
Monarchies Of God - Hawkwoods Voyage Part 33

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Cadamost looked rather smug. Regarded as a political lightweight by the other monarchs, he had nevertheless pulled off a ma.s.sive diplomatic coup. Abeleyn glanced at the red-rimmed eyes, the unimpressive exterior of Perigraine's king. There was more to him than a singer's voice.

The Fimbrians sat impa.s.sively. They were square men, their hair shorn brutally short and their hollow-cheeked faces speaking of great physical endurance. They wore traditional Fimbrian black, the garb of all men of any rank in the electorates since the fall of their Hegemony and the death of the last emperor. Torunnan black and scarlet, the dress of Lofantyr, was a derivative of Fimbrian sable, and it was the Torunnans who had inherited the mantle of foremost military power upon the continent. But who knew how the Fimbrians would fare these days? Narbukan Fimbria, it was true, had opened itself to the outside world after the schism with the rest of the electorates, but as a result it was no longer seen as truly Fimbrian.

"We are here at the behest of two kings," Jonakait said. "We of the electorates recognize that the west is facing its greatest threat since the time of the Religious Wars. Fimbria, once the foremost power in the world, will no longer isolate itself from the normal run of diplomatic contact. I am here, authorized to enter into agreements and treaties with the other monarchs of Normannia, and authorized also to promise military aid if that is what is required."

"Why didn't your Electors come in person?" Lofantyr asked sharply, clearly resenting the "foremost power" bit.

Jonakait blinked. "Markus and I are authorized to act on their behalf. We have been invested with Electoral Imperium. We sit here as the de facto rulers of Fimbria, and are able to authorize any course of action we see fit."

Things had been changing in Fimbria then, and no one had even noticed, Abeleyn thought. The Electorates had somehow patched up their squabbles and acted in unison. He wondered just how much authority these two men truly possessed.

"Can you sanction the commitment of Fimbrian troops?" Lofantyr asked, his eagerness transparent.

"We can."The Torunnan king leaned back. "You may be held to that promise, Marshal."

The Fimbrian shrugged ever so slightly.

Abeleyn wondered, though, who else among the men seated around the table would truly tolerate Fimbrian tercios on the march again across Normannia. He had thought himself open-minded, devoid of any prejudices springing from the past, but even he felt a cold shiver at the thought. The memories ran deep. No wonder many of the faces around the table looked outraged as well as astonished.

Cadamost took the floor again, striving to push the meeting past the sensational entrance of the two marshals.

"Urgent questions lie before us at this time, and it is imperative that the issues behind them be addressed.

If the west is to have any kind of concerted policy towards the eastern crisis-and other happenings-then we must, as the heads of our nations, come to some decisions within the walls of this chamber."

"Do we work on the basis of rumours or of fact, cousin?" Haukir asked. His white beard bristled. It was said that he and his Prelate, Marat, were related, and more closely than might be supposed. The Almarkan Prelate, gossip had it, was born into the Royal house, but on the wrong side of the blanket.

Certainly the two men were as similarly gruff and obstinate as to be twins.

"What do you mean, cousin?" Cadamost shot back.

"These rumours that Macrobius is alive and at Ormann d.y.k.e, for instance. They must be quashed before they do harm."

"I agree," Abeleyn spoke up. "They should be thoroughly investigated, in case there is some germ of substance at their heart."

"Pieter Martellus at the d.y.k.e insists that Macrobius is there," Lofantyr said.

Haukir snorted. "Do you believe him? He's just trying to inject a little backbone into his garrison, is all."

"I have never heard that Torunnan soldiers lacked backbone," Lofantyr flared. "I thought perhaps their conduct at Aekir would have been testimony enough to their courage. My countrymen have been dying in their tens of thousands so that the kingdoms which shelter behind their bucklers might rest easy at night.

So do not prate to me of backbone, cousin."

Bravo! Abeleyn thought gleefully as Haukir's face darkened and he began to sputter with wrath.

But Lofantyr was not yet done.

"It has been brought to my attention that the five thousand Knights Militant promised to my Prelate by the Vicar-General of the Inceptines have turned around in their march to the d.y.k.e and are retracing their steps to Charibon. So much for the help of the Church. Himerius takes the same line as you, Haukir: he condemns out of hand without waiting to hear the evidence for or against. Myself, I vow to keep an open mind. If Macrobius is truly alive, then surely it is a sign from G.o.d that the Merduk tide is on the turn. The news from the d.y.k.e confirms this."

Abeleyn shared a look with Mark of Astarac. So that was it. Lofantyr had found the strength to defy the new Pontiff because of the successes at the d.y.k.e. But also, Abeleyn suspected, because there were Fimbrian at the table making promises of troops. The Torunnan king did not feel he had to rely on Church forces any longer. Lofantyr was his own man again, and that was all to the good."Accusations and recriminations have no place at this a.s.sembly," Cadamost said, holding up a hand to forestall Haukir's explosion.

"Do we defy the Pontifical bull of the new spiritual leader of the Ramusian world, then?" Skarpathin of Finnmark asked easily, his killer's face creased by a sardonic smile.

Cadamost paused, and Abeleyn spoke quickly into the silence.

"The Pontiff may not be adequately informed. He acted as he thought best to prevent disorder, confusion-even schism-within the Church at this vital time. But though we can abide by the letter of the bull, I yet believe that we can conduct ourselves as just men, and await the result of further investigations with an open mind."

There were rumbles at this, but no open disagreement. Everyone knew that the Hebriate King and his one-time Prelate had always been at odds with one another. Haukir glared at Abeleyn suspiciously. He was the irreligious boy-king, the trickster. He must be up to something. Abeleyn kept his own face carefully bland.

Cadamost flicked a look of grat.i.tude at Abeleyn. Clearly, his role of referee was a wearing one.

"The subjects for discussion have most of them been raised, then," he said. "This rumour of Macrobius'

survival, the defence of Ormann d.y.k.e and the other eastern marches, and the advent of our new colleagues, the Fimbrians."

"There are others, cousin," Mark of Astarac said.

"Such as?"

"Such as these d.a.m.ned burnings that have been going on in Hebrion and which seem set to be extended to every Ramusian state on the continent."

"That is an issue for the Church alone to decide," Haukir said.

"It is an infringement of the authority of the crown, and as such will be debated by this a.s.sembly,"

Abeleyn said. There was nothing of the boy about him now. His dark eyes flashed like gla.s.s catching the sun.

The other rulers stared at Mark and Abeleyn, sensing something there, some secret agreement. Time enough yet, though, before revealing the Hebro-Astaran Treaty of Alliance. Abeleyn and Mark had copies of it lurking in their suites, ready to be brought out at the right moment.

"Very well," Cadamost said. "The issue of the purges will be tabled also, though I do not see what lay rulers are able to do about it; it seems to me to be the Province of the Church alone."

"Let us say that I have my doubts as to the motives behind it," Abeleyn said.

"Are you questioning the judgement of the Holy Pontiff?" Lofantyr asked, ignoring the fact that he had done that very thing himself moments ago.

"He was not Pontiff when this decision was made. He was Prelate of Hebrion, and thus his actions come under the purlieu of the Hebriate crown."

"Lawyer's niceties!" Haukir snorted.

"Those lawyer's niceties may have some import if the case is brought before a Royal commission,"Abeleyn said.

"You cannot put the High Pontiff on trial," Skarpathin of Finnmark said, a conservative despite his youth and the b.l.o.o.d.y steps he had taken to secure his throne.

"No, but perhaps he is not the High Pontiff, if Macrobius yet lives. Also the purges were initiated by a Prelate, not a Pontiff. We have yet to read a Pontifical bull extending them formally."

"I hear that two thousand of the Knights are almost on Hebrion's borders, cousin. That would not have anything to do with your haste to table this issue?" Haukir said, smiling unpleasantly.

"I rejoice that the resources of the Church are so lavished on my kingdom, but like Lofantyr I think they could be better employed elsewhere."

"You need men to fight the Merduks, not words," Markus, the Fimbrian marshal said suddenly, his bluntness disconcerting. "You can no longer rely on the troops of the Church, that is plain. The Pontiff and his Prelates are playing their own game; they do not care about the fate of Ormann d.y.k.e. They may even be glad to see it fall, if it rids them of this rival Pontiff at the same time."

It was unforgivable to speak the truth so openly. Isolation has atrophied any kind of diplomatic subtleties the Fimbrians might once have possessed, Abeleyn thought.

Haukir seemed to be on the verge of another explosion, but the Fimbrian continued speaking in his level, toneless voice.

"The Fimbrian Electorates have decided to put their forces at the disposal of the west. There are six hundred tercios under arms in Fimbir itself. These troops have been set aside for possible employment beyond the borders of the electorates. Any monarch who needs them may have them."

The table sat stunned in silence. Six hundred tercios! Over seventy thousand men. They had had a chimera in their midst and had not known it.

"Who will these tercios serve under?" Lofantyr asked.

"They will have their own officers, and any expeditionary force will be commanded by a Fimbrian marshal who will in turn accept orders from whichever ruler employs him."

"Employs?" Cadamost asked, his red eyes narrowing. "Tell me, Marshal, who will pay the wages of these soldiers?"

For the first time Markus looked less than impa.s.sive.

"Their costs will have to be met by the monarch they serve under, of course."

So that was it. The Fimbrians were killing two birds with the same stone. Now that the electorates had seemingly patched up their differences they no doubt had a wealth of unemployed soldiers on their hands.

What to do with them, these peerless fighters? Farm them out to the other western states, relieve a no-doubt strained economy-and extend Fimbrian influence at the same time. The Fimbrian crutch might well transform into a club one day. It was a neat policy. Abeleyn wondered if Lofantyr were desperate enough to take the bait. Surely he must see the ramifications.

"I would speak to you privately after this day's meeting is concluded, Marshal," the Torunnan king said at last.Markus bowed slightly, but not before Abeleyn had caught the gleam of triumph in his eye.

"T HE d.a.m.n fool!" Mark raged. "Can't he see what he is doing? The Fimbrians will put a leash about his throat and lead him around like a dog."

"He is in a tight corner," Abeleyn said, sipping his wine and rolling a black olive round and round the table to catch the sunlight. "He has been baulked of his reinforcements by the Church, so he must have men from somewhere. The Fimbrian intelligence service must be quite efficient. The timing of this offer is perfect."

"Do you think they hanker after empire again?"

"Of course. What else could have persuaded the electorates to cease their internal strife? My ploy of bringing the Narbukan envoy here has fallen flatter than a p.r.i.c.ked bladder. It is strange. Golophin must have suspected that there was something afoot in Fimbria, for it was he who advised me to sound out the electorates. I do not think he imagined this, though, not in his wildest dreams."

"Or nightmares. Our alliance looks like pretty small beer compared with this news."

"On the contrary, Mark. It is more important than ever. Cadamost has come to some secret arrangement with the marshals, of that I am sure. They accepted his invitation, not mine. And Torunna needs troops.

How does one get to Torunna from Fimbria? Via Perigraine! Cadamost has been playing a very deep game. Who would have believed him capable of that?"

They were seated at a roadside tavern in one of the main thoroughfares of the city. Waggons and carts trundled past unendingly, and around them was the red-gold shade of the turning trees, avenues of which lined almost every street in Vol Ephrir. Scarlet and amber leaves dotted the ground like a crunching carpet, and there was a cool breeze blowing. If they looked up, past the well-constructed buildings on the other side of the street, they could see the palace towers of Vol Ephrir shining white with marble.

Abeleyn raised his gla.s.s to them and drank. It was Candelarian. Fully half of Candelaria's exports were to Perigraine.

"We must speak with Lofantyr," Abeleyn said. "He must be made to see what he is doing. We will not dissuade him from utilizing Fimbrian troops, but he must at least be frugal in their deployment. One good thing about this: it has secured his independence from the Church, and it may ensure the recognition of Macrobius as Pontiff once again. Lofantyr will back him all the way. He has nothing to lose and much to gain from a Pontiff who might well become a Torunnan puppet."

"If Himerius steps down," Mark said sombrely.

"A very interesting if, cousin. Who would support him if he did not? Almark, of course, and Finnmark-most of the Border Duchies."

"Peregraine, maybe."

"Maybe. I am all at sea when thinking of this kingdom. Cadamost has rattled me-most unpleasant."

A third person joined them at their table, appearing out of the throng of people who coursed up and down the street. She bowed to both kings and then drank some wine from Abeleyn's gla.s.s.

"My lady Jemilla," the Hebrian monarch said easily. "I trust you have been enjoying your trip about the city?"

"It is a wonderous place, sire, so different from our crowded old Abrusio. Like something from one ofthe old courtly tales."

"You look pale. Are you well?"

Jemilla was wearing a loose robe of deep scarlet encrusted with pearls and gold thread. Her dark hair was bound up on her head with more pearl-headed pins, and her face was as white as sea-scoured bone.

"Quite well, sire. I am a little tired, perhaps."

Mark ignored her. He had been rather scandalized by Abeleyn's bringing her to the conclave, especially since the Hebrian king was officially, if secretly, betrothed to his sister.

"You should keep out of the sun. It is very bright on the eye in this part of the world. There is no dust to blunt its pa.s.sage."

"I am waiting for my barouche, sire. Will you walk me to the corner? My maids seem to have deserted me for the moment."

"By all means, my lady. Cousin, you will await my return?"

Mark flapped a hand affably enough and buried his nose in his gla.s.s.

"He doesn't like me," Jemilla said when they were out of earshot.

"He is attracted to you, but Mark is an austere sort of fellow at times. He loves his wife, and is p.r.o.ne to guilt."

"You and he behave like a pair of 'prentice ensigns out on the town. Have you no attendants with you?"

Abeleyn laughed. "My bodyguards-and Mark's-are very discreet, and Cadamost no doubt has people watching us also. You need not fear for my safety in Vol Ephrir. If anything happened here it would reflect badly on Perigraine's king."

Jemilla leaned on his arm. She was walking more slowly than her usual brisk pace.

"Is anything the matter, my lady?"

She leaned close to him, spoke into his ear.

"I am with child."

They halted in the street, curious folk glancing at the pair as they pa.s.sed by.

"Are you sure?" Abeleyn asked in a voice gone toneless and cold.

"Yes, sire. It is yours. There has been no one else in the time we have been together."

Abeleyn stared at her. The bright sunlight brought out the lines at the corners of her eyes, accentuated the whiteness of her skin, the shadows under her cheekbones.

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Monarchies Of God - Hawkwoods Voyage Part 33 summary

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