
Memories of Bethany Part 4

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How often are _G.o.d_ and _man_ thus in strange antagonism, with regard to earthly dispensations! Man, as he arraigns the rect.i.tude of the Divine procedure, exclaiming--"How unaccountable this dealing! How baffling this mystery! Where is now my G.o.d?" This sickness--why prolonged? This thorn in the flesh--why still buffeting? This family blank--why permitted? Why the most treasured and useful life taken--the blow aimed where it cut most severely and levelled lowest?

Hush the secret atheism! This trial, whatever it be, has this grand motto written upon it in characters of living light;--we can read it on anguished pillows--aching hearts--ay, on the very portals of the tomb--"_This_ is for the glory of G.o.d, that the Son of G.o.d may be glorified thereby!"

At the very moment we are mourning what are called "_dark_ providences"--"untoward calamities"--"strokes of misfortune"--"unmitigated evils"--Jesus has a different verdict;--"I am _glad_ for your sakes."

The absence at Jordan--the still more unaccountable lingering for two days in the same place after the message had been sent, instead of hastening direct to Bethany, all was well and wisely ordered. And although Martha's upbraidings were now received in forbearing silence, her Saviour afterwards, in a calmer moment, read the rebuke--"Said I not unto thee, if thou wouldst _believe_, thou shouldst see the glory of G.o.d?"

It is indeed a comforting a.s.surance in all trials, that G.o.d has some holy and wise end to subserve. He never stirs a ripple on the waters, but for His own glory, or the good of others. The delay on the present occasion, though protracting for a time the sorrows of the bereaved, was intended for the benefit of the Church in every age, and for the more immediate benefit of the disciples.

_They_ were destined in a few brief weeks also to be desolate survivors--to mourn a Brother dearer still! He who had been to them Friend--Father--Brother, all in one, was to be, like Lazarus, laid silent in a Jerusalem sepulchre. The Lord of Life was to be the victim of Death! His body was to be transfixed to a malefactor's cross, and consigned to a lonely grave! He knew the shock that awaited their faith.

He knew, as this terrible hour drew on, how needful some overpowering visible demonstration would be of His mastery over the tomb.

_Now_ a befitting opportunity occurred in the case of their friend Lazarus to read the needed lesson. "I was glad for your sakes, ... to the intent ye might believe."

Would that we could feel as believers more than we do--that the dealings of our G.o.d are for the strengthening of our faith, and the enlivening and invigorating of our spiritual graces. Let us seek to accept more simply in dark dealings the Saviour's explanation, "It is for _your_ sake!" He gives us a blank for our every trial, indorsing it with His own gracious word, "This, _this_ is for the glory of G.o.d, that the Son of G.o.d may be glorified thereby."

The words of Martha, then, surely teach as their great lesson, never to be hasty in our surmises and conclusions regarding G.o.d's ways.

"Lord! IF Thou _hadst_ been here?" Could she question for a moment that that loving eye of Omniscience had all the while been scanning that sick-chamber--marking every throb in that fevered brow--and every tear that fell unbidden from the eyes that watched his pillow?

"Lord! _if_ Thou hadst been here?" Could she question His ability, had He so willed it, to prevent the bereavement altogether--to put an arrest on the hand of death ere the bow was strung?

O faithless disciple, wherefore didst thou doubt? But thou art ere long to learn what each of us will learn out in eternity, that "_all_ things are for our sakes, that the abundant grace might, through the thanksgiving of many, redound _to the glory of G.o.d_."

But the momentary cloud has pa.s.sed. Faith breaks through. The murmur of upbraiding has died away. He who listens makes allowance for an anguished heart. The glance of tender sympathy and gentleness which met Martha's eye, at once hushes all remains of unbelief. Words of exulting confidence immediately succeed. "But I know that even now whatsoever Thou wilt ask of G.o.d, G.o.d will give it Thee."

What is this, but that which every believer exults in to this hour, as the sheet-anchor of hope and peace and comfort, when tossed on a tempestuous sea--a gracious confidence in the ability and willingness of Christ to save. The Friend of Bethany is still the Friend in Heaven. To Him "all power has been committed;" "as a prince He has power with G.o.d, and must prevail."

Yes, gracious antidote to the spirit in the moment of its trial; when bowed down with antic.i.p.ated bereavement; the curtains of death about to fall over life's brightest joys. How blessed to lay hold on the _perfect_ conviction that "the Ever-living Intercessor in glory has all power to revoke the sentence if He sees meet"--that even _now_ (yes _now_, in a moment) the delegated angel may be sent speeding from his throne, to spare the tree marked to fall, and prolong the lease of existence!

Let us rejoice in the power of this G.o.d-man Mediator, that He is as able as He is willing, and as willing as He is able. "Him the Father heareth always." "_Father, I will_," is His own divine _formula_ for every needed boon for His people.

How it ought to make our sick-chambers and death-chambers consecrated to prayer! leading us to make our every trial and sorrow a fresh reason for going to G.o.d. Laying our burden, whatever it may be, on the mercy-seat, it will be _considered_ by Him, who is too wise to grant what is better to be withdrawn, and too kind to withhold what, without injury to us, may be granted.

Let us imitate Martha's faith in our approaches to Him. Ah, in our dull and cold devotions, how little lively apprehension have we of the gracious _willingness_ of Christ to listen to our pet.i.tions! Standing as the great Angel of the Covenant with the golden censer, His hand never shortened--His ear never heavy--His uplifted arm of intercession never faint. No variety bewildering Him--no importunity wearying Him--"waiting to be gracious"--loving the music of the suppliant spirit.

Would that we had ever before us as the superscription of faith written on our closet-devotions, and domestic altars, and public sanctuaries, _whenever_ and _wherever_ the knee is bent, and the Hearer of prayer is invoked--"I _know_ that even _now_ whatsoever _Thou_ wilt ask of G.o.d, G.o.d will give it Thee."



Martha's tearful utterances are now met with an exalted solace.

"_Thy brother shall rise again._" It is the first time her Lord has spoken. She now once more hears those well-remembered tones which were last listened to, when life was all bright, and her home all happy.

It is the self-same consolation which steals still, like celestial music, to the smitten heart, when every chord of earthly gladness ceases to vibrate. And it is befitting too that _Jesus_ should utter it. He alone is qualified to do so. The words spoken to the bereaved one of Bethany are words purchased by His own atoning work. "Thy brother--thy sister--thy friend, shall rise again!"

This brief oracle of comfort was addressed, in the first instance, specially to Martha. It had a primary reference, doubtless, to the vast miracle which was on the eve of performance. But there were more hearts to comfort and souls to cheer than one; that Almighty Saviour had at the moment troops of other bereaved ones in view; myriads on myriads of aching, bleeding spirits who could not, like the Bethany mourner, rush into His visible presence for consolation and peace. He expands, therefore, for their sakes the sublime and exalted solace which He ministers to _her_. And in words which have carried their echoes of hope and joy through all time, He exclaims--"I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die!"

If Bethany had bequeathed no other "memory" than _this_, how its name would have been embalmed in hallowed recollection! Truly these two brief verses are as apples of gold in pictures of silver. "_Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life._" Himself conquering death, He has conquered it for His people--opening the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

The full grandeur of that Bethany utterance could not be appreciated by her to whom it was first spoken. His death and resurrection was still, even to His nearest disciples, a profound mystery. Little did that trembling spirit, who was now gazing on her living Lord with tearful eye, dream that in a few brief days the grave was to hold HIM, too, as its captive; and that guardian angels were to proclaim words which would now have been all enigma and strangeness, "The Lord is risen!" With us it is different. The mighty deed has been completed. "Christ has died; yea, rather has risen again!" The resurrection and revival of Lazarus was a marvellous act, but it was only the rekindling of a little star that had ceased to twinkle in the firmament. A week more--and Martha would witness the Great Sun of all Being undergoing an eclipse; in a mysterious moment veiled and shrouded in darkness and blood; and then all at once coming forth like a Bridegroom from his chamber to shine the living and luminous centre of ransomed millions!

Christians! we can turn now aside and see this great sight--death closing the lips of the Lord of life--a borrowed grave containing the tenantless body of the Creator of all worlds! Is death to hold that prey? Is the grave to retain in gloomy custody that immaculate frame? Is the living temple to lie there an inglorious ruin, like other crumbling wrecks of mortality? The question of our eternal life or eternal death was suspended on the reply! If death succeeds in chaining down the ill.u.s.trious Victim, our hopes of everlasting life are gone for ever. In vain can these dreary portals be ever again unbarred for the children of fallen humanity. He has gone there as their surety-Saviour. If his suretyship be accepted--if He meet and fulfil all the requirements of an outraged law, the gates of the dismal prison-house will and must be opened. If, on the other hand, there be any flaw or deficiency in His person or work as the Kinsman-Redeemer, then no power can snap the chains which bind Him; the tomb will refuse to surrender what it has in custody; the hopes of His people must perish along with Him! Golgotha must become the grave of a world's hopes!

But the stone _has_ been rolled away. The grave-clothes are all that are left as trophies of the conqueror. Angels are seated in the vacant tomb to verify with their gladdening a.s.surance His own Bethany oracle, "The Lord has risen." "He is indeed the resurrection and the life; he that liveth and believeth on Him shall never die!"

Yes! however many be the comforting thoughts which cl.u.s.ter around the grave of Lazarus, grander still is it to gather, as Jesus Himself here bids us, around His own tomb, and to gaze on His own resurrection scene!

It was the most eventful morning of all time. It will be the focus point of the Church's hope and triumph through all eternity.

"The Lord is risen!" It proclaimed the atonement complete, sin pardoned, mediation accepted, the law satisfied, G.o.d glorified! "The Lord is risen!" It proclaimed resurrection and life for His people--life (the forfeited _gift_ of life) now repurchased. That mighty victor rose not for Himself, but as the representative and earnest of countless mult.i.tudes, who exult in His death as their life--in His resurrection as the pledge and guarantee of their everlasting safety;--"I am He that liveth," and "because I live ye shall live also."

Antic.i.p.ating His own glorious rising, He might well speak to Martha, standing before Him as the representative of weeping, sinful, woe-worn humanity, "He that liveth and believeth on Me shall never die." "_In Me_, death is no longer death; it is only a parenthesis in life--a transition to a loftier stage of being. _In Me_, the grave is the vestibule of heaven, the robing-room of immortality!"

Reader, yours is the same strong consolation. "Believe," "Only believe"

in that risen Lord. He has purchased all, paid all, procured all! Look into that vacant tomb; see sin cancelled, guilt blotted out, the law magnified, justice honoured, the sinner saved!

Ay, and more than that, as you see the moral conqueror marching forth clothed with immortal victory, you see Him not alone! He is heading and heralding a mult.i.tude which no man can number. Himself the victorious precursor, he is shewing to these exulting thousands "the _path_ of life." He tells them to dread neither for themselves or others that lonesome tomb. The curse is extracted from it; the envenomed sting is plucked away. In pa.s.sing through its lonesome chambers they may exult in the thought that a mightier than they has sanctified it by His own presence, and trans.m.u.ted what was once a gloomy portico into a triumphal arch, bearing the inscription, "O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction!"



How stands our faith?

These mighty thoughts and words of consolation--are they really believed, felt, trusted in, rejoiced over?

Christian, "Believest _thou this_?"[13] Art thou really looking to this exalted life-giving Saviour? Hast thou in some feeble measure realised this resurrection-life as thine own? Hast thou the joyful consciousness of partic.i.p.ating in this vital union with a living Lord? In vain do we listen to these sublime Bethany utterances unless we feel "_Jesus speaks to me_," and unless we be living from day to day under their invigorating power.

He had unfolded to Martha in a single verse a whole Gospel; He had irradiated by a few words the darkness of the tomb; and now, turning to the poor dejected weeper at his side, He addresses the all-important question, "Believest thou _this_?"

Her faith had been but a moment before staggering. Some guilty misgivings had been mingling with her anguished tears. She has now an opportunity afforded of rising above her doubts,--the ebbings and flowings of her fitful feelings,--and cleaving fast to the Living Rock.

It elicits an unfaltering response--"Yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of G.o.d, which should come into the world."[14]

Remarkable confession! We should not so much have wondered to hear it after the grave, hard by, had been rifled, and the silent lips of Lazarus had been unsealed; or had she stood like the other Mary at her Lord's own sepulchre in the garden, and after a few brief, but momentous days and hours, seen a whole flood of light thrown on the question of His Messiahship.

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