
Monarchies Of God - Hawkwoods Voyage Part 17

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Albrec said nothing. Avila loved to carry a conversation to the edge of things-to the limits of orthodoxy.

It was worrying. Albrec sometimes thought that the gap between what Avila believed and what he said was widening and even he, the n.o.bleman's friend, could not say for sure just how deep was the gulf between what appeared to be and what was in the younger man's mind.

The Prelate's cavalcade splashed by, one pale hand waving graciously from the depths of the coach at the a.s.sembled crowd. Then it was gone. There was a feeling of anticlimax.

"He could at least have got out and given us his blessing," a monk next to them grumbled.

Avila slapped the man on the back. "That was his blessing, Brother! Didn't you see his fingers tracing the Sign of the Saint as he galloped past? A swift blessing, it's true, but none the worse for that."

The monk, an Inceptine novice with the white hood of a first-year student, beamed broadly.

"So I've been blessed by the future Pontiff of the world. Thanks, Brother. I'd never have noticed. You have good eyes."

"And a lively imagination," Albrec muttered while he and Avila made their way back down into Charibon. The bells of the cathedral were tolling the third hour and the flocks of monks were returning to their respective colleges for the morning meal. Albrec's stomach gave a premonitory twinge at the thought.

"Why do you do such things?" he asked his friend.

"You are strangely snappish this morning, Brother. Why do I do it? Because it pleases me, and it brightened that novice's day. By tomorrow the tale will be round his college how Himerius endowed them with his personal blessing, much good may it do them.""Avila, I do believe you are in danger of becoming a cynic."

"Maybe. Sometimes I think that every man who wears this black habit must be either a pious fanatic or a cold-blooded schemer."

"Or a n.o.bleman's younger son. There are a lot of those, don't forget."

Avila grinned at his diminutive friend. "Come, Antillian. Will you dine with the n.o.blemen's sons this morning? If anyone points a finger at your mud-coloured habit I'll say you're a scholar come to use our library. And our refectory is renowned, as you well know."

"I know. All right. So long as you fend off the antics of the novices. I'm in no mood for a bread fight this morning."

The two of them picked a path down the cobbled streets into the monastery proper, the tall Inceptine and the plump little Antillian. No one looking at the unlikely pair could have guessed that between them they would one day change the course of the world.

T HE bells of the cathedral tolled the hours of Charibon away. The inhabitants of the monastery-city said their devotions, ate their meals and read their offices in fast mumbles, but in the splendidly appointed quarters of the Vicar-General a more select company sat at their ease and sipped the Candelarian wine that had come with the meal. They had pushed their chairs back from the long table, said their thanks to G.o.d for the bounty which had presented itself before them and were now enjoying the fire burning in the huge hearth to one side. Five men, the most powerful religious leaders in the world.

At the head of the table sat the Vicar-General of the Inceptine Order, Betanza of Astarac, formerly a duke of that kingdom. He had found his vocation late in life, helped, some said, by the sea-rovers who had destroyed his fief in a lightning raid one summer thirty years ago. He was a big, powerful man edging into corpulence, with a ruddy face and a pate that would have been bald even had it not been tonsured.

The Saint symbol that hung from his neck was of white gold inset with pearls and tiny rubies. He was fingering it absently as he stared into the candlelit depths of his wine.

The other men represented four kingdoms. Merion of Astarac was not yet present, delayed, it was believed, by early snowstorms in the pa.s.ses of the Malvennor Mountains, but Heyn of Torunna was there, as were Escriban of Perigraine and Marat of Almark. And seated at the foot of the table, delicately drinking the last of his wine, was Himerius of Hebrion whose arrival this morning had caused such commotion throughout the monastery.

All the men present were Inceptines and all had served their novitiate in this very monastery. For all except Betanza, it was the home of their youth and held fond memories, but their faces were grave now, even disgruntled.

"I cannot let go any more of the Knights," Betanza said with the weary air of a man repeating himself.

"They are needed where they are."

"You have thousands of them on the hill, sitting on their hands," Heyn of Torunna said. He was a thin, black-bearded man. He looked ill, so dark were the circles under his eyes and the hollows at his temples.

"They are our only reserve. Charibon cannot be left defenceless. What if the tribes grow restive?"

"The tribes!" Heyn scoffed. "They did not stop you sending two thousand men to Hebrion to do Brother Himerius's policing for him. Are there tribes in Hebrion, or Merduks at the gate?"

The Hebrian Prelate raised his eyebrows slightly at that, but otherwise maintained an aloof, patrician airthat irritated his colleagues intensely.

"Lofantyr needs men, needs them desperately. Even five thousand would be a boon at this time," Heyn went on doggedly.

"And yet he is withdrawing troops from Ormann d.y.k.e," Himerius said mildly. "Is he so confident in the d.y.k.e's impregnability?"

"Torunn must be adequately garrisoned in case the d.y.k.e falls," Heyn said.

"G.o.d forbid!" said Marat of Almark.

"Really, Brothers," Betanza said. "We are not here to argue politics, but to debate the spiritual needs of the time that is upon us. It is for the kings of the world to be the buckler of the faith. We are merely guides."

"But-" Heyn began.

"And the resources of the Church surely should be reserved for the needs of the Church. We have been free enough with our help so far. How many thousands of the Knights perished in Aekir? No, there are other issues at hand here which are every bit as important as the defence of the western fortresses."

Escriban of Perigraine, a long, languid man who would have looked more at home in court brocade than a monk's habit, laughed shortly.

"My dear Betanza, if you are referring to the High Pontiffship, then surely there is nothing to decide. If the acclaim of your own monks is anything to go by, then our esteemed Brother Himerius already has the position in his lap."

The men around the table scowled. Even Himerius had the grace to look embarra.s.sed.

"The High Pontiffship is decided by the votes of the five Prelates of the Ramusian monarchies and the Colleges of Bishops under them. Nothing else," Betanza said, his red face growing redder. "We will discuss it at the proper time, and pray for G.o.d's guidance in this, the most important of decisions.

Besides, our number is not complete. Brother Merion of Astarac has yet to join us."

"Your countryman, the Antillian-of course. I meant no offence," Escriban said smoothly. "What way will he vote, do you think?"

Betanza glowered. "Brother Escriban, as referee and overseer of these proceedings I advise you to take a more responsible tone."

"What proceedings? My dear friend, we are only colleagues in the Church talking over dinner. The Synod is not even convened as yet."

The men around the table knew that. They also knew that the real business of the Synod would probably be resolved before it even began. Merion was a nonent.i.ty, a non-Inceptine, but if the Prelates were evenly divided his vote would be decisive. He could not be ignored.

"How did he ever become a Prelate anyway?" Marat muttered. "A man of no family and from another order."

"King Mark thinks the world of him. He was the only Astaran candidate put forward," Betanza said.

"The College of Bishops had little choice.""They order these things better in Almark," Marat said. He was stockily built, with a huge white beard that coursed down over his broad chest and belly. His homeland, Almark, had been the last land to be conquered by the Fimbrians before their Hegemony ended, yet it was widely seen as the most conservative of the Five Kingdoms.

"What of these purges our learned colleague has instigated in Hebrion?" Heyn asked, rubbing his sunken temples with bone-white fingers. "Are we to make them a continent-wide phenomenon, or are they merely a local problem?"

Himerius was studying his crystal goblet, his bird-of-prey features revealing nothing. He knew they were waiting for his word. For all their bl.u.s.ter and confidence, he realized that they looked to him at the moment; he was the only one among them who had dared to cross the wishes of his king.

He put down the gla.s.s and paused to make sure he had their attention.

"The situation in Hebrion is grave, Brothers. In its way it is every bit as grave as the crisis in the east."

The firelight flickered off his wonderfully aquiline nose. He had the features of a Fimbrian emperor, and knew it.

"Abrusio is a colourful city, perched as it is on the edge of the Western Ocean. Ships call there from every part of Normannia, both Ramusian and Merduk. The population of the place is a hybrid, a conglomeration of the dregs of a hundred other cities. And in such a soil, Brothers, heresy takes root easily.

"The King of Hebrion is a young man. He had a great father, Bleyn the Pious whose name you all know, but the son is not hewn out of the same wood. He had a wizard as a tutor in his youth, scorning the wisdom of his Inceptine teachers and as a result he lacks a certain . . . respect for the authority and the traditions of the Church."

Escriban of Perigraine grinned. "You mean he's his own man."

"I mean nothing of the sort," Himerius snapped, suddenly peevish. "I mean that if he is left to do as he will the Church's influence in Hebrion may be irrevocably damaged, and then the Saint knows what flotsam and jetsam from the corners of the world will take root in Abrusio. I have acted to prevent this, seeking to cleanse the city and eventually the kingdom, but my sources tell me that the moment I left the place the scale of the purge was reduced, no doubt on the orders of the King."

"Nothing like a few burnings to bring them flocking to the Church on their knees," Marat of Almark said gruffly. "You did right, Brother."

"Thank you. At any rate, dear colleagues, I mean to bring the whole affair up at the Synod once it is convened. Abeleyn of Hebrion must be taught not to flout the authority of the Church."

"What do you mean to do, excommunicate him?" Heyn of Torunna asked incredulously.

"Let us say that the threat of excommunication is sometimes as effective as the act itself."

"You forget one thing, Brother," Betanza said, his fingers playing restlessly with his Saint symbol. "Only the High Pontiff has the authority to excommunicate-or otherwise chastise-an anointed Ramusian king.

As mere Prelate, you cannot touch him."

"All the more reason for choosing the new Pontiff as soon as possible," Himerius said, unperturbed.

There was a silence as the others digested this."Is this really the time to be picking arguments with kings?" Heyn asked at last. "Are there not enough crises facing the west without adding more?"

"This is the best time," Himerius said. "The prestige of the Church has been badly damaged by the fall of Macrobius, of Aekir and the loss of the army of Knights Militant there. We must regain the initiative, use our influence as a coherent body and prove to the west that we are still the ultimate authority on the continent."

"Do we let Ormann d.y.k.e fall, then, in order to prove how powerful we are?" Escriban asked.

"If we do, then later generations will abhor our names-and rightly so," Heyn said hotly.

"There is no reason that the d.y.k.e should fall," Himerius said, "but it is the responsibility of Torunna, not of the Church."

Heyn stood up at that, sc.r.a.ping back his chair. His black habit flapped around his thin form as he put his back to the fire, his eyes smouldering like the gledes at its heart.

"This talk of responsibility . . . the west has a responsibility to aid Torunna at this time. If the Merduks take the d.y.k.e, then Torunn itself will almost certainly fall and the heathens will have no other barrier to their advance save the heights of the Cimbrics. And what if they turn north, skirting the mountains? Then it will be our precious Charibon next in line. Will it be our responsibility then to defend it-or should we wait until the Merduk tide is lapping at the gates of Abrusio?"

"You are excited, Brother," Betanza said soothingly. "And with reason. It cannot be easy for you."

"Yes. I'll bet Lofantyr has all but got the thumbscrews on you, Heyn," Escriban said. "What did you promise him before you came here? An army of the Knights? The Lancers of Perigraine? Or perhaps the Cuira.s.siers of Almark."

Heyn scowled. His face was like a bearded skull in the firelight.

"Not all of us see life as one big joke, Escriban," he said venomously.

Betanza thumped a large hand on the table, setting the gla.s.ses dancing and startling them all.

"Enough! We did not a.s.semble here to trade insults with one another. We are the elders of the Church, the inheritors of the tradition of Ramusio himself. There will be no pettiness. We cannot afford the time for it."

"Agreed," old Marat said into his white beard. "It seems to me there are two issues confronting us at this time, Brothers. First, the High Pontiffship. It must be decided before anything else, for it affects everything. And secondly, these purges which our Hebrian brother has instigated and wishes to see extended. Do we want to see them across the Five Kingdoms? Personally, I'm in favour of them. The common folk of the world are like cattle; they need to feel the drover's stick once in a while."

"Merion of Astarac is one of your cattle, Marat," said Escriban. "He will not vote for a continent-wide pogrom, I'll tell you now."

"He is only one man, and there are five of us." Marat glanced about the table, and then smiled. He looked like a benevolent patriarch, but his eyes held no humour. "Good," he said.

Heyn remained by the fire, isolated. At last he said:"Torunna has not the resources to undertake a purge at the moment. We will need outside help."

Betanza nodded, his bald head shining. "But of course, Brother. I am sure I can let you have a sizeable contingent of the Knights to aid G.o.d's work in your beleaguered prelacy."

"Six thousand?"


"Very well."

Himerius drained the last of his wine, looking like a hawk which had just stooped on a fat pigeon. "It is good to have these things out in the open, to talk them over with friends, amicably, without rancour." His eyes met Betanza's. He nodded imperceptibly.

Escriban of Perigraine chuckled.

"What about the Pontiffship?" Betanza asked. "Who here wishes to stand?"

"Oh, please, Brother Betanza," Escriban said with feigned shock. "Must you be so blunt?"

Another silence, more profound this time. In accepting Himerius' proposals the decision had more or less been made, but no one wanted to voice what they all knew.

"I will stand, if G.o.d will grant me the strength," Himerius said at last, a little annoyed that no one had publicly urged him to.

Betanza sighed. "So be it. This is entirely informal, of course, but I must ask you, Brothers, if there are any objections to Brother Himerius' candidature."

Still, no one spoke. Heyn turned away to face the fire.

"Will no one else put themselves forward?" Betanza waited a moment and then shrugged. "Well, we have a candidate to put to the Synod. It remains to be seen what the College of Bishops makes of it."

But they all knew that the Bishops voted with their respective Prelates. The High Pontiffship of the western world had effectively been decided: by five men in a firelit room over dinner.


A UTUMN in the Malvennor Mountains. Already the snow had begun to block the higher pa.s.ses, and from the vast peaks streamers and banners of white were being billowed out by the freshening wind.

Abeleyn pulled the fur of his collar tighter around his throat and stared up at the high land to the east and north. The Malvennors were fifteen thousand feet above sea level, and even here, on the snow-pocked hills at their knees, the air was sharp and thin and the guides had warned the party of the dangers of mountain sickness and snow blindness.

He was five weeks out of Abrusio, on his way to the Conclave of Kings at Vol Ephrir in Perigraine. His ship had made a rapid pa.s.sage across the Fimbrian Gulf, docking at the breakaway Fimbrian city of Narbukir, then he had gone aboard a river boat for the laborious journey up the Arcolm river, taking to horses when the Arcolm was no longer navigable. He could see the river now, a narrow stream running and foaming through the icicle-dripping rocks off to one side. Further up in the mountains it was said that a man might bestride it if he had long legs. Hard to believe that down on the gulf its mouth formed anestuary fully three leagues wide.

The rest of the party were still below, labouring up the steep slopes towards him. He had a tolerably large escort: two hundred Hebrian arquebusiers and swordsmen and eighty heavy cavalry armed with lances and paired matchlock pistols. Then there were the muleteers of the pack-train, the cooks, the grooms, the smiths and the score of other servants who made up his travelling household. All told, some four hundred men accompanied the King of Hebrion across the Malvennor Mountains; a modest enough show. Only a king would ever be allowed to take such a force into a foreign country. It was part and parcel of the dignity of monarchs.

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Monarchies Of God - Hawkwoods Voyage Part 17 summary

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