
Mormon Settlement in Arizona Part 31

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Paria River--enters Colorado r. from n., just above Lee's Ferry Patterson's Ranch, OVERTON--8 m. nw. of St. Thomas, Nevada PAYSON--in upper Tonto Basin, 75 m. w. of Showlow Peach Springs--10 m. ne. of station of same name on Santa Fe, 58 m. w. of Ash Fork Pearce's Ferry--Colorado r. crossing at mouth of Grand Wash Penrod, PINETOP--12 m. se. of Showlow Percheron, Mortensen, PINEDALE--15 1/2 m. w. of Showlow PHOENIX--Capital of Arizona, in Salt River Valley PIMA, Smithville--in Gila Valley, 6 m. nw. of Thatcher PINE--on Pine Creek, Tonto Basin, 70 m. w. of n. of Roosevelt dam PINEDALE, Percheron, Mortensen--15-1/2 m. w. of Showlow Pine Springs--near Pine Creek in Tonto Basin PINETOP, Penrod--12 m. se. of Showlow PIPE SPRINGS, Winsor Castle--on Mormon road, 20 m. sw. of Kanab PLEASANTON--in Williams Valley, N. M., 36 m. s. of Luna Valley PLEASANT VALLEY--location of sawmill and dairy, 25 m. se. of Flagstaff POMERENE--4 m. n. and e. of Benson

RAMAH, Navajo, Savoia--in N. M., 80 m. ne. of St. Johns RAY--25 m. sw. of Globe Redlands, ASHURST, Cork--about 15 m. nw. of Thatcher REIDHEAD, Beaver Ranch, Woolf Crossing, Lone Pine Crossing--10 m. s. of Taylor RICHVILLE, Walnut Grove, 18 m. s. of St. Johns RIOVILLE, Junction (City)--junction of Muddy r. with Virgin r.

Round Valley, EAGAR--35 m. s. of St. Johns

ST. JOHNS, Salem--St. Johns Stake hdqrs., 60 m. se. of Holbrook ST. JOHNS STAKE--Embraces eastern Arizona, n. of Graham Co.

ST. DAVID--on San Pedro r., 7 m. se. of Benson in se. Arizona ST. JOSEPH--5 m. n. of Overton, n. side of Muddy r., now in Nevada ST. JOSEPH, Allen Camp, c.u.morah--on Little Colorado r., 10 m. w. of Holbrook ST. JOSEPH STAKE--embraces se. Arizona, hdqrs. at Thatcher ST. THOMAS--w. side of Muddy, 1-3/4 m. above junction with Virgin r.

SAFFORD--3 m. e. of Thatcher Salem, ST. JOHNS--St. Johns Stake hdqrs., 60 m. se. of Holbrook Salt Lake--33 m. e. of St. Johns; is in New Mexico Salt Mountains--Salt deposits on Virgin r., below St. Thomas San Francisco Mountains--n. of Flagstaff SAN BERNARDINO, Cal.--about 50 m. e. of Los Angeles San Bernardino Ranch--in extreme se. comer of Arizona San Pablo, Hayden's Ferry, TEMPE--9 m. e. of Phoenix San Pedro--river and valley in se. Arizona Savoia, Navajo, RAMAH--Savoia was 6 m. e. of present Ramah SHOWLOW--22 m. s. of Snowflake SHUMWAY--ward on Silver creek, 7 m. s. of Snowflake Simonsville--was mill location, 6 m. nw. of St. Thomas Smithville, PIMA--6 m. nw. of Thatcher, once St. Joseph Stake hdqrs.

SNOWFLAKE--Snowflake Stake hdqrs., 30 m. s. of Holbrook SNOWFLAKE STAKE--embraces practically Navajo County Soap Creek (Springs)--on Mormon road, 16 m. sw. of Lee's Ferry SOLOMONVILLE--e. end of Gila Valley SPRINGERVILLE--35 m. se. of St. Johns Stinson Valley--former name of valley in which Snowflake is located STONE'S FERRY, Bonelli's--Colorado r. crossing, w. of mouth of Virgin r.

Strawberry Valley--in n. Tonto Basin Sulphur Springs Valley--in se. Arizona Sunset, Sunset Crossing--Little Colorado r. settlement, 25 m. w. of St.

Joseph Sunset Sawmill--was 7 m. s. of Mormon Dairy Surprise Valley--10 m. nw. of Hunt, along Surprise Creek, 27 m. nw. of St. Johns Surprise Valley--near mouth of Kanab Canyon

Taylor--was settlement across Colorado r., 3 m. w. of St. Joseph TAYLOR, Bagley, Walker--on Silver Creek, 3 m. s. of Snowflake TEMPE, San Pablo, Hayden's Ferry--9 m. e. of Phoenix Tenney's Camp, WOODRUFF--on Little Colorado r., 12 m. ne. of Holbrook THATCHER--St. Joseph Stake hdqrs., in Gila Valley Tonto Basin--in central Arizona TUBA (CITY)--on Mormon road, 60 m. se. of Lee's Ferry TUBAC--on Santa Cruz r., 42 m. s. of Tucson Turkey Tanks--about 10 m. ne. of Flagstaff

Union, Omer, Amity, EAGAR--ward embraced Round Valley settlements Utahville, Fort Utah, LEHI, Jonesville--3 m. ne. of Mesa Ute Ford, Vado de los Padres, CROSSING OF THE FATHERS--on Colorado r., just n. of Arizona line

Vermilion Cliffs--w. of Colorado r., extending into both Arizona and Utah VERNON--ward includes Concho and Hunt branches VIRDEN--just over New Mexico line on Gila r., 8 m. ne. of Franklin

Walker, Bagley, TAYLOR--on Silver Creek, 3 m. s. of Snowflake Walnut Grove, RICHVILLE--18 m. s. of St. Johns on Little Colorado r.

West Point, LOGAN--s. of Muddy r., 15 m. w. of St. Joseph, Nevada Whitewater--22 m. e. of Tombstone.

Wilford--6 m. sw. of Heber, 56 m. sw. of Holbrook Williams Valley--in New Mexico, 36 m. s. of Luna Valley Willow Springs--on Mormon road, 7 m. nw. of Tuba Winsor, Mt. Carmel--was United Order ward in Long Valley n. of Kanab Winsor Castle, PIPE SPRINGS--on Mormon road, 20 m. sw. of Kanab WOODRUFF, Tenney's Camp--ward on Little Colorado r., 12 m. se. of Holbrook Woolf Crossing, ranch, Beaver ranch, Lone Pine, Reidhead--10 m. s. of Taylor Woodland, Fairview, LAKESIDE--3 m. nw. of Pinetop

Zenos, Hayden, Mesaville, MESA--16 m. e. of Phoenix


1846--Feb. 4, Chas. Shumway first to cross Mississippi in exodus from Nauvoo; Feb. 4, "Brooklyn" sailed from New York, with 235 L. D. S.; July 29, arr. San Francisco; July 20, Mormon Battalion left Council Bluffs; Aug. 1, arr. Ft. Leavenworth; 12, left Leavenworth; 23. Col. Allen died; Oct. 9, 1st detachment at Santa Fe; 13, Cooke in command; Sept. 16, families sent to Pueblo; Oct. 19, left Sant Fe; Nov. 21, turned to west; 28, at summit Rockies; Dec. 18, at Tucson; 22, arr. Pima villages.

1847--Jan. 8, Battalion at mouth of Gila; 10, crossed Colorado r.; 29, arr. near San Diego; July 16, discharged; 24, Pres. Young and Utah pioneers reached Salt Lake Valley.

1848--Jan. 24, gold discovered at Sutter's Fort, Cal.

1851--June, Lyman and Rich and about 500 from Utah located San Bernardino, Cal.; fall, Mormons located at Tubac.

1853--First missionaries in Las Vegas district.

1855--May 10, 30 missionaries left Salt Lake for Las Vegas.

1857--Ira Hatch and Dudley Leavitt among Paiutes; Hamblin sees Ives steamer "Explorer;" Sept. 11, Mountain Meadows ma.s.sacre.

1858--Jan., Ira Hatch sent to Muddy; Feb., Col. Kane treaty with Paiutes; San Bernardino vacated; spring, Hamblin to Colorado r.; first trip across Colorado r.

1859--Oct., Hamblin to Hopi.

1860--Oct., Hamblin to Hopi; Nov. 2, Geo. A. Smith, Jr., killed by Indians near Tuba.

1862--Nov., Hamblin to Hopi.

1863--Feb. 24, Arizona Territory organized from New Mexico; Mar. 18.

Hamblin to Hopi; Pipe Springs located by Dr. J. M. Whitmore.

1864--Mar., Hamblin party parleys with Navajos; Moccasin Springs settled; United Order established in Brigham City. Utah, by Lorenzo Snow; Oct., Anson Call directed to establish Colorado r. port, Beaver Dams settled by Henry W. Miller; Dec. 2. Call party at site of Call's landing; 18, work begun at Call's Landing.

1865--Jan. 8, first settlers at St. Thomas on Muddy r., settlement of St.

Joseph on Muddy r.; settlement on Paria Creek; Dec., Muddy section organized as Pah-ute County, Arizona.

1866--Jan. 8, Whitmore and McIntire killed by Indians near Pipe Springs; June 4, conference with Indians on Muddy r.; Moccasin vacated through Indian troubles; Nov., steamer "Esmeralda" on upper Colorado r.

1867--Jan. 18, Pah-ute county claimed by Nevada; spring, floods caused abandonment of Beaver Dams; Oct. 1, county seat of Pah-ute moved from Callville to St. Thomas.

1868--Feb. 10, trouble with Paiutes on Muddy r.; August 18, destructive fire at St. Joseph; Nov. 1, Andrew S. Gibbons and O.D. Ga.s.s started from Callville to Ft. Yuma by boat.

1869--Feb. 8, Junction City (Rioville) established; Feb. 15, Utah organized Rio Virgen County, including Muddy settlements; May 29, Powell started first trip down Canyon; June 12, Davidson family died of thirst on desert near Muddy r.; June 16, Callville abandoned; August, 3 of Powell's men killed by Indians; 29, Powell ended trip below Canyon; Oct., Hamblin at Hopi.

1870--Mar., Brigham Young party visited Muddy settlements; June 14, settlement on Kanab Creek; Sept., Hamblin to Mt. Trumbull with J.W.

Powell; Nov. 5, Hamblin peace talk with Navajos at Ft. Defiance; took Chief Tuba to Utah; Dec., determination to abandon Muddy settlements.

1871--Spring, abandonment Muddy district; Pah-ute County abolished by Arizona Territory; Aug., Hamblin, with Powell, on second Colorado r.

trip; Moccasin Springs re-settled; Moen Copie made mission post;

1872--John D. Lee located at mouth of Paria; June 28, J.H. Beadle at Lee's Ferry.

1873--Mar. 8, Brigham Young instructed Arizona colonists in Salt Lake; spring, L.W. Roundy and Hamblin at Moen Copie; May 1, H.D. Haight party left Utah for Little Colorado Valley; May 22, Haight party on Little Colorado r.; June 30, Haight party turned back.

1874--Jan., Hamblin to Hopi to prevent war; Aug., Hamblin to Ft. Defiance on peace mission.

1875--Feb. 20, Orderville established; Sept. 16, D.W. Jones exploration party left Salt Lake; Oct. 27, Jones party crossed Colorado r.; 30, Jas.

S. Brown exploring party left Salt Lake; Dec. 4, Brown party at Moen Copie; 14, Jones party at Tucson.

1876--Jan., Jones party in Mexico; Feb. 3, Little Colorado settlers left Salt Lake; Mar. 23, advance company at Sunset; 24-31, locations of Allen City, Obed, Sunset, Ballenger; 28, work commenced on St. Joseph dam; Apr., location of Tenney's (Woodruff) Camp, on Little Colorado r.; 17, United Order established on Little Colorado r.; Daniel H. Wells and party on Little Colorado r.; May, Boston party pa.s.sed Little Colorado settlements; June 24, L.W. Roundy drowned in Colorado r.; 27, Obed moved to new location; June, D.W. Jones party returns to Utah; first L.D.S.

settlers on Showlow Creek; July 17, exploration of Tonto Basin; 17, first child born in Allen City; 19, Allen City dam washed away; Aug., Lorenzo H. Hatch located at Savoia; Oct. 18, Pratt-Stewart part left Utah for Arizona; Nov. 7, Mt. Trumbull sawmill re-established near Mormon Lake; Dec. 23, Pratt party reached Phoenix; Dec., Harrison Pearce established ferry at mouth of Grand Wash; Hamblin located new route to Sunset, via Grand Wash.

1877--Jan. 6, Jones settlement party organized at St. George by Brigham Young, Bunkerville located, first L.D.S. school in Arizona, at Obed; 17, Jones party left St. George; Mar. 6, arr. Salt River, founded Lehi; Mar.

23, J.D. Lee executed; May 20, first Indian baptism on Salt r.; Aug., Merrill company left Lehi; 29, death of Brigham Young, Hamblin at Hopi; Sept. 14, start of Idaho-Salt Lake party that founded Mesa; 14, Merrill company on San Pedro r.; Nov. 12, Arkansas L.D.S. arr. on Little Colorado r.; 29, Merrill party location on San Pedro r.

1878--Jan., C.I. Robson and others selected Mesa location; 20, Colorado r. frozen over at Lee's Ferry; 22, location of Taylor on Little Colorado r.; 23, James Pearce first L.D.S. settler on Silver Creek; 27, Little Colorado Stake organized, name of Ballenger changed to Brigham City, name of Allen changed to St. Joseph; Feb. 5, Robson party at Fort Utah; 9, naming of Woodruff; 18, settlers at Forest Dale; May 15, first L.D.S.

locations in Tonto Basin; July 21, Flake and Kartchner moved the site of Snowflake; Sept.-Dec., Erastus Snow and party travel in Arizona; Sept.

27, Erastus Snow party located and named Snowflake, selected Jesse N.

Smith as President Eastern Arizona Stake; Oct. 26, first settlers on Mesa townsite; Dec., re-settlement of Beaver Dams.

1879--Jan. 16, arr. at Snowflake of Jesse N. Smith; Feb., L.D.S.

explorers at Smithville on Gila r.; Mar., L.D.S. settlement in Concho; Apr. 8, Showlow company located at Smithville; Completion of J. W. Young woolen factory at Moen Copie; settlement at Shumway; first session of court in Apache County; Nov. 16, purchase of Barth claims at St. Johns.

1880--Mar. 29, St. Johns townsite selected by Wilford Woodruff; Sept. 19, re-location of St. Johns townsite; Sept. 26, naming of Alpine; fall, re-settlement of Overton; Oct. 6, arr. at St. Johns of D. K. Udall; Nov., land at Graham on Gila r. bought by Brigham City settlers; Dec., settlement of Matthews on Gila r.

1881--Jan., location at Graham; Mar., settlement at Curtis (Eden), trouble with Indians; location of Holbrook; name of Smithville changed to Pima.

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