
Midnight Predator Part 11

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"Why? She isn't so strong," Turquoise a.s.serted. "A knife in her heart would kill her. Who's protecting her that can make other vampires wary?"

"Jeshickah's sister is one of Siete's fledglings." Seeing Turquoise's confusion, he elaborated, "Siete is the creature that created our kind. He's ancient; people say he's truly immortal. If you killed Jeshickah, her sister would demand your death, and Siete isn't a creature you could fight." He shook his head. "When you asked to get into Midnight, I'd thought you were after Jaguar. If I had known who your target was, I would have stopped you."

"Why?" she pressed. "I've never known you to watch out for anyone else, not unless you were paid for it. Why now?"

"This might surprise you," Nathaniel retorted, and Turquoise realized suddenly that she had insulted him, "but I was human for twenty years before I was changed, and unlike some of Jeshickah 's fledglings, I actually had a soul. I consider you a friend, Turquoise. Is it so shocking that I wouldn't want you to die?"

No words came to Turquoise's lips. Completely taken aback by his revelation, she could only shake her head.

"I was one of her early experiments," Nathaniel explained. "Her third fledgling. She intended for me to be a trainer; I was the first person to refuse her and survive." His gaze flickered to the kitchen, where Eric was busy ignoring them, and then returned to Turquoise. "After me, she started looking for those who already showed the tendencies she wanted. Gabriel was her favorite, but she was too fond of him; she never managed to own him, not the way she did the others.

"The others, of course, included Jaguar."

A moment of silence pa.s.sed before Turquoise ventured, "But why, however many years later, did you save me from Daryl?

You're not evil, but you say it yourself-you're no white knight."

"I don't know." He shook his head. "Daryl wanted to get rid of you anyway, so it was no skin off my back. And maybe because you reminded me of myself."

"Of you?" The words came out a startled yelp.

"When I was a human," he clarified, "in Jeshickah's Midnight."

Turquoise stood, too frustrated to stay still. "You were another one of her . . . pets?"

"Never," he quickly replied. "She tried. She lost her temper before she broke me, and she hurt me too badly for me to survive as a human. She preferred to change me rather than admit defeat, and by the time she realized she couldn 't control me, I was too influential in her empire for her to destroy me. " He continued before Turquoise could respond. "It sounds like Jaguar has experienced the same sense of familiarity with you," Nathaniel added.

"You, I could believe," Turquoise retorted. "But I've heard enough about Jaguar's life to know we have nothing in common.

Cathy had a perfect life before Daryl took her." She could hear the bitterness in her voice. She had spent eighteen years as a blissful innocent before being thrown abruptly into pain. She had barely survived the break.

Would she rather have had Jaguar's life? She had lost everything to Daryl, but at least she had good memories, faded as they were.

Nathaniel shook his head. "Jaguar's trying to break away from Jeshickah. He won't be able to do that until she's dead, and even then I doubt he'll ever fully manage it. You're trying to break away from Daryl-" "I have," Turquoise corrected.

Nathaniel just nodded, and tactfully changed the subject. "What's your plan now?"

"I don't have one," she answered honestly.

"Are you going back to Bruja?"

"Of course. I've got Challenge to fight," she responded immediately, though the moment she said the words she wondered about them. Eric's questions about Cathy's dreams fluttered around in her brain, brushing uncomfortably against her thoughts.

Nathaniel had introduced her to Bruja. She had entered the guild as a chance to get strong, and to learn to defend herself. She had not intended for it to be her whole life, but hunting had consumed her. What else was she supposed to do? Sitting in cla.s.srooms didn't strike her as something she could survive. Chatting with Greg had given her a good idea of how distant her life was now from the one she had once planned.

Nathaniel sensed her uneasiness, and turned the conversation from personal to general. "They say one of the original founders of Bruja was a vampire."

"It wouldn't surprise me," Turquoise answered. "The guilds aren't known for their humanity. Is the vampire still . . . alive? " It seemed strange, asking if a vampire was alive, but English didn't have a better word.

"She's alive," Nathaniel answered. His voice was light, almost humorous. "But she refuses to answer whether the rumor is true.

She alternates between living as a reclusive artist, and cutting an unmerciful, b.l.o.o.d.y swath through human society. Everyone needs balance, I suppose."

Turquoise chuckled, imagining the contrast.

Nathaniel's expression clouded; he reached into his jacket pocket for something. "Jaguar suspected you would be in contact with me. He wanted me to give you this." Reluctantly, he handed over a sealed letter.

"Have you read it?" Just because the letter was sealed didn't mean Nathaniel hadn't opened it.

"Jaguar paid me well," Nathaniel replied. "He's worked with enough mercenaries to mention I wasn't allowed to read it." If Jaguar hadn't specifically included that clause, Nathaniel would have broken the seal without hesitation. A major part of his business was information.

On the flip side, if Nathaniel took money for his client's confidentiality, he would never violate it.

As Turquoise slit the envelope, Nathaniel added, "He's trying to respect your wish for privacy, but if you really don't want him to know where you are, you have to get rid of the boy. " Turquoise's gaze lifted in an involuntary glare, in response to which Nathaniel flashed a harmless smile. She had agreed to take care of Eric; she wouldn't ditch him. "I had a feeling you wouldn't go for it. But the kid belongs to Jaguar. Any trainer can track his slaves, no matter where they go."

She absorbed the information as she read the short note Jaguar had written, which invited her to meet him at a place of her choosing, at a time of her choosing. She could send an answer via Nathaniel.

What did she have to lose? She wanted to know what was happening with Jeshickah, and when Eric could safely return to the place he considered his home.

Honestly, she admitted to herself that she also missed Jaguar. He had been a rare curiosity, a splash of warmth and sincerity after two years in the cold darkness of a hunter's life. Even embroiled in all the power struggles and chaos of his world, Jaguar had a kind of wistful innocence that Turquoise could not help but envy. Besides, a little companionship would be nice. Greg was sweet, and she was sure he would be willing to fill the empty hours she had on her hands, but it was hard to imagine a close friendship with him. He didn 't know, couldn't know, what her life was like.

How close could she get to someone who didn't even know the monsters existed, after she had fought them tooth and nail for her very sanity?

She invited Jaguar to meet her in a cafe in the town center.

"I've told you before, you're mad," Nathaniel informed her, as he took the message. "But it's never seemed to change your mind."


JAGUAR SHOWED UP exactly on time. Turquoise blinked at her first glimpse of him in the doorway, trying to a.s.sure herself it was really the vampire she knew.

Jaguar would attract eyes everywhere he went; he would never be able to blend into a small town. But he was trying.

His hair had been brushed back from his face and tied, so from the front it appeared short. He was wearing jeans; that alone was weird. They were black, faded a bit at the knees, but seeing Jaguar in denim was a shock. He was also wearing a very simple dark green T-shirt. Turquoise had grown so used to seeing bare caramel skin that he looked odd fully dressed.

He could pa.s.s for human. When he tried, he could look almost normal. If they had been in any city, no one would have looked twice at him.

"You're looking . . . bland." The words were out of her mouth before she could consider them.

Jaguar laughed, sliding into the seat opposite her. "I could veil the mind of every human in here so they wouldn't notice me, but it requires more concentration than I feel like expending."

"You're getting stares, anyway," Turquoise pointed out, nodding toward a teenage girl a few tables away.

Jaguar glanced at the girl, who suddenly turned back to her food as if she had forgotten Jaguar was present. The brief display of power was unnerving.

"Man of many talents," Turquoise murmured.

"And I'll admit to at least half of them," he quipped.

Since she knew Nathaniel's words would eat at her thoughts until she had the answer, she ventured, "Nathaniel said something about your being able to track Eric if you wanted to. That another of your talents?" At Jaguar's nod, she asked, "How?"

"Eric's mine," he answered, as if that explained it. Turquoise 's confusion must have showed, because he elaborated, "The connection's not as strong as a blood bond, but I recognize his mind, and I can find it if I look. I don't work as a trainer anymore, so I don't usually take advantage of the bond, but it's still a habit to make the connection with any mind not strong enough to lock me out."

Turquoise remembered with distinct disquiet the times when Jaguar's mind had brushed hers. "Does that include me?"

"You put up walls that keep everyone out," Jaguar answered. The lack of a yes or a no made Turquoise uneasy. "You've dropped them around me before. I try not to take advantage of people who trust me-they're rare enough as it is."

Trust was an almost obscene word inside the mercenary world; it meant you were always susceptible to betrayal. Turquoise was struck with the desire to argue with Jaguar as soon as he spoke the word, but he was right. She did trust him, to the point where she had not even flinched for a knife when she had seen him. She had taken him at his word that he meant her no harm in this visit.

Jaguar changed the subject. "You might like to know Jeshickah will be out of the way very soon. There's a Triste by the name of Jesse who seems to think he has enough allies of his own to risk offending hers, and is willing to deal with her for a highly exorbitant price." Tristes had the strengths of vampires and witches combined, as well as blood that was deadly to any vampire that tried to feed on them. It made them the perfect vampire hunters.

"How long will this take?" Turquoise asked. Vampires often judged time differently than humans did.

"A few weeks, maybe a month," Jaguar answered.

"I a.s.sume then Eric will be able to go back safely?"

"He may be a kid, but he did a lot of work there; it's chaos without him," Jaguar admitted. "You'll be welcome back once she's gone, too," he ventured. "Not as a slave. Just a guest. Or, if you ever get bored with Bruja, the town of Pyrige has plenty of s.p.a.ces for people willing to work."

"I'll consider it." She shrugged. "What's happening with Ravyn?"

"She's living it up, enjoying abusing Gabriel's power. It's more likely she'll enslave him than the other way around." He smiled wryly. "Gabriel has a fondness for women who are willing to kill him; it's a dangerous habit of his."

"And yours," Turquoise observed.

Jaguar paused for a reflective moment. "I like to think you would at least hesitate before trying to kill me. If I 'm wrong, kindly don't correct me. I enjoy my illusions," he added, attempting to lighten the mood. "Ravyn said something about hoping you still plan to show up for Challenge?" His tone made the words a question.

"Ravyn and I are rivals. Challenge will determine who gets to lead Crimson. If I don't show, Ravyn gets the t.i.tle." She was about to add, "If I do show, she'll beat me, then get the t.i.tle," when she remembered who she was talking to. "Would you like to help me practice?"

"What's the weapon?"


He looked intrigued. "You know how to use one?"

"Just barely."

Jaguar shrugged. "There's not much time, but I'll teach what I can. Maybe you'll turn out to have a knack for it."

"Or maybe I'll take out my own eye," Turquoise retorted. In a way, she hoped she would lose miserably, and have an excuse to quit Bruja. Recent events had given her too much doubt.

As always, Jaguar was painfully astute. "Do you want to win?" "Yes." After a moment, she changed her answer to, "I don't want to lose to Ravyn. I'm just not sure I want the t.i.tle."

Jaguar nodded. "There's something that might help you make your choice," he informed her. "Ravyn's worried you'll chicken out of Challenge, so she made a deal with Gabriel. He bought you from Jeshickah; if you win at Challenge, he 'll make you legally freeblood."

Turquoise frowned. "I'm free now. I don't care about the legalities."

"Maybe not," Jaguar acknowledged, "but if you want to work in our world you will." He continued, "Shape-shifters and witches are born free. Only their own kind can sell them to Midnight. Humans don't have that protection; any vampire can pick them up and claim them, just like Daryl did with you."

"And if I take this t.i.tle Gabriel is offering?"

"Freeblood means you'll be treated like one of us. It doesn't mean no one's allowed to kill you, but it does mean none of us can claim you. It means the next time you work with our mercenaries, you don't have to worry about having someone like Daryl pay them to turn you over instead of helping you. And it means that you can walk into Midnight and even Jeshickah wouldn't be able to break you."

"And if I kill Daryl?"

"I'm not going to stop you," Jaguar answered. "Neither will Gabriel. Jeshickah might cause some trouble, but she isn't fond of him either, and she'll be out of the picture soon anyway."

"And then . . . what if I said that I wanted to give up Bruja?"

Jaguar appeared skeptical. "You can't go back to what you were before Daryl. You're still human by blood, but in your mind and in your soul you're no more human than most of the vampires I know."

Turquoise responded flippantly, "Maybe I can't go back. But what's the other choice? Ask you to open a vein so we fix that little problem of blood?"

She had not considered the words, but once spoken they did not surprise her. If she wouldn 't stay in the twilight, and she couldn't go back to Cathy's daylight world, then of course, vampire blood would be the only choice.

Voice cool and level, Jaguar answered, "It's a viable choice, but not from me. Find someone who's freeblood if that's what you want-your mercenary friend Nathaniel, for example. He didn't hesitate to burn Midnight the first time, or to sell two hunters into it.

I'm sure he wouldn't have any scruples about giving one of Bruja's best immortality. And get rid of Daryl first. He might have no legal claim over you, but you don't want him arguing ownership for the next millennium."

Turquoise had hunted vampires for two years. The idea of becoming one of them should have been sickening.

Should have been. She found herself contemplating it for a moment.

"I don't know," she said. She seemed to be saying that a lot lately.

"Go to Challenge," Jaguar recommended. "Win. Then decide. If you decide to become one of us, you'll be strong. If you don't, you'll still be able to survive."

Turquoise nodded, taking the advice. Face Challenge now; save the future for tomorrow.

Jaguar frowned, looking past her, then spoke quietly. "I think this one is looking for you."

Turquoise turned, following Jaguar's gaze, and ended up looking at Greg. The human's gaze was resting on Jaguar with what wasn't exactly anger, but wasn't warm fuzzy friendship, either. He looked away from the vampire to greet Turquoise, but his proverbial hackles were up.

"Cathy, hey." He glanced at Jaguar again, and seemed to decide to be polite. "I noticed you and figured I'd swing inside for a moment. Am I interrupting?"

Fl.u.s.tered, Turquoise looked between the two, caught briefly in a hazy shadow. Greg and Jaguar didn 't belong in the same world.

Jaguar covered for her, standing and offering his hand. "I'm Kyle Lostry, one of Cathy's friends." Having Jaguar use her childhood nickname struck her in a most unpleasant way.

Greg banked his hostility, and accepted Jaguar 's gesture of civilized greeting like someone who had never been lied to or manipulated, someone who expected sincerity. "Greg Martin. I knew Cathy in school," he offered, looking to Turquoise, "but we've been out of touch for a while." He backed off, aware enough to sense awkwardness. "I've got to get going; I'm on my way to a job interview." He looked at Turquoise, and the expression on his face was honest, unschooled. "Give me a call?"

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Midnight Predator Part 11 summary

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