
Vampire's Slice Of Life Chapter 1126 Mysterious Asura Princess

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1126  Mysterious Asura Princess

The Asura G.o.d Clan and Evure G.o.d Clan stayed at the opposite extremes of their star system, slowly conquering territories at the edges of Shen Ze.

They had significant authority in the middle areas, but couldn't be called as overlords due to the presence of Qing Mei Sect and many other powerhouses. The Evure G.o.d Clan had a ton of experts, all at Legendary Ranking, but they couldn't become the overlords at the center as everyone would band together and attack them. The chances of them winning weren't low, but the losses weren't worth the trouble.

Likewise, if the Asura G.o.d Clan tried to take control of the center, the Evure G.o.d Clan would ally with the central forces and attack them. This could lead to them getting totally wiped out, so they never took such a meaningless risk either. Qing Mei Sect was unofficially the true overlord of the center. None of the powerhouses were as big as them, and even if they all banded together to attack, they wouldn't be able to cause much damage. Without the sect, the entire center was like a three-legged horse. They all needed the Qing Mei Sect to protect themselves against the top two powerhouses. The Asura G.o.d Clan usually stayed at the edges of Shen Ze, and right now, only one world was left to be conquered. This was supposed to be an easy job, but for some reason, they weren't able to conquer it even after many attempts. Lith went through the data provided by the Silent Nightmare and the sect ladies. Through it, he could make out a few important things. Unlike the Evure G.o.d Clan that had complete harmony among its members, the Asura G.o.d Clan had multiple internal strife among its members. The main family had three major factions while the branch families were constantly eyeing the main seat and trying to overthrow the main factions. Compet.i.tion among them was at an all time high, but one good thing was that, due to it, they had grown a lot stronger. They were also smart enough to stop the internal feud if someone were to attack them. They would unite if it happened and defend to the best of their abilities. Everyone around Shen Ze thus knew that they were best left alone. With how everything's going, they would soon be digging their own graves. Lith went deeper into this mess and found out names of the major people involved. Their names were mixed and did not have similarities, indicating that they weren't one big family tree, but a big forest of multiple different trees. When different ideologies banded together, conflicts were unavoidable. Many names were known to these ladies around Lith, and the Silent Nightmare gave additional information on the people they weren't aware of. For the next couple of hours, the background and history of these individuals was being run through by everyone collectively. Finishing that, they discussed the relationships between them, and by the time it was over, it was the next day's afternoon.

"…one last thing, young master." The quiet Lan spoke, pointing at an empty spot in the family trees drawn on the scroll. "This person is missing. The background, name, everything related to them is unknown."

"Hm?" Lith raised his eyebrow and looked at it. "The Princess of the Asura G.o.d Clan?"

"Yes." Lan nodded. "She's not young enough to be a child. If I'm not wrong, she should be similar in age and prowess like us. Her whereabouts, her name, her appearance, her history… everything's unknown. It's as if she doesn't exist at all."

Lith stared at the empty spot as he heard that. His eyes scanned through the entire family trees on the scroll, and noticing how one spot at the top was empty, it felt strange and amusing. Lith had initially ignored that position as he thought the princess might be someone dead or an unimportant person who was married off to some other family for political reasons, but it seemed that such wasn't the case. "She's someone n.o.body has an idea of? Not even the Silent Nightmare? n.o.body has seen her?" Lith asked with interest. Lan shook her head. "The ones that do know her are rare, and the ones that have seen her are rarer. It is said that she only meets the top bra.s.s of the clan, and the meeting time is so random that even her own clan members couldn't figure out when she would meet them or at what time."

Lith contemplated this whole situation and thought of it deeply. Why would the Princess hide like this? She was powerful, belonged to one of the top powerhouses of the star system, and doesn't need to fear anybody. She also won't have any benefits from hiding, so why?

As a Prince himself, he felt that maybe he could understand her ways, but even after a few minutes of brainstorming, he was unable to come up with a plausible explanation.  Things were too random and chaotic. The entire family was out in the open except her. She had no enmity with anyone in the family either and could easily become the person leading the clan due to her rumored great leadership skills. 'Perhaps… she doesn't want to limit herself to the clan affairs and wants to explore?' Lith was someone like that. He loved the privileges of royalty, but didn't want to become a King and rule the society. It was too much of a ha.s.sle as administrative work was boring. The world was peaceful. There were no wars. The only crimes were among individuals and killing wasn't illegal in certain areas of the country so they could stab each other anytime they wanted there. All the administrative work available was to look after the comfort of these people and work on making theirs as well as his life even better than this. How boring, Lith felt. He would rather spend time with his wives than do this. Just like this, maybe the Asura Princess had similar views? She was bored of the everyday infighting and wanted to do something else?

If such was the case, what was it that she wanted to do? And where would she be now?

She met the higher ups of her family consistently, so this meant she was in the star system and hadn't ascended to the higher planes for cultivation. This one mystery changed a lot of things. She could either be the most important person in this or the least important one. There's no in between. The Asura G.o.d Clan was Lith's grandfather's side. He didn't know his grandfather's name yet, but he held a lot of respect for that man. He sacrificed himself to protect his wife and child, the commitment was off the charts. His mother wouldn't exist if he didn't do that, and neither would Lith or his sister. That being said, the feelings weren't the same when it came to the Asura G.o.d Clan. If those f.u.c.kers were more accepting, things wouldn't have been so problematic. He loathed them as much as the Evure G.o.d Clan and was after their flesh and bones. Blood would be paid by blood, Lith he wasn't going to leave them. This Asura Princess was the biggest lead so far. Finding her was of utmost importance. Lith shared his views to the rest and they agreed with him.

"…but, where exactly should we start? Shen Ze is far too big." Qingshan said with a complicated expression. With years of wisdom under her belt, Lan pointed at a certain place on the map of Shen Ze on the table.

"Where else but the Calamitous Dune World? The entire AGC is focusing on that place."

"You're right." Lith agreed with her. "Chances of finding her there may not be high, but that's the best lead we've got." Yi had her expression somewhat tense. "There's a high chance that she isn't even there. Or, even if she is there, since n.o.body knows what she looks like, finding her would be an even bigger challenge."

Yi wasn't wrong. Lith would have an easier time finding a needle in a haystack than this. But was there any other option? Lith didn't speak on this and contemplated the matter some more while tapping his index finger on the table. The Asura Princess was a Princess, a royalty, and someone out of the everyday affairs of the clan, and their internal strife. She didn't have any enmity with any faction nor any interest or alliance. Her point of existence? Unknown.

Her family? Unknown.

Her way of living? Unknown.

The lack of likes, dislikes, and history about her was leading Lith to nowhere. It was like he was asked to do simple math addition and subtraction, but was never taught about numbers or knew of their existence. After a lot of thought and contemplation, Lith gave up.  Since this was something out of his control, brooding over it wasn't right. He should focus his energy elsewhere and be more productive. Lith looked at the Calamitous Dune World on the map of Shen Ze and said, "Paying visit to this world seems to be only option left, it seems."


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