly and evenly, as his own breath hitched and roughened against her ear.

"Yes," he whispered into her skin. "That's ... it."

As she released herself, sliding wholly, into the pleasure, it took a moment before the sound registered in the depths of her l.u.s.t-fogged mind. But then, all of a sudden, she heard it.


Chapter 5.

It took a moment before Theo heard it.


And then another second before it registered.

Selena, who had been a soft, sensual bundle in his arms, stiffened-and her eyes flew open just as Theo realized the "mom" was the woman on his lap. The woman whose pants his hand was down, whose flushed face and swollen lips were a breath away from him, whose tight, unfettered nipples thrust through the light fabric of her shirt.

Holy c.r.a.p.

He grabbed Selena's arm to steady her wild escape as she scrambled off him, and managed to keep her from stumbling into a heap against the wall. His brain wasn't functioning at optimal levels quite yet; his breathing was still irregular; and his jeans, full of a ma.s.sive hard-on that, only moments before, had been antic.i.p.ating a happy ending. He stood and jammed his hands in his pockets to make the necessary adjustments for both comfort and obscurity.

"Mom? Are you up here?"

"Yes," Selena called back. She was standing by the window, just done b.u.t.toning her jeans. Her voice was unbelievably calm and steady. For someone who'd been writhing and moaning on his lap only moments earlier, she sure looked in control. Hardly ruffled at all, except for the sheen of damp on her full lips, and hair that looked as if she'd just rolled out of bed. And ... oh, c.r.a.p ... And ... oh, c.r.a.p ... the outline of one nipple poking damply through the thin tunic. the outline of one nipple poking damply through the thin tunic.

Sam and one of his other friends-Tim? Tyler? Tom?-suddenly appeared, walking across the long room. Theo gave a moment of thanks that he and Selena had been tucked behind a computer station in a corner not immediately visible from the door.

"Nana Vonnie wanted me to tell you there is lunch," Sam said. He glanced around the room, but his attention settled on Theo, and then Selena-who, thank G.o.d, had adjusted her tunic-and then back to Theo, who tried to ignore the suspicion in the teenager's eyes-after all, he couldn't have seen anything.

But when the look of shock, followed by revulsion, blanched over Sam's face, Theo realized the kid must have sensed something. He hoped like h.e.l.l it wasn't the musky smell of s.e.x that clung to Theo's fingers, permeating his his consciousness, at least. consciousness, at least.

"Thanks, honey," Selena said, looking perfectly at ease, in spite of ... c.r.a.p c.r.a.p-Now Selena's loose bra was clearly showing through the deep vee of her tunic. "I'm getting hungry, too," she replied, "but when I came up to let Theo know, we got talking about all the things in here."

"Yeah," Sam replied, flat disbelief in his voice.

He was a handsome kid, with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. Well over six feet, but still had lots of filling out to do. Probably sixteen or so, maybe seventeen. Just getting into manhood, still trying to figure out what to do with all those hormones he'd been dealing with for the last few years. And the last thing he probably wanted in his mind was the image of his mother s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around with some guy who was not his father.

Or with any guy.

Theo managed a smile and attempted to divert their interest. "Those are pinball machines over there," he said, gesturing to a row of the dusty machines. The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings version was one of his favorites, and just about one of the best pinball machines ever made. He'd enjoy it just as much as Sam and Tom-Tyler? version was one of his favorites, and just about one of the best pinball machines ever made. He'd enjoy it just as much as Sam and Tom-Tyler?-would. "I might be able to get one of them working again, if you want."

"No," Selena said sharply, just as interest lit Sam and Tyler's-Tim's?-face. "We don't need to get involved with those things. Too dangerous."

Theo saw the disappointment on the boys' faces. More dangerous than sneaking out at night alone? More dangerous than sneaking out at night alone?

"Maybe he could at least look at the DVD player. The one that's broken? He might be able to fix it?"

"Maybe," she said. Selena didn't acknowledge Theo any further except to give him a warning glare as she started out of the room. The other boy whose name Theo was certain began with a T T started after her, but Sam didn't. He caught Theo's eyes and positioned himself in front of him-not overtly threatening, but just enough that it was clear he meant to talk to him. started after her, but Sam didn't. He caught Theo's eyes and positioned himself in front of him-not overtly threatening, but just enough that it was clear he meant to talk to him.

Theo had to give the kid credit. A lot of it. Despite the fact that Sam was a bit taller than he was, he was more slender and certainly not as solid as Theo.

"Look"-Sam said in a voice that sounded just a little breathless. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure his mom was gone-"I don't know what's going on with you. Last night you were all over Jennifer, and now you're ... uh ... well, if you're messing with my mom, well, I'm not going to be too happy about that." His Adam's apple bobbed a bit too much and Theo saw him folding his arms together over his chest as if to keep himself steady.

Theo nodded and held the young man's eyes. Figuring honesty-without a lot of unnecessary details-was best, he kept his face serious and said, "I can see how you'd be upset. But I'm not into Jennifer, okay? That wasn't gonna work. As for your mom ... well, she's pretty amazing" -he barely caught himself from saying hot hot- "and I'm not sure what's going to happen. But I promise you that whatever happens, I'll treat her with care and respect. Okay?"

Sam's nervousness seemed to have eased a bit, but he wasn't ready to give in. "You're not from around here, and you're not staying. I don't want you getting her all happy or relying on you, and then up and leaving one day. You know?"

Theo blinked. Yeah Yeah. I'm not from here. I'm not from here. But at the same time, the thought of leaving, even only after four days (which somehow seemed like a lifetime), was foreign and unpleasant. "I'm not planning on leaving any time soon, Sam," he said. "Like it or not. And as I said, your mom is an amazing" - But at the same time, the thought of leaving, even only after four days (which somehow seemed like a lifetime), was foreign and unpleasant. "I'm not planning on leaving any time soon, Sam," he said. "Like it or not. And as I said, your mom is an amazing" -smart, s.e.xy, fascinating, strong- "woman and I always treat women with respect."

Sam was still looking at him, his head inclined slightly, and at last he gave a short nod of acknowledgment. "All right." Then he glanced around furtively, and looked back at Theo. "And I'd really like to learn about these things," he said, gesturing to the room. "Will you show me?"

Theo opened his mouth to agree, then stopped. Selena understood the same danger Frank had mentioned, but that was precisely the reason for the Resistance that he and Lou were building. Technology was powerful, and that was why the Elite wanted to suppress any knowledge or use of it. But until he had a chance to talk to Selena, he'd better resist the knee-jerk reaction to circ.u.mvent her wishes. "I'll talk to your mom," was all he said. "Now, let's go find something to eat."

The meal, though delicious, was excruciating.

Selena avoided his eyes so studiously that Theo figured she'd gone back to the whole ridiculous "I don't want pity kisses" stance, which annoyed him no little bit and made his disappointment at their interruption even more acute. Sam's attention shifted back and forth between them as if waiting for any sign of misbehavior. Vonnie, on the other hand, seemed to be watching both of them with barely concealed amus.e.m.e.nt. Frank couldn't hear (or, more likely, pretended he couldn't), so everything spoken at the table had to be shouted the first time if they didn't want to have to repeat themselves.

And to top it all off, somehow Jennifer had arrived just in time for lunch, and although Theo barely managed to keep from sitting next to her, she'd positioned herself across the table from him. Between the long, hot looks she sent Theo, the constant references to last night's horsemanship and the bang ink on his arm-not to mention the fact that Sam was hardly able to keep his eyes from straying to the way Jen filled out her tight white tank top-Theo felt as if he were in the midst of an episode of some family sitcom.

It didn't help that he could hardly keep his own attention from Selena, especially now that he knew how she tasted, smelled, and felt all loose and aroused.

Sure, Jen was younger, very attractive, and certainly more overtly interested than Selena-plus she didn't have a teenaged son-but Theo had no desire in picking up anything with her. It was Selena who'd captured his attention. She was easy to talk to, she was quick-witted, and she was a person who spent her life trying to make a difference in the world-besides trying to get herself killed hunting zombies. But even then, she was trying to make a difference in this f.u.c.ked-up place. Just as he was. trying to get herself killed hunting zombies. But even then, she was trying to make a difference in this f.u.c.ked-up place. Just as he was.

He definitely intended to pick things up where they'd left off. And the one time he managed to catch her eye during the meal, he made his intentions blatantly clear. Her cheeks flushed and she turned away.

As he'd been trained by his mother, Theo helped clear the dishes after lunch, stacking them by size and type. Even though it had been a long time since he'd been in a kitchen and served a meal like this, old habits-and training-died hard.

But he kept his eye on Selena, who also made trips to the sink from the cozy round table in a s.p.a.ce that was much too big to be called a breakfast nook nook; and the minute she headed for the door, he followed. Just outside the kitchen, she turned down a hall toward the back of the house.

"Hey," he said, managing to snag her arm.

Selena looked up at him, lips slightly parted, cheeks flushing, and her thick hair a wild mess over her shoulders. It took everything he had not to pull her up against him for a kiss. Instead, he merely said, "That was disappointing."

"It was?" she replied, a little smile playing over her lips. "I was thinking I got the good end of the deal."

Ah. Relief swarmed him. She wasn't going back to the pity-kisses game. "Not quite as good as I'd intended." He let his smile fill with promise. "I was thinking we might want to pick up where we left off. Very soon."

Her lips curved more, sending a shot of l.u.s.t down through him. "That sounds like a really good idea. Maybe somewhere a little more comfortable?"

He moved then, with a quick glance to make certain no one had followed them, and eased her up against the wall, hands on her slender shoulders. "And a little more private." He slid into her s.p.a.ce, covering her lips with his ... not in a raucous, l.u.s.t-inducing kiss, but one of promise and antic.i.p.ation. "My place isn't very private," he murmured against her mouth.

"Mine is," she said, pressing her hips against his.

"I accept," he said, slipping his tongue in to tangle with hers. "Tonight, then."

"Mm ... hmmm. ... tonight," she murmured, her hands resting on his chest, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressing into him. Then she pulled away. "No, wait ... not tonight," she said.

"What?" He pulled back now, too, but kept his hand playing with the ends of her hair. "Why not? After the kid's in bed-"

"No, no, not tonight," she repeated. Her face had changed from the soft, desire-filled one to something else. Something ... reserved. Taut. Then she smiled again. "I don't want to wait that long."

Oh, really? Much as he liked that thought-and agreed with it-Theo wasn't born yesterday. Definitely not yesterday. "Then when?" Much as he liked that thought-and agreed with it-Theo wasn't born yesterday. Definitely not yesterday. "Then when?"

"After dinner. Follow my cue," she said, and her hands moved over his shoulders, back up into the hair at the nape of his neck and she pulled him down for a long, thorough kiss.

When she pulled away, Theo was breathing heavily and was trying to remember exactly why he couldn't drag her into a deserted corner right this d.a.m.n minute. right this d.a.m.n minute.

"Until then . .." she said, easing away. Promise burned in her eyes.

"I'll try to manage," he replied jokingly. "But after that . .."

She smiled hotter. "Just wait. We older women ... we're worth the wait." And with that sultry curve to her lips, she slipped away.

Holy s.h.i.t.

Theo turned and went back out, in the opposite direction, and nearly ran into Jennifer.

"Hey," he said, trying to unclog his brain. And for the life of him, he couldn't think of anything to say that couldn't be interpreted as interest in her.

But Jen was looking at him, her eyes narrowed and a shocked expression on her face. "You and Selena?" she said, disbelief rising in her voice. "You've got to be kidding me. Do you know how old she is? Way too old for you."

Fleeting thoughts about scorned women zipped through his mind and Theo forced a smile. "Believe it or not, I'm a lot older than I look."

Jennifer looked at him, her lips flattened in disdain. "She's old enough to be your mother. That's just ... busted busted. Totally rank."

"Uh ... well," Theo said, struggling valiantly to find something to say that couldn't be construed as offensive to said scorned woman.

"And what about last night?" she demanded. "You were all over me!" Her arms crossed under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, lifting and jolting them, which did nothing to help the situation because his gaze dropped there automatically. Because he was a guy. s.h.i.t. s.h.i.t. He shifted his eyes away. He shifted his eyes away.

Theo's brain just wouldn't work and he couldn't think of anything to say except, "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression last night." He forbore to point out that she had hung on him; she had thrown herself into his arms; and yeah, he'd kissed her ... but only after she'd blatantly offered.

"Whatever," Jennifer said, and spun around. She flounced away, her sun-streaked hair bouncing with annoyance.

Theo let out a sigh of relief. At least now she knew there was nothing on his end.

Now all he had to do was wait until after dinner to get his hands back on Selena.

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