
Vampire's Slice Of Life Chapter 544 Meeting Wives

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Chapter 544 Meeting Wives

"Hm Hm Hm HmHm… Hmm mhm~..."

Lucy was humming the song she was listening to and was enjoying herself. She really loved cla.s.sical music and if there weren't any people around, she definitely would've been lightly dancing as well.

Lucy had her eyes closed and was so absorbed in the music that she failed to see Lith arrive right in front of her.

Lith used an artifact to make himself be undetected by his sister and as he sat in front of her and looked at her, he was amused to see her hum a song.

It seemed to him that his sister was surely enjoying herself.

Lith smiled and didn't disturb her. He let her continue and continued to watch her with interest.

Lucy didn't open her eyes for the next five minutes as she was too absorbed into it. But once she did, her heart skipped a beat as she saw someone staring at her.

But in the next instant, her surprise was take over by a warm feeling as she realized who it was.

She immediately took her headphones off and asked, "You're awake?"

Lith chuckled as he saw his sister go through various emotions and then finally ask this to him. "What does it look like?"

Understanding her blunder, Lucy changed the question and asked, "When did you wake up?"

"An hour or two ago." Lith answered. "But my talks aside. You seemed to be really enjoying yourself. What were you listening to?"

"Cla.s.sical music." Lucy answered. She then continued, "I don't know the name though. Let me check."

She checked her phone right after saying so and read out loud, "It's Mozart's Symphony No. 40: I. Molto Allegro."

"The t.i.tle sounds so sophisticated." Lith said and chuckled.

Lucy chuckled as well and continued, "I know. The music is the same as well. Do you want to listen to it?"

Lith was going to deny since he was short on time, but on another hand, he agreed as he could spend time with his sister by listening to her favourite music with her.

As Lith agreed, Lucy took out a pair of earphones. She attached it to her phone, wore one, and gave the other to Lith.

The two then started listening to cla.s.sical music together.

The music being played was Moonlight Sonata and listening to it brought some old memories to surface in Lith's mind.

He still vividly remembered the day he went on a vacation with his sister and well…

Lith smiled internally as he remembered that time and turned to look at Lucy. He saw her happily enjoy this song and he couldn't help but pinch her cheeks lightly, surprising her.

Lucy looked at Lith, wondering what got to him, only to have herself get pulled in his embrace and get surprised once again.

Holding Lucy's waist and hugging her from behind, Lith placed his chin on top of her and cuddled with her while continuing to listen to the song.

Lucy didn't understand what was up with Lith and his sudden gestures, but she didn't hate what he was doing and made herself comfortable.

These two, listening to a song with one pair of earphones, were royalties.

They very well had the measures to listen to the song in a much better and efficient manner rather than simply hearing it from one ear.

But sometimes what mattered more was enjoying the moment with whatever you've got and Lith and Lucy were doing just that.

Lith listened to songs for an hour straight with his sister. The two didn't talk, just quietly stayed together.

After the songs were over, Lith talked with for a good half an hour before he finally gave her a kiss on her forehead and parted ways.

He told her where he was going and what plans he had and other stuff.

Lucy supported him by wishing him good luck and also giving him a kiss. She also mentioned that if he ever needed help, he could always call her without hesitation and she'll come to him, no matter how busy she was.

Lith was happy listening to such comments and after parting ways, he teleported to the Neutral Continent, to meet his shy and innocent Angel wife.


Below the Sky Island of Abalax World Academy.

Lith teleported out in a forest below the sky island. He couldn't directly go in as that would end up triggering alarms. The only way possible to go inside was probably with someone of his mother's level. The security of the academy was just that tight.

After teleporting out, he called Sel, his wife's secretary.

Sel picked it up and answered, "How may I help you, Your Highness?"

"h.e.l.lo Sel, can you tell me where is your madam?" Lith asked politely.

Sel, just like all the other Royal Servants and Hecate, first asked Lith to not be so polite and then said, "Madam is on the training grounds, looking after the tests."

"Ah, perfect. Can you come get me? I want to surprise her." Lith said with a smile.

"Right away." Sel agreed without hesitation.

Although bringing an outsider would mean breaking the rules of the academy, Lith was the husband of the princ.i.p.al, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Add to that, he was also an alumni of this prestigious academy, although a dropout, still one of the most iconic alumni.

Sel appeared in front of Lith in no time and after having a light chat with him, she took him to Emilia's office.

Reaching the office, Sel gave Emilia a call and asked her to come back because there was some work. Emilia agreed and Lith patiently waited for her to appear.

A few minutes later…

The door of the office creeked open and the blonde divine beauty Emilia appeared.

Emilia had no idea what was so urgent that Sel had called her.

As soon as she opened the door and entered, she asked, "What is it—"

But she stopped midway as she became dumbfounded by looking at the silver-haired figure standing in front of her, taking support of her desk.

"Husband?" Emilia couldn't believe her eyes momentarily and said out loud.

A smile appeared on Lith's face as he enjoyed his wife's reaction. Sel was the same as she hadn't seen this face of her Madam.

Lith chuckled and said, "Wifey." He then extended his hands and said, "You won't give me a hug?"

Emilia, who was still surprised with Lith's sudden appearance, didn't think much of what he said and acted on what he had just said.

She walked towards him, without paying attention that Sel was in the room as well and hugged him tightly.

As soon as she did that, Lith's scent a.s.saulted her nose and she finally realized that this wasn't a dream.

Her husband had woken up from his sleep and was standing right in front of her.

Realizing this, Emilia squeezed Lith tightly as she really missed him. She couldn't say the words she missed him out loud because she was embarra.s.sed, so she tried to convey the same via her gestures.

Lith, feeling himself being held too tightly, didn't complaint. He knew what was going on his wife's mind.

Lith hugged Emilia back and kissed her head from above. He was 195 cm tall and Emilia was ten centimetres shorter, naturally he was almost a head taller than her.

Emilia, feeling Lith's kiss, felt really gleeful in her heart. She couldn't explain this feeling but it was really nice. She looked up at Lith after he finished his kiss, her eyes clearly telling Lith that she wanted one more.

Lith chuckled as he saw his wife wanting to be pampered. He didn't shy away and gave her another kiss on her forehead.

A smile flashed on Emilia's face. She then asked, "When did you wake up?"

'Everyone's asking the same question.' Lith thought to himself and shook his head with a smile.

He looked Emilia in the eyes and told her the answers.

Emilia then asked him a few more things, which Lith answered as well and they were all related to his health.

Clearly, his wives really held his health a priority over other things.

Sel, who was at the side, felt as if she should've left the place sooner. Although it wasn't bad to watch her madam converse with her husband, she felt as if she was invading their privacy.

Also, she knew that once her madam realizes she was in the room, Sel could picture how her face would become.

Sel thought on what she should do and after thinking for a bit and having no other choice, she coughed lightly and said,

"Madam, the urgent work I told you about..."

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Vampire's Slice Of Life Chapter 544 Meeting Wives summary

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