
Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 1130

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Chapter 1130: 1130

"If we don't try, what shall we do now? Have you been waiting here? Just stop here? " Han Fei frowned. You can't stop if you don't advance on the battlefield.

Other objective conditions say nothing.

As far as the reserve military supplies of food and gra.s.s are concerned, they cannot be supplied without limitation.

"Stop here? No, let's not move. We should believe that we are not the ones who are under pressure. We are waiting for two days to see the changes and fight. "

Toby wood buckled the lead.

Looking at each other, no one spoke in the camp for a while.

Looking at the people's impression, Ryukyu, who was cold all the time and did not mix her opinions with her tactics, said: "what's the opinion of kuzamu and tobim? Is there anything wrong with our army? "

Kuzamu, who was named by Ryukyu, frowned and thought for a while, then Fang said: "is there any improper place, and the opinions are more pertinent..."

"In that case, let's make a decision first and have a rest for two days."

Standing up, Ryukyu took a deep look at tobimu and turned to walk out of the tent.

Since kuzamu and others all think tobim's opinion is harmless to northern herdsmen, it's OK to listen to it. As long as it's a good change, she can accept it.

It's hot outside the tent.

The sun that radiates its heat wantonly in the sky, red hanging in the mid air, enchanting.

Ryukyu stood outside the tent and looked at the sun.

The frozen, peaceful heart lake.

All of a sudden there was a ripple, very light, light Ryukyu almost did not find.

The plan to send troops to test Yang Hucheng was cancelled.

After running for so many days, the soldiers of the northern herdsmen who had been making great strides all the way stopped to make adjustments.

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 1130 summary

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