
Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 173

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2548.]

If the axial line of the cross-head journal stands truly horizontal, the flat places on the crank pin may be filed horizontally level, with the crank placed on the corresponding and respective dead centres. But as the length of the cross-head journal is so short, it is difficult to gauge, if it does stand axially exactly horizontal, hence it is better to try the rod, or follow the above directions; especially as the cross-head journal and crank shaft may be in line without being axially horizontal.

Suppose now that the axial line of the crank pin stands true with that of the cross-head journal when the crank is on either dead centre, but out of true when at the top and bottom half stroke. The connecting rod, connected as before, and tried with the cross head, will fall first to one and then to the other side of the cross-head journal, and the direction in which the crank is out of true may be known from the position of the crank pin when the error shows itself.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2549.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2550.]

If the error exists to an extent that is practically measurable, a pound in the journals, as well as their heating, is the inevitable result. In Fig. 2549, for example, the rod end is shown in section, and it will be noted that the error being in the direction there shown, and the crank pin in the respective positions there shown, the bra.s.s bore only contacts with the journal at each end, and that the diameter of the bore of the bra.s.ses is greater than the diameter of the crank pin journal to _twice_ the amount the crank pin is out of line. Now let us place the crank at the top of its revolution, as in Fig. 2550, and as its axial line then stands parallel to that of the cross-head journal, the bra.s.s bore is too large to fit the crank pin journal and there is lost motion.

From the time the crank pin pa.s.ses the dead centre this lost motion increases in amount until it becomes sufficiently great to slam the rod over against the side of the cross-head journal, while at the same instant the crank pin pounds in the connecting-rod bra.s.ses. At what precise part of each quarter crank revolution this action will occur, depends upon the amount the crank pin is out of line; but the more it is out the nearer to the dead centre it will be, and, conversely, the nearer true it is the nearer the crank will approach its highest and lowest positions before the pound takes place. If it is attempted to key up the bra.s.ses so as to spring the rod and let them close along the journal, the bra.s.ses will heat in proportion to the amount of error; hence when the crank pin pounds with the bra.s.s properly adjusted, and heats while keyed up enough to stop the pound, the crank pin is out of true.

To test the alignment of an engine with stretched lines take out the piston and rod, and take off the connecting rod, then fasten a piece of iron at the open end of the cylinder so that it will hold a stretched line true with the axis of the cylinder bore. Provide at the crank end of the engine bed a fixed piece of wood to hold the other end of the line, and then with a piece of wire as a gauge set this line (tightly stretched) true with the cylinder bore. Then place the crank pin at the top of its path of rotation and drop a plumb line from the centre of its journal length, and this line should, if the crank shaft is horizontally level, just meet the stretched line. If it does not do so place a spirit level on a parallel part of the crank shaft, and if the shaft is not level it should be made so, and so adjusted that the line from the centre of the length of the crank pin journal just meets the stretched line from the cylinder bore.

To test if the axial line of the crank shaft is at a right angle to the cylinder bore axis move the crank pin nearly to its dead centre, and measure the distance from the middle of its length to the stretched line. Then move the crank pin over to nearly the opposite dead centre, and (by means of the plumb line) measure the distance of the plumb line from the stretched line. To be correct the plumb line from the crank pin will during this movement just touch the stretched line.

To test if the stretched line is fair with the centre of the crank shaft place a square on the end of that shaft and even with its centre, and the blade should then just meet the stretched line.

The edges of the guide bars may also be tested with the stretched line, and the top and bottom of the guide-bar f.l.a.n.g.es may be tested to prove if the bars are of the correct height.

To further test the bars place a spirit-level across them and lengthwise on them.

If the piston rod and connecting rod are in place the alignment may be tested as follows; Let the piston rod be as far out of the cylinder as possible, and stretch a line to one side of it, just far enough off to clear the guide bars, &c. Set this line as follows: Let it be in line with the rod as sighted by the eye when standing some few feet away from it but horizontally level with the centre of the rod, set it parallel to the rod with a rule or its equivalent. Then the centre of the crank-pin journal should measure from the stretched line, the distance of the line from the piston rod added to half the diameter of that rod. This test, however, is not very accurate on account of the difficulty in setting the line, and because the piston rod may not have worn equally on each side.

SETTING SLIDE-VALVES--An engine slide-valve may be so set as to accomplish either one of three objects. First, to give equal lead for each stroke; second, to cause the live steam to be cut off and expansion to begin at an equal point in each stroke; and third, for the exhaust to begin at an equal point in each stroke.

If we, set the eccentric so that the exhaust will begin at corresponding points for the two strokes, the valve lead will not be equal, and the exhaust opening will be greater when the piston is at one end of the cylinder than it will be when the piston is at the other end.

If the eccentric be set to cut off the steam at corresponding points for the two strokes, then the lead, the admission, and the exhaust of the steam at one port will differ (with relation to the piston movement) from that at the other. It is generally preferred to set the eccentric so as to give equal lead for the two ports when the piston is at the respective ends of its stroke, which gives an equal amount of exhaust opening when the piston is at the respective ends of its stroke.

The only operations properly belonging to the setting of a slide-valve are those of finding the true dead centres of the crank pin, and setting the eccentric to give the valve the desired amount of lead. It is generally found, however, that the length of the eccentric rod requires a little correction, and as this must be done before the eccentric can be set, the setting operations should be conducted with a view to making the correction as early as possible.

In many of the instructions given by various writers it is directed to first square the valve, which is to attach the parts and move the engine crank, or fly-wheel, through one revolution, to ascertain if the valve moves an equal distance on each side of the centre of the cylinder ports, correcting the length of the eccentric rod until this is the case. This is an error, because on account of the angle of the eccentric rod the valve does not, when set to have equal lead at each end of the stroke, move an equal distance on each side of the cylinder ports, but travels farther over the port nearest than it does over that farthest from the crank.

When the travel of the valve is equal to twice the width of the steam port, added to twice the amount of steam lap, the valve does not fully open the farthest port from the crank. When the valve-travel is more than this amount both ports may open fully, but the error due to the unequal valve-travel from the angularity of the eccentric rod is increased. That the amount of error induced by squaring the valve is appreciable, may be seen from the fact that with 1-1/4 inch steam ports, 3/4 inch steam lap, and 4-1/2 inches of valve-travel, it amounts to about 1/8 inch with an eccentric rod 4 feet long. As the eccentric rod has (if a solid one, as in the case of a locomotive) to be operated upon by the blacksmith to alter its length, and requires some accurate setting for alignment after having its length corrected, it is obviously preferable to obtain its exact length at once. This may be done with less work than by the squaring process, which is entirely superfluous.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2551.]

a.s.suming, then, that all the parts are properly connected and oiled, the valve is set as follows: Upon the face or edge of the fly-wheel an arc, true with the centre of the wheel, should be drawn, as at A B, in Fig.

2551, marking it on opposite sides of its diameter and opposite to the crank pin P. The engine should then be moved in the opposite direction to that in which it is to run, until the guide block I is very near its full travel. A straight-edge must then be placed to bear against, or be coincident with, the end face of block I, and held firmly while a line is drawn across the edge of the guide bars, as shown at C. There should then be fastened to the floor (which must be firm, and not give under the engineer's weight), a piece of iron W, having a deep centre-punch mark, or its equivalent. A steel tram-rod T, pointed at each end, is then set in the centre-punch mark at W, and with the upper end D a line made across the wheel edge or face. The fly-wheel must then be moved so that the crank pa.s.ses the dead centre, the guide block moves back and away from the line C, and then approaches it again. When the end of the guide block is again coincident with the line C, the tram should be set as before and a second line, F, marked on the fly-wheel rim, and from these two lines, D and F, the crank may be placed upon its true dead centre as follows:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2552.]

In Fig. 2552 a section of the fly-wheel rim is shown (enlarged for clearness of ill.u.s.tration); from the lines D, F the centre E is found, and marked with a centre punch dot to define it. It will be obvious, then, that if the fly-wheel be moved until this line and dot come fair with the upper edge of the tram T, the guide block will be at the exact end of its travel, and the crank, therefore, on its dead centre. By a similar operation performed with the guide block at the other end of the guide bars, and with lines on the other side of the wheel rim (as shown at B, J, K), the other centre L may be found. In obtaining these centres, however, a question arises as to the direction in which the wheel should be moved for bringing the guide block up to the lines at C, and for marking the lines D F and J K, or for bringing E or L true with the tram point. If the fly-wheel be moved in the opposite direction to that in which the engine is to run, the cross-head journal and crank pin will bear against the boxes of their bra.s.ses in the direction in which they will have contact when the engine is running. Suppose, for example, that the top of the fly-wheel when the engine is in motion moves from the cylinder, then the cross-head and crank-pin journals, driven by the piston, will bear against the half-bra.s.s nearest to the cylinder, which, _when the force-producing motion is applied to the fly-wheel instead of to the piston_ will be the case when the fly-wheel is moved in the opposite direction. By moving the fly-wheel in an opposite direction to that in which the engine is to run, the lost motion in the journals and bearings is therefore taken up in the proper direction so far as the connecting-rod bra.s.ses are concerned, and any lost motion between them and their journals will not impair the set of the valve, as would be the case were the fly-wheel moved in the direction in which it is to run.

But by moving the fly-wheel backwards the play in the eccentric and in all the joints between it and the valve spindle is up in the wrong direction, because the power to move the rods is being applied in the opposite direction to that in which it will be applied when the engine is running, and, therefore, the play motion of the jointed or working parts will cause a lost motion impairing the set of the valve.

Now there are generally more working parts between the eccentric and the valve than between the crank pin and the piston, and hence more liability for lost motion to exist, and it follows that in such case it is better to move the engine in the direction in which it is to run.

It may be remarked, however, that the play may be taken up in the proper direction in both cases, and the engine be brought upon its dead centre, by moving it in the opposite direction to that in which it is to run, and that in setting the eccentrics they be moved on the shaft in the direction in which the engine is to run, as forward for the forward eccentric, and backward for the backward one (a.s.suming the engine to have a link motion, and, therefore, two eccentrics).

It is obvious that any other resting place may be used instead of the floor for the tram; thus in a locomotive the wheel guard may be used, the tram T being used to mark lines on the upper part of the wheel rim, instead of opposite the crank. To set the valve, place the fly-wheel on its dead centre, moving the fly-wheel as directed until one of the points (E or L, say E) comes fair with the point of the tram; then move the eccentric on the shaft until the steam port is open to the required amount of lead, and fasten the eccentric to the main shaft. Next move the fly-wheel around until on the opposite dead centre, and if the lead is the same in amount for both ports the valve is set. Suppose, however, that in this last case the lead is too great; then it shows that the eccentric rod is too long, and it must be shortened to an amount equal to half the difference in the lead. Or suppose that the lead when the wheel was tried on the last dead centre L, was less than for the other port; then the eccentric rod must be lengthened to half the amount of the difference. a.s.suming that the rod was too long by 1/32 of an inch, then it may very often be shortened by simply heating about six inches of its length to a low red heat, and quenching it in water. If the rod has a foot which bolts on a corresponding foot on the eccentric, then to lengthen it a liner of the requisite thickness may be placed between the two feet.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2553.]

Suppose there is an equal amount of lead at each end but the amount is not sufficient or is too great: then the eccentric must be moved on the shaft until the proper amount of lead appears at the port. The lead must then be again tried at the other dead centre. In moving the eccentric, however, it must, under all conditions, be moved in the direction in which it will rotate, for reasons already given. The best method of measuring the lead where the lines on a rule cannot be seen is with a lead wedge P, as shown in Fig. 2553; this, if slightly forced in, will mark itself, showing how far it entered.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2554.]

In some practice the position of the valve is transferred to the valve stem outside of the stuffing box or gland, as shown in Fig. 2554, sectional view. The valve stem being disconnected from the rod or arm that drives it, the valve is moved by hand to have the proper lead, as at A; a centre-punch mark is then made outside the stuffing box and a tram B rested thereon; with the other end of the tram a mark C is made on the valve stem. A similar mark is made on the stem when the crank is on the other dead centre, and the tram and marks, applied as shown, are employed instead of measuring the lead at the ports themselves. This involves extra work, but gives no more correct results. It involves marking lines on the valve stem, which is objectionable. If several trials have to be made there is a confusion of lines on the valve stem, and the wrong one is apt to be taken. On the other hand it affords a facility for setting the valve without having the steam chest open, which may in some cases be desirable. If this plan be adopted the lines on the valve rod should not be defined by centre-punch marks, for they will cut the packing in the stuffing box.

When the eccentrics are secured to the shaft by a set-screw only, and not by a feather, it is an excellent plan, after they are finally set, to mark their positions on the shaft, so that if they should move they may be set to these marks without moving the engine around.

For this purpose take a chisel with the cutting end ground to the form of a fiddle drill, one cutting edge being at a right angle to the other.

The chisel must be held so that while one edge rests upon the axle, the other edge will bear against the radial face of the eccentric. A sharp blow with a hammer upon the chisel head will make a clean indented cut upon the axle and the eccentric, the two cuts exactly meeting in a point where the eccentric bore meets the axle circ.u.mference, so that when they coincide the eccentric is in its proper position.

If the eccentrics of a locomotive should slip when the engine is upon the road, and there are no marks whereby to readjust them, it may be done approximately as follows:--Put the reverse lever in the end notch of the forward gear, then place the crank as nearly on a dead centre as the eye will direct, and open both the cylinder c.o.c.ks, then disconnect the slide-valve spindle from the rocker arm, and move the valve spindle until the opening of the port corresponding to the dead centre on which the crank stands will be shown by steam blowing through the cylinder c.o.c.k, the throttle valve being opened a trifle. The position of the valve being thus determined, the eccentric must be moved upon the shaft until the valve spindle will connect with the rocker arm without being moved at all. The throttle valve should be very slightly opened, otherwise so much steam will be admitted into the cylinder that it will pa.s.s through any leak in the piston and blow through both cylinder c.o.c.ks before there is time to ascertain which c.o.c.k first gives exit to the steam.

Instead of finding when the crank pin is on the dead centre by means of the process shown in Fig. 2551, it may be found as in Fig. 2555, which is for a vertical engine. On the face of the crank and from the centre of the crank shaft as a centre, draw a circle B equal in diameter to the diameter of the crank pin. Then take a spirit-level C and apply it to the cylinder bore and note where its bubble stands. Then apply the spirit-level to the perimeter of the crank pin A and circle B, and move the crank until the spirit-level bubble stands in the same position as it occupies when applied to the cylinder bore. If the cylinder bore stands truly vertical the bubble will in both cases stand in the middle of the spirit tube; but in any event, the bubble must stand in the same position when applied to the crank as when applied to the cylinder bore, in which case the crank will be on its dead centre whether the cylinder bore be horizontal, vertical, or at an angle, the dotted line E pa.s.sing through the centre of the crank and the axis of the cylinder bore.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2555.]

When an engine has two eccentrics, so as to enable the engine to run in either direction, as in the case of a locomotive, it is necessary to consider which eccentric is to be set for the forward, and which for the backward motion. In American locomotive practice it is usual to let the eccentric nearest to the wheel, and, therefore, the most difficult to get at, be for the backward motion, which is the least used, and therefore the least liable to get loose upon the axle.

The eccentric that connects to the top of the link is usually that for the forward motion, and hence that which connects with the eccentric farthest from the wheel.

In testing the lengths of the eccentric rods, work may be saved after the engine is first placed on its dead centre by putting the reverse-lever in the forward notch of the link, and adjusting the forward eccentric until the valve has the proper lead. Then set the reverse-lever in the back notch and move the backing eccentric (in both cases moving them in the direction in which they will run), until the proper amount of lead appears. The engine may then be placed on the other dead centre, and the lead both for forward and backward gear measured, so that if there are any errors both the rods may be corrected for length; but for the final trial the crank pin must be set on its dead centre for each direction of motion separately, so as to take up any lost motion in the connecting-rod bra.s.ses.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2556.]

In the case of large marine engines it is not practicable to move or rotate the engines to set the valves, and the eccentrics are therefore adjusted to their positions on the crank shaft by lines before the crank shaft is put into its place or bearings. First, the throw of the crank is set to stand horizontally true by the following method: From the centre of the crank shaft strike a circle of the diameter of the crank pin, as shown in Fig. 2556, at A, and draw upon the face of the crank a line that shall just meet the two circles as denoted by the line B, using a straight-edge, one end of which rests upon the crank pin, while the other end is coincident with the perimeter of the circle A.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2557.]

By means of the wedges shown at C D adjust the crank until the line B stands horizontally level, tested by a spirit-level. A straight-edge having straight and parallel edges is set horizontally level, beneath the eccentric, so that its edges will stand parallel with the throw line of the crank. On this straight-edge, and parallel to the edges, is marked the line A A, Fig. 2557. The first process is to mark on A A the centre of the crank shaft K, which is done as follows: Over K is placed the fine line B B, suspending the weights or plumb bobs at B B; coincident with this line and across A A, are marked two lines C D; midway between C D is marked E, which therefore stands directly beneath the shaft centre. From E the line F is drawn distant from E to the amount of lap added to the lead the valve is to have. From F as a centre two lines are drawn across A, their distance apart equalling the full diameter of the eccentric; the plumb line is then placed over the eccentric, and the latter is rotated on the shaft until the plumb lines come exactly fair with the lines G H.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2558.]

It is obvious that instead of using plumb lines a square may be employed to mark the lines C D, and to set the eccentric to the lines G H, the square being applied as at S and S', in Fig. 2558.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2559.]

In this example it has been a.s.sumed that the direction of crank rotation was to be as denoted by the arrow; but, suppose the crank rotation required to be in the opposite direction, then the marks on the straight-edge would require to be located precisely the same, but the position of the eccentric throw-line would require to be as in Fig.

2559, the perimeter of the eccentric being set to the lines G H as before. The eccentric rod being supposed to connect direct to the valve spindle, without the intervention of a rock shaft, for if there is no rock shaft the eccentric leads in the direction of rotation, while if the engine has a rock shaft the eccentric follows the crank-pin in the direction of rotation, and F must be marked on the crank-pin side of E, as in Fig. 2560.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2560.]

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Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 173 summary

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